3 To be an Adventurer

For the first time in Cane's life, he has finally felt free. From his birth in States as the fifth child out of seven from a billionaire's family, he was always pressured to do more to be better, and change the world. Even when he was teleported to a new world, he was immediately tasked with protecting a whole city of which he has no connection with at all.

Now as he looks out the window and at the pure blue sky, he sees more than just clouds and birds; he sees an endless future to explore. Just by taking a glance at Cane, the people outside could tell he was in a trance, but his relaxed posture and glowing eyes gave everyone a feeling of calmness.

"I should be an adventurer," he thought, still looking up, "Will it be unfair if I'm a hero though? Hell no, my entire life has been unfair to me, and it's not like I'm using my powers for evil so it doesn't matter, and honestly, I gonna save the world. Cane started to laugh hysterically with a smirk on his face.

"Don't look at him, he might turn you crazy!" a mother whispered to her son. All the people who were looking at him quickly turned away, wondering how someone could be so mesmerizing and mentally ill.

The first step for Cane was to apply to be an adventurer where the barkeeper said was the building which you couldn't miss even if you were outside of the city walls. And as the barkeeper said the building was gigantic, the walls were made of a slightly blue stone-like material which radiated strength, and dead smack in the middle of the building was a sign made of wood marked with the word's Adventurer's Alliance.

Cane slowly stepped into the masterpiece of a building and quickly noticed the insides were as big as the outsides. There were smooth dark wood tables surrounding him feeding people with food and drinks. It was the first time he had to seem such sight because the Adventurer's Alliance was suppressed by the king in Etheron.

As he continued to wander, a mid-aged lady with a formal tuxedo called him over from behind a counter; above the counter was the words "Logistics"

"Are new here?" The attendant named Mary asked, after finding no badge on his chest.

"Yes, do I apply to be an adventurer here?"

"Yes, it will cost 30 silver"

Cane handed over the money from a pouch filled with coins. The adventurers nearby saw the glow of gold from the corner of their eyes before swallowing a gulp of saliva. Some of them were getting ready to rob him when he left the building.

Even the attendant toke a second look at the pouch before remembering she had a job. "We need some information from you to register. Is that okay with you?"


"What's your name?"

"Cane Flayer"

"Where are you from"

"Etheron" Cane replied, slightly worried, but relieved himself when he thought of the king's personality.

The people nearby started to whisper when they heard of Etheron. In their heads were questions similar to "Isn't Etheron the city overrun by monsters?" "How did he escape?"

"Um, okay; we can start the aptitude test to find out your power ranking." Mary grabbed a stone tablet marked with ancient words. "Press your hand against this,"

"Any hand?"

"Yes," She watched as Cane gently placed his long smooth hand on top of the tablet. She then looked at the tablet and was slightly shocked by the ranking of Cane. It was pathetically low. "You are a rank 3 knight," A few people laughed around him.

Mary looked again in shock, saying in surprise "And a rank 1 wizard, and rank 1 assassin," This meant Cane had the potential to train in all the different classes; he would have the strength of knight, the magic of a wizard, and the speed of an assassin. Those who were laughing just a moment ago quickly shut their mouths.

"This is extremely good; would you like to join the Adventurer's guild?" Mary asked hopingly as she would get a promotion if she was able to recruit Cane.

"I ca---" Cane was about to refuse, but a tall warrior with snow-white armor interjected before he could.

"Mary, you can't do this. You've already tricked many adventurers into joining, let me have him," The warrior was clearly trying to humiliate Mary in front of everyone.

Two more people, one woman dressed in a silk dress, and another man wearing leather armor stood up from different tables. They were from the other guilds in Serron, the Crimson Mages, and the Invisible Shadows. They also want to recruit Cane.

"Actually I don't want to join a guild" Cane spoke swiftly assessing the situation.

"If you're afraid of them, we can protect you," said the warrior from before.

"No, I work better alone," Cane replied, taking the identity card, he walked away from the dining area, waving them off. "Honestly I don't want to offend anyone," Cane walked around the corner into a hallway.

The three guild masters chased after him, and around the corner but found no one in sight. The man in the leather armor nodded "Yep he's meant to be an assassin"

"Dream on," The other two rejected, walking away.
