
Her Royality; Unfolding two dots.

Maria_Zainab · History
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Chapter 1: Identity

It all started with money with a crisp of intelligence as it usually does in America.

But like other stories this story also revolves around friends, having a happy time with a lot of memories. But here these friends don't become enemies, they chose to use an artistic technique, Method acting.

Method acting is a technique used by actors in which the actor is required to live like the role he is playing, as much as possible, he has to stay in the character.

Everyone knew Danny Lewis, one of the greatest actors in history knew; he also used this technique. But the real question is; Is it confined only to the premises of a film industry? Suppose your parents want you to be a doctor, but you have your specialties in writing like me, then what you're gonna do. Take a stand? Oh boy, for that you should know how to pay your bills, as you're not living in that house anymore. So, you make a plan to survive that situation. You're uncomfortable but you are unable to complain as no one will listen to you.

Likewise, this technique is used by every human being alive. We have got so many layers of our personalities that we have lost our real selves. Everyone is different in every relation, you're different as a daughter, as a mother, as a friend. A friend would never know how you're as a daughter or a son. So, u can never know a person completely. That person also doesn't know himself completely, know himself, to meet his real identity that person has to dive into the ocean of layers of his personality.

The Friends we are discussing here used this method; Pretending. But you can Fantasy it with Method Acting. Pretending to like and understand each other just for the sake of personal cause and benefits, they had to pretend.

Our movies often fantasize that there is a good i.e the hero and a bad guy (devil) i.e villain. But in real life, a person can have both sides, Good and bad, you're not a hero or Mr. Good guy in everyone's story. You are playing both roles.

Let's dive into the story.

Amelia Louise, is a normal-looking woman, in her twenties. She has an oval-shaped face with beige skin tone, big-blue bulging eyes, flawless skin with little freckles on her cheek that made her look more attractive, and wavy blonde hair which hardly falls beside her shoulder. And that's the first character of our story.

Margaret Christopher is a beautiful woman in her twenties. She has a heart-shaped face. With green eyes having eye-bags complementing her look. A real Italian beauty. Straight black long hairs, which flawlessly behind her back. She is a beautiful Italian heiress. A spoiled brat.

"California looks hell beautiful in fall," said Amelia Louise to Margaret as they walk down the street.

At this time of evening, the streets were crowded with people, it can be seen through large framed windows of restaurants; people are enjoying this part of their life being with families, friends, and colleagues.

As it says

"Time with family, Is time well spent".

But sometimes people don't appreciate the presence of their loved ones around them. In this life, the moment we are living now won't come back, we don't value it. As one says I would have earned 2000 pounds in this time, but I wasted my time on such a low-cause dinner, that person doesn't realize the beauty of relations. That person would never appreciate one's efforts.

Amelia glances inside one of the restaurant windows, to see an ongoing birthday party.

Margaret intercepts "Sneak peek is a bad thing"

Amelia looks at the birthday girl, who is about 12 years old. She is blowing candles, and people around her, and probably her family and friends continue cheering her. They seemed to be the happiest people on earth. Amelia closes her eyes. And all of a sudden, a storm of memories starts to dance in front of Amelia's eyes.

"Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory" whispers Amelia while she bites her lips.

Tears roll down her big blue eyes. She is missing being at home, around her parents, and she starts getting flashbacks of her 12th birthday. And her Subconscious starts to trigger her more, with bad memories. When she doesn't seem to realize her part in fights. Margaret looks at Amelia, she was her best friend. She feels her pain.

Amelia turns around and looks at Margaret, while Margaret is trying to solve the puzzle.

Amelia hardly smiles and continues walking, before letting Margaret talk.

Margaret stares at Amelia without blinking her eyes

She enters her hotel to get ready for tonight's dinner.

She enters the lobby of Four Seasons Hotel Westlake Village with her full grace; wearing black bell-bottom jeans, with zebra printed inner and a black leather jacket.

She reaches the hotel front desk to get her keys, the concierge seems to be busy with another guest, and Amelia breaks the line and reaches the front desk.

The concierge sees her and asks them to wait, as heat attends good other hotel patrons. A $100 tip slipped across the smooth surface of the mid-century-inspired concierge desk.

He gets her hand on the phone,

"Kindly, send someone at the desk to see guests." 

Puts down the receiver. And accompanies Amelia Louise. While walking Amelia looks at him with a wicked smile and recalls in her brain,

" This mid-aged man doesn't know with whom he is walking."

"Where is Leila?" Amelia asks David while entering her room.

"She is on leave, Miss Louise!" David replied in a subtle but respectful manner.

David is a mid-aged man, Asian with a French cut beard, smart, and with eye-catching facial features. He is considered to be eye candy for every second concierge.

Amelia looks at David with a wicked smile.

"So, you're serving me tonight"

Amelia does want to sound breezy or desperate.