
Herbs & Lotions - The Busy Life of Alfraed Logick

In a world where magic lives and mysterious civilizations are found, Alfraed Logick opens “Herbs & Lotions”, a shop selling various medicines, potions, and lotions. Under the guidance of a mysterious master, the young man becomes an adept healer who possesses abnormal strength and stamina, fluency in the ancient language, and a willingness to go the extra mile. With these abilities, he promises to make the shop the best in the world and live the lifestyle of his dreams. In his endeavor to promote his products to the world and earn extra income, he will unexpectedly have encounters with heroes, kings, elder dragons, devil lords, demigods, and many more. Some become trusted friends, some bitter enemies, and one of them is the love of his life. This is the story of Alfraed Logick's busy life. ------- I am a non-believer in a perfect main character who is able to do anything and everything flawlessly from the beginning. In early chapters, the titular character made mistakes, made foolish mistakes, and did not always know what to do, resulting in inefficient decisions like in chapter 12—basically, a human. Through all those errors, he learned and grew, becoming more mature as a person and businessman. Previously, I used to release 8 to 10 chapters per month. However, since I was appointed Vice President in February 2023, the number of new releases dropped to around 3 to 4 chapters in a month. However, even that quota was hard to meet due to the higher workload and responsibilities. I burnt out, affecting my main job and each chapter's quality. Considering everything, I think the right amount for me is 2 new chapters per month. Nevertheless, if I could write more, then I would write more. I appreciate your understanding.

PWS · Fantasy
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288 Chs

Alfraed woke up (1)

In the depths of Alfraed's slumbering mind, a series of vivid images, profound ideas, intense emotions, and fleeting sensations unfolded.


In this mysterious realm, Alfraed stumbled upon a young boy.

The child appeared diminutive, malnourished, and marked by numerous scars on his tiny body. At the same time, Alfraed couldn't ignore the striking resemblance of the boy's face to his own.

"... Uh, huh?"

The young boy stood in a dimly lit surrounding, his expression a mix of confusion and fear—a typical response for a child his age when placed in an unfriendly environment.

As the young boy looked around, he noticed a pair of adults whose gender could not be determined engaged in a conversation nearby.

As the young boy drew near them with uneven steps, he yearned for the comfort and security they might offer. The kind that only adults could provide. His hope, though, was swiftly crushed.

"... This one is useless…"