
Hero's of asmodeia

Two friend Haru and Sayu are transported to a fantasy world after an accident to be hero's and stop the demon king who seal as just recently broken

Blueflare · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Being Summoned

<p>Haru and his best friend Sayu's day started off normal. They went to school together after school Haru and Sayu. Decided to go to the library together when they arrived at the library. They immediately went inside when they got inside. They looked around for any empty place to set down their bags. They eventually found an empty table to set down their stuff. After that they went to look around the library together. Hey what are you looking for Haru I'm looking for volume ten of jujutsu kaisan what about you. I'm checking the new movies they got in ok that's cool let's meet back up when we find what we're looking for. Haru goes to the graphic novels and manga section it takes him a while to find volume ten of jujutsu kaisan because the section is so big. But he eventually does, and he then goes to the movie section. To look for Sayu when he makes it to the movie section, he sees Sayu looking at the different movies they have to offer. Hey what movie are you going to get oh it's you Haru I'm going to get doctor strange and the multiverse of madness. Ok that's a good movie I saw it in theaters yeah, I know you and I had plans to go see it together. But I ended up getting sick and you ended up going without me. Well, it was a good movie anyway let's grab our bags and check out our things fine they went back to the table where they set their bags. And grabbed them then headed to the front desk to check out their stuff. They got to the front desk and Sayu handed the lady her movie. Then Haru did the same and handed her his book when they were done checking out, they went home together. Since they were neighbors on their walk home, they talked about life stuff. I can't believe we are halfway through our senior year and soon enough we will be finished high school isn't that crazy Haru yeah. That's wild they continued to walk and talk then suddenly as they go. To cross the street a truck comes barreling into them. As they lay there, they wish of a better life. Then suddenly they hear a ringing in their ear and a voice that says wish granted the next thing they know they wake up fine in a strange place.</p>