
Her Purpose (From Wattpad)

What do you do when you find out at seventeen that you have a malignant brain tumour? Do you try to do everything in your power to postpone the inevitable? Or do you try and do something to leave your mark on the world, with what remaining time you have left? When Kaylee Reid finds out that she could die at any moment, she is determined to do something meaningful with her life; but will Kaylee run out of time before she has the chance to?

Lunaetic · Teen
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2 Chs

Her Purpose - Prologue

"One day, I will never wake up, and I'm unsure if I'm ready for that."

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Kaylee was what you would consider an outcast. She wasn't the smartest, wasn't the prettiest, wasn't the first choice — or any choice really — and she certainly didn't live a high and exciting life.

But sometimes those that don't shine as much as others on the outside shine much more significant on the inside.