
23-Power up part 2 [1,950 words]

We digress, anyway focusing back on Davion's newly copied/upgraded abilities within the status screen.

Now that his soul ascended beyond mortal limits and body breaking another mortal shackle there were new features on his status.

[Body Level (A)]: Demigod (Intermediate Deity) ^

[Soul Level (B)]: Undying (Indestructible) ^

»Forces (A)« ^

[Strength Force] [Chaos Force]

[Speed Force - (Time and Space)]

[Yin-Yang Force - (Light/Life and Dark/Death)]


With an upgrade patch for the Augur that increased his functionality, who improved the [Soul state] next to the [Body state].

Upon which Augur got from re-reading the cultivation techniques of CN novels his hosts read from his past life such as mainly ISSTH, and LOHP.

Whilst the forces Davion have, though only 2 were added.

Which is already more than enough because his clones focused on upgrading the aspects the one Davion already have.

Like for [Yin-Yang Force] that was the fusion of [Light] and [Dark] from the Cloak and Dagger couple, now has the addition of [Life] force manipulation from 'Jiaying' the mother of Quake (Daisy Johnson).

That mostly uses it to extend her lifespan, on the other hand, the [Death] force was taken from its branching application [Necromancy] powers of Dead Girl's X-gene power.

As for the [Time] and [Space], the two forces being fused to [Speed Force] was one of Davion's clone's handiwork of testing the 'Barry Allen accident'.

Through getting hit by lightning in a thunderstorm with the select chemicals injected within him along with repeating the formula 3x2(9YZ)4A to access the energy.

Of course, said clone only had the [Time] and [Space] force equipped to forcefully make a connection with the [Speed Force] of this dimension having a body at the Lesser Deity tier to handle such power should be enough.

It was then augmented through the powers of 'Speed, Speed Demon, Black Racer and Quicksilver' whom his keeping his tabs on.

Before they get picked up suddenly by The Runner (Gilpetperdon) the God of Speed within this universe for the Galactic Marathon he will be hosting to know who is 'The Fastest Man Alive'.

Where he can maybe find a clue on how to access different universes.

Such as the next-door studio (DC) through soul searching Fastforward in the race covered by Stanley as 'Buried Alien' hah, who're you kidding Stan Lee? [A/N: Check wiki]

[Chaos Force] copied from none other than the "Scarlet Witch" (Wanda Maximoff) the seeded avatar of Chthon the Elder God of Chaos.

Having the clone found her he can now take them under his wing by approaching the Maximoff siblings.

Before the Hydra corrupt both and forcefully activating their X-gene through Loki's Scepter further down the timeline.

Helping avoid 'Decimation' (M-day) event first too, and other retarded shits they'll be doing to cause chaos then helping to fix it after they regret what happened when it is already too late.

Don't need no more dramatic shits, as this universe is already as messed up as it is currently.

Moving on the updated/new abilities gathered Davion asked Augur to show a descriptive detail on each new ability he received.

And from whom the clones copied it from starting from (Skills) up to (Masteries).


[X-ray Vision] – Superman-like ability taken from the big-eyed minion of Magneto named Peter Quinn alias Peepers. (A/N: What a naming sense they had back in the day…)


[Omnilingual Translation] – Upgraded version of Linguistics masteries, copied from X-men named Douglas Ramsey alias Cypher a hyper-linguist.

Also has a superhuman facility for translating any languages, spoken or written, human or alien in origin.

His superhuman skill also extends to his great facility in deciphering codes and computer languages as well as understanding hidden intentions and body language.

Cypher's skills are such that he was once able to make great headway in translating the written language of an extraterrestrial race in a matter of minutes.

Ability is further augmented by Apocalypse's version that corresponds to all known Earth-based languages.

A very important ability required for galactic and dimensional encounters which will be further augmented hopefully by Thor's [All Speak].


[Instantaneous Adaptation] – another powerful ability of X-men Darwin also known as Armando Muñoz his reactive mutation adjusts his capabilities to his environment.

Examples of such manifestations include receiving functioning gills after being submerged in water, gaining night vision after being in the dark for several seconds.

Being able to survive without oxygen when in space, his skin becoming fireproof when it is exposed to flames, his body becoming pure energy, his intelligence increasing itself.

Or the understanding of the Shi'ar language by looking at it in written form. However, his powers do not always take the effect he desires.

For example, during his fight with the Hulk, his body teleports him away from the battle rather than supplying a power that would allow him to defeat the Hulk.

Which adds on to the fact that there is no known mortal force yet that could face against the HULK.


[Ability Absorption] – courtesy of Anna Marie (Rogue) another X-men, an unexpected gift and separate ability Davion gained at first.

He just thought her power would augment and elevate his [Emphatic Mimicry] to another stage but to his surprise.

It resulted in him now being able to remove the target's powers completely, and as it is completely different from just 'Copying', by doing so helps him increase his current ones.

Now thanks to this ability he can finally kill those at the level of Apocalypse beings by making them 'Mortal' through the removal of their 'Immortality'.

While not forgetting to help those Meta-humans, who want their's removed.

Such as Robin Hinton the child seer from Agents of SHIELD where she didn't experienced a normal childhood by not knowing which time period she is living in through her connection to her-selves in different timelines.


[Biokinesis (DNA Manipulation)] – again X-men power of Sage, Charles' spy within Sebastian Shaw's ranks in the Hellfire Club as his assistant.

That is also further augmented by another target to be removed from existence, Charles's twin sister Cassandra Nova, whom has [DNA Duplication].


[Power Bestowal] – Apocalypse ability that he gained from being enhanced of Celestial technology along with his [Immortality], [Enhanced Physique] and more.

Now finding him wasn't a problem with another ability I gained from one of his future Horseman of Pestilence.


[X-factor (Quirk) Detection] – from a current Morlock resident and future Apocalypse minion Caliban in his malnourished figure within the sewers.

As En Sabah Nur was one of the first human beings that activated his X-genes before he got enhanced by Celestial techs.

With this ability, I'll be able to hunt number one on my targets for immediate removal of the most dangerous and evasive individuals within Marvel-verse, Mr. Sinister (Nathaniel Essex).

Caliban is able to psionically sense the presence of other mutants within a 25-mile radius of himself.

He once proved to be able to catch mutant's presence far more away than those 25 miles when he detected the powerful Moloid mutant Val-Or's psychic scream, at the other side of the planet (This mutant was powerful but his powers could only have been sensed by more sensitive people)

With the combination of this ability in tandem with [Biokinesis] once Davion's clones return to their targets.

And analyze the unique genetic markers of the Inhumans, Aliens, Asgardians, and other types of super-powered humanoid type beings within the planet Earth.

He might just be able to develop the necessary tech like Cerebro of X-men that focuses on the X-gene activation.

Whilst the unknown magical device from Harry Potter-verse that detects kids with magical affinity within the British Isles in order to send them Hogwarts Invitation Letter upon reaching the proper age.


[Elemental Control] – Crystalia Amaquelin (Crystal) an Inhuman royalty possesses the ability to mentally manipulate the four classical elements: fire, water, earth, and air.

She does so by means of a psionic interaction with the substances on an atomic level. Certainly, Crystal can manipulate anything that involves elements.

Currently undergoing the rebellious phase, and thanks to her sudden visit on Oagu island that his clone was camping managed to hitchhike on their way back to Attilan.

Finally knowing the location of the Inhuman base up in the moon John can finally teleport in and out of the place and start his damage control before the 'Inhumans Outbreak' from Agents of SHIELD.

Ability also augmented from Storm's weather control.


[Mana (Ki) Manipulation] – another aspect of [Life Force] that exists within the human body.

It is further increased from training with the Grandmasters of Ryōzanpaku allotted with multiple clones for Mastery in handling the energy trying to recreate the DBZ techniques and application.


[Phasing] and [Inaudibility] – copied and augmented from two X-men members Katherine Pryde (Shadowcat), Alisa Tager (Cipher), and Dead Girl (Moonbeam).

Both abilities further improved from the energy provided by the [Speed Force], which is great for spying and undercover activities of my clones.


[Lie-Detection] – copied from Verity Willis the daughter of Roger Willis, the member of a family who had the duty to protect the Casket of Ancient Winters.

Roger's father, Eric Willis had also entrusted him with Andvaranaut, a magical ring that allowed its user to see through any lie.

One day when Verity was a baby, she found the ring and ate it that granted her mental immunity to telepathy and other mind tricks.

Verity absorbed its spell and is capable of detecting and seeing through all lies, no matter how big or little, or if they are of good or bad intention and all illusions including those of magical nature cast by a god.

This means Loki's tricks and illusions will be null and void facing against such ability.


With her, on Davion's intelligence network he can't imagine how formidable it will become.

Where she can sift through rumors and find truths hidden within the fake intel other intelligence network releases.

Her ability is an important one to find spies implanted within my own company from the competitors we are facing by asking the proper questions to root them out.


[Omni-Morph Duplication (Transmutation)] – Carl Creel (Absorbing man) possesses the ability to bodily duplicate at will the physical properties of anything he touches or that touches him.

This power extends to both animate and inanimate objects and certain forms of energy.

The matter of the Absorbing Man's body magically undergoes a material and physiological change so that his body actually becomes composed of the matter or energy with which he is making contact.

It works like Kevin 11 from the Cartoon Network show Ben 10 which Davion plans on releasing to the media soon as it has aliens and powers like magic too.

But this one has more versatility to it as he can grant absorbed properties to his wrecking-ball weapon.

Davion targeted this ability for its purpose of making counterfeits of an ancient item or powerful relic he desires like the Monoliths made by Izel from Fear Dimension.

That is currently in card form stored in his inventory which his clone had 'borrowed' from SHIELD's Lighthouse along with Maveth's Monolith and the 10 Mandarin Rings.


[Molecular Manipulation] – The power to manipulate matter on a molecular level, copied from Apocalypse that enables him total control over his molecular and sub-molecular structure.

Further bolstered by the Celestial technology augmenting him, he can also consciously or spontaneously grant himself with a wide array of new superpowers at will.

Therefore, boosting his ability [Power Bestowal] like All-for-One (AFO) from My Hero Academia.

Where Davion has almost become with that power and [Ability Aborption] just without the Homo-superior shit like the belief of Magneto and AFO.

He'd rather establish his own planet rather than conquering an existing one that will just result in bloodshed.

A/N: Short goal guys, if this manages to get at least top 10 in Fanfic monthly rankings. I'll release 3 chapters!

Reminder: Always check paragraph comments for visual aids. If you feel there is an appropriate one for where I missed, please help yourself. Thanks!

Disclaimer: This work is not for profit, no copyright infringement intended as all recognizable characters are own by respective owners mentioned in which book, movie, series, and company they are mentioned from within the novel.

WayneSteinecreators' thoughts
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