
Her Revenge | BOOK ONE

Azalea (Lea), known as the 'Deadly', is a twenty years old assassin, who has had only one goal in her life : Avenge her parents' death. She's the best of the bests. She is feared by many. She was taking down every people who were involved in her parents' death until she falls into the hands of the Italian Mafia leader, Enzo De Luca. He is scary, cold, emotionless and ruthless. He is said to be heartless because of his lack of emotions. He kills without thinking twice. Just like, Lea, he's feared by many. What happens when The two start to feel things they've never really felt before? What happens when the most feared Don meets the most feared don? IG : actb4thinking

actb4thinking · Urban
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32 Chs


|Azalea's POV|

After brushing my teeth and taking a bath, I went downstairs for breakfast. It was still early, probably around seven in the morning. I doubted that anyone in this house would be up that early.

My doubts, however, were confirmed to be wrong when I heard someone singing their heart out in the kitchen. I instantly recognized the voice as that of Blake's. I chuckled before taking slow and quiet steps towards the kitchen. I hid behind the wall and glanced at Blake.

He was shaking his ass while cooking something and singing at the same time. I removed my phone and started recording him.

I could definitely use this to blackmail him one day.

"What are you doing?" I jumped at the voice, my phone nearly falling down from my hands. Enzo stood behind me with a smirk on his face. He was literally behind me, so close that my back was making contact with his chest.

"Look" I pointed at Blake who was dancing and singing. Enzo chuckled...for probably the second time ever since I've met him. "And you are recording him?"

I nodded. "Yeah I could use that to blackmail him."

"Send me it. I believe, you have my number, right?" He asked, his mouth close to my ears. I gulped before replying in a weirdly low voice, "Yes"

I hated how much this man affected me and something was telling me that he enjoyed it. However, I was glad that he wasn't talking about the...'moment'...we shared last night.

Blake stopped singing and dancing when his phone started ringing. Both Enzo and I stood there without moving.

Blake groaned before answering it. "What?" He asked whoever called him in an annoyed tone, letting him or her know that he/she clearly bothered him.

"Fine... I'll tell him. Are you done or do you have something else to say?" He asked. "Nothing? You sure? Okay, good bye. I'll see you." Then he cut the call and turned around.

"Eavesdropping much?" He asked, raising his brows at both me and Enzo. I shrugged, "I wasn't eavesdropping. I just happened...to hear." Enzo didn't say anything. He just walked in the kitchen, grabbed a plate before taking one of Blake's pancake which he just made. He then sat and began eating.

"Suit yourself..." Blake rolled his eyes at Enzo who smirked before resuming to eat. "You want some too?" He pointed to his pancakes. I nodded before taking a seat. He placed my plate in front of me and sat across me with his own plate. I was hungry.

"Thanks" I thanked him before digging in my breakfast. He smiled in response before he started eating too. His pancakes were really good.

"So...how's life?" He asked. I swallowed the piece of pancake which I was eating before replying to him. "Good, I guess. What about yours?"

Enzo was eating his pancakes in silence while glancing at me and at Blake every now and then.

He sighed, "The girl I like can't like me back because her father doesn't allow her. It's stupid, I know...but for some reason, she cannot go against her father's orders. I don't know whether she loves him too much to disobey him or he beats her up when she disobeys him. But I did find marks on her. I'm pretty sure he abuses her. I tried telling her to run but she told me not to interfere in her life- that I should stay away from her."

"Have you tried talking to the father?" I asked to which he nodded, "Yes but he didn't even listen to a fucking word I said."

"Well then you're the brother of the Don of the Italian Mafia. Will you really let a what...sixty year old man preventing you from getting what you want?" I asked, indirectly asking him to kill the man.

His eyes widened when he took in my words. I take that- he understood what I was trying to tell him to do.

He shook his head, "Hell no!"

"Why not?" Both Enzo and I furrowed our brows in confusion. So, he was listening.

"That's her father for God's sake and besides what if she loves her father even if he tortures her? What if she finds out that I killed him?she will hate me forever." He replied. He did have a point there.

"What's her name?" Enzo and I asked at the same time. Are we by any chance having the same idea again?

"Marissa Kent. Anyway, Can we just talk about something else?" He asked to which both Enzo and I nodded.


After breakfast, I went to my room and armed myself. I placed my gun in my boots, my knife in my waistband and then I slipped my leather jacket on before leaving the mansion.

I had someone to threaten or...maybe even kill.