
Chapter 4 New powers


"Yes my dear, instead of making the leave float, you did instead" Rachel explained.

"I've met a few Lockwood I'm my life but I've never seen any of them this powerful" Joseph added.

"Really?" Grace asked.

"Yes "

"Ok, what else can I do? I want to know more " Grace asked excitedly.

"Your training is over for today," Joseph said to her.

"What? But we've not done anything" Grace said feeling disappointed.

"Go inside and take a shower," Joseph said to her.

Grace went inside looking sad.

"When are you planning on telling her?" Rachel asked Joseph after Grace left.

"Soon" he replied.

"Isn't it better if she is aware of everything now? Rachel asked him.

"No. I think this is the safest way to train her" Joseph said.

"Okay, if you say so," Rachel said before walking into the house.

When Grace got to her room she went straight to take a shower. When she was done she put on her clothes and went downstairs to eat.

When she got to the dining table, the food was already prepared. She sat down to join them.

"So what are the plans for today," Grace asked Joseph.

"Nothing " Joseph replied.

"Great. That means I can go out and have fun" Grace said.

"No you can't," Joseph said to her.

"What?, Why?" Grace asked.

"It's dangerous outside"

"How?" Asked getting angry. She can't believe now that she finally left the orphanage these people want to also keep her locked up.

"Grace, you need to stop thinking about going out and focus on your training," Joseph said to her.

" Training my foot," Grace said.

She has already lost her appetite so she got up to leave.

"Where are you going," Joseph asked her.

"Nor of your business " Grace replied.

"Sit back down " Joseph ordered her.

"I think we should all calm down," Rachel said already seeing where things were going.

"Stave stop her," Joseph said to Stave.

Stave stood up and went up to her but the moment he touched her, he removed his hand immediately.

"Aww..." Stave screamed out in pain.

"What is it" Joseph was surprised including Grace.

When Steve opened his hand it was red. He looked at his hand and looked up at Grace again wondering what just happened.

"Grace you need to calm down," Rachel said walking gently to her.

"You're asking me to calm down when all of you want to lock me up like a dog," Grace said looking very angry.

"We are not locking you up. This is for your good" Rachel said.

"Liars.. you all are liars " Grace screamed shaking the foundation of the house and all the lights were going off and on.

"Okay, if that's what you want you can leave we won't stop you," Rachel said to her.


"Yes," Rachel replied taking a few steps back.

Grace finally calmed down and walked straight to the door.

Joseph tried to follow her but Rachel stopped him.

"What are you doing," Joseph asked her.

"Let her be, " Rachel said to him. You there's a barrier around this place she can't go anywhere if she wants to" Rachel said to him.

"What if she can? Didn't you see what just happened?" Joseph asked her.

"Yes I did and that's why you need to let her go for everyone's safety, " Rachel said to him.

Getting outside Grace was very happy. Finally, she can see what the world looks like. When she walked to an extent she got knocked back.

"What it's that" Grace was confused. She tried again but she got knocked down again.

After several failures, she got tired and returned to the house.

When she entered inside, she saw Joseph, Rachel, and Stave sitting down looking at her with the same expression on their faces. She got irritated and headed up to her room but, she stopped on her track and looked at the stave.

"I'm sorry for what happened" Grace apologized.

"Nah... it's okay I'm already healing up you see," Stave said raising his hand to show her.

"Okay.. wait. Did you just say you heal?" Grace asked him.

"Yes, it's one of the guardian's abilities," Stave said. "Though we don't heal as fast as the Lockwood" he added.

" Hmm, I thought I was losing my mind back then when my wounds healed by themselves," she thought to herself. Before she walked to her room.

"Joseph, I think you should tell her everything so she can protect herself," Rachel said to him.

"She needs to master her angelic abilities first" Joseph replied her.

"What about her demonic power? They are triggered by her emotions. That's why we need to tell her so she can control herself " Rachel tried to reason with him.

"She's not yet ready. If we tell her now everything will be over" Joseph replied.

Grace falls on the bed facing the ceilings thinking about how she can break the barrier surrounding the house.

"I need to practice more. How will I get Joseph to teach me how to break the barrier? Won't he get suspicious if I asked him directly? Wait. I can ask to Stave to teach me" She smiled to herself at her plans.

"Hmmm," she signs before closing her eyes.

" I wish I can get out of this place," she said to herself.

When she opened her eyes she decided to practice again. She stood up and tried to make herself levitate while stretching out her hand.

"Wait. Why am I stretching my hand? This is not how Stave taught me" She decided to drop her hand but a black vortex showed up in front of her.

"What the.." Grace was surprised.

"Did I just do that? How? And what's is this?" Grace was curious.

She walked around it wondering what it was. Then she touched it and she got sucked inside before It disappeared.

When Grace opened her eyes and she found herself at the back of a building. She was confused one minute she was in her room and the other she was there.

"Where am I," she asked herself while looking around.

She walked around the house and realized that she was still within the house barrier.

" But how did I get here?" She wondered.

" Wait.. does this means I can teleport?" She smiled at the realization of what just happened.

Then she walked inside the house feeling confident. When Steve saw her walk in he was surprised and almost spit out his tea.

"Wait.. didn't she just enter her room a few minutes ago?" He thought to himself.

"Grace, how... I thought you were in your room?" He asked looking confused.

"Yes I was, but then I came out to check something" Grace lied.

" I didn't see you coming out".

"Really? But I saw you" Grace said. "I think I should get back to my room now" Grace informed him before walking out.

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