15 Chapter 15. Cheerleader


I was sitting here in my couch thinking if I will watch their game or not. I noticed that we're close now, I mean, we're comfortable to talk each other and I know I'm going back again to the old Chea. Whenever I was with him, I was going back to my old self.

5 years.

5 years were very long enough to move on. I know many people wondering if I am elusive in love life. Yes! I intensionally avoid it.

I heard my phone was ringing and I took it in the couch. I saw Jane's number in my phone screen. I answered her call.

["Hello Chain?"] Jane

"Hello Jane"

["Where are you?"]

"I'm here at my Condo Jane, why?"

["Are you not going to watch? The game is about to start "]

"I don't know" I said, I really mean it, I really don't know. I lied on my couch

["Are you still not feeling well?"]


I heard her sighed. ["Okay Chain, I will not force you to watch. Get well soon, okay? I will inform Jeron that you're still not feeling well. Bye"]


She ended the call. I put my phone in the couch again and looked at the tv screen.I watched the wallclock, it's already 8:30 p.m in the evening. I stood up and talked to myself.

"Chea, you moved on, right? It's not wrong to watch his game because you were friends, right?"

I sighed. Tsk! Okay. I changed my clothes and took my bag.


Narrator's POV

The game was starting now. John Karlo was uneasy. He always looked back in the bleachers, just like he was waiting for someone.

"Hey Dude! Are you okay?" Jeron asked

"Ha? Y-yes, I am okay"

"Don't feel the pressure okay?"

He just nodded and he gave one more looked in the bleachers but he had never seen that someone in his mind.

Fast Forward

The team was currently in their locker room.

"Team, what happened? Especially you, Palanca" the coach asked the team calmly.

Their team was in dangerous spot. The other team got the high score in second half. John Karlo's game was bad. He did not know what's happening to him.

"Sorry Coach. I will make up for it"

"Okay. Team, I just want you to know that this championship is important to us, if you have any problems now, please set aside it first. Is that clear?"

"Yes coach" the players said in low voice

"Is that clear?!" the voice of their Coach became louder

"Yes Coach!" they said in unison

They went out and back to the court.



I went to the Araneta Coliseum and my eyes widened.

I was shocked. Why? Because JK's team was is in dangerous spot. They got the score 46 and the other team was 60.

I quickly sit beside Jane.

"Chain" she called my name and she gave her half smiled. I know she was worrying because of the score.

I forced a smile.

"What happened Jane?"

"I don' t know Chain. They played the game so bad especially JK"

"What? Why?"

She just shrugged. I saw them coming back to their bench.

There was still 5 minutes before the second half start. I wanted to go to the bench of players, but maybe it will be another issue again. They went to the bench and Coach discussed their strategy. I saw JK, his so serious. I know, they need to retrieve.

"Fight Alaska!"

They shouted their team's name and the five players went to the court.

"Go Honey!" Jane shouted. Some people looking at Jane now, but Jane ignored them, she was looking only to Jeron. And there, I saw Jeron's smiling.

I looked around and JK was looking at me. Yeah! I know, I need to cheer him, but rss! Another issue again! Tss! If I don't only owe him for taking good care of me when I was sick, I will not come here.

They gradually recovered but the other team was so consistent.

"Waaa! Chain! 15 seconds left!" Jane said while her hands striking my shoulder.

The scores was 97-99, in favor to the other team. The ball was held by Jeron, he was dribbling the ball, he was looking to his teammates where he can pass the ball.

"Chain! What we gonna do? Waaa!"

Tss! Jane seemed so nervous as if she was playing in the court and of course, so am I. Tsk! I saw that Jeron's passed the ball to KM. And you know what he's doing? He was looking at me, damn! Argh! I hate you John Karlo Palanca.

I tooked a deep breath, and,

"Go Karlito!!!!! I'm going to kill you if you wouldn't shoot that damn ball!!!!"

I saw his smile and then, he threw the ball, and I heard the referee's whistle, that means the game was over and one team won.

Then, the crowd was screaming the name of JK.

"Waaaa! Chain! They won! They won!" Jane said while jumping.

"I know Jane" I said and smile.

The team were running to JK to hugged him. I saw happiness on their eyes.

"Hey! You cheered JK, right? Ehem" she teased me and cleared her throat. I avoided her gaze and I said,

"Because he told me to cheer him"

Yes! That was true!

"Really? Then, why did you agree?"

"A-Ah. Nothing" I just forced a smile

The reporters went to JK to interviewed him and after that, the awarding ceremony.

"MVP of the year is John Karlo Palanca"

Many girls were screaming when he received the award.

"JK, please marry me!"

"JK,please be my husband! I love you so much!"

Okay? I just shook my head. They were very the undying fans of JK
