
Any other situation

"Move!" Juvia shouted harshly. "Don't make me repeat myself!" 

The stern behavior of the female officer wasn't anything like how she was before. The tense look on her face, though, gave some hints as to what could be behind the change. 

'Was it that bad?' Theo thought, hurrying to match the woman's pace. 

The likely reason why Juvia was in such a hurry was due to Theo's own behavior. The very act of speaking up when not asked in face of a clearly high-ranking member of the invading army… Was foolish, at the very least. 

Or rather, it would be if Theo didn't accomplish his goals by doing so.

'Only fool could hope to hide from the eyes of this man,' Theo thought, shrugging at the mere memory of the authoritative figure. 'And since I can't hide… I can at least make myself visible enough not to appear hiding!'

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