
Her Scars His Secrets

Sometimes, somethings happen in our lives which shouldn't have happened and which changes us forever. What happens when Aana Samuel James, an ordinary 17 year old girl whose life just seemed normal but nothing in her life was normal. She was going through hell everyday. Things were not same for her as others. Well, that's a secret inside this story. So read and find out about what was not normal in her life and why was she going through hell everyday.

Ishfatima · Teen
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4 Chs


Aana's POV

He was sitting on his chair by facing his back towards me and as usual he was holding his glass of red wine.

-"I heard that your parents went back yesterday at 9:00pm , is that true?

He said with his cold voice.

-" Yes, it is true. "

I said with a low voice,without even stammering. Why would i? I am not scared of him. He won't kill me. He will only hurt me and which is very common for me.

-" Any idea about their returning? "

His voice was becoming more serious now.

-" No."

I said with the same low tone. I was getting bored by answering to his questions everyday. I just wanted one answer from him but he never answered to me.

Suddenly he threw his glass away, walked towards me and grabbed my hairs.

-"I told you that don't try to fool me. Didn't I?

Then why are you trying to lie to me huh?

You want to see her dead?"

He said with a voice which was full of anger.

-"Aah Henry its hurting. Leave me.

When did i lied to you"?

He released my hairs. I thought that he was not in a mood today but I was wrong,within few seconds he turned around me and kept his hands on my neck,making me gasp for air.

Henry's POV

I feel like ending her life right now but I can't. She needs to repay. She took birth from those monsters whom I am finding from the past 10 years so that's why I am using her as my bait.

Looking at her face makes me go wild with anger.

I take out all of my frustration over her because she loves her parents more than anything but see where her parents have left her. They are the reason she is going through all of these shits. Because of them she's dying everyday.

And this silly girl doesn't knows anything except for loving.

I have to make Liam and Caroline James know how it feels to taste their own medicine.

-"Henry, I know you will not answer my question but please atleast give me a hint that why are you doing this with me. What's my fault?"

She was frustrated and asked the same question and to which I don't want to answer.

-"Shut up and follow me."

I said while heading towards the door.

She quietly followed me to the room where I take her daily.

-"Will you sit down now?"

I said while wearing my gloves.

She quietly sat on the chair.

-"Aana, look. I don't want to do this to you but you are forcing me to do this.

I know you saw the diary of your mom that day. Tell me what was written in that."

I asked her while resting my hands on her shoulders and making a strong eye contact with her. I could clearly see how much she hates me.

She opened her mouth.

-" I told you Henry, I didn't saw anything. "

She screamed.

-" I am asking you for the one last time. What was written in it?"

She looked away and her eyes started becoming wet.

-"You are really very pathetic Henry.

Why can't you understand this simple thing that....

Before she could complete her sentence her face already had a mark of five fingers.

-" Did I ask you to tell me about your feelings? No right. "

I wanted to kill her right there.

-"Buttt.. Hennryy. sob I am telling the truth.

I am tired of this Henry. I can't live like this anymore. sob

Do whatever you want to do,I don't care."

She said while waking up from her place and leaving the room.

-"Are you sure?"

I was laughing by then.

-"Where did you got this much courage girl.

Daisy, her husband and kids, Susy, Eric

They will all die. Agreed?"

-"I am tired of your blackmailing Henry.

Kill me and leave all of them.

It's enough Henry, you can't make my life more miserable than this and neither you can hurt me.

You don't own me Henry,no one does. You don't deserve me Henry. I agree that earlier I trusted you more than myself and loved you more than myself. I ignored the whole world for you,I broke my own rules for you but, what u did to me? You broke me to that extend from where I have lost my healing capability.I can't bear to see your face everyday. I can't live my whole life by getting threatened by your threats. I can't Henry. I just can't.

Everyday till yesterday I wished that everything between us gets better just like earlier because I wasn't able to believe what you did to me . I wished that it was a bad dream. I wished that you will come to me and give me a hug and say that it was just a dream. Spare my life Henry. I want to live. Even if i have to live without you i want to live. "

She fell on the ground. Whatever she said was true. I don't deserve to be with her. It's ture that I can't unlove her but I also can't bear to see her living a happy life. How can she live happily after making me go through hell. How can her parents do everything for her by trying to kill me. How can a man kill his own brother for money.

How can a man run away with the wife of his brother and then after destroying his brother's whole family how can that man live a happy life. I can't believe that Aana, the sweetest girl in this whole planet is the daughter of that man. I loved her the most but when I got to know that she's the daughter of that man, my life got turned upside down. I had to sacrifice my first love for my father.

I had to fulfill the last words of my father. I had to hurt Aana and through her I had to take my final revenge from Liam and Caroline.

-" Stop it. There's no use of bringing back the past. "

I was becoming speechless.

-"Leave now i don't want to see you for few days. And don't you try to act smart.

-" No one wants to see you. Not me atleast."
