

I was sitting on a hospital bed waiting for my upcoming checkup results with my assistant who is attending to my needs and was scolding me that i need to be careful and buy a wheelchair as if i was old and dying early.

I started looking at my assistant from top to buttom. She was wearing a rosewood blouse and a rosewood long skirt, her hair was tied to a ponytail and she's wearing glasses to look more professional. While me in the hospital bed wearing a simple hospital gown.

i wanted to talk to her so i slowly reached out for my cellphone and texted my assistant's phone number.

"An, An, An, An, an'ina kotoba wa iranai-" my ringtone break through the silence in my private room where i was assigned in this hospital. It was a certain japanese song which has a good beat but the meaning of the lyrics says something else.

My assistant, Chloe Bergara clumsily took out her phone which almost fell in the process and started to type.

Chloe Bergara 0921*******

Me: Stop overreacting! i was just tired 😊

I saw her glaring at me before started to type to reply back to my message.

We're both quite close and it was so long back then where we first met once i step afoot on the business industry.

My phone vibrated which meant she replayed to my message.

I think you're wondering why we're talking through messages even tho we have our mouths. I was a mute ever since birth, i can't really talk but it's good thing i can still hear.

Chloe: What do you mean stop over reacting? you have almost fainted! 😠😡

i just shook my head and started to reply while her message made me smile weakly.

Me: At least i didn't faint, can you turn on the radio please? The room is so quiet i might die out of boredom. 😝

I replied back and only got a sigh as a response, she stood up and walked straight to the front and turned on the radio...

I asked her to turn it on because it was the right time for the scheduled interview of a specific band

It's was the first live radio interview for the famous band called "Rhapsody" they are really famous because of the songs they produce, each of their band member's identity are hidden. They we're talking about their new album entitled "Symphony" that was going to be published to the public at a specific date and time. The interviewer asked why symphony and its because of their band's keyboardist. They're also talking about the inventions that the their company made, it was made to ensure piracies and you'll wont be able to record the band's music. The only way to listen to the songs they have created was to buy the album, if you just recorded it, you'll only hear static.

As the one who was talking the main vocalist of the band, The Queen and she's with the band's drummer, The Rook and yes basically their codenames were inspired by the chess pieces from chess.

I stop listening and looked at my assistant, she really loves Rhapsody, a die hard fan. She have all the albums, autographs and has a merchandise collection.

I smiled at that thought then gone back to listen to the live interview again.

Based on the voices of the live interview, The Queen is the only one speaking, if the interviewer asked The Rook he'll always reply with short answers almost like he didn't care about the interview.

Well "Rhapsody" is a band that isn't made to earn more money but to make people happy. Half of their earned money from the tickets that they we're selling are going to be donated to the ones who really needed help especially the ones like the children in the orphanages.

And why would i know that? well it's because...

I am Rhapsody's Keyboard Player, The Bishop.

At first The Queen wanted to change codenames with me because her boyfriend might get mad and jealous because our band's leader has a codename The King.

But it shouldn't be the problem, after all...

I mean all of us are already in a relationship...

All of us...

I bitterly smile at that thought, my throat is a little dry that makes me cough a little so i decided to get a cup of water. I was about to get a cup of water when The Rook finally spoke...

I paused and my actions was stopped in mid air as i started to looked at the radio even though i really can't see him..

I still kept remembering the things that are supposed to be forgotten..

The Rook of the band, was my first love...

His name was Keiji Kashima, a half japanese and a half filipino who got transferred from japan to the Philippines. I still won't forget om how we met in the days i transfered and met him there. As i recall they we're making a band and i got invited since i am a keyboardist but that didn't go so well back then.

Me and Keiji we're only first years back then and we we're like a cat and a mouse, but i still haven't forget. How did Keiji, who is known as the Ice Prince of Shimakaze Academy, be able managed to steal and melt my heart?

But to only shatter it in the end...

And yes, this is my story...

Of how we met and how we feel...

The story about me and him...