1 When she was 17

Nancy, a 17 year old senior high school student. She only had a best friend whom she can trust, since she lost almost all of her friends way back sophomore years, since her friends whom she thought that they were her real "friends" has abandoned her b'cos of her being old-fashioned and do not go with the flow and things like that; in short they loathed her. Nancy and her best friend are both depressed, yet she doesn't share too much to her best friend because she doesn't want to add a problem to her best friend's problem. She can handle her own problem, let those tears fell every night when she's about to sleep. Nancy was depressed ever since she turned 7, because she always had thought that she was an adopted child, her parents always have their attention to her younger siblings and to her she didn't feel their love, care, and support a 100%.

"Mhm, what should I do when I arrived home?" Nancy asks herself while walking going home.

"Aha! I should talk to my best friend on my social media account, watch diy videos or read something nice." She added.

When she finally arrived home, she changed her clothes and sat on the couch; she then grab her phone, went to settings, pressed wifi's name of their wifi and obtaining IP address then shoot, connected.

She then remembered what her best friend told her this morning, she had visited a site where she can talk a lot of people from different countries. Nancy then visited that site and warned herself to avoid people who do not talk decently; she talk to different people til' almost midnight.


Someone: Hello! My name is Kevin, 20, male and I'm from California.

On Nancy's mind, "Okay, lol. What to reply?"

Nancy: Hi! I'm Nancy, female. I'm 17, Phil.

Someone: How are you?

Nancy's mind:

Physically? Maybe I am okay.

Spiritually? Yes.

Emotionally? My heart is breaking, Idk how I really am. I am depressed if you want to know but I don't want to let you know or if I do, I'll cause you trouble and all. So better not. I wanna cry, that's all I want to do.

Mentally? It's fine.

Socially? Uhm, tbh I am quiet like really but once I get comfortable; I can be who I am but still limited and I am only close to my bestie.

Nancy: I'm doing good, how about you?

Oh, I lied. That's okay Nancy.

Someone: I'm good too, what are your hobbies?

Eh? I'm wondering is he's really totally fine, I guess not. There's something to this man that I want to know more better, there's something hidden to him and I want to know if there's any problem behind this man with a serious identity.

Nancy: I used to play outdoor games when I was a kid, I used to play piano and I forgot how to play it now since I've stopped, I missed how I was a bit talkative back then, I love reading short stories and how I repeat reading them everyday and night. Haha! How about you?

Someone: I play soccer.

Oh, a man with few words huh?

Nancy: You know I want to play soccer too? I feel like it's really a cool game when a man plays it and I think you're cool. Hehe.

Someone: I teach you how to.

Impossible, we're far away.

Nancy: How? I lived far away from you.

Someone: You're a Philly right? We're just a few miles away, I'll come visit you.

Eh? What's a Philly? I don't get it. What should I reply?

Nancy: Yes. Wait, are you really okay? I feel like there's something wrong? Are you really okay? Tell me, I can give you advices maybe I'm not the best adviser but just let me know if you need someone to talk to, I am here.

Someone: My family, don't worry I can handle it. But seems you're the one, I mean you just mentioned that you missed being a bit talkative back then and I assumed maybe you lost friends and became quiet now or something or maybe you have problems between you and your family too.

Why do I feel a stab in my heart? Did he read my mind? How did he know? I feel like crying.

Nancy: How did you know?

Someone: Maybe because I feel that there's something on you that I can't explain, maybe we are matched or something like that.

I feel like crying. Is he the one? I hope he is. This man, I'm sure he can understand me for who and what I am. Why he can read my mind? Like he knows everything about me.

Nancy: I want to cry, I've never talk to someone who's too decent like you, so charming, so sweet but serious. Like you know how to read situations or deeper things about a person.

Someone: I like you, yes I do. I really do. Talking to you made sense compared to the others. Can you be mine?

Is he a depressed man too? Why this made my heart break? I don't want this sweet guy will be depressed too like I am.

Nancy: What if I say no?

Someone: Then I can't treat you my princess, I can't take care of you and love you. Even I want you to be mine.

I want to hug this man tightly, I hope I am near him. He sounds so sad, there's something on him that I can't explain. Since we started our conversation I feel like it's him.

Nancy: What if I say yes?

Someone: Lets promise to eternity that we'll be loving each other. Even time gets rough and everything. No matter what will happen, you're mine and you will always be in my heart. I love you!

I can't help it, tears are falling.

Nancy: I'm crying, I can't believe that someone will still love me for who and what I am.

Someone: No matter who and what you are, I accept you. I love you and will always be loving you to eternity. If I could only hug you now in the garden with beautiful lights lying down outside the tent and watch the stars with beautiful flowers surrounding us, I wish one day we will be together having our kids until the rest of our lives. I want to be with you and only you; hugging you, holding you, loving and taking good care of you until the end of my life.The think I can only give you now is this ring that I made, I don't like materialistic things; please keep this. I love you so much, Nancy!

If I could just hug and kissed your cheek now. I'll be the happiest princess in this universe.

Nancy: I love you too, Kevin! Always will, no matter what will happen to the both of us - you'll always have a special place in my heart and will forever be my prince. I love you and always will until my last breath.

Someone: Is there an app do you use? So that we will keep in touch?

Nancy: Are you really going to make one? I have Line.

Someone: Of course, you're my wife. I should make for you. I have to download it, wait here.

Nancy: Okay. Tyt. I love you, Kevin! I will always do and always will.

A few mins...

Connection Error

"Oh no, no! Oh, I lost the man I truly love, what should I do? I haven't gave him yet my Line's username. What to do?" Nancy having troubles, heartbreaking, she lost appetite losing the man she truly love and loved, she was there lying on her bed burst herself crying so hard til' she fell asleep.

"Kevin, Kevin please...? Come back to me. I can't live my life without you. Pleaasee? Kev, I love youu! Please, I just really can't live my life without the person I loved more than everyrhing in this universe full of pain. I want you to be with me. I love you, more than anyone else!" Nancy woke up around 2am crying so hard and thinking of it she can't have Kevin anymore.

This is too depressing...

The coming year and years passed...

Nancy always hugged her pillow to sleep.

Talk to her pillow when she feel wveryone hates her.

Cry to her pillow.

She called her pillow, "Kevin".

She missed him too much. So much.

Nancy's 20 now.

Kevin is 23.

Nancy is longing for Kevin for almost 4 years now.

She knew what Philly is, a person lives in Philadelphia; but she doesn't lives there.

She lived in the Phil where wecan locate in Asia.

Is there still any chance that they can talk again?

Nancy really missed Kevin, day and night.

Even their love ends after an hour, but deep inside of Nancy's heart and mind she still loves Kevin and will always do.
