
Chapter 26: The Merger [Baby Fever]

Author's Note-

Hi readers,

Thanks for your support and comments so far. I'm really thrilled that you took time to read and save my novel in your library. It makes me thrive to Want to make it into a good story.

So far so good we're close to the peak and climax of this novel.

I know you all want to read more on Damien's point of view right now. But that will have to wait.....

Who else thinks Morgan is like a real cool bestie?

My hands are pratically itching to write a book on her character but I do want to complete this novel first....

Hope you enjoy this chapter......

Leslie P.O.V.

Finding out you're about to be a mother and possibly a single mom at that is stressful and scary.

Not to mention, have been fired from work, Assaulted and branded by the press . Now am currently being lectured by my parents. Morgan got real worried by my sudden recline in isolating almost everything and everyone so she called my parents.

Damn that girl!

She definitely invited my parents here to taunt me. Now am being lectured!

When I mean being lectured, I mean in a freaky and abnormal way. Since finding out about my pregnancy, my depression and worries just seems to grow day after day.

I hate to admit the fact but a part of me has been staring at my phone waiting for "YOU KNOW WHO" to call. I know it's foolish and maybe I should have gotten the message that I definitely don't belong in his world. I mean if he really does want anything to do with me he would have called right?

The fear of rejection, betrayal and hurt has taken a claw and has scratched me in my heart. Have been a sobbing and trembling mess for weeks now refusing to move from bed only to bath and eat. I know I shouldn't react this way, I know I should move on and I know I should stop sulking but it's like the sane part of me has been cast of me and now am staring at the vulnerable part of a weak poor Leslie.

"you should tell him about the baby dear"My mom says, her voice breaking me out of my thoughts.

"If it were that easy, I would have done it"I murmur, huffing at the way she just spelt out the words.

It's easier said than done Ma!

"What are you guys doing here anyway"I say, trying to move the topic away from my own baby fever.

"Well your mom and I , just came from the hospital. We did an ultrasound for our little jelly Bean"He says smiling so deeply at my mom as he goes in for a soft kiss on her lips

"Okay, I think that's enough PDA. Have spent half my life seeing you guys go naked together, can we at least have a proper conversation without you two making gross nosies and giving each other the Goofy eyes"I say emphasizing the last part.

"If you wanna talk about me, just please focus on me"I speak out loudly, scolding them

"Calm down hun, don't let your anger get the best of you it ain't good for the baby. You know what you need?"Mom says, taking my hands in hers with a fond look. Her face glowing with warmth making her look a tad bit younger, I could see the slight Baby bump.

She looks so beautiful and even happier!

Is this what being pregnant looks and feels like!

I mentally berate myself for raising my voice at her. Am definitely being a bitch right now.

"I would have said you needed to relax and Maybe tag along to my yoga class. But now that I see you up close I think what you need is not just going for a few relaxing yoga sessions. What you need right now is clarity." She says her brown eyes staring into mine like she could see into my soul.

"Wow you're saying something that's not weird and also something smart"I say out loud without thinking laughing out.

"You this girl"She says playfully tapping me on my shoulders.

"Having a baby isn't taking up a cooking class dear. You can't do this alone, you're definitely breaking right now." Dad says with a serious tone.

"I know dad, but what if he doesn't want me or the baby. The last thing I want is for him to think am some kind of nusiance"I then say with my eyelids glassy with tears as they slip from my eyes .

"Then he's an idiot, you're beautiful, Strong and smart that's why we love you. if he can't see that then he can go fuck himself up" Dad's says in a gruff tone.

"Dad"I say tearfully, crying out loud. Upset that I thought my parents being here wouldn't be of any help. Yeah I know they are both weird and are unlike any couple or parent that you've ever encountered. Weird or abnormal they are still yet the best thing I do have in my life right now.

"Thanks, I love you guys. Even with all your weird antics"I say sniffing then finally laughing out loudly as all my worries fades away.

"So you do yoga now huh...?"I say trying to tease her with her little pep talk.

"Yeah and am good at it. Besides it makes me more flexible in bed and ready for....."Before she could complete the words I then screamed. Thought I found it strange when she spoke like a few miutes ago ,It's not real pleasant to hear your parents talk of about their sex Life.

Take it from me, you might see me as a rude daughter chasing her parents out of her house. But I can assure you it's to save the purity of my ear drums!

"I get it, you love your husband and the chemistry is till up and running." I say standing up and walking up to the door as I opened it gesturing that they've overstayed and need to leave.


Na... I love you Mom, love you Dad. Pregnancy looks good on you too"I murmur as I rush them to the door.

"Love you too darling"they say as I close the door. Resting on the door as I breath a sigh of relief.

Apart from the whole weird parent visit, their advice just gave me clarity.

I can take the decision to run off with my ears and tails tucked behind me but I can also tell him about his child.

And if he doesn't think he's ready for fatherhood or he doesn't want both of us, well it would mean I'll have to make do myself even at the risk of being left alone, and it means have also done my part in telling him he's going to be a father soon.

It's all about choice!

Next day............


You can do this"I muster to myself as I go up into Damien's building. I had contemplated maybe going to his office to see him but then thought "Our not so discreet affair" was the cause of this whole thing.

So here I am with a pair of dark shades on. Walking up briskly into Damien's domain. As I knocked on the door with anxiety clawing into me.

I then contemplated on going back but then the door opened revealing Damien. He looked like he hadn't shaved in a while, his hair all crumpled up.

An awkward moment passed between us.

Not knowing what to say or do as I stood on the threshold waiting to be invited in.

He pulled me into his arms wrapping me in for a hug.

"A hug!

"Now he decides to hug me?"Surprised and Shocked at his warm welcome. Pretty sure if he had hugged me this way when the press found out about our little games I would have been reassured and would have never felt alone. But instead his team of staff decided to send me a letter of termination instead of a proper hug or explanation from him. I shook my  head stepping right out of his arms. "Can we talk?" I say with my voice taking a pleading tone.

Yeah sure"He says clearing his throat as he allowed me in.

Taking a seat. I then stared at him, as I begin to study his face and expression words seems to fail me.

My mind completely goes blank as I stare into those deep bright captivating blue eyes.

Damn it!!

"Focus Leslie, remember just talk and go"I start chanting the same mantra in my head, No need to complicate things"I thought to myself.

I'm Pregnant!

I say dropping the bomb, I could see the look of shock and surprise on Damien's face .

"I need a drink"He says striding to the Alcohol bar. Taking a glass of whiskey as he sits right next to me with a distant look on his face.

"I know you're not ready for kids and am not demanding in any way that you need to acknowledge this child as yours. I came to let you know because it won't be right to keep something this important from you. As the father you have the right to know , I just found out too myself few weeks after our trip from Hong Kong."I say slowly, unsure of what he was thinking.

"Leslie, look at me"He says, dropping his glass as he grabs my hands into his.

"I missed you"He suddenly says abstructly with an expression I couldn't quiet decipher.

"Damien"I murmur, trying to get a grip of myself. Taking a deep breath as I stare at him giving him a business like Expression.

"Since you now know about the baby, it's time I take my leave"I say standing up with my shaky legs as I grip my little strap bag. Trying not to crack nor tremble in front of him as I head for the door quickly .

"Are you really going to just leave. Don't you want to know why I kept my distance?

Why I didn't call?"He asks, stopping me halfway to the door.

"No I don't care"I say as I turn to stare at him although not liking the fact my voice shook a little as I gave him my reply. The more I see his face this up close, the more I remember how I felt miserable without seeing his face every morning like I used to. The more I remembered our nights together. How his lips, hands, tongues had touched me.

"Really, then you won't care if am getting married then"He mutters dryly.

"Married?" The word seems to shatter all my defenses and the fake composure and facade I had put on crumbled as my face revealed how I reacted to the news.

"Thought, you didn't care"He gestures mimicking my stance laughing out loud .

"you're nuts. Do you Know that?" Staring at him with disbelief not sure what to believe anymore.

"Marry me." The offer was out of his mouth before I comprehend what the hell was happening.

"What"?I gasp and tried to pull back, but he held on to me. "Marry me, Leslie. This could be the solution to all our problems."He says smirking like he has me cornered

"You're kidding right?

I just told you am pregnant, it's not something to joke about so quit fooling around"I say giving him a skeptical look and wondering how this whole conversation has derailed from it original subject matter.

"Did I just even hear you correctly?"I ask replaying what he just said minutes ago.

"So this has become a problem?"I  erupt angry and upset with his choice of words.

"You know what, have  been holding back but I won't anymore"I say.

"You're angry I didn't reach out to you aren't you?He asks

"You messed things up between us from the moment we took that plane back to New york. Your HR department even fired me ."i whispered.

"This baby is mine, Damien. And am planning on keeping it, and I'll worry about the logistics myself as they come. I just didn't want you to have a son or daughter in the world you didn't know about!"I scream at him, hitting him repeatedly on his arm.

"Hear me out," he says, gently squeezing my fingers

"It pained me when I couldn't call or get to you. After what happened in Hong Kong I had to tie some losse ends, we almost lost the very contract we secured and I had to work all day and all night to get the investors to not pull out. Even the shareholders had a lot to say about the article"He mutters, smiling at me.

"Every second that passed by I wondered if you were doing well or eating well . So trust me when I say I missed you a whole lot." He says.

A sigh of relief escaped me, as I relaxed for the first time in weeks. "I thought you didn't want me anymore, besides the Email I received felt like a slap to my face"I say grimacing as I sit back on the couch.

"Sorry about that. It was the board's decision to fire you." He says with a dark look .

"I meant what I said about us getting married. No child of mine will be iligitimate."Damien says with a determined look .

"What about your supposed fiance?, Thought you said you were getting married? Won't she be heartbroken"I ask, zoning out a bit lost in thought with his new offer. I never expected him to ask me to marry him.

Is this right!"I thought to myself. Do u get to be greedy and actually consider this insane offer of his.

He then scoffs, saying "I never considered Vivian as my bride besides my parents just agreed to the arranged marriage because of a merger between the two Empires. It's been a dream of my father and he adores Vivian but I have never considered it once" Damien say.

"Wow, so you even in an arranged marriage with Vivian"I ask, surprised with this news.

"Still yet... You made her your Mistress"I say dryly Confused.

"We were once business partners, before she became my mistress. Besides the merger was decided by our fathers after our fall out"Damien says with a look casting over him .

"Besides now that I have you, and an heir I won't be bothered with the engagement anymore." He says .....

"I don't see the need for us to get married because you want to escape your marriage with Vivian besides you don't have to be duty bound. I can take care of myself and the baby. Besides what do you think Vivian will do when she hears about this crazy offer you're sprouting out . you know how crazy she gets about you"I say, thinking back to the tea incident. The look in her eyes seemed like death itself, it's like she's obssesed and deranged.

"There's so much to be gained for us both, don't you see? You'll have access to my money and maybe make a career for yourself. you'll have the entire world at your disposal"he then says in a pleading tone.

"You don't even love me?

"Why bother getting married?"I then ask shuddering, as I wait for his next comebacks.

"I also don't care about your money. You know that, besides I could never fit in your world, our trip to Hong Kong and that press release proves that"I say emotionally and mentally drained. Still baffled at how only I was painted the antagonist.

"Our time in Hong Kong together was heaven. I loved every minute of those nights."He says, giving me a soft peck on my forehead.

"I'm offering you access to unlimited funds not for you but for our baby. Our baby deserves the best" He drops his voice, assuming his most persuasive tone the one that got the company's investors salivating for whatever scheme he was pitching, every time.

"You need a support system Leslie. I want to try to be the kind of husband that can provide for you and our child, and I also want to explore this intense attraction between the two of us"He says.

"You've awaken a part of me that I never knew existed. So please don't stop me and just give me a chance to see where this will go"He says with the same sexy velvet voice.

Mentally tapping myself for drooling at him. Maybe the fact about giving marriage a try is a bit extreme in the terms of taking responsibility for the baby but what scares me most is that the public already have a bad opinion about me. They pratically hate me and think am some kind of social climber, and now the heir to all of Romano's holdings is here asking for marriage.

"What will people say"I murmur.

"I don't really care"He says.

"Do you?"He asks.

"I don't care but I do worry the kind of position those nasty opinion of theirs about me puts me in your community"I say, with a look of worry .

Besides you know I can't be a society wife, am too much of a klutz to handle my every move and action judged and watched by the public"I say grimacing in horror as I find myself agreeing to his proposal.

"I know, which will make it all the more fun"He says wrapping me into his arms as we lay on the couch.

"Fun, you say?I murmur.

"yes!"He says grinning with a winning smile.

"Oh.... boy why do I feel like am heading into a trap?"I murmur....

"Think of it as a merger between the both of us"He then says, searing his lips into mine as his lips and tongue danced with mine leaving me all hot and bothered. I couldn't say a word as I felt hiccups jolting me.

"There, we've just sealed it with a kiss and I'll take those hiccups as a yes" He say with a sheepish grin and a look of triumph.

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