
Her New Neighbors

15 year old Mýa has lived in the woods with her family for her entire life. She lives with her dad in the first house in the woods, her uncle lives in the second house deeper in the woods, her great grandparents used to live in a house by the opening of the woods and owner a trailer they rented out, and her cousins live the farthest in the woods closest to the river. Her mom died giving birth to her so she lives with her dad and their pets/animals. Her life has always been pretty simple, she would play in the woods, fish, hike, tend gardens, take care of her animals, go boating, have bonfires, play softball, go to school, and always hang out with her family. Things changed, however, when her great grandfather passed away and something needed to be done with his property. After a lot of clean up and repair, it was decided that it was time to sell his house, sheds, and trailer. They happened to find the perfect family of three who wanted to buy all of the property and fix it up. That is where this story starts. •~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~ I had been planning to make this novel for some time but decided to make it now because it fit this contest entry needs. It is a Sweet Love romance that has some funny parts, a modern teen view point, and a independent feminist female lead. I also am working on Sealed With Blood, and I have a book called Coincidentally Fated that is at a bit of a stand still. There are no major misunderstandings or abuse or any type of suggestive parts. This is not my cover, all rights go to the original creator. This is a fast paced book. •~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~•~~~ Sneak Peaks "I think it would take a very long time for the neighbor girl to fall for him." He stared at her intensely before asking "So you really have never had a boyfriend before?" "I haven't let any other guy be close to you. I wouldn't want anyone else to have this with you." "Me Too..."

aimlessly_inspired · Teen
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18 Chs

The Softball Tournament - 2

Sunday morning Mýa woke up at 7:00 am. like she did on Saturday. She got ready, and sat in the car waiting for her dad. When her dad was ready he got in the car and drove to the Softball fields. This time, Illa and Mabel pulled in at the same time they did, and Hailey was unloading her gear from her dad's truck in the parking lot.

The four girls grabbed their stuff and went to wait for the rest of their team. When most of the team was there they started practicing. Very soon the entire team was at the fields, practicing. After about fifty minutes, the entire team was ready to begin their long day.


Two games later it was about 12:10 pm. The team had played two back to back games and won both of them, so they didn't need to play again until 2:30 pm. After the coaches talked with the girls for a few minutes, everyone went to eat their lunch. The team had organized a picnic lunch, all the families had brought one or two types of food and all the food was spread out on a large picnic blanket. Everyone took food they wanted off of the blanket and then the teammates went and sat in the shade. Some girls sat on blankets while others sat in chairs.

Mýa had grabbed part of a turkey and cheese sub, some crackers and cheese, some chips, and an apple. She then sat down on a foldable camping chair she brought and started eating. As the girls ate they shared funny stories. When everyone was done eating, they still had about an hour left. They decided to sit in a circle and play two truths and one lie.

Illa started and she said, "I have a dog, I like elephants, and I have a boyfriend." Mýa laughed, she knew the answer to this one. It was easy.

Illa didn't have a boyfriend, but others might think she does. Mýa knew she would be one of the first to know if Illa did get a boyfriend and wanted to keep it low key. It has happened that way before. Mýa was the last girl to guess, because she was sitting next to Illa in the circle and the circle went in a row, she said that the lie was that Illa had a boyfriend. Illa then gave her answer and, as Mýa thought, the lie was the boyfriend statement.

After about 25 minutes, Mýa had gone and the group started doing the second round. Mýa was having a great time, her team was doing good and having fun. As she was listening to Hailey's round she got a text message. She looked down at her phone and saw a text from Zeke. She opened it up and saw a picture.... of her! In the picture she was sitting on her chair, looking at Illa, making a hand gesture, and saying something with a large smile/laugh.

Mýa immediately excused herself from the group and looked in the direction she thought Zeke (or whoever took the picture) would have been, based off of the angle of the picture. She looked in that direction and didn't see anyone, she walked towards it. No one was there, it was a bare spot next to a tree, there was no evidence of a person having been near it either. As she was about to turn around someone poked both of her ribs causing her to jump. Quickly as she turned around she elbowed the person behind her.

"Ouch!" Zeke yelped.

He jumped back in shock and in pain. "What was that for?" He asked.

" 'What was that for?!' Don't even ask me that, I was freaked out ok. I recieved a stalkerish picture of me, was on edge, couldn't find who sent it to me, and then got poked in the ribs. Out of instinct I protected myself and hit you. You scared the crap out of me!" Mýa exclaimed and smacked him.

Zeke laughed, "Ok, fair enough. I did deserve both of those attacks. I didn't mean to make you creeped out I was just trying to do a prank on you and say hi."

"Well you said hi, so I'm going to go back to my team now." Mýa said and started walking away.

Zeke ran after her and pleaded, "Look, I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me."

Mýa continued walking towards the group but slowed her pace. "I forgive you, you can come sit with us if you'd like." She pointed to where her teammates and some of their family members and friends sat.

Zeke smiled, "Thanks."

"So why are you here?" Mýa asked.

"Yesterday at Talmart my mom asked your dad where the tournament was and she has off today and we decided to come and watch. Riley wants to be your cheerleader." Zeke answered.

Mýa laughed, "Well we do cheer a lot. She will fit right in, if I hear her I'll know. It's cool that you guys came, you didn't have to."

"We like to do these things. It is cool to get to see you play. We didn't get here until like an hour ago, so how'd you do?" Zeke asked.

By this point they were at the group. Mýa introduced him to the rest of the teammates who he hadn't met yet and the team helped answer Zeke's question.

"We won both of our games. Half the team had at least one double or triple and Mýa threw a girl out at third. We made all the routine plays and some harder ones too, so we've done really good so far." Abby answered. Zeke nodded, "Good job." He said.

Mýa and her teammates smiled and thanked him. Then Hailey asked, "So what are you doing here Zeke? How did you find Mýa?"

I haven't updated in way too long. I'm sorry, I'm trying to update at least 2 or 3 more chapters in the next 10 days or so.

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