
Chapter Six

"She needs to go back to faeland, where I can protect her. She's not safe here." Mr C&C said firmly.


It is amazing how people's lives could easily change in a moment. A guy could a millionaire in a minute after winning a lottery, a lawyer might just find an evidence that could change an entire case for him. But she, Evelyn Emerald had her life changing for the worse. She still could not believe how her life had changed within an hour, again!

After her crying session with Alex,..... Scratch that. After Alex told her who had erased her memories, she had left her room lost in her thoughts. Without thinking,she had went looking for Grandma Martha with Alex right behind her. After minutes of searching, they found Grandma Martha in the Kitchen. Now that's a shocker.

Grandma Martha never ever ever went to the kitchen. In fact, They wouldn't have searched there if Alex had not suggested it when Eve's stomach grumbled.

The most shocking part was not Grandma Martha being in kitchen. It was the sight they had walked into.

Grandma Martha was beating an old woman who looked exactly like her!

As If on cue, the moon shone on her (I mean the Grandma Martha standing with a whip in her hand) and Eve's pendant glowed too, revealing her true form to both Alex and Eve.

She was not Eve's Grandma Martha. She was a young fairy with dark aura-like smoke around her. Alex had been right! Grandma Martha was another person and my Grandma Martha was on the floor looking helpless with a leash around her neck.

Immediately she (fake Grandma Martha)  noticed them, with a snap of her hand, she sent a strong gush of wind their way. It would have hit Eve hard if Alex had not manipulated the element and sent it back to her. That seemed to surprise the imposter, so she fell right on her backside, beside the real Grandma Martha.

Angrily, fake Grandma Martha, the imposter stood up and spread her arms like she was about to fly. Suddenly, Eve had found myself in huge water bubble with Alex. Alex tried penetrating it but he could not. It was strong and miraculously floating on air.

"You really do have the pendant." she snarled. "Give it to me and I'll spare your ....."

Before she could finish her statement, Mr C&C appeared out of the blue and stabbed her in the chest. She pushed him away and ran to the window. She tried to escape. She would have escaped if Mr C&C had not pulled her back and slammed her against the wall. That was enough to keep her unconscious.

"Hey, Andrew! Get us out of this" Alex said as he poked the bubble.

"Sure, if it means saving my Princess." Mr C&C walked towards them leisurely.

The way he said " my princess" sent shivers down Eve's spine with a pleasant tingle in her stomach. It was not the first time he called her princess but adding the possessive word "my" to it made it sound..... I don't know sexy? I mean they barely knew each other. She did not even know his name was Andrew until Alex said it. Sexy was a strong word for it.

Andrew stabbed the bubble with a strange looking dagger and freed them. He did not even spare a glance at Eve or acknowledge her properly. He just went to her Grandma Martha and helped her up. He unhooked the leash from her neck and hooked the leash around the fake Grandma Martha.

"Grandma Martha are you alright?" Eve asked as she ran to her. She hoped she was fine. She could not afford to lose another family member. Even though she had erased her memories and the reason was still confusing, she was family.

Thank goodness Eve was within range because Grandma Martha fainted and she was able to catch her. She laid her gently on the floor. What? You did not expect her to carry her to her room, did you?

That was when Mr C&C...well, Andrew seemed to acknowledge Eve's presence properly.

"Just one hour, I leave you for just one our and look what happened" Andrew said. What did he mean by an hour? He had been away for weeks and he didn't even say goodbye when he left.

Eve was about to give a witty reply when she realised he was not talking to her. But to Alex who had started dragging our hostage to a room behind the kitchen.

Wait! What???

Alex knew Mr C&C and he had been here until an hour ago? It seemed like she had been the only clueless one around. And that meant that while she had been searching for Mr C&C, he had been around. He had been around and did not even say hello. Did he hate her?

"Everything was fine before...." Alex tried to speak but Andrew didn't let him finish.

"Don't you dare give excuses."

"How do you you two know each other?" Eve asked but they didn't give her an answer. Instead they kept arguing.

"She's not safe here." Andrew concluded. "She needs to go back to Faeland, where I can protect her. She's not safe here."

And that was what brought about that statement. I seriously don't understand how things could move from secrets secrets to danger danger.

" She is the safest here. Faeland is no place for a grand witch." Alex retorted.

" I'm not going anywhere!" Eve shouted with everything in her. Finding out her whole life was a lie, she could have another family out there and  the only family she had thought she had erased her memories was making her head spin.

For Goodness sake, she had been trapped in a giant bubble and almost died in the hands of a fairy! Does that even sound realistic? She would believe it if anyone told her she was hallucinating but the people there were arguing.

Finally, they noticed Eve. "Until you explain what the hell is going on, I'm not going anywhere."

" Deal with it. I'll be back in five minutes." Andrew told Alex before leaving.

"Alex?" With my hand akimbo I faced him. " You mister!" she pointed at Mr C&C. "You don't get to leave again without explaining too!" she screamed but he ignored her.

" Eve it's a long story. I don't know where to sta- " Alex almost started babbling when Eve snapped.

" Just tell me what he is doing here." Not that she was complaining but then, she felt like she had been dancing in the dark all her life. One minute her dad was not her dad, the next minutes her family and friends might not be humans. She had a feeling Kathy was a witch too.

"Andrew is your guardian. So he's supposed to be always around you..... maybe you should ask him"

That was when Mr C&C, the person that was apparently my guardian decided to show his face. " I told you to deal with it not pass the job to me. You're supposed to explain. " He said as he made he made his way to her. This time it was obvious he was talking to Alex. When his eyes met hers , he said "It was his idea. He didn't want you knowing you had a vampire for a guardian."

He really was a... Vampire? Did they even exist? Witches and fairies seem to exist. So maybe he was really a blood sucking demon. Or... maybe she was just trapped in a really long nightmare where supernatural beings are real. Yeah, that seems logical.

Eve just stared at him. She was lost for words and the headache she had was not helping matters at all.

As if on cue, something exploded. And it did not seem to be her head. But she fainted anyway.

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