

She’s next in line, He’s out for a crime.

anoahmous · Urban
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15 Chs



"Let's go, I'll not waste time here, I still have a lot of works needed to be done." I say while about to go near to the elevator, then I enter instantly pushing the button so he couldn't enter with me, but this man still manages to catch up. Now I am trapped with a half-naked man inside this elevator.

I didn't even dare to look at him, it looks like he even purposely slows down wearing his tuxedo, he does not smile, yet I do not smile either.

Why should I smile? What is happening to me these days is not funny anymore.

"So… how was your d—"

"Just shut up."

I cut him off before he could finish speaking. My day is ruined, and nothing else could never bother me.

The silence of the two of us enters. We do not look around, we are like statues in a rough situation.


When we come out of the elevator, the journalists in front of us are now in a bunch of hordes. The flashes of their cameras, they even try to interview us but our bodyguards block them.

But for the cameras—I still forces a smile. But I don't face it, I do what this man do: his smile, his posture, and his presence. While under his arm.

All scripted.

We are now out of the building, even though the reporters are following us like where some sort of rare artifacts to be sold in a limited time offer, they are not able to interview us, except for the photos and videos that will be a dropped on the news at this time.

I am already riding in his black car, loving its appearance. Even though I am sitting next to him, I still gave him space-about two feet, just looked outside. For instances I decide to call my CEO, so I can avoid further talks with this man.

I dial the phone number, and she get my call when it rang.

"Yes?" Her voice is clear enough to be heard by my partner.

"Ms. Castro, You will take care of the attendance and reports, I wrote something for you there at the office 'cause I will be at the other company. If ever there is a signature required, just use my signature stamp in the first drawer of my desk." I say my commands to her.

"All right, Ms. Mantahon."

"Thank you." I drop the call from my CEO and put my phone back in my sling bag.

"You seem busy Celly." Said the person next to me, our eyes linger sighting at each other on the mirror in front of the car.

"I took my CEO in-charge of it, also don't call me that nickname if we're not close." I shrugged and just looked at him sideways.

"Look — we even have space if we are side by side, that is an indication that we are not close." I said more.

"But you're in my car."

"That doesn't count, you and the car are different even if it belongs to you." I straighten my sight towards the front of the car, but slowly this obnoxious man approaches me.

And he holds my right hand tightly, causing me to look at his face that is close to mine.

"I'm just glad to see you again, Ms. Celly." His breath is fresh as his voice and his eyes widen.

"So, are we close now?" He slightly smirks, I just snob at him and sighed and looked at the front again.

I just can't believe it, I only knew him before, now he will be my fiancé?
