4 Letters

Lucien lead Sy and Reign into the manor. Sy was stunned by the luxury while Reign felt like the weight of the world had suddenly been thrust back on his shoulders.

Paintings of his ancestors filled the halls. Their eyes seemed to follow him. It was as if they were silently judging him and condemning him.

He felt like an intruder in his own home.

"Mister Jenkins, please wait here. Someone will come get you and take you to a guest room. Master Reign and I have. a few matters of substance to discuss." Lucien did not wait for Sy to respond and began walking toward the study.

Reign gave Sy another apologetic look and followed Lucien.

The double wood doors leading into the study appeared. Lucien stood near the doors and indicated that Reign should enter first.

Reign stood in front of the doors for a moment. He did not know what to expect in there. It had been six years.

He put his hands on the door knobs and opened them. A lot of light came rushing out of the room and when his eyes adjusted the beautiful study became clear.

Everything was the same. It was exactly how he had left it. Even the chair's armrest. It was still broken from when he crushed it years ago. Before he could take everything in, Lucien walked into the room, closed the doors and walked to a couple leather couches.

In the middle of the couches was a glass table with a silver briefcase on top. Lucien sat down and opened the case then motioned for Reign to sit down.

Reign took a quick look around the room then went to sit across from the butler.

"This is the reading of the last will and testament of Damien and Cathrine Salvatore." Lucien said in a business tone.

Reign felt like a cold hand had wrapped its wrinkly, leathery fingers around his heart.

"To our son, Reign Jackson Salvatore, we leave you Salvatore House and all it entails, the mansion in Silver city as well as our combined shares, which represent a vast interest, in Salvatore Group." Lucien read out. "The rest of this basically reads the same. They leave you a few properties and other public assets. The total of which comes to a little over sixteen trillion credits.

"Of course any decisions on the family's business' will be dealt with by me as your proxy until you are twenty-five and ready to takeover."

Reign knew that the family was wealthy, he just never speculated how wealthy.

"There is also the matter of what your mother left." Before Reign could absorb it all, Lucien began to talk. "Your mother was an heiress and her assets were split down the middle. What you will receive is valued at nine trillion credits. There will be papers that you will need to sign so that the publicised inheritance can fully be transferred."

Reign sunk back into his chair and breathed out.

He was a little disappointed. Was that all it had come down to? Money and property? That is all his parents decided he would need?

Lucien took out a new folder. He put it on the table and slide it across the table to Reign then stood up. "That ends the reading of the public assets. That folder holds your parents' "private" estate." After saying that, Lucien left.

Reign was well aware of what Lucien meant after he emphasised the word "private".

The reason Lucien had been using the word "public" was because these things would eventually be known by the public

The Salvatores were secretive but also had the status of public figures and belonged to the world's top wealthiest percentile but the secretive trillionaire family had another identity, one that was even more private.

Every Salvatore for the last seven generations had been a superhero.

Reign reached out and picked up the folder. He opened it found a couple documents and two letters addressed to him. He took one letter and opened it.

"Dear Reign,

If you are reading this, it means that I have died in my duty to protect humanity. I cannot apologise for that but I will apologise for leaving you. I know that at times, I put my duty to the world ahead of my duty to you as your father.

It is one of my biggest regrets and one that I seem to have died with. I made you many promises and broke them. I know that as well.

It would be understandable if you developed a strong hatred toward me but believe me that I love you more than the world. You are my greatest achievement. You needed me and the world needed me more. Every time I flew out I always told myself that I would make it up to you, repair our relationship.

I wanted to fix what I broke and rewrite this sorry excuse for a letter so that when I did die, I could talk about the good times we had together because as I sit in this study and write this, I realise that we did not have that many.

Your mother made up for my shortcomings but she should have never held that responsibility. She married into the Salvatore name, you and I were born into its duty, influence and imprisonment. I love you, son. As my only bloodline descendant, I hope you carry on the legacy. Goodbye, Reign.

With love

Your father. "

The bottom of the letter was stained, like droplets water fell on the paper. His father must have cried while writing that letter.

Reign looked at the letter in his hand and a few tears began to fall. He had not cried when his parents died. He had not cried in six years but now the tears seemed to start falling. They fell on the corners of the letter. The tears of the father and son merged on the paper.

Reign threw the paper onto the table and wept a little unsure if he should read the letter his mother left.

He reached out and picked up the letter from his mother. He held it close to his chest and wiped his tears.

"Maybe some other time." Reign put the letter down on the desk. He stood up from the couch and walked over to the desk.

He picked up the phone and pressed one. He was thankful that the speed dial was still the same. "Lucien, please come in here, I need you to put away the private documents in a secure location and invite Silas in." He hung up the phone and sat back in the chair and looked out the window dreading the conversation that was to come.
