
Her Scars His Secrets

Sometimes, somethings happen in our lives which shouldn't have happened and which changes us forever. What happens when Aana Samuel James, an ordinary 17 year old girl whose life just seemed normal but nothing in her life was normal. She was going through hell everyday. Things were not same for her as others. Well, that's a secret inside this story. So read and find out about what was not normal in her life and why was she going through hell everyday.

Ishfatima · Teen
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4 Chs


Aana's POV

I looked at my arms, legs and neck, there were marks all over them and some of them were bleeding.

I sighed at myself and started to change my uniform.

After changing quickly, I again started to find marks on my body, so that I won't get troubled later.

-"Aana, are you back?"

I heard her soft soothing voice, calling me.

-"Yes mom, just few minutes ago."

I quickly ran towards the bathroom and as usual I covered all of the fresh marks on the neck by applying some concealers, others with bandages, wore my grey cardigan and my red muffler.

This had became my daily routine from the past 1 year. Thank God, no one noticed my scars till today, how could anyone see it when I am such a great makeup artist.

I went downstairs and saw mom serving food.

-"mom. Aren't you serving the dinner little bit early today?"

I asked her by hugging her from the back.

Even a touch of her can relieve me from my every pain.

-Yes darling. Your dad and I have to leave for an urgent meeting, today at 9.

Sorry princess but I think, this year also you have to celebrate your birthday and Christmas with Daisy."

She said while setting the dining.

I simply nodded.

I was not surprised. Why would I be because this was not a new thing for me.

Well for birthdays and Christmas, I have never celebrated it with them.

Last year they promised me that they will take me for a vacation.

I think it's something which will never happen in my life, I will never get a chance to go on a vacation with my mom and dad.

-"Don't be sad, okay? Look Aana, we really wanted to spend this month with you, we even booked our tickets for our vacation but this meeting is something really very important. We can't miss it. We will go next year okay?"

-"Stop it mom. It's not something new which you are saying. Are you sure that next year all of your meetings will be vanished from this world and we all will spend some time together? No right? I already saw your diary so don't make promises which you can't fulfill please. And you don't need to worry about me, I am happy with Daisy here. "

I said in an irritated voice and went inside my room.

I was not sad because it happened everytime,I was just irritated by her lies and fake promises.

I realized that it was 8:55pm already.

I quickly went downstairs and saw both of them talking with Daisy.

Dad saw me.

"Princess, don't make things hard for Daisy until we are back okay?"

I smiled at him.

"as if you both are leaving just for a day" I murmured to myself.

-"Bye mom. Bye dad."

I said while waving at them.

I went inside my room and decided to take some painkillers ,it was hard for me to bear that pain.

-"Aana, your dinner."

She kept a plate on my side table.

I smiled at her

-"Thanks Daisy but i don't want eat. Please take it back."

-"But you did... "

-"I am fine Daisy. I already took my medi....

Had my meditation.. So I don't want to eat"

My tongue slipped. How can I be so careless. I can't let anyone know about this.

"I want to sleep. Please close the door while leaving."

She took the plate and quietly left.

"Good night Aana."

She said while turning off the lights.

"Good night".

I replied back.

Usually Daisy never let's me sleep without having my dinner, but today i guess she saw that i was upset that's why. She is more like a mother to me. She has been taking care of me since my day 1 in this world and still she is doing that.

Honestly, I have more memories with her than my own parents and sometimes I feel like Daisy is my real mother and both of them have just adopted me.

My scars were hurting like hell. After changing millions of positions, I decided to give up on sleeping because everything touching my wounds was hurting me.

I rested my head on the wall and tried to sleep and that worked.

"I will be back with new scars and wounds tomorrow"

I closed my eyes and slept.