
Chapter 5

Chapter 5 (Doris POV) – Calling for a Meeting

There were murmurs from the maids going around the foyer of the courters. Everybody looked almost nervous, but they couldn’t have been more nervous than me. I tried hard to keep my posture and my composure. I couldn’t break in front of everybody, despite how terrified I felt.

My heart was beating heavily against my chest and the palms of my hands were nearly dripping with sweat. I attempted to wipe my hands on my skirt to keep them dry, but it was no use.

Beth kept glancing at me nervously, probably wondering what was wrong with me. But I kept my eyes straight ahead.

After what felt like a long while, Mr. Carson finally spoke.

“Quiet,” he said to the worried maids. Everybody began silencing almost immediately and focused their attention on Mr. Carson and Melody.

I was relieved that he was no longer looking at me suspiciously. He wasn’t looking at anybody suspiciously, but he had a hardness to his features and an almost unreadable expression.

“Regarding last night’s ceremony, it seems as though not all of you were dedicated to making the evening run smoothly,” Mr. Carson began, scanning the crowd. I swallowed hard, praying that he didn’t look at me again. “It appears that one of you had been slacking off on your duties last night. Just remember, nobody will cover for your mistakes.”

I sucked in a shaky breath, trying to keep my posture straight.

“However,” Mr. Carson continued. “Alpha King Charles was kind enough to send an extra tip for your dedicated work. He was pleased with the overall outcome of the evening. Despite Prince Williams’ interruption and rudeness.”

I exhaled, relief flooding through me. He wasn’t here to take me away; he wasn’t here to take anybody away or berate anybody. He wasn’t there to punish us. He was there to tip us.

I wanted to cry I was so relieved. He was still scanning the room as the maids began lining up to collect their tips. Melody still stood tall next to Mr. Carson, and she was eyeing me with suspicion in her eyes. Her mouth was pressed into a firm line, and I could see the hatred clear on her face.

She must have known something was going on. I felt frozen in my tracks as I watched the other maids stand in line. Beth stood beside me with a timid frown on her face.

“Are you coming to get your tip?” She asked as she stepped into the line.

I blinked a few times and pulled my eyes away from Melody. I managed to give Beth a small smile, though I knew it didn’t reach my eyes.

“Yes,” I told her, stepping beside her in the line.

One by one, Mr. Carson handed out coins to each of the maids. By the time it was my turn, I was shaking uncontrollably. Mr. Carson looked me over carefully, and I started feeling nausea fill my stomach. I needed to get out of there before I threw up all over the place. That was the last thing I needed at that moment, more attention.

I held my hand out as he placed a couple of coins into my palm. I bowed my head in thanks to him as I turned to walk away and join Beth with the others. But the sound of Mr. Carson’s voice stopped my steps.

“Oh, one last thing,” Mr. Carson began. “Have any of you met with Prince William last night?”

The sweatiness of my palms increased, and the coins slipped through my fingers. Clattering on the ground and around my feet. It made an unnecessarily loud sound, and I was faced with the alert eyes of the other maids as they stared at me.

A shadow crept around me and engulfed me in the slight darkness as Mr. Carson took a step toward me and looked down at the coins that I dropped.

“Doris…” he said, keeping his tone low with a slight threatening appeal to it.

My face flushed and I knew it was turning different shades of red. I bit my lip to keep my breath from shaking too bad and I turned to face him. He was much taller than me and I always felt intimidated by his presence. He worked so closely with the royals, that, to the maids, he was practically royal himself.

Melody stepped forward; her face was red with fury as she stared at the coins that scattered across the wooden floors.

“Clumsy maid…” she hissed; she looked as though she was about to slap me across the face, but Mr. Carson rose his hand up to halt her.

“Doris,” Mr. Carson began again. “Did you meet with Prince William last night?”

He sounded oddly calm, which made me anything but calm. I swallowed another lump that formed in my throat and prayed to the moon gods that my voice didn’t give me away.

“No, sir,” I told him more confidently than I felt.

“Then, where were you last night?” He asked, eyeing me carefully.

“After I completed my duties at the ceremony, I went to my room to rest,” I told him.

He stared at me for a long while; I could feel Beth staring at me with dismay from across the room. I wasn’t going to meet her eyes. She knew I was lying. She knew me better than almost anybody at the palace. Plus, she saw me last night taking a cold bath after I stumbled into the room. I was a mess last night and she knew that.

She knew something happened; she just didn’t know what exactly.

After what felt like a lifetime of silence, Mr. Carson finally broke eye contact with me and turned his attention to Melody.

“Alright. No use getting upset with the girl. It was an accident,” he told her.

Melody scowled, but she wasn’t going to argue with Mr. Carson. But nodded respectfully to him but she didn’t take her eyes off me.

I scrambled to the floor to gather the coins I had dropped before addressing them both again.

“Be grateful for Mr. Carson for his kindness,” Melody hissed to me. At that point, I felt smaller than a rat.

I managed to swallow my fear to meet eyes with Mr. Carson.

“Thank you, Mr. Carson and Ms. Harford,” I told them, bowing politely before joining Beth at the far end of the room.

I couldn’t stop thinking about the attack and how the ghost of William’s hands still tainted my body. I trembled at the thought of his closeness and his lips against my skin. The warmth of his breath gave my body goosebumps and the fact that my body was so obedient to him was something I had never experienced before. I was disgusted at the thought. However, my body didn’t seem as disgusted as it should have been. It was like my body enjoyed his touch.

It made no sense though. I should have been more disgusted. Yet, I couldn’t stop thinking about it.

Why was my body reacting in such a way?

I began going towards the door that led to our rooms when Mr. Carson’s words stopped me once again.

“You aren’t allowed to leave yet,” he announced.

I turned back to face him, fear embellishing my features and the sweatiness of my palms returning.

“Why not?” I stammered; my voice was hardly audible, but it was loud enough for Mr. Carson to hear.

“Because Prince William is here,” he said, staring amongst us. “He wants all of you checked.”

I met eyes with Beth who also looked confused and nervous.

“Checked?” I mouthed.

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