
Heroe's path to became Demon king

it's my first work hope you people will like it (u people already knew but anyway it's a art of fiction and nothing is true) Asher who was third prince of The Empire got chosen as the hero but when he defeated the Demon King Leon he got betrayed by his love ones and his own people he mange to alter the time and went back to his past for revange

ark78 · Fantasy
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4 Chs


There were many demons and different species present in the arena but there was not a single human present.

Asher arrived at the arena there no one knew that he was a human because he had lived with the monsters for many years.

When the competition started a high-ranking demon came forward who was wearing Butler's cloth and introduced himself as Diablo.

"if everyone is present here then I will start the test, "diablo

 He moved backwards and a statue came up it looked like an Angel but  it had its Wings destroyed like it was telling that he has been fallen from grace and abandoned by his loved ones.

Then the statue moved  his hand and then suddenly a strong force emanated whole arena  those who were weak could not  handle it and collapsed. The force  stayed active for 5 minutes and only seven people could remain standing.

  'Can You tell your name and the species you belong' Diablo

'My name is ray, demon'

'I am Eva Sol ,a higher demon'

'I go by Mark Barnhart a high-ranking giant '

'I'm Fina oak the noble druid '

'I am Rio Vita a high-ranking vampire'

'I am lock Newt a noble dragonewt'

They all were high-ranking species except ray he was a commoner demon and Lastly

'My name is  Asher a human'

The moment Asher revealed his  species everyone present there  showed their killing intent towards him And started bearing their weapons towards him  because human were species that were hated by everyone.

"He can't be a participant for this position"  Eva speak loudly

'Yeah he can't be the whole crowd shouted Loudly.

Shut up Asher loudly yelled while releasing his mana after seeing the density of mana Asher had everyone froze in fear .

"Are you people against the rules made by the fallen one" Asher

" according to the rule any species can participate can't they?" Asher

Diablo nodded and said "yes that is the rule set by the fallen one"

"Then I can participate can't I?"   Asher

"Yes you can" Diablo

Demons Were the species that are bound by the rules made by Lucifer.

'Then shall we move to the next stage'  Diablo

'In next stage you have to get chosen by Sir Lucifer by entering the castle and if none of you are chosen then you have to prove your worth next year  Until then the noble houses will take care of demon forest ' Diablo

 Eva came forward and looked at Asher like he was her slave and then entered the castle but shortly after entering the castle she came back her head down, and one after another everyone came back the same way .

Until it was Asher's turn The moment Asher's enter the castle of a flash surrounded him and he disappeared.

When he opened his eyes he saw an entity that has wings at his back one eye blue and one eye red came forward

'Thy  name is Asher , isn't it?' ??

'well yes you must be Lucifer ' Asher

'yes I am '

'so does that mean u choose me as next demon king ?' Asher

'well not now I will decide after u answer my question properly '

'so  we are not having a battle here??'Asher was confused.

'well I am not interested in it' Lucifer

'will u answer my question then ?' Asher         'okay as long as it's in my power' Lucifer

The moment Lucifer said it two chairs and a table appear out of thin air

'why do u want to become a demon King that is a being despised by all humans ?'Lucifer asked while sitting on the chair .

'Well I wanna take revenge on those who had abandoned me ' Asher while having a murderous aura around him.

'well u can take revenge by other means too u are strong enough to kill all those people around then why choose this path that is even opposite to your name's meaning 'Lucifer

'well I just don't want to kill them but also rule them and  see them regret abandoning me ' Asher said while smiling menacingly.

' I quite like this lad ' Lucifer thought inwardly.

' so what is it u want to ask' Lucifer

'well I want to ask u about your third legacy and how to achieve it' Asher

'The third legacy you ask, it's primordial treasure of the devils it gives the user a chance to regress in time and go back to the time they desire for most but at  the cost a million living beings. Many demon kings have tried to achieve it hence their motive to venge war . ' Lucifer

' no wonder Leon said that we will meet again ' Asher to himself while remembering what Leon said

'do u have any other questions?' Lucifer

'what about first one ? Asher

Those are my molted wings they are now yours you can use it to enter hell or heaven but you can't use it for that right now as you are just one of many mortals that have lived .

'well I don't have any other questions so can I go out?' Asher

'Okay well see u any other time new Demon King' Lucifer

Then suddenly a flash surrounded him and Asher was at the door of demon castle and his eyes were covered with his hairs everyone thought Asher also failed to get recognized by Lucifer and started mocking him..

'that's what u get for being arrogant u punk ' a loud voice from crowd

'yeah now get the hell out of here' another voice

But they suddenly became  quite when they saw diablo on his knees diablo who already realized that Asher have become the new demon king.

Asher smirked and raised his head , his eye were clearly visible to all and his eye had changed to match that of Lucifer and two wings that were as white as snow appeared behind Asher's back  

Seeing this everyone's body started to feel heavy and their backs were forced to bow down in front of the True king who had emerged that will lead them for eons…..

dedicate these chapters editing to my friend ilhan (not his real name) thanks man

thanks for reading

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