
- Heilig Pfeil and Heilig Bogen

The cages were opened and everyone started fighting. Although my bow took a bit of their attention everyone had their life to mind.

A Stray Devil came for me.


And then it was dead.


It was still far, I could only make rough arrows.

I fired a few more shots. Each of them was much better than the last and hit at least one Stray Devil.

"I get it now. This is really easy"

I inhaled.

Focus the Reishi into the tips of my fingers. Connect them into the Reishi strings. Stock the Reishi in that spot and pull to elongate. Then at the tip add and charge more Reishi.


A gust of wind seemingly spawned from the bow I was nocking.

"This is it..."

A small smirk came to my lips.

"Heilig Pfeil: Ugly Queen"

The arrow turned out to be a rather unfocused arrow, one look at it and people could say that it was majestic but ugly as the Reishi I placed was too much to stabilize normally.

Thus, Ugly Queen.

I fired the arrow and watched it obliterate 3 Stray devils, making my kill count 10.

"Touji. Who. Is. That. Kid?"

"My adopted son. I... didn't know he had a... sacred gear?"

"It should be, that's definitely a sacred gear no doubt"

"Still, such power. We've already passed him long ago"


"The perfect score"

"Knew it. Kid's got crazy brains. Believe me, but he passed college, or should pass college"

I could hear them talking. Regardless, I kept shooting.

20 kills.


Since this chance has already come by, why don't I check the other Quincy Skills?

Hirenkyaku. Movement art of the Quincy. Riding on the Reishi in the air.

One step, to move forward.


Second step to jump in the air.


Turn and aim bow.


Ugly Queen.


25 kills.

Stay in the air.

"H-She's flying!"

"What the..."

"Is that part of his sacred gear too?"

I need to stand out more. I went down and stood in place.


Blut. To focus Reishi into the blood vessels.


A Stray Devil was charging towards me.

Blut. The Stray's claws were a few inches away from my neck.

Blut. The stray was a few centimeters away from decapitating me.





The force made my head snap a bit to the side.

But, I did it.

HAH! Quincy skills are ridiculously easy!


Uryu, somewhere. Sneezed and cursed cocky assholes around the globe.



And that's another dead Stray. I immediately countered with a one handed Heilig Pfeil. This thing's easy.

Now, next was Blut Arterie. By the rules, simultaneous activation was impossible therefore, I don't need to focus on Blue Arterie in dire situations.

I mean.

I have Ein Warp and Ein Snipe.

Still. I already had the feel for Vene, Arterie was simply the same but inserted in a different region.

"Blue Arterie"

I then physically smacked a Stray Devil with my bow. He flew far. Poor guy.

27 kills.

Now, I should wrap it up with 30 kills.

I shot 3 more normal arrows and wrapped up with 30 kills. Flashy too.

I should try the guns and swords later. The bow is cool and all, but it's... stupidly inefficient.

After that, the test ended and I passed.

Irina got 15 kills.

I made sure to wipe my 30 kills in her face really hard.


And, another day of me doing nothing but sitting on the couch. I passed and now an Exorcist Trainee. But, what the hell am I supposed to do? Trainee's graduate to being Official Exorcist after at least a year or 2 of being in service and not dying.

After I got home after the test, I was bombarded with questions and I just said that I had a sudden Eureka about it.

Well, it fits the sacred gear explanation so it worked. Though, honestly. I don't like using them.

There's a charm to kill by teleportation that shooting bows and arrows don't have.

Oh and my sudden use of Reishi into my body kind of did something unexpected.

I... got younger. Not in height but in looks, apparently that's how the Sternritter were fossils but looked young.

Reishi into the blood vessels made them age slower and look younger. Now, me who was already pretty low of the Testosterone, became even younger looking to the point that I'm automatically seen as the 'little sister' whenever I go out with Irina.

How annoying.

I want to reach my puberty soon. Then again, it's super slow isn't it? Ah.

I give up. I'll look like a little girl if that's how I end up to be.

Nothing's cuter than a boy that looks like a little girl decapitating left and right while shooting with a bunch of guns. Or terrifying rather.

"Ein! I'm home!"

Oh. The disaster is back.


A figure jumped and assaulted me in my couch. Despite the rather barbaric charge, she kept in mind to only smuggle with her cheeks.

Yes. Apparently I've degraded from the big bro like figure to a cute doll she plays with.

It's annoying. Somebody take this big large and stupid out of my face.

"Ein! I need to recharge with my daily Ein! Mofumofumofu"

I wonder if this counts as sexual harassment?

"Please let me go"


She was smiling. She's too happy. I'm suspicious.

"What is it...?"

"You know... we were given a field trip plan. And... we can... bring other relatives with us!"

Oh no.


Violet eyes.

Ugh. No. I don't even want to touch those flags. This is the point where the MC passes something a test, tournament, school or something and they go on to a trip.

Then the ominous.

[This will be an unforgettable trip]

Or something similar.

This is annoying. I bet my whole expected life saving's that something's going to happen and it's annoying because I know, but I can't say no.

"Just bring someone else, why does it have to be me?"

"Becauseeeeee, I don't have that much friends beside you?"

Liar. You're a social butterfly. Her confidence is top notch.

She's the type of person who can be called pretty and she'll face that person and say.

'I know I'm pretty'

Plus the microphone so everyone hears it and they just agree with her presence.

Being close friends with those types are exhausting. They'll drag you to hell and back with their sheer presence.

Just for the record, I'm the type of guy to be shunned a lot. Or, in my case really, shunned because they think I'm gay. And gaying over them. Or trying to steal other's boyfriends.

It really irks me.

"Sure. I'll go. On one condition"


"Whatever happens in the fieldtrip stays in the fieldtrip"

She blushed.

"W-Wh-What are you planning to do!?"

"Depends on the plot lin- I mean situation"


She's staring at me.

"Okaaaaaay. Sure. I won't tell anyone whatever weird that happens. B-But, no reading lewd stuff okay!"

Oh? Did she think I was looking for some privacy to read porn? Sheesh, puberty and teenagers. So sensitive.

I'm too old for those. Actually even if I wasn't the image doesn't quite fit.

So. No.

I'm no Issei.


"Yeah! It's next week! Make sure you dress like a boy!"

I looked at my clothes.

"Is there something wrong with wearing over sized white shi- oh. It looks like a dress or those fetish with girls wearing oversized clothes after getting wet for the rain and staying over to a boy's house"


Huh, whatever. I'll wear whatever is doable.

For now. I'll sleep some more.