
Flesh-Eating Monster


As the Wendigo, slowly devoured my flesh, my sight suddenly flickered, and for a second everything went dark.

However, the very next moment I found myself standing before the corpses of the two Goblins I'd killed previously.


My eyes quickly adjusted to the brightness of the sun and without hesitation, I quickly kneeled before the remains of the Archer Goblin, retrieving its dagger and a bow with a quiver.

Previously I was dumb enough to just leave all this good stuff lying on the forest floor, presumably, because of the adrenaline pumping in my veins, but now it was a different story.

I have to be more composed if I want to avoid dying in the future...

Tap... Tap...

Without any words, I turned toward the direction of the ancient tree where I previously met with the Wendigo, moving quickly but stealthily toward it.

Although the sun was still somewhat high in the sky, I knew I barely had a few hours before the Wendigo originally showed up.

Huff... Huff...

Picking up my pace, I ran through the forest, feeling the wind blowing past my face.

By the time I got to the tree, beads of sweat had formed on my forehead, and I could feel the exhaustion starting to set in.

However, the sun was already about to set and I barely had any time left.


Breaking a couple of branches from the surrounding trees, which were thin yet sturdy, I quickly climbed the ancient tree, finding the same spot I used the last time.

I used the dagger, which I had just retrieved from the goblin's corpse, to sharpen the sticks, making sure they were long and sharp enough to impale the Wendigo.

"Now, I just need to wait..."

Looking at the moon, which was already shining in the sky, I muttered to myself, gazing at the lush greenery surrounding me, feeling both fear and excitement building up inside me.


After a few hours, the moon was already high in the sky, its light casting an eerie glow on the forest floor. The air grew colder, carrying with it a faint whisper of impending danger. And then, from the depths of the forest, emerged the Wendigo.


Its hulking figure, tall and emaciated, loomed in the darkness, its elongated limbs moving with an unnatural grace. Its matted fur clung to its skeletal frame, swaying with each deliberate step it took. Its eyes, cold and hungry, fixated on me with a malevolent gaze.


I held my breath, feeling a mixture of terror and determination coursing through my veins. The Wendigo's presence was suffocating, as if it carried the weight of a thousand winter storms. But I was prepared, armed with the dagger, bow and the makeshift spears I had crafted.

As the Wendigo drew nearer, the scent of decay and death filled the air, overpowering the freshness of the forest. Its lips peeled back, revealing yellowed, razor-sharp teeth, glistening with saliva. It emitted a low, guttural growl, the sound resonating through the night.

Tap... Tap...

With measured steps, the Wendigo circled the base of the tree, its claws leaving deep gouges in the bark. Its movements were deliberate as if it were savoring the anticipation of the hunt. I remained still, my heart pounding in my chest, my grip tightening on the weapons I held.


Then, in a sudden burst of speed, the Wendigo lunged toward the tree. I reacted instinctively, driving the spear downward with all my strength. The sharpened stick pierced its flesh, causing it to emit a haunting shriek of pain and rage.


I could see its eyes blazing with fury as it howled, attempting to dislodge the spear from its body.

However, I wasn't planning to allow it to recover

I quickly picked up my other weapon, gripping the bow tightly and notching an arrow.


With a steady hand, I aimed at the Wendigo's head, releasing the arrow with a swift motion.


The arrow found its mark, piercing through the creature's eye socket. A pained screech echoed through the forest as the Wendigo staggered back, temporarily blinded.


Using this momentary advantage, I quickly retrieved another spear from my side and thrust it downward, aiming for the Wendigo's heart. The makeshift weapon sank deep into its chest, eliciting another agonized howl. But the creature's strength was formidable, and it thrashed about, attempting to dislodge the spears impaling its body.

I had to act fast. As the Wendigo lunged towards me, I swung the dagger in a wide arc, aiming for its neck. The blade bit into its flesh, drawing a trickle of dark blood. But the creature's momentum was too great, and it crashed against the tree, shaking the branches violently.

Holding onto the tree trunk for dear life, I braced myself, desperately trying to maintain my balance. The Wendigo, fueled by its primal rage, clawed and gnashed at the wooden barrier that separated us. Its claws scraped against the bark, sending splinters flying.


With a surge of adrenaline, I leaped from the tree branch, using the momentum to swing my body and deliver a powerful kick to the Wendigo's skull. The impact stunned the creature momentarily, allowing me to scramble back up the tree. I knew I couldn't afford to stay on the ground where it had the advantage.

From my elevated position, I rained down arrows upon the Wendigo, aiming for its vulnerable spots. Each arrow found its mark, causing the creature to howl in pain and frustration. But it was far from defeated, and it continued its relentless assault on the tree.

I reached for the remaining spears and hurled them downward, aiming for the Wendigo's head and limbs. The spears impaled the creature once again, causing it to reel in agony. But it refused to yield, its determination unyielding.

As the battle waged on, time seemed to blur. I fought with every ounce of strength and resolve within me, constantly maneuvering to stay one step ahead of the Wendigo's attacks. The forest became a whirlwind of movement and primal instincts, as the clash between predator and prey played out in a deadly dance.


But finally, after what felt like an eternity, the Wendigo's movements began to slow. Its once ferocious roars turned into feeble growls, and its limbs trembled under the weight of its wounds. It was on the brink of exhaustion.

Summoning the last vestiges of my energy, I notched one final arrow and took careful aim. With a deep breath, I released the arrow, watching as it soared through the air and struck the Wendigo's heart with unerring accuracy.

The creature let out a final, mournful wail, its body convulsing before collapsing to the forest floor. The battle was over. Exhausted and covered in sweat and blood, I remained perched on the tree, gazing down at the defeated Wendigo.

"I said I'll fucking kill you..."

Next chapter