
chapter 2

August 10... Today is the first day of school I'm excited to get to meet new people. I might even meet a guy that's boyfriend material. Ruby is my best friend however, I'm always jealous of her... not because she's prettier or richer than I am but because she has it easy when it comes to getting a boyfriend. all the cute boys want to date her and the ones that don't already have dated her and want to get back together while I'm stuck all by my lone self.

August 15... So school is just how I thought it would be, all my class is far apart and I have 3 minutes to get to them or I'm tardy if I'm tardy 5 times to any class in a semester I get a detention. lunch is crowded and it's every man/women for themselves lucky for me though because I have Ruby, shes kind of popular so I don't ever have to eat by myself. although because ruby has so many other friends I often just eat my food and sit there quietly till the bell rings its as if Ruby doesn't notice me.

August 20... it seems like everyone is dating someone now. Ruby is dating a guy named Justin. they seem really happy together they walk to class together and hold hands and kill just like all the other couples. during school, I try to push it down and forget about it but while I'm at home I can't help but think about some kids are out on dates right now. there having a good time while I'm at home feeling miserable. since nobody is home I just go into the fridge and take out the bag of flour. I'm not sure why but flour helps me not feel lonely anymore. I usually only need 3 tablespoons but today I had to eat 6, sometimes I put salt on it because it makes it taste a little better but today I wasn't worried about the taste I just wanted to feel something other than loneliness.

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