
Her Chance

All her life, Alicia Woods had only one goal, that is, to be the perfect wife to Thomas Clark. Unfortunately, she never knew that the latter would never return her feelings but will do everything to get rid of her. What happens when on her dying bed, she pleads for a second chance to right her wrongs and live her life like she ought to from the start. What happens when she is actually given a chance but she falls into the hands of a crazy billionaire who is hellbent on not letting her go. What happens when darkness starts lurking into her life, will she resist?

melibk · Fantasy
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7 Chs

A new start

I was woken up by the bright sun my window. I remembered i had to go the cafe.

Stepping down from the bed, i walked to the bathroom and got under the shower. The cold water fell over my skin and i smiled at the feeling. I was still alive and it was amazing just thinking about it. After my bath, i put on a pair of blue jeans and a cream white top. I tied my hair up in ponytail and decided not to put on any makeup. Well just some nude lipstick. Then i picked up my purse and left the house.

I hoped my day will be a good one.


When i arrived the cafe, i got to the counter and met a girl there.

"Good morning" I greeted her and she replied with a smile waiting to get my order.

"I called the cafe for a job and was told to come today morning. " I said and she nodded in understanding.

"Andrew!!!" she called and a tall slim guy rushed in from the other door. "Yes, sweetheart " he said with puppy dog eyes and i almost chocked with laughter.

"Take her to mama" she added rolling her eyes and he looked at me before finally saying. " This way please"

I followed him through the door he just came in from then we went through other doors and descended some steps. It started getting weird. Us moving and him not saying a word, not even his name. Not like i was there for that anyway.

We finally stopped in front of some huge doors and i hesitated before getting in. There were no almost no lights, just some candles and then the guy just stood by the door looking at everything apart from me. Just what the hell was going on.

Then i saw a man moving towards us. I wanted to run away but i heard him say, in a female voice, "Welcome to A Streets Cafe, we shall begin the rites."

The fuck. What rites was he talking about. I almost cried, i didn't want to die again. I turned to rush out but the guy at the door stopped me. It was like a dream. A nightmare to be precised and they where all smiling before they started laughing. I was freaking out.

"I don't want the job anymore please let me go" I screamed helplessly and they laughed even more before the lights came on.


Everything was so bright i couldn't see anymore. Pink sofa's, pink chairs, pink tables, pink blinds. I was at a lost for words. Then i saw the man who had spoken earlier.

"Welcome to A Streets cafe, dear girl, am so sorry for the welcome for its our tradition here." he or she said smiling.

"The rites thing? I am not..." I wanted to say but he stopped me.

"No, we don't do rites here, we just scare our new recruits to get a funny reaction from them and trust me darling, yours was so hilarious." he said laughing again and i just stood there lost.

"Nevertheless, i went through your profile and your employed. I am Jackie by the way, but they call me mama around here." he added and i nodded.

"Thanks for the job." I smiled at him and he just nodded.

"We'll get into the details later. This is Andrew" he said and he pointing to the guy who brought me there

"I'm Alicia. Nice meeting you." I said sounding as polite as possible.

"Welcome Alicia, Just so you know we're a family here, so feel free" he said smiling and i smiled back at him. The word family didn't mean anything to me anymore, this world was strange and everyone with it.

I was taken around and shown everything and everybody.

There was Acer, the strange most talented burger maker in the world, Ani, Lucian, Jon and so many others i hoped it be a good start for me. I was giving the uniform and went to the counter to meet the other girl there.

"How was it? Crazy right?" she said laughing and i rolled my eyes laughing at myself , " I almost pooed on myself. You guys are really crazy."

"That's the feeling i got when i first came here. It's amazing here i promise you."

She said smiling and i nodded in agreement.

"I'm Kelly by the way." She said "Alicia. Nice meeting to you" i responded.

Then we returned to work. She showed me most of the things i had to do behind the counter with her and things were getting on pretty well. When her shift was over, we went out to the streets.

"Are you new in town?" she asked and i shook my head " I've been here for quite some time" All my life i meant.

"Okay i live down street. "

"Me too" i replied

"Wanna stroll down?" she asked

"Yes, why not?" I replied as we walked down together

"You're married?" She asked and that's when i realized that silly ring was still on my finger.

"No. I was but its over now" I said removing the ring and throwing it away. But she picked it up and slipped it into my pockets.

"I understand. Just keep it for the memories. " she said and i responded "Thanks but there was no memory." I said laughing.

We finally got to my apartment first and i went in promising to see hers the next day. Then we said goodbye and separated.

I went into my apartment before i received a card. It was an invitation for dad's birthday. I remembered that day like it was the day before.

Videos of my rape were 'mistakenly' put up for everyone to watch, I guess it was Anna who did it. It would love to see what she will put up this time . I have to attend it. Anyways had a week to prepare mentally for it though i was already fully ready and i guess by then the divorce papers will be ready.

Putting aside all my thoughts, I changed into my nightwear and went to the fridge the grab a drink. My fridge was almost empty i had to do something about it. I put on some slippers and got out of the house hoping to stroll quickly to the closest open shop.

I got to the shop and started picking up some stuffs before i bumped into someone

"Excuse me," i said before i realized who it was. No way, it was the guy from the hotel. The images of the that night played in my mind and i found myself comparing how he looked hotter than the last time i saw him. Before he could say anything i rushed out of the shop, paying for my stuffs and leaving my change.

I ran all the way home and i when i got home i locked the door hoping he didn't follow me. Why would he? I was so stupid. I smelt my surrounding and smiled, the smell of freedom ,what i never gave myself the chance to have.

After keeping the stuffs i made some noodles and sat in front of the TV watching enchanted and finally ended up falling asleep. To think that i had always believed in prince charming. Sadly, they didn't exist.