
Chapter 1: Managers Plan

"Today is the day we finally take down that monster, Blur" as soon as I sat down the meeting began, and my manager started off on the plan to take down Blur, someone I have been struggling to take down for months now.

I have to admit he's powerful, I'm not sure I can beat him alone. His ability to blind others makes it a challenge to go head to head, and he is able to walk silently, I haven't been able to trace his steps during the fights we've had. But if my manager thinks there is a way we can beat him, then maybe, there could be a chance.

He continued, "We will gather a group of individuals that are best suited to take him down, you, Rise will lure him through a one-on-one fight, such as you've down before, but before he has the chance to blind you the others will come in."

She came up with such a simple plan, unless the others are the perfect teammates there is no way we will be able to win this, maybe we can tie, but I don't have hope.

"Now, I can see you don't like what I came up with, we have tried everything else, this is the only option we have left, you have to take him down, or who knows what could happen." She could see the destain on my face and before I could reply the door opened."

"Heyyo! What's up?" A girl with long black hair entered, despite the cheery hello her face showed a sly smile fitted with red, almost black lipstick and eyes that cried with fox-like manipulation, though that may be because of the fox eyeliner style mixed with the dark pupils and reds of her eyeliner.

"Hi, I'm Doc." Another woman entered this one more elegant, she had light blues and whites in her outfit, a medium-short length dress fitted with enough pockets to fit everything she could need, and more. Which she matched with her long curly golden hair and silver eyes.

A third person came in, this time a man, though he entered silently, closed the door, and after a moment softly spoke, "Icarus." I suppose he could pick up the confusion on my face as he spoke again, in the same tone, "that's what you can call me." He was challenging, to say the least, everything about his outfit and deminer was contradicting yet somehow coherent. He had short shaggy brown hair and large wings with the same color, though it also showed golds and blacks throughout it, he was beautiful and his style matched his name.

After each of the three spoke their hello my manager was the next, "Hello everyone," she turned from them to me, "these are the teammates I mentioned," she lifted her hand and gestured toward the women who entered first, "Frostburn here, she can create and manipulate flame," then she moved her hand to the left, gesturing towards the second women, "Doc, she can heal through song," then towards the far right, towards the man, "And Icarus, I suppose there is no need for me to explain his ability."

These are my teammates for the next, and hopefully last fight with Rise.

And so, training began.

For the next two weeks, we spent time learning about each other's abilities, and how we can best synchronize for the upcoming fight. We found out that Doc's ability to heal can only work when I am in a physical form, when I appear as a ghost I am as good as dead, and cannot be healed. And when I am in a physical form Icarus is able to hold me up as he flys but as soon as I turn into a ghost I will fall through his arms, though when I am in my ghost form I can tolerate any temperature of flame frostburn creates, meaning she can create a fire which I can use to move so I am essentially untouchable.

Outside of compatibility of abilities, we are also trained to fight through the blindness we are more than likely going to experience. Doc has the most trouble with this, as she is not one meant for fighting, and Icarus found the best course of action to be for him to fly up during this period, and stay out of range.

Not only did we train in terms of combat but we also learned a lot about each of ourselves. Frostburn's personality is more similar to her introduction than her looks, she's actually really sweet, though I thought she would have been a bit scary because of her looks so it took me far too long to realize it. Icarus is also extremely sweet, though shy. And Doc, is a bit independent, in terms of thinking of herself as superior, though she is quite the help nonetheless.

With all the training done, next, it's time to prepare for the battle in the upcoming days. Identifying Rise's schedule during this period to properly lure him out, and setting up a battlegroup that will allow us the least amount of collateral damage.