
Chapter 4


The Monday morning was keeping me more busier than before,I have a lot of meetings to attend and by noon I needed to check the site where was our projects held.

Supposedly it was my brother's job but his schedule was ruined because of the contractor who declined the project and now he need to fetch it up and it added to my workload.

I just thank God I've already packed my things last night and it is ready to go by morning.

I woke at five in the morning and take my hot shower and do my stuffs and once I've done preparing myself for work,I rush down to our garage and hop into my car.

I arrived at my office within one hour and Miss Kim was already waiting for me at the entrance of the building.

I parked my car at the vacant space and Miss Kim was already at my side.She even open the door of my car for me to get out myself.

She's look bright on her office uniform in royal blue that mde me wonder why my brother like this color even I couldn't see the beauty on it.

"Good morning ma'am!"Ms.Kim soft voice greeted me and she is wearing a beautiful smile on her face.

"Morning!" I said plainly when she get my things on my hand.

I take my step inside my office building followed by her who ran my schedule which I already know since she send it to me via email yesterday.

All the people at the lobby respectively greeted me as I passed through to them and the silence was unnerving.

Bodies moved out when I entered the elevator giving me my own space and only Miss Kim follows me as she stand at my back with her mouth still keep on talking.

I sighed and press the top floor button.The elevator lifted us to my office and it take us a minute to reach my floor. When door of the elevator opened,We both walk out to the floor that had two rooms and two cubicles.

I walked passed through it and headed to the second room which is my office and gently open the wooden door.

I walked straight to my desk where I take my sit after I neatly hang my dark blue coat at the hanger.

"I'll bring your coffee later."Miss Kim respectively said after she neatly drop my stuff inside my personal locker and I nodded at her before she take her live.

I was busy flipping some documents when the doors opened and closed softly.I raise my head and forgot what i was trying to say when I saw her carrying two packages of food.

"Mr.Harrish send us breakfast." Ms.Kim politely said before I say a word and hearing her words made me wonder why Harrish doing this.

I slowly get up my knees and walk to Ms.Km side and she is busy setting the food on my coffee table.

"He said it's for us."She added with hesitantly and that raised my eyebrow

"Right!I'll pay him later."She said right away and lower her head on the ground,

not wanting to see my disappointed face.

I sighed and gently patted her shoulders "No need,I'll talk to him later." I assured her besides it's not her fault that Harrish send us breakfast.

She's been my secretary for almost five years now and she's doing her job efficiently and professionally.Ms kim knew that I hated people doing good things to hide their real movite.

Eventually I don't like the idea of him bringing foods for me but I can't afford to waste foods especially my favorite cheesey lasagna that caught my eyes.

Without a word I take my seat at the coach near at the coffee table and take my first bite.

I was already on my third bite when I notice Miss Kim still standing near at me.

I raise up my head gently to see her looking amusing at my actions and I raise my eyebrow to her."What are you waiting for? I can't eat all of this by myself!" I commanded her and through my words she join me.

After we done our breakfast we both back to our works and I was reading some documents on my desk when my phone beep in my pocket

I picked it up only to see Harrish name on my mobile screen that made un happy.I plan to ignore his message but it well be rude to someone who send a breakfast for me,so I read his message.

Harrish: Hi! I hope you like the breakfast!"

I can't help myself to raising my brow at his message and without a second thought I toast back my phone at the side of my desk and not wanting to reply his message besides We will see each other at site by noon and through there I could also pay him for the food he brought for us.

I continue to do my work when my phone beep once again.I sighed and I picked it up to check who's texting me.A sweet smile form in my lips seeing the name of my brother on the screen saying he will be late at night and I should take my dinner all by myself.

His cute message made me smile widely and sadden me at the same time,his work was keeping him busier than before.

I sighed and laid my back at my swivel chair and gently massage my temple to wash away the tiredness that started trouble me and then Miss kim came back on my room with my favorite green tea on her hand and she gently put it on my desk.I mouthed her a thank you before she left.

Im so thankful having her as my secretary,She so attentive to everything I need.

I happily take a sip on my favorite green tea and get back to my work hoping it will done before lunch so I can freely visit the site.

Time fly so fast and my lunch with Ms.Kim was great as we talk about some stuff about her life which she never freely talked to me before and Im glad she do.

Ms.Kim told me that she's afraid to be friend of me all because of my cold personality and I even keep on laughing when she call me 'The Ice queen',simply because It reminded me of Elsa's ice power but unlike her I don't have that power and if they only try to know me more,they would know that I'm not that insensitive. It just happened that I don't really know how to relate to people and I'm also afraid to show the real me to others.

Actually all my employees call me that name which I didn't mind because I believe 'People see what they want to see.

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