
Hero Prison

It was a cell, dark and damp, with a musty smell in the air. A figure sat cross-legged in the middle of the darkness, with a calm expression and an ancient well, like a Buddha. There is nothing in the cell, not even a person to talk to, day after day, year after year, until death, many prisoners choose to commit suicide because of despair. But this man is not desperate, he is waiting for an opportunity.

Dao5203 · Games
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181 Chs

Chapter 32: one mind, four purposes

This is Lin Yi's first racial skill, Wild Call, which can summon a hunting dog and a falcon to help fight.Their intelligence quotient is very low, needs the master to issue the instruction to be able to attack, if the master's fighting consciousness is not good, then these two summon the creature to be able to let the master be distracted completely, not only cannot play the help, instead will also drag down.

Lin Yi immediately issued instructions, directing the falcon to fly forward, reconnaissance field of vision.

The falcon flew forward quickly. It was transparent and hidden among the dense branches. It was difficult for a hunter with good eyesight to find it.

Soon, Chen Yuxi and his party appeared in the eyes of the falcon, and they heard Lin Yi's wild call and rushed in his direction.At this time, Chen Yuxi and the bones of the injury has long been under the treatment of the priest to recover, they are many, there are auxiliary treatment profession, unless they can make a quick decision, otherwise they will soon be cured no matter how serious the injury.

According to the falcon's vision, Lin Yi extinguished the red flame on his paw and the green flame on his dog, ran quietly, and went around a tree on the flank of the crowd to hide.

"Well," Chen Yuxi ran with a group of people to the area where Lin Yi had hidden before, but did not see his figure again.

Chen Yuxi hesitated for a moment and said in a loud voice, "There is a wide mountain stream not far ahead. He can't get through it. He can only hide around here.".In groups of three, everyone went to look for it separately, and as soon as there was a situation, they shouted for help.Don't be afraid of being attacked. As you all saw just now, he didn't kill me twice. He wasn't as powerful as he imagined.

Immediately afterwards, the crowd was divided into groups of three, and Chen Yu-hsi and the cold broadsword and bone would form a group, searching around, and the crowd became more and more scattered.

What they didn't know was that just above their heads, in the seemingly calm air, a falcon was hiding, looking down on them.

The bright moonlight shines through the cracks of the branches, and the shadows of the dense jungle flicker.The crowd stepped on the withered branches and leaves and searched carefully. Occasionally, some nightingales were startled to fly, and the sound of flapping their wings startled their hearts.

"Pa ~" Chen Yuxi three people stepped on a dead branch, searched behind a group of dense grass, they have been far away from other groups.

"Whoosh" at this moment, next to a big tree behind a figure suddenly rushed, as fast as lightning, the fire exploded, all of a sudden hit the bone body, he severely hit fly out.

It was Lin Yi who came. According to the vision of the falcon, he went around to the side of Chen Yuxi and succeeded in attacking them.

However, the three men had been on guard for a long time, and although they were attacked, they soon launched a counterattack.

"Second kill here," Chen Yuxi roared, sending a signal to the group in the distance, and then a flash of red light from his right fist, like a cannonball hitting Lin Yi, was so fast that there was a huge sound of breaking the air.

Lin Yi flashed sideways and dodged the punch, but then the cold broadsword came over with a knife in his back.

Lin Yi was indifferent to the knife and did not seem to be aware of it, which made the mouth of the cold broadsword show an excited smile.

The knife was about to hit, but at that moment, a green light suddenly rushed out behind the cold broadsword, and a hunting dog with green flames bit him hard in the leg, instantly disrupting his offensive.

It was the hunting dog that had been ambushed for a long time. At this time, the green flame that had been extinguished on its body burned again, and quickly ignited the cold broadsword, causing him to continue to suffer burning damage, and his life value continued to decrease.

At this time the bone also stood up again, steadied the body, he took advantage of Lin Yi to be entangled, immediately raised the staff, began to chant the incantation of powerful magic.

Lin Yi continued to entangle with Chen Yuxi at this time, seemingly unaware of the singing of the bones.

Seeing this, the bones could not help showing a smile of surprise, and even the tone of singing was somewhat unstable.

As the bone's chant time grew, the light of his staff became more and more intense, and a powerful spell was gradually brewing.

But Lin Yi is still in the struggle with Chen Yuxi, although the upper hand, but for a while and a half will have been unable to pull away to attack the bone.

And the hunting dog and the cold broadsword are inextricably linked, and can not get away.

Finally, the bone chanted the last syllable, and the light on the staff had reached its peak, emitting a palpitating power.

And the distance also appeared a galloping figure, all the groups quickly outflanked Lin Yi seems to be bound to die.

At the moment when the bone was about to spit out the last syllable, there was a sudden flash of light in the air, and then a stream of blood spurted from the bone's wrist. The long-accumulated powerful spell was interrupted just before it was released.

Bones looked startled and stared at his wrist incredulously. He realized that there was a transparent bird creature in front of him. If it hadn't been for some blood on it, it would not have been completely transparent. Bones could not have seen the bird at all.

This is Lin Yi's second summoning creature falcon. Its greatest feature is that it is extremely fast and highly concealed. It is suitable for reconnaissance vision and tracking enemies. Although its attack power is very weak, it is enough to break bones.

It's not that Lin Yi didn't hear the bones singing just now, on the contrary, he had noticed it as early as when the bones sang the first syllable.But he had already made preparations to stop the falcon beside the bone on standby. When the bone sang, he could not launch an attack. Lin Yi was happy to reduce his pressure. When he sang the last syllable, Lin Yi controlled the falcon attack and successfully interrupted the bone's spell.

At this time, Lin Yi, in addition to fighting with Chen Yuxi, also distracted to pay attention to the cold broadsword and bone situation, and control the hunting dog and falcon to fight with them, and finally to protect the small white cat on his back.

But there was nothing wrong with this. Every time the hunting dog and the falcon advanced, the distance, posture, angle and other details were manipulated to the extreme, and they achieved brilliant results.

At that moment, the cold broadsword let out a scream, and he was bitten by the hunting dog again, and the green flame wrapped him again.

He had been fighting with the hounds for a long time, and he had been burned all the time, and his life value was running out.

Lin Yi seized the opportunity, somersaulted back, landed firmly in front of the cold broadsword, hit his head with a huge claw, and the red flame clung to it, combining with the green flame of the hunting dog.

At that moment, the cold broadsword turned into a pile of fly ash at a speed visible to the naked eye, and died directly, leaving only a helmet in the ashes.