
Hero to Villain: A Soldier's Reincarnation in the Marvel Universe

Seth was a soldier; a man willing to die for his country but after his time serving in the Iraq war his mental health takes a decline resulting in his suicide. But fortunately or unfortunately for him depending on how you look at it, he is reincarnated into the marvel universe. ... This is my first time writing so please give suggestions and constructive criticism. This is a marvel au based on the comics. The main character's powers were heavily inspired by the story Ghost in MHA by Maiku_Surudoi. This is purely for my own enjoyment so if I start not enjoying it I will drop this story. The story is fairly heavy so be warned and enjoy!

Ryan_42 · Anime & Comics
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Chapter two

Narrator POV:

The heavy clouds loom low in the sky, casting a dark and dreary pall over the world below. A fine mist hangs in the air, coating everything in a layer of dampness. The streets are slick and shiny with rain, and the sound of water splashing against pavement fills the air. The trees, stripped of their leaves, sway in the wind, their bare branches rattling like skeletal fingers. The bleakness of the day is palpable, and it feels as though the sun will never break through the heavy clouds again.

On such a day, Seth awoke with terror coursing through his veins like blood. He shot up from the cold and damp ground he was lying on and out of reflex reached for his hip, hoping to find his holster and handgun, but all he felt was rough bony skin. "Where am I? What's going on!?" He asked with a tremor in his voice. He quickly attempted to assess his surroundings; looking up, he found himself in a dark and damp alleyway surrounded by rats scouring for food through the piles of garbage surrounding him. As he looked behind him, he came face to face with a floating black mass.

The black mass appears as a dark and ominous fog that seems to seep out of Seth's body like a writhing mass of black tentacles. Its presence is accompanied by a chilling silence, as if the air itself is afraid to make a sound. As the black matter begins to coalesce and take on shape, it reveals itself to be an agent of terror. It forms into grotesque, nightmarish figures that are twisted and distorted, with limbs that stretch and contort in unnatural ways. The creatures made from this substance are like something out of a nightmare, with razor-sharp claws that shred anything in their path and eyes full of fear and dread that reminded him of his worst fears and mistakes. Seth is frozen for a few seconds before he lets loose a bone-chilling shriek that could be heard from blocks away.

Charles Xavier POV:

As I place the Cerebro helmet over my head, I feel a surge of power and connection. The metal and wires encasing my skull and brain hum to life, and I can feel my own telepathic abilities amplified a hundred-fold. With a deep breath, I focus my mind, tapping into the vast network of thoughts and emotions that surround me. The sheer volume of information is staggering, like standing in the center of a raging storm of consciousness. But I am not afraid. This is what I was born to do - to connect with all minds, to sense the hopes, fears, and dreams of humanity.

As I sift through the chaotic mass of thoughts, I search for the telltale signs of other mutants. They are like beacons in the storm, glowing with a unique energy that I have learned to recognize over years of practice. With a mental push, I hone in on their locations, pinpointing them on a map of the world that forms in my mind's eye. It is a strange and wondrous feeling, this power I possess. I can sense the very fabric of the world around me, and feel the pulse of life that courses through every living thing.

All of a sudden, I feel the telltale signs of a mutant awakening, but this is no regular mutant; no, it's strong. At least at the omega level, maybe even beyond. As soon as I try to pinpoint this mutant's location, all signs of this mutant's presence vanish as if it never appeared in the first place. I can't help but feel a deep foreboding in my gut as if this is an omen of misfortune and destruction.

Nick Fury POV:

It was a normal day for me, even if it is not what most would consider normal considering I run an international spy organization. I was enjoying my time in my office alone, but all of a sudden, my peace and quiet were disturbed by the door to my office slamming open. "DO YOU NOT KNOW HOW TO KNOCK, MOTHERFUCKER!" I bellowed out as I brought my attention to who dared to interrupt my time. I was faced with agent Coulson. "S-sorry, sir, but it's an emergency! The mutant detector is going off the charts; you need to come quickly!" he squeaked out.

My eyes widened as I swiftly got up and followed him to what appeared to be a large round metallic ball with tubes and valves of various sizes protruding from it. Sirens and flashing red and orange lights briefly overwhelmed my senses, but as one of the best spies in the world, my control of my own body was impeccable. "What is going on here!" I said with a commanding and urgent voice. A middle-aged man in a lab coat quickly came to my side and said, "Sir, there appears to be an extremely powerful mutant that has awakened in Hell's Kitchen, New York!"

All of a sudden, all the lights and sirens cut out, returning the room to calm except for the clamoring movement of scientists and agents. "What's going on!" I commanded. "It appears that the mutant's signature has disappeared, sir!" said one of the men in lab coats standing next to what appeared to be a map of America. I felt in my gut that this couldn't be good, and after years of battle and high-stress situations, I have learned to always trust my gut.

Nathaniel Essex or Mr. Sinister POV:

As I was preparing to leave Hell's Kitchen after completing my business, alarm bells started ringing in my head. I knew what this meant; a new mutant, and a powerful one at that, here in Hell's Kitchen. A grin slowly crept its way onto my face, growing into an almost unnaturally large and unsettling grin. "How fortunate," I muttered as I made my way toward the mutant with unnatural speed.

Following and tracking the psychic signs of a mutant is easy for me, although I may not be as proficient as that bastard Xavier, I was no slouch. As I approached closer towards my target, I heard a shrill shriek echo into the damp night. I knew I was close. Turning into a particularly dark and dingy alleyway, I came face to face with a boy no older than 15. It was screaming and clawing at its face with such ferocity you would have thought it was fighting something. Its clawing and scratching caused blood and flesh to flow from its face onto the dark ground.

I knew I had to act quickly, or Xavier would turn up with his lackeys and stop me from taking this prime specimen. Because of this, I swiftly knocked the thing unconscious with my telepathic abilities before grabbing and carrying him with my telekinesis. As I flew toward my nearest facility, I couldn't help but feel giddy at the new test subject I acquired.

Seth pov

As I woke up, I tried to stand up and look around, but I was quickly met with resistance from what appeared to be some type of straps, although I am unable to tell due to the fact that my eyes are covered. I focus on my body and what I'm feeling from my sense of touch. I appear to be wrapped in bandages, restricting my movements.

The bandages completely cover my body from head to toe. The fabric is tightly wound around my body, constricting my movements and making it difficult to breathe. It feels like being wrapped in a suffocating cocoon, trapped and helpless.

The thick, heavy fabric is wrapped tightly around my body, leaving only my nose and ears exposed. I can feel the material pressing against my skin, constricting my movements and making it difficult to breathe. It feels like being buried alive, trapped in a cocoon of suffocating fabric. As I struggle against the bandages, trying in vain to break free, I am reminded of the creatures I saw before I blacked out and terror and paranoia return to my consciousness. Maybe that is why I'm stuck here.

Chapter 2 is complete please leave any criticism or suggestions in the chapter comments. Thanks for reading!

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