A Collection Of Various M-Fiction’s, Hentai-Fics, Smut-Fics. Chapters in this story will have its own contained story, and I will endeavour to post a new one up for everyone to read.
Chapter 3: Two Queens and an Era of Peace (Conclusion)
Sometime earlier prior to Jaune's awakening….
Somewhere out there in the dark lands of Remnant there stood a dark castle underneath a blood red sky. Within it various horrors such as Grimm mutating, dark magic being conducted, and many other unspeakable things lay behind it's stone walls with one true master of the domain oversaw it all controlling everything. She sat in her throne chair in the center of her room with legs seductively crossed behind her dark overlong robe. She rested the sides of her face into her right hand watching the events of Remnant unfold through the visual of her Seer Grimm hovering just in front of her. She had bone white skin like the Grimm itself except with a human and rather voluptuous appearance to her figure. Along her forearms and chest there were dark pulsating violet markings that pulsated with her dark power. Her hair was ghastly white and done up in an ornate bun style that left several stylized bangs draping down the sides of her head. Her eyes were the stuff of nightmares with her black sclera as well as menacing evil look on her currently bored face. This, ladies and gentlemen, was the prime enemy of humanity waging a secret war against Ozpin, this was Salem.
"Hmmm, who would have thought overseeing the world as of late would be so boring. I am usually the one scheming new and creative plans to undo Ozpin's machinations, but today seems to be rather droll in terms of excitement. Ugh, maybe I need a hobby, perhaps experimenting on new forms of Grimm will keep me entertained." She said to herself as she continued to wave through the many 'channels' the Seer Grimm provided until…
Salem bolted up from her seat when she sensed it; the raw surge of power that came with the return of a sacred mating Faunus she only remembered from the Halcyon days of pre-Remnant.
"That…..aura, I remember it. There's no other thing like it in the entire world, it must be…...the Golden Lion!" She declared in surprise letting a wide smile cross her pale lips as she stood up from her throne chair. 'Still, I must make sure it really is that beast of legend. A Golden Lion Faunus, mmhhh….just thinking about it's tales of virility has me feeling like a young maiden locked in a tower again.'
Salem started running her bone white yet smooth feminine hands along her body through her dark clothing touching herself at the thought. Her eyes squeezed shut when picturing a masculine Faunus male with a large horse-length appendage coming on to her ready to breed. She bit her bottom lips with excitement and wound up slipping her tits out of her robe to be fondled by her milky white hands, her large J-cup breasts bounced freely from the confines of her outfit dangling there perfect in volume and shape with dark silvery gray nipples being squeezed between her fingers.
"Hmmh!~ I must have it, but first I need to confirm where it might be and contact one of my best known infiltrators to go make contact." Salem said to herself before pulling her robe back up over herself. She sat back into the throne chair and channeled her dark energies into the Seer Grimm making contact with a faraway operative that often just ran information to her.
The visual projected by the little monster brought up the face of a beautiful tiger-striped Faunus female wearing tanned skin, wily stylized hair, and fierce amber eyes with a pair of cat ears at the top of her head. Salem smiled when she met with the face of Sienna Khan staring back at the hovering Grimm with a mixed look of both horror and surprise.
"S-Salem….what a surprise. Why have you decided to contact me?" Sienna asked with a bit of fear in her voice as she looked into the reflective surface of the Seer Grimm's orb.
"Ah Sienna, I'm glad you remember me, see I have a very special request for you, but first things first. Have you ever heard of the legend of the Golden Lion Faunus by chance?" Salem began with a coy eager smile playing out on her lips.
Sienna frowned and popped an eyebrow before looking at Salem with skepticism.
"I have, nothing more than a fairy tale, no? All the Faunus women, both literal cougars and figurative ones, talk about it constantly. Why do you ask?" Sienna asked back looking at her with mild interest despite her ever-present scowl on her face.
"Well, it's not a fairy tale, not really. I have literally sensed it's revival somewhere in the world and I must have it here in my palace. I know it's real, Sienna, for I have seen such a primal beast of magnificence in action ages ago before they disappeared off the face of Remnant. My 'sources' tell me that the resurgence is somewhere in Vale, I was wondering if you perhaps heard anything going on over there."
Sienna sighed and brought up a holo-map showing profiles several young women, most of whom were huntresses that were on Salem's radar, appear in photographs wearing maternal clothing instead of huntress gear. One of them included Ozpin's right hand Glynda Goodwitch and another included the White Fang's infamous traitor Blake Belladonna. Salem's interest peaked even more as Sienna took the projection away making the Seer Grimm focus on her again.
"I've been hearing many things about strange ongoings regarding women all converging on Beacon, Salem. One of which even include the head wife and rightful owner of the SDC; Willow Schnee, another involves the ex-wife of my predecessor Kali Belladonna. Both women visited Beacon at the same time and are currently staying there inside a newly renovated building called the 'Lion's Den'. According to my sources many...noises go on in that building, many of them being of the copulating kind being so loud the neighborhood of Vale actually file a noise complaint almost daily. So yes, I think the legend has some truth to it."
'Splendid, that could be nothing else, although it is still a stretch. Need a proper investigation.' Salem thought gnashing her thighs together in excitement. "Very well, Sienna, I want you to go investigate immediately. I truly wish to see if this Golden Lion exists and if he does bring him to me, do that and you shall have any reward you desire that I can offer you. Finances, resources, Dust, even Grimm that have been tamed to do your bidding." Salem offered making Sienna's eyes widen with interest.
"Now that does sound appealing, you should know I'm no longer the head of the main branch of White Fang. That raging Lunatic Adam has everyone's ear now with his fanaticism, my sect wouldn't be much good for you, Salem." Sienna added feeling tempted by the offer despite not having much power anymore.
"That doesn't matter, if you'd like I can just simply get rid of Adam for you and have you restored as the rightful ruler. Would that suffice as a reward? On top of that you get to see firsthand if the Golden Lion does exist and experience his wonderful splendor when you get in close to him. I'd say that's plenty of reward to offer." Salem added making a twisted smile form on Sienna's face as she accepted the request.
"Very well, I will depart with Ilia at once. I'll contact you once I have confirmation and with any luck, he'll be brought back to you." Sienna concluded ending the communication as the Seer Grimm teleported away back to Salem's domain.
"Ooohhh, I can hardly wait to see if the legend has returned, and at Beacon nonetheless. Does Ozpin perhaps know about this?" Salem wondered leaning back and undoing her robe again to feel around her breasts once more.
Hovering above Vale in a stolen Bullhead disguised as an Atlas transport Sienna Khan put on her tight-leather sneaking suit while in the cargo bay. Her naked tanned and striped skin body bore nothing else, not even undergarments, as she draped the tight leather outfit over herself. Behind her sitting in the pilot's den was Ilia Amitola, self-proclaimed lesbian and wanna-be lover of Blake Belladonna. The little chameleon had her mask off as well as an incensed look on her face as they entered Beacon airspace with little trouble at all.
She looked back at her glorious leader and saw some naked backside making her blush heatedly as she finished draping the suit over her body.
"Focus on the flight, Amitola. We are to make good time if I am to see this legend in person and unguarded. I doubt Ozpin realizes how precious a rarity it really is, but nevertheless I must be perfect in sneaking in undetected to acquire it." Sienna explained fastening her straps and readying herself for a landing strategy as they came close to the drop. She heard Ilia speak up again, this time with disgust.
"So, we're really looking for some myth that impregnates women against their will? That's horrible." Ilia commented making Sienna roll her eyes.
"It's not like that, Ilia. While I understand you have a preference for the female form, do note that it was the Golden Lion itself that actually started the Faunus Race. Or at least the first generation of Alphas that spread it out from back in the olden days of humanity on Remnant. Without the progenitor you probably wouldn't even be here to show your resentment." Sienna countered making Ilia yelp with a squeak stifling herself.
"Coming up on drop zone, I just don't see the big deal, especially with the possibility that Blake….is involved with him. I can't help but feel resentment, high leader Khan." Ilia mentioned as she opened the shutter doors revealing the night sky and the area of Beacon below them. Sienna spotted the 'Lion's Den' just down below and readied herself for a jump, but not before turning back to Ilia and speaking up.
"As the saying goes, Amitola, don't knock it till you try it. I've even heard that many former members of my White Fang sect are getting interested in these rumors, they're claiming he's a messiah of sorts since apparently he has two Schnee women bred and under his belt. That makes whatever offspring that come out royalty to the Faunus, I've even heard of Winter Schnee coming to Beacon as of late. I'm wondering if she's putting herself in the same position as her sister and mother. Only one way to find out. When or if he comes aboard this ship I think we'll both know if the legend lives up to the hype. Wish me luck." With that Sienna jumped out of the Bullhead plummeting down towards the Beacon compound in search of the Golden Lion Faunus.
Her cat ears picked up the sounds of moaning coming from inside the private building adjacent to Beacon.
'If I were a gambling girl, I'd say that is exactly the place I need to be.' She thought as she hardened her aura and landed gently onto the ground of the compound with a clack of her heels. "Made it. Now to see."
Inside of the 'Lion's Den'....
"Aaahh aaahh aahh aahhhh! Ooaaaahh! Mister Arc!~" Winter Schnee howled loudly as she rocked back and forth in hastened motions. Her hair was down around her shoulders giving her a beautiful majestic look of goddess-like beauty with one layer of it draping across half her face. Her eyes were misty with euphoria and her mouth remained agape panting as she pressed herself into the wall in front of her letting her E-cup tits squeeze against the surface in constant motion.
She was as naked as the day of her birth with the exception of a lacy white lingerie set being worn tightly on her body. From silken leggings attached to a garter belt to having a long silken white arm wrappings amplifying her appearance with a sexy seductive version of herself. Her buttocks was wide and sticking out rounded to perfect and thick with the balance of her hourglass proportions. Her tits pressed and squished up against the wall as she felt Jaune, currently in his apex muscled form, pushing his pelvis up against her bottom sheathing his fourteen-inch erection in deep inside her pussy.
"Ooaaaahhh!~ Aaaaghh!~ Nnnngh!" She moaned with teeth clenched feeling the thick arm-length sausage pushing into her sensitive spongy folds squeezing into her womb with ease. Winter felt her walls wrap tightly around it's surface coiling him desperately as she felt every sensitive weak spot go off inside her body. When Jaune had first penetrated her shortly after her arrival Winter came at least three, maybe five, times already during their first bout.
Now here she was on her tenth one feeling her lover fuck her brains senseless as he gingerly smacked his hips into her ass.
"Uung unngh unnn uuuhhh! You always feel really good, Winter, unngh, I can see that it's hereditary, huh. You, your mom, and your sister all feel like pristine ice angels with your cool skin and beautiful looks." Jaune grunted huffing as he moved his hands down to her hips holding her tightly as he began jackhammering his pelvis into her ass reaming her pussy deep.
A cacophony of loud skin-slapping noises echoed throughout the bedroom accompanied by the wet squelching noises of Jaune's mammoth dick plunging into Winter's tight snatch. She was a virgin, figuratively anyway, when he first penetrated her. Winter had long since lost her hymen ages ago during extensive military training in Atlas, but with Jaune being the apex breeder that he was she felt like a new one all over again.
She felt it's thick girth stir up her vaginal cavity spreading her walls out and making her shiver with ecstasy as he touched her G-spot. Winter struggled not to come again as she raked the walls with her fingernails, her face made a deliriously crazed expression as she felt him push up into her womb a twelfth time bring her to climax.
"Uuuuuuagghhhh!" She hollered out feeling her pussy walls voraciously squeeze down around him causing Jaune, the mating beast, to buck up his pelvis into her body a few more times before cumming.
He pounded into her in rapid-fire pace making her ass cheeks jiggle when he made his final thrust inside of her before tossing his head back to howl like a beast. He let out a primal roar making his tail lash about as his balls swelled completely delivering a literal gallons worth of sperm directly into Winter's taint.
"Hnggnnn! Here it comes, welcome to the family, Winter!" Jaune growled feeling bloat after bloat of sperm rush out of his cock and pump directly into Winter Schnee's uterus!
The woman felt a sensational rush of ecstasy surge through her body once she felt his seed pour into her like gasoline pouring into a gas tank. Her womb started filling up quickly with incessant pumps of Jaune's seed as he held her body into his waist tightly. Strong hordes of sperm cells raced towards her egg ruthlessly tearing apart the membrane protecting them so that fertilization can begin, Winter felt it happen inside her very own body. She was going to bear a child like her baby sister and her mother before her and relished in that realization as seed continued to splash into her uterus. She shivered with climax and tossed her head about moaning deliriously while Sienna Khan watched from an outside window.
The Faunus leader blushed bright red at the scent of seeing such a lascivious scene play out in front of her, she felt the urge to reach down her body and start fondling herself to the sight, but remembered she came here with a job to do.
"He….really exists. The golden furred ears, the additional long golden tail, the pheromones he's giving off that's driving my senses crazy with lust. Everything about him is real and he's right here!" She whispered to herself excitedly while struggling to keep her wits about herself.
Sienna peered in deeper and saw that other various bodies of random huntresses rested in a peaceful sleep. All of them were naked and out for the count since Winter's moaning didn't wake them one bit, she also saw that all of their bellies looked filled with semen indicating that the Golden Lion had been going hard on his concubines for the past several hours. He had to be tired by now.
Sienna leaned in closely and waited for him to finish inseminating Winter. She saw his masculine primal form grunt and moan as his balls bloated repeatedly sending more thick ropes of sperm into the Atlas specialist. Eventually he stopped cumming and slowly pulled himself out of Winter Schnee's body leaving her to slump against the wall oozing thick amounts of his seed from her gaping snatch.
'Oh my...! I-I must hurry and make this quick. As soon as he's unconscious I'll go and inject the tranquilizer keeping him sedated, hopefully, for the entire trip back to Salem's palace.' Sienna thought to herself as Jaune's erection remained solid despite having cum so much inside of Winter.
"Ooohhh…...darling….!~" She cooed drooling and wearing a goofy smile as she passed out right on the deluxe double-king sized bed she and all the other women laid on.
"*Yawns* Well I think I'm spent for the day, better get some shuteye too. Wanna be ready for when my mating period ends so I can return to some normalcy. Still want to be a huntsman after all." Jaune said to himself falling back onto the mattress naked and snoring giving Sienna her opportune moment.
'Now!' Sienna said to herself before using her claws to quietly undo the window and sneak on in. She crept over the many nude female bodies laying on the bed, blushing brightly as she did so, and reached Jaune's masculine frame laying in the center sleeping.
He was still erect and wielding a large fourteen, maybe more, inch penis that titillated sienna's senses like crazy. She braced herself and held her body in resolve as she quickly injected the boy's neck with a syringe filled with high-dosage tranquilize. Once he went ragdoll, his member included, he fell into a deep sleep making her able to roll a blanket around him and struggle to carry him out of the house through the open window.
'This would've been easier with some aid, but I can only really count on myself these days with most of my sect gone to Adam's side. Now though, I can win them all back by showing them the Golden Lion of legend is real and with some manipulation convince him to announce he bedded all three Schnee women impregnating them with Faunus babies. Oooh, a revolution is coming alright, but first to signal Ilia for extraction.' Sienna thought to herself as she struggled lugging a large masculine blonde hunk of a Faunus male over her shoulder as she went outside.
It took every ounce of her strength to pull this off, she quickly whipped out her beacon device signaling Ilia in the Bullhead to come back down and take her out of here. She smiled when she saw the Bullhead circle around before descending closer to her ready for pickup.
"There, he's all strapped in on one of the side benches there in the landing loader. The tranquilizer I gave him should have him knocked out for at least a few hours, giving us plenty of time to transport him to a certain location. I'm going to rest in the co-pilot seat for a bit, Ilia, I'll leave you to check on him every so often, okay?" Sienna said to her understudy as she curled up in the co-pilot's seat taking a quick nap.
Ilia frowned yet nodded all the same, she turned her head back to see the supposedly sleeping form of the famed Golden Lion resting on one of the side benches with belt straps over his naked body. She blushed when noticing just how ripped in muscle he really was and quickly slapped herself to keep any heterosexual thoughts from occupying her mind.
'Focus, focus, focus on the flight.' She said to herself turning her eyes back to the windshield ahead of her.
Minutes passed into an hour with Sienna snoozing like a house cat, Ilia sighed to herself and quickly put the ship on Auto-pilot set for Salem's location. Getting out of her pilot seat Ilia walked over to Jaune's naked form trying to avoid staring his massive length draping down his thighs. She gulped nervously as she stood over him analyzing his golden fur lion ears and seeing his golden furred tail wagging about absentmindedly. Bending herself downward she saw his seeming boyish yet handsome face atop an Adonis-like body ripped with muscle, despite her feeling a certain way about his appearance Ilia couldn't help but frown.
"Sigh, why did Blake have to be near you? Why did she have to leave the White Fang and just be where you were at leading to her becoming another one of your brood. I can't stand it….I...ugh hate that some mythological baby maker stole her from me forever." Ilia whimpered out in distress crumbling to her knees besides Jaune wearing a sour expression on her face.
"You know, she didn't even mention you when she first came to me."
Ilia's head shot up in surprise making her bolt to her feet as she saw Jaune's fully awoken face turning to face her with a confident smile. She blushed when being faced with his charmingly boyish good looks, she didn't expect him to wake up so early and aimed to rush back to the cockpit to alert Sienna Khan. But…..
"Uunngh! Aaahh…..what's coming over me?" Ilia cried out in surprise when seeing her body halt in its place just as Jaune rose up from the bench ripping off the belts that should've been restraining him.
'No! I'm going to be next! He'll infect me and then I'll become another mindless babymaker! No!' Ilia's mind cried out as Jaune stood up from the bench, he stretched his arms over his head yawning as though just waking from a long nap. His member hung down by his thighs more than a foot long making her eyes drift towards it by accident.
Ilia felt her heart racing a bit as she felt certain urges exciting her young teenage body. Her chest throbbed and her thighs gnashed together, the pheromones Jaune aired from his body by default had her in his thrall, but he wasn't staking his claim just yet. He wore a sympathetic smile on his face as he bent down to greet her up close, he cradled her chin affectionately into one of hands looking directly to her currently pink eyes with a smile.
"I get where you're coming from and what this means, but just know that I can't help it. Blake couldn't help it, mating season started for me way earlier than intended. Besides, wanna know what I think? I think you're just confused because you haven't had anything like me yet, you have a crush on Blake, but she doesn't feel the same way about you. Ilia….right?" Jaune asked making her nod and sniffle before tearing up a little bit.
"Well, how about I make you feel better than she can?" Jaune proposed catching her attention as pheromones gently entered her lithe petite body. Ilia didn't think she'd feel any kind of romantic way towards guys in general, but this Golden Lion boy was making her heart tick a mile a minute without driving her into a frenzy for his seed.
"I….wah….should I-mmmph!" She was cut off from thought when Jaune pressed his lips into her sealing the deal and making her eyes go wide in utter surprise. All at once all the dots connected inside her mind and she felt the tender loving ministrations his lips provided her as he began making out with the girl still frozen in place.
Ilia reclaimed feeling in her arms and brought them up to hold his head into her hands as he deepened the kiss.
"Hmhmhm!~" Ilia hummed as she felt wondrous feelings enter her body in ways it never had felt before. Jaune's lips were gentle and affectionate, gently pulling apart her mouth so he could languidly make out with intimately. It was everything she pictured herself doing with Blake at some point, but he was clearly an expert. His tongue pushed into her mouth rolling all over his tilting her small body while his hands roamed down her sides quietly undoing her outfit.
Ilia closed her eyes feeling her confusion about feeling this way with a man clear up as the Golden Lion Faunus made her feel like a woman for the first time in forever. She was still a virgin, a young teenage girl with no experience into his sort of thing. Thus, she was a little clumsy in her kisses, thankfully Jaune made up for that by swallowing in her tongue making her mewl leisurely into his face. Wet smacking noises followed out between the two of them as they made out for a couple of minutes. Ilia felt her suit needed some help in being removed from her body so she stepped back removing herself from Jaune's lips with a dazed face as she undid her outfit.
Her hands busied themselves unfastening various notches and zippers until her petite naked egg-shell patterned body became exposed to Jaune's hungry eyes. He licked his lips hungrily as he took in her naked form, Ilia wasn't stocked nor was she curvy with hourglass proportions ironically enough. She still had a slim fit figure feminine in proportions and worth admiring, her breasts were barely B cup and her ass was a little less thick than he would've liked, but the Golden Lion Faunus wasn't picky by any standard. He'd take any and every woman in his arms and breed them raw all night long if he has to.
Ilia reached up to undo her ponytail letting her long colorful hair fall free splashing over her face and over the backside of her body. She looked almost childlike, but she was still a young teenage woman in desperate need of love. Jaune felt his thick member become instantly erect springing up between her thighs causing her to yelp in surprise with a cute squeak.
Jaune chuckled and Ilia blushed wearing a cute pout on her face until he attacked her face with another deep tongue-lashing kiss. The breath was taken out of her lungs with his action and soon she was mewling loudly in contentment as she felt his tongue push down her throat making her melt like putty in his hands, Ilia's naked body climbed on top of his tall masculine frame using her small legs to scale his thighs so that his member pointed upward at her heavily moistened slit. She hummed hungrily into Jaune's mouth savoring the taste of his saliva as she ran hers along his in a feverish make out session. She felt safe, happy, and utterly enraptured with pleasure as she felt his strong hands wrap around her lithe hips pulling her closely. Ilia curled her naked spackled body along his muscular frame grinding her snatch along his waist hotdogging his long member with her creamy buttocks.
She howled loudly inside of Jaune's mouth tasting his tongue as it swirled around inside her throat with her own. She happened to have a bit of a prehensile tongue since she was a chameleon Faunus, Jaune noticed the difference and loved that it curled around his own. The two languidly made out like longtime lovers with Ilia forgetting about her preferences with every sensation the Alpha breeder made her feel. She ground her bare snatch along his waist some more rubbing her sensitive folds against his nicely muscled skin like a horny animal, which she actually was.
"Mmhhhh! Hhmmmhh! Ohhh…..please….take me!~" She begged after she broke off from his face leaving her cheeks flushed and dazed as the pheromones in her body surged with wanton lust. Ilia smothered her breasts into Jaune's chest some more making him purr seductively at her while he grabbed her cute ample buttocks lifting her up to angle her pussy above his length.
Ilia looked down at that monstrous appendage nervously feeling her anxieties and fears ebb away as Jaune lowered her lithe body down onto it. She winced when she felt her pussy spread open to wrap her moist spongy labia around the bulbous head of his meat. Jaune growled in pleasure as he speared the head into her warm wetness making her squeal out in pain as she felt her lips spread wide to wrap around it.
"Aaaagghh!.....ahhh…...oohhh!" She howled feeling Jaune push his length in deeper spreading her insides out to coil wetly around his length. He grunted as inch after inch of his monstrous length burrowed into her slimy cunt, Ilia pursed her lips and shivered with intensity as she felt him pierce her cervix bypassing what little of her hymen remained after years of agility training. Her eyes went wide as saucers as she felt his dick pummel into the wall of her cervix. Her toes start curling and her face morphed into one of exhilaration as she felt every single pleasure receptor in her body go off all at once causing her to cum already.
"Ggaaaaaghhh! Ooohhhh yesss! Hhnngghh!" She shuddered as her walls gushed voraciously on Jaune's meat causing spritzes of vaginal nectar to splash against his waist. He growled in pleasure and held his hands tightly around her hips keeping close as he began bucking his waist into her body beginning the mating session.
Ilia hung her mouth wide agape moaning in silent euphoria as her body hopped around on his meat with head tossing back. Her lithe egg-spackled body bounced onto his meat with loud echoey sounds of coitus erupting within the cargo hold of the Bullhead they were on. Her buttocks slapped against his waist over and over again squeezing into his body as his mammoth of a cock drove into her cervix pounding the life out of her body. Ilia could no longer hold back and let out an ear-piercing screech of ecstasy as she herself submit to the Alpha breeder's magnificence!
"Aaaahhh! Ooohhh aaah aah aahh ahhh! Mate with me! Pleeease!~" She squealed out bringing her back up close to his face resulting into another frenzied make out session between the two of them. Tongues meshed languidly with Ilia's asserting dominance by trying to force her long tongue against Jaune's. He won out of course by forcing her back with the sheer strength of his making her shiver in ecstasy while her body continued hopping up and down on his dick.
Loud wet squelching noises became louder with the union of her pussy and his meaty grand-sized dick, it burrowed swiftly into her folds creating small splashes of vaginal saliva as she felt her walls pull on it feverishly in breeding desperation. Ilia surrendered herself completely to him, the pheromones in her body were acting up replacing all thoughts on her former preference for women with that of an obsession with Jaune's dick. Nothing about Blake except the daydream of sharing Jaune with her entered her mind, small glowing hearts popped out in her irises while her skin changed to pink as part of her camouflage. She hopped and bounced on his meat savoring the penetrating feeling of him drilling inside of her womb!
Jaune grunted loudly in pleasure as he ground hammered his pelvis into her soft hips making her bounce her lower body against him over and over again with loud skin-slapping noises. Ilia grunted and howled with pleasure as she felt her core become touched by his magnificent penis repeatedly making her cum! Her body thrashed about with hands clinging tightly to his neck and lips glued tightly to his mouth, her pussy squelched and squeezed his member while he feverishly worked her quim to his delight. His breeding instincts took over completely making him bring Ilia over to the ground pressing her naked back against the floor and taking her in a mate press position. Her legs hung out dangling as he planted his feet just outside her hips dropping his pelvis into her small body repeatedly. She started moaning even louder as she felt her breeding stud pump his length into her from above over and over again making her writhe mind-breaking nirvana.
"Hooaah aaahhhh ahhh….I'm…..I'm getting close now!~ Please pour everything inside of me! I want to have your babies!~" She cried out forgetting all of her character in the wake of the Alpha breeding cock stirring up her insides. Jaune grunted and smirked at her when pumping his body onto her frame, they heaved and writhed together corpulent bliss for another half-hour when he felt Ilia cumming for the fifth time already!
Her walls squeezed voraciously on his dick causing him to groan loudly like a beast in mating season, he felt this was the push necessary for pumping the girl full of his seed and began grinding his pelvis against her waist while she writhed about. Her face scrunched up into absolute ecstasy with eyes closed and mouth hanging open in mind-numbing euphoria, she pushed her chest upwards letting out a mighty wail of orgasm stirring Sienna Khan awake as she brought Jaune to his.
He Golden Lion tilted back his head and roared loudly while his balls churned with baby batter ready to be delivered. With one final push he slammed his length all the way into Ilia's thrashing body and grunted loudly with a primal roar. Jaune pushed into Ilia's tight teenage womb feeling his balls bloat loudly with discharge! Thick bloats of sperm pumped out of his dick to pour voraciously into the girl's insides, Ilia thrashed about in non-stop ecstasy feeling the splash of pheromone-inducing seed make her ovulate on contact!
"Eeeaggghhh! Aaaahhhhh!~" She squealed out delight with eyes rolling back inside of her head tossing her pelvis up and down in the air feeling his seed pour into her body. Her womb started filling up in little time at all with legions of potent little swimmers racing towards her eggs. She felt the course of fertilization take effect with one breaching the membrane of one of them beginning her journey into motherhood. Ilia came hard, again and again, writhing along the floor as the Alpha Lion of Legend pumped multiple globules of seed into her uterus.
"Hnngghhh! Oohhh daddy….!~" She cooed as she eventually came from her orgasmic high leaving her hands to cradle her sperm-bloated belly with a smile before passing out.
"Mmhhh, she is noisy, isn't she?" A voice spoke up causing Jaune to direct his head over to Sienna Khan standing in the doorway of the cockpit looking seductively at him with a hungry smile. The autopilot was still on and making it's beeline course over to Salem's palace, the tiger Faunus woman eyed Jaune hungrily feeling the pheromones that went into her body earlier take its effect making her crave his babies.
"Got more in you, oh great Golden Lion?" she purred licking her lips and Jaune smiled proudly at her as he pulled himself out of Ilia's gaping sperm-filled pussy.
"You know I do, maybe when we're done, maybe, you can tell me why you picked me up and who sent you to do it." Jaune asked as Sienna walked over to him stripping out of her tight latex bodysuit exposing her erotic tanned and striped skin body to him.
"Oh, you don't need to bargain, I can tell you exactly who wants you, you're going to meet her soon enough anyway and 'charm' her pants off. But first things first, I get you, Alpha Lion." She purred slinking her arms around his neck and letting herself getting pulled into the abyss of Jaune the Golden Lion.
He purred in a bestial growl and held her naked body close to his person, his erect member stuck out nudging her abdomen while she rubbed her body up against it bending it upward. Sienna was having trouble doing that because of thick and sturdy it is which made her purr even more. She felt his eyes roam over her frame taking in her splendor; Sienna Khan had a body of utter perfection with exotic dark striped skin. She stood naked in the pile of clothing that used to be her sneaking suit showing off her wide hips with slim waist proportionately aligned with her full E-cup tits. Her dark nipples looked like chocolates that Jaune wanted to suck into his mouth, her mound had a slight pubic tuft of dark flaxen striped hair above it showing off her glistening pair of nether lips to him. Her skin, despite its tanned tone and tattoo stripes layered all over her naked backside Jaune found her skin to lustrous and smooth on the outset. She wasn't doughy soft like most of his other brood mothers back home at Beacon, which reminded him that he may need to put in a call to make sure they don't freak out over his absence.
Sienna Khan was a model of exotic beauty, plus on top of all that she was an Alpha Faunus like him, with her clawed fingernails and pointed feline ears sticking out of her spiky stylized hair as well as a striped tail. She was beautiful and….
'Mine.' Jaune finished the thought pulling her up onto his lips were their mouths met in a hungry tongue-swapping exchange. Sienna closed her eyes feeling the pheromones he aired make her more sexually hungry for him as well as sensitive.
"Hhmmhh! Mmmhmm.~" She hummed pleasantly as their lips met in wet carnal embrace. Sienna pulled her arms tightly around his neck bring her body up close to him. Jaune reached around to pick her up leaving her legs to scale his muscular sides just like Ilia did earlier, the difference being Sienna dug her sharp claw-like nails into Jaune's back making him growl slightly at the mild pain. He liked it rough though, reaching down his body he grabbed his long foot-length dick and brought it up to hover just below Sienna's tanned opening.
She reached down to spread apart her lips exposing her inner wetness colored in pink velvet, her insides throbbed readily for his seed, she had been feeling this frisky ever since exposing herself to the pheromones he naturally aired during his abduction. Sienna huffed and panted feeling the sexual state she was in grow more intense inside her body leaving her no more than a horny animal.
"Pierce me, make me yours!" She grunted out in hot breaths as she met with Jaune's lips once again swallowing the tongue that pushed into her mouth. She mewled back into it vibrating her throat around the spongy appendage, meanwhile, his length reached up and pushed the bulbous round head into her quim spearing her for the first time in years.
"Hnngghh!~" She yelped out within his throat while he continued ravaging it with his strong tongue. Sienna blushed fiercely as she felt Jaune's length push even more of its thick girth into her sensitive spongy passage. Sienna let out another howl of pleasure as she felt his length burrow deeply all the way into her cervix.
Jaune smirked and huffed like a bull Faunus during mating season and grabbed her buttocks tightly into his strong hands making Sienna whimper at his touch. Her nerves were lit on fire as she felt him drawing back his hips and beginning to pump into her body. With hard thrust he his enlarged bloated balls smacked into her nether region while his dick pushed hard past her cervix to thrust into her womb!
"Aaaaaagh! Oooh yeesss!" She cried out after breaking off from his lips. Jaune's mouth returned to sucking gingerly on hers again resulting in a feverish tongue on tongue make out while he began bottoming out of her. His cock sawed into her tight pussy stretching her out and making her writhe in ecstasy as it touched many weak spots inside of her body.
He pumped and pounded his pelvis into her in lifted style position making her tanned striped-skin body bounce voraciously against him as he picked up speed. Soon the loud echoey sounds of skin slapping flesh erupted alongside Sienna Khan's pleasurable whimpers.
"Hnng hnnggh hnnh hnngh hnnggh aaahh aahhh!~" She yelped and growled out in bliss, her body bounced voraciously against his frame digging his length deeper and deeper into her squelching pussy. She felt every wall, every spongy moist fiber inside her being wrap hungrily around this Apex beast of breeding. Everything inside of her wanted to be bred by him, even without the pheromones inside her body addling her mind with lust she craved a strong dominant male in her life. Lo and behold destiny brought her to the Golden Lion Faunus of legend and boy did it live up to the hype.
Jaune pinned her against the surface of a wall nearby on the ship making it rock slightly as her buttocks squished up against it. Sienna raked his broad shoulders with her clawed fingers humping up and down on him as he bucked into her body. Each thundering thrust he delivered sent waves of vibration throughout her physiology making her literally feel every thrust he made to her pussy. Her juicy walls started clinging desperately onto his length as he jackhammered into her twat creating a plethora of wet loud squelching noises that coincided with her moans. Sienna was purely on Cloud Nine with mind-numbing bliss, she held onto his backside desperately as their bodies meshed together in languid copulation for another twenty or so minutes during the ride there. Outside of the Bullhead the lands were darkening as they made their journey toward Salem's palace.
Sienna continued riding on the Golden Lion's hard dick feeling it stir up her insides constantly gradually turning her mind into mush as she rolled her hips constantly against his waist. Jaune groaned and howled every now and then feeling his balls quiver as he felt her pussy squeeze him tightly for his seed. He huffed and grunted pumping himself voraciously into Sienna's writhing body causing her legs to straighten out with toes curling upward. Her body tensed up and her eyes went wide with euphoric ecstasy. Her body shivered and her mouth let out an intense moan of orgasm as she felt her first climax erupt within her entire body.
"Aaaggghhh!~" Sienna cried out tossing up her head and scratching Jaune's shoulders while her vessel began squeezing intensively on his meat.
The blonde Lion grunted loudly feeling the stimulation of her tight walls milking his dick cause him to explode as well. He let out an animalistic roar and held his arms around Sienna's waist pulling her entire body onto his meat sheathing it in her womb as he let out!
"Hhggnhhhh!" He grunted with clenched teeth while his large balls bloated and pumped with seed ready to journey into the tiger Faunus's waiting pussy. Sienna's enhanced senses picked up that she was now suddenly ovulating despite being on a safe day today. She smirked knowing it was the magic of his legend, that whenever his sperm comes to flow inside of a subject that person immediately becomes fertile ready to receive his seed and get pregnant.
Such a titillating thought sent shivers up Sienna's spine, then her smirk vanished and was replaced with a wide circle as she felt the thick gallon-sized pumps of Jaune's seed pumping into her body! Sienna kept cumming making her body grind up against his muscular frame mewling constantly in loud euphoria as she felt his sperm pour into her womb! Sienna screeched loudly again feeling her body instinctively undulated wildly against Jaune's frame as pump after pump of sperm flowed into her body! She couldn't stop cumming on it feeling her insides splash out all over his waist as he injected a healthy dose of sperm into her receptive womb.
She felt the process of his swimmers aggressively claiming one of her eggs and tearing away the membrane to begin the process of growing a child. At this feeling, a motherly feeling, Sienna shivered having come again in between his ejaculation and her ongoing orgasm. Pleasant thoughts about bearing a child flowed into her mind making her feel peaceful and content.
Once Jaune was done cumming inside of her he waited for her to pass out the moment her arms went limp. Sienna hung her head back panting goofily with her tongue out and eyes rolled back into their sockets, she was still conscious as far as he could tell and wondered if she wouldn't be opposed to another round of breeding.
'Maybe I overdid it?' Jaune wondered feeling his cock continue to swell and pump into her pussy while she hung off of him.
"Again….please….again!" She murmured tiredly while heaving her chest.
Jaune smirked widely and pulled her up close to his chest making her face press closer to his resulting in another heated make-out session between Alphas.
"Hmmm, I wonder where they're at. It looks like the ship is closing in since I can see it from my window, but Sienna should have at least hastened her landing speed knowing how impatient I am for the results." Salem said to herself summoning her Seer Grimm to her, once the floating orb-like Grimm arrived she leaned in to see what would project from its round surface.
A projection came up revealing the sides of the bullhead, her dark eyes went wide in wonder as she saw the unconscious sperm-stained form of Ilia Amitola on the floor. Sienna herself was currently getting nailed hardcore against one of the seat benches feeling Jaune, in all his muscular glory, pound his pelvis into her like crazy. She had a crazed smile on her face with eyes rolling up in their sockets and tongue rolled out. A rare look of blushing surprise came upon the dark witch's face as she saw the muscular bastion that is Jaune the Golden Lion Faunus Arc plowing gingerly into Sienna's body making her flop up and down against the bench side. Her tanned body humped and bounced according to his thrusts with loud wailing moans of ecstasy coming out of her gaping smiling mouth. Salem felt she could actually 'feel' Jaune fucking into the Faunus woman like he was doing, the way her buttocks quivered when his waist met her ass, the cry of euphoria that aired out of her mouth and the sight of a protruding bulge extending through her abdomen. Salem felt her mouth water and her loins sizzle with dying need for it.
"Hmmm, better…..draw him here, but first…." Salem said to herself teleporting herself into her bedroom where a large oval-shaped Queen sized bed lay within the mystique darkness surrounding it. She did away most of her overrobe's tail leaving only a short dark dress that draped sexily along her pale voluptuous body. She sat herself back down on the bed placing her hands on the surface before extending her right arm to conjure up a dark portal.
"Time to share with me your legend, oh great Golden Lion.~" She purred licking her lips side to side in wanton sexual hunger.
"Unngh unngh unnngh uaaaahhh!~" Jaune roared loudly feeling his pelvis buck and quiver with orgasmic rush! He held Sienna's hips tightly as he shoved his foot-long length into her quivering pussy one last time before cumming. Tossing back his head and roaring like a beast he felt his balls swell like a balloon he pounded that tight brown pussy and delivered a thick generous payload of seed into her already-stuffed pussy.
"Eeeaaaagghhhh! Masteeerr!~ Ooohhh yess! Breeed meeee!~" Sienna hollered out undulating against the Golden Lion's frame, her booty quivered and trembled while thick splashes of sperm pumped out of Jaune's sausage of a cock into her stuffed womb! Her stomach bloated in size making her appear several months pregnant already, Sienna came hard around the same time she felt his seed splash into her leaving her legs to go numb as they rode out their climax together.
Sienna's eyes drifted upward to her eye sockets while consciousness faded from her body and mind. She soon went ragdoll setting herself on the bench spent and naked while Jaune continued to cum gallons inside of her. He groaned and huffed like the breeding beast he was and carefully set her down on the ground pulling out his dick to jerk the last few spurts over her naked tanned backside.
"Ooohhh....hehehehehe….." Sienna giggled mindlessly feeling like she embraced 'Heaven' with how good sex with the Golden Lion was for her. She could barely walk let alone think and Jaune felt like kicking back and lighting up a cigarette while his foot-tall member stayed erect.
"Haaa….." Jaune sighed pleasantly and noticed something odd happen within the ship. "Huh?"
A magical dark portal opened up in front of him from the cockpit showing a dark room just up ahead. His head turned in its direction and his senses picked up another heavily aroused female waiting for him to go there. Naturally he followed his instincts and approached the portal all while the dark magic coming from the portal guided the ship to safely land on a random LZ platform near the castle.
'Something tells me there is something wicked beyond this, but….for the life of me I can't turn away! I smell….I smell….a powerful and very old yet ripe woman that wants me. She's literally summoning me.' Jaune thought feeling his bestial instincts co-pilot his reasoning as he walked through the portal arriving on the other side.
Walking through the portal he arrived inside of a dark dimly lit bedroom looking like it belonged to an old sorceress. Everywhere it was dark except for the violet-dusk sunset lightning showing through the bedroom windows on the wall. He whistled in awe and looked ahead to see the person that summoned him sitting cross-legged on the bed laying back on her bed in a seductive position waiting for him.
"H-hey….you called me here, right?" Jaune began and Salem nodded with a sly smirk before leaning forward.
"Yes, I am, you may call me Salem and I've heard much tell of your legend, oh great Golden Lion." She began licking her lips hungrily before reaching up to her chest to peel open her robe exposing her pale J-cup tits making Jaune's primal senses titillate with renewed lust. He surveyed her half-naked ivory body feeling his member swell with want. In the center of her chest was a dark marking with pulsating vein-like branches coming out of it glowing with power.
None of that though mattered to Jaune in the slightest, he wasn't repulsed by her appearance one bit, if anything he was even more turned on and felt his primal side take over again. Salem's dark eyes traveled down to see his thick turgid length measuring at well over a foot in size. Just seeing it made her pussy wet with barely restrained hunger.
"Heh, I guess you want a taste of me too, huh. Well you are a looker, I've never seen such a sexy Grimm woman before. I'm thinking I might have a thing for monster girls now." Jaune said making Salem frown before she stood up from the bed stripping herself of her dark over robe exposing her naked pale body to him.
"I'm hardly a monster, my precious Lion. If anything…." She trailed off reaching her hands up to the back of her head undoing her ornate tar-lacquered bun making her hair fall free beautifully before Jaune's eyes. He gasped when seeing her naked form completely undone and exposed to him, his member twitched readily with excitement making his more primal instincts take over again.
"....I consider myself a goddess." She concluded magically tossing away her clothing and accessories leaving her to stand there all natural like Eve to an Adam. Salem felt truly alive for the first time in literal ages sensing her insides stir with want, she could even feel her ovaries throb with hard lust. A part of her truly wanted to be impregnated with his seed and bear children, it was strange that a more human part of her wanted to become a mother again. Perhaps that was the magic of being near the Golden Lion Faunus.
Jaune eyed her naked form with growing hunger and slowly walked up to her, in doing so he took sight of her body and felt his member swell with increasing energy releasing the pheromones again. Salem felt them enter her body giving her a heightened sense of being and making her even hornier than she was to start with. She held out her hands welcoming Jaune into her bosom all while eying him lovingly with those oddly gentle demonic eyes of hers.
"Mistress….!" He gasped letting his animal side take over.
Salem had a body to kill for, well-proportioned with an hourglass figure complete with slim waist, wide hips, and heavy top set of breasts perfect for milking. Her silvery-gray nipples looked delicious in Jaune's eyes, her pussy folds were surprisingly pink and moistened to ripeness without a trace of pubic hair above them. Salem's skin even looked lustrous as the shattered moonlight reflected off her skin.
Jaune reached her and wrapped his strong hands around her hips pulling her closely and basking in her intimate embrace with heavy breaths. He was feeling more virile than ever right now and Salem could tell by looking at him, she reached her hands up cupping his head and leaned in to wrap her hungry lips around his face swallowing his mouth into a fierce breath-sucking kiss.
"Hmmhhhh!~" She hummed delightfully as their lips made contact, immediately both parties felt their hearts start to skip faster in excitement. Jaune tasted the dark witch's saliva on his mouth and found himself addicted, he pulled her body closer making his member glide up against her abdomen reaching up to her pendulous breasts. He was just that big enough to reach them.
Salem started sucking his mouth open and rolling her tongue all over his own with intimate embrace, she tasted and swallowed his saliva leaving Jaune to press deeper so that his tongue gained dominance over their embrace. He hummed back strongly vibrating his throat around her appendage making her shiver with excitement as he took her to the bed. They got on top of it continuing their makeout session while he remained on top of Salem as she curled her silky ivory legs along his body.
"Mmhhhm! Haaahh…..you taste delicious, my lion! Haaah!~" She moaned out loudly between breaths and felt Jaune leave her face so he could start nibbling around her neck sending shivers up her spine. Salem bit down on her bottom lip savoring this moment that she had waited so very long for, her silky long legs came up to rub against the sides of his waist and thighs while his member continued prodding her stomach tightly. Jaune was large enough to reach her tits even if he decided to straddle her waist and have fun with them, but she as impatient to feel his seed pouring inside of her right now.
He hummed and moaned as he ran his tongue down her neck sending shivers up Salem's spine while he grabbed ahold of one of her breasts. Salem let out a pleasured whimper and felt his hand squeeze it tightly sending soothing jitters into her body. She started arching herself upward pressing her chest into his pecs feeling her body react intensely to his ministrations.
"Haaahh! Ooohh yess....ravish me to your heart's content, I am yours forever, just please…..breed me!~" She hollered out tossing around her head huffing in growing excitement. Jaune continued pursing his lips around each random area of her collarbone titillating her senses even more.
He had his right hand fondling her left tit squeezing that doughy magnificence underneath his palm while his fingers kneaded the surface. Salem felt her nipple get squeezed between his fingers leisurely as he guided his other hand down to her ass cupping it into his palm making her curl up against his large masculine frame. Jaune was an expert in foreplay now, which was unsurprising considering his constant back-to-back romps with his many lovers. All of them, with the recent addition of Winter Schnee, Sienna Khan, and Ilia, were now pregnant with his babies. Knowing that he felt a grand surge in his breeding instinct as he ravished Salem.
'I'll knock her up again and again, as many times as it takes, this woman…..everything about her is making me go crazy with lust!' Jaune thought to himself picking his face back up from her neck in order to slide down to her legs surprising Salem until she saw his head move between her thighs.
He peered up at her smirking widely before holding each of her legs apart with his strong pair of hands, he dipped his face down into her crotch making her toss back her head and moan hotly as she felt his lips begin ravishing her labia. His mouth was strong and warm and currently sucking on her pussy lips gingerly sending tremors of pleasurable delight through her body.
"Hnnghh! Ooohh…..! Jaaauune!~" She wailed loudly feeling her pussy get sucked gingerly by his hungry lips, Jaune expertly sucked on her pink flesh tasting her fluids as she had remained wet with arousal. He closed his eyes and let his instincts guide while he gorged himself on her mound running his tongue around Salem's velvet pinkness in circles.
The elder witch above tossed back her head moaning and wailing as she thrashed about in unbridled bliss. Her hands smacked against the bedside, her chest heaved constantly making her large breasts bounce with every rise, and lastly her legs lifted themselves into the air to wrap tightly around Jaune's face pulling him closer to her muff. A collection of soft loud slurping noises came airing out from underneath her body, he swallowed the pocket of Salem's vaginal flesh keeping her on the edge as he burrowed his strong tongue inside of her cunt.
This made her reached down and grab his head running her pale fingers through those golden locks of hair and feeling the fuzziness of his Lion ears as he ground his face into her pelvis. Jaune ravished Salem's pussy again and again occasionally sucking on the nub of her clitoris driving her crazy with sensation. He held the back of her thighs up into his hands continuing to dig his face into her juicy womanhood eating her out for another five minutes. He too felt the grand instinct to breed the woman , over and over again, but wanted to savor her taste before he filled her insides with his cum.
Of course, Salem couldn't wait and came hard to his cunnilingus skills making her legs wrap tightly around his head as she shouted to the heavens with orgasm!
"Hgnnnaahhh! Oooohh yesss! Aaaahhhh!~" She screamed out clamping her thighs around his face burying his mug deeper into her taint. Jaune's lips were met with the intense gush of her fluids pouring out of her pussy to splash all over his face. His tongue worked immediately to lap everything up cleaning her gushing vulva of her juices and swallowing down anything that came into his face. Topping this off Jaune latched his lips onto her snatch completely letting her ride out her climax by thrashing about on the bed repeatedly in orgasmic delight!
This lasted for nearly a full minute with Salem eventually coming down from her orgasm-induced high and left panting on the bed. She huffed and gasped constantly while Jaune finished lapping up all the remaining juices she spritzed on his face, he then rose up onto the bed ready to begin mating the Empress of Darkness making her into one of his brood mothers.
Salem's eyes perked up in surprise and excitement, she saw his meat log of an appendage remaining hard and turgid as he rose up preparing to take her for good right now. Her throat quenched with sexual excitement as he spread her legs apart leaving her convulsing womanhood open to him ready to receive his semen. She said nothing as her ass was lifted up off the ground thanks to Jaune's strength and the obvious position he was putting her in.
'The Mating Press, seems fitting all things considered.' She noted with a sly smile and saw him stand up on his feet preparing to drop himself down upon her waist for copulation. He angled his pelvis accordingly with his member nudging the opening of her slit readily, Salem reached down and spread apart of her fresh pink pussy lips exposing her inner chambers gleefully while eying Jaune with surprise love in her heart.
She felt like her old self again, pre-corruption before she became vengeful and unhappy.
"Do it, darling. Rape me, breed me, impregnate me with many of your babies! I crave it!" She let out sparking the animal lust inside of Jaune as he guided his member into her sopping wetness. Salem's eyes went wide with utter surprise as she felt him split open her pussy widely and submerge it into her tightened depths. Her body shook and her breath slipped out in ragged pants of ecstasy as she felt it saw through her insides reaching her cervix in no time at all.
Her toes clenched and her body grooved up against his waist, Jaune held her hips into his hands and pushed himself all the way to the brim inside the white-skinned witch's tight cunt spearing her open as he reached into her womb creating a protrusion extending from her stomach. Salem's face shook and her smile became goofy as her tongue slipped out of her mouth with her eyes rolling up. She was feeling every sensation inside of her tight pussy go off at the same time with Jaune hitting her G-spot just by inserting himself into her taint. This created her first orgasm already causing her body to seize up underneath him!
"Aaaaaaaagghhh!~" She wailed out in utter bliss thrashing about on the bed while her legs wrapped tightly around his back. Jaune grunted in pleasure as he felt her vaginal walls squeeze down voraciously on his meat causing it to throb readily while he held her deep.
"Hngghh! Oohh Salem, I...I...here I go!" He announced grinning widely and began drawing back his hips in order to slam into her pelvis with thundering thrusts making her body shake. A loud echo of slapped skin erupted from his first penetration into her sopping pussy, Salem mewled as she felt her snatch quiver around his member prompting Jaune to begin fucking her in earnest.
The witchy woman giggled deliriously as she felt Jaune's massive phallus plunging its meat deep into her from above making her pussy walls throb and clench around it's large turgid shape. Jaune wetly drove it inside her cunt over and over again creating small splashes of her fluids with each hard thrust. The beastly blonde growled loudly as he felt her insides twist and knot around his throbbing member, he had been pushing his length gingerly into Salem's tight folds relishing the wet squeeze of her cervix as it pulled on him whenever he entered his length.
He started huffing like a beast when he dropped his pelvis into her waist meshing his body languidly into hers creating a loud raucous symphony of their fuck session. Smacking his body into her he fucked and fucked into her tightness over and over again making Salem run her hand through her hair meaning raggedly in mind-numbing bliss. She started heaving loudly making her chest rise and fall with every hard breast jiggle. Jaune found the sight titillating to the extreme making him regret choosing this position because he didn't access to her breasts, instead he started fucking his waist fast into Salem's pelvis making her body undulate along the bed as he bottomed out of her so ravenously.
"Haaahhh aaahh ahhh uaaahhh uuh uuu aaaahhh!~" She moaned loudly with each passing minute of his length plunging into her pussy. Her cervix opened wide sucking on his length some more as he steadily increased his output making his body ram into her pale one mechanically causing the bed to creak.
Soon Salem was moaning even faster now feeling his length hammer into her body like a machine, her walls throbbed and absorbed each blow of his penis while squeezing her vaginal muscles around him again and again. She started huffing in ecstasy letting her eyes roll up in their sockets while her body jiggled around senselessly to the copulation. Jaune grunted and continued ramming his hips into her for some time now making her succumb to her next several orgasms in between his intense fucking motions.
'Aaaggghhh!~" She screeched out feeling her sixth climax erupt after feeling him fuck her for well over an hour nonstop. Salem's legs dangled helplessly in the air with the wet sounds of copulation becoming even louder.
Jaune huffed heavily feeling his first major orgasm begin to erupt causing his pelvis to buck feverishly into her body! Salem could barely remain cognizant as the incessant fucking reached an apex, her demonic eyes opened up to look at Jaune pressing down hard onto her body making her succumb to a seventh orgasm causing him to cum with her! She let out a mighty scream and seized up in ecstasy making her feel her walls milk the Golden Lion's member excessively causing him to finally cum!
Tilting his head back Jaune let out a loud growl and pressed his hips all the way into her pelvis sheathing his meat log length deep into her cunt! His balls swelled and his shaft throbbed, soon thick copious amounts of heavily virile sperm entered Salem's taint filling up her cervix and by extension her womb!
"Eeaaaaaghhhh! Oooohh yesss! Yesss! Breeeed meee!~" Salem wiped out feeling her last bastion of sanity leave her body as she felt the thick splash of seed pour into her depths! Her body seized up and shook with an intense orgasm as she felt Jaune impregnating her. His member swelled, again and again, pumping excessive amounts of seed straight into her body, her pussy furiously milked his member for everything he had causing her womb to bloat with the amount she was sucking in. Her belly started bloating somewhat giving her the pregnant look already with how much he poured into her.
'Yes! I can feel it! The sperm, the precious sperm, every little swimmer of the Golden Lion racing towards my eggs! Oohh, I'm going to become a mother again! I will have this man's children for as long as I live! Oohhh I love you , darling!~' Salem thought to herself reaching utter nirvana as she came hard on Jaune's waist a third time while still getting injected with his seed.
He grunted and growled loudly like he normally does pumping her full of baby batter for the next five minutes. Once his orgasm settled down he leaned down onto Salem's body letting her buttocks land on the surface of the bed as he engaged her in Missionary position.
His lips met hers in a languid embrace causing her to wrap her arms and legs around his body as they made out again. Salem channeled her dark energies to make her tongue longer causing it to wrap tightly around Jaune's as he shoved it down her mouth. She sealed her wet lips tightly around his mouth savoring the feeling of him pressing down on top of her, she noticed he hadn't gone soft yet and was currently stirring his length inside of her pussy like it were butter.
"Hnnnggg! Mmmhhhh!~" She moaned loudly into his mouth tasting him for what seemed like forever when it was only actual minutes. When she broke off from his lips she spoke up again feeling like a born again woman of human flesh. "Darling...how about we go a few rounds before you take me back to your Lion's den? I want to be there among my fellow brood mothers and wait for the arrival of our baby, I can feel it growing inside me as we speak. What do you say?"
"Of course, my lovely Queen. Besides, I think they'll start worrying about me if I'm not there, but that doesn't mean we can't spend tonight with each other having sex." Jaune proposed making Salem shiver with excitement just before their faces reconnected in a raunchy tongue-fueled kiss.
He began moving again pumping his pelvis into her body from above causing the woman to shudder pleasurably in his mouth. Salem successfully wrapped her legs around Jaune's mighty back feeling him drop down onto her body mechanically fucking her sperm-filled insides once more. His pace quickened soon enough resulting in a languid mesh of skin-slapping noises made atop the creaking bed. Healthy golden white skin smashed against pale bone-white skin, both bodies heaved together languidly in sexual bliss with Salem mewling the entire time they fucked.
They fucked in Missionary position at first, with Jaune pumping his pelvis down on her body making her mewl leisurely in pleasure. His member pushed and swayed back and forth into her cunt making her arch her chest up with tits heaving in every movement. Salem's long legs rubbed up on his sides until they crossed ankles locking securely behind his rear, she loved feeling his muscular shape rut savagely against her body making her pussy squelch and squeeze his length as they continued mating in this position for another hour. Once Jaune pounded his hips into her for the final time he injected another thick healthy load of baby batter into her womb inflating the swollen stomach filled with cum even more. Salem had to took a moment to recover from that orgasm. When she awoke they went at it again.
For the next round she was on her hands and knees huffing loudly while her body lurched back and forth with incessant copulation. Her buttocks squished against his waist repeatedly getting pounded in repeat fashion making loud slapping noises. The white-skinned witch gasped constantly with her tongue out and eyes rolling up in their sockets as she felt her breeder lion stud ram his dick swiftly into her in doggystyle position. A fitting and more commonly used sex position used between Faunus. The bulge of her stomach was about the size of a small basketball now and would soon fill up with even more sperm once Jaune's bloated balls stop slapping into her nether region. Grunting loudly and holding back her wrists he continued to rail Salem completely until finally feeling her cunt clenched tightly on his manly meat making him cum again. He slammed his waist into her ass roughly and let out another primal roar before filling her stuffed womb with even more seed. Thick gushes of his essence spewed into Salem's body causing her to have another mind-crushing orgasm!
For the final round they undertook together Salem tried something special and magically cast a spell over themselves to levitate both their bodies into the air for a zero gravity effect. Jaune was impressed by this and became even more excited as he took the woman of his dreams, outside of Pyrrha, into his arms and legs pouncing on her body like a beast onto its prey for meat. He wasted no time in shoving his length back into her sopping quim making her yell out to the high heavens in ecstasy. It was a position like Missionary except more primitively intimate with Salem's legs hiked up and wrapped around his lower back like a monkey. Her arms came around to lock behind his shoulders while her face nuzzled against the side of his as he feverishly bottomed out of her cunt making her yelp and howl with non-stop pleasure. His member thickly pushed into her cunt once again, this time in an incensed pace that had her buttocks smacking down voraciously on his waist. Salem's milk-colored phat ass slammed aggressively on his thighs and pelvis, each cheek jiggled with the voracious fucking Jaune's meat delivered into her body. Salem was past the point of rational thought right now, her face consisted of a largely delirious expression as she bounced herself into Jaune's frame pressing herself onto his dick as if her life depended on it. They fucked in mid-air with her body jiggling and gushing constantly on his member as it bottomed out of her.
For a full hour and a half, this position continued with Jaune grunting until he felt his final orgasm was ready to happen. Humping his waist into her he pounded Salem's cunt over and over again until the last thrust where he slammed all of his length into pussy sheathing it all the way as he let out his final ejaculation! Howling to the skill and making the ghastly come once again Jaune pumped a thick deluge of sperm into her womb some more to the point an overflow of it spilled onto the bed! He just came and came repeatedly into Salem drowning out her eggs while she sputtered incoherently in orgasmic bliss. For nearly a minute his orgasm continued until it eventually stopped with Salem entering unconsciousness causing the spell to break. They landed on the bed together with Jaune safely shielding her body from harm and holding it against him lovingly while stroking her tummy.
The peaceful smile on her face would stay there with her for the entire duration he slept until the morning came. He held her closely never daring to let go. After a few minutes had passed he was preparing to go sleep himself until he saw a strange eerie glow consume Salem completely, her pale body shifted into a more lively golden hue like his own, her pale white hair became full of life and golden like the brightest sunlight. She managed to open her eyes for a bit before drifting back to rest, but Jaune saw that her dark sclera had vanished leaving her beautiful eyes to be a healthy human color with blue irises. The marks on her body faded away as did the pulsating violet crystal in the center of her chest, to his astonishment he saw a newly reborn human Salem materialize before him leaving the old ghastly one a distant memory.
He still had a thing for monster girls though, but beautiful blonde cougars that didn't look a day over twenty certainly made it for him as well.
"So…..I wonder if this will spawn a new generation of Golden Lion Faunus." Ozpin wondered to himself not at all feeling jaded or awkward watching his ex-lover Salem happily cradle herself within Jaune's arms.
Here he stood in the love nest otherwise known as the Lion's Den watching the proud breeder no longer breeding, instead he was cuddling with his many lovers whom were all pregnant and currently conceiving. This included Sienna Khan, famed leader of the White Fang, which was currently undergoing a regime change directing power back to her so long as she promoted peace and the splendor of her husband Jaune for the many thirsty Faunus women. Another member was the young Ilia Amitola, a girl that was confused by her feelings about Blake prior to meeting him, now she was another Faunus mother-to-be hanging off Jaune's left arm alongside Blake herself happily giggling and kissing while stroking each other's bellies. Ilia's body had filled out more due to the Golden Lions magic within her. She now had a petite yet voluptuous body like Nora. With round hips, slim waist and perky D-cups for nourishing her Alpha baby.
There were the three Schnee Matriarchs; Willow, Weiss, and Winter, all hanging off his right leg stroking his body affectionately with glowing smiles. Willow successfully outed Jacques in her plans to take back her father's company, oddly enough it turned out he really was having affairs with random secretaries and maids as part of his predatory nature. That turned around on him soon enough with him being terminated from majority shareholding leaving control up to Willow, her daughters, and her upcoming grandchildren. Right now however she was just happy being here with her lover, Jaune, basking in the glow of wholesome family-ness that she never had with Jacques. Like Ilia, Weiss had also filled out. The gallons of Jaune's sperm she had taken in had activated her mother's long-dormant genes causing her to fill out like her mother and her sister. She was still the slimmest and shortest of the three but now had thicc thighs, round apple shaped bottom and a robust and perky pair of D-cups.
Pyrrha hung closest to him alongside Salem, she lovingly held her arms around his right and nudged her head close to his wearing the ever-present smile on her face. She was wearing nothing at all save for a red lingerie set that bordered on maternal affair carrying his baby inside her belly as she grew to life little by little. She was the first thus further along than the others. Her breasts had grown into bountiful G-cups and her hips, thighs and booty had all swollen making her look like a literal Goddess of pleasure and fertility. She didn't mind one bit that he had to be shared. As far as the red-head was concerned there was plenty of Jaune to go around, though she did hope he'd be interested in meeting a certain family member of hers that lives in Argus where she trained.
Blake and Kali were happily saddled alongside his waist squishing between the others while fondling his body. His member had enough of everyone's hands on it to the point they altered to feeling his big muscular chest. Kali purred constantly feeling like she was always in heat now, given that she became younger thanks to his magical sperm she was sexually active nearly every day alongside Blake. When the cougar Milf Faunus had the itch Jaune would take care of it immediately and make her scream to the heavens as he took her in every way possible leaving her unable to walk or move. That's how good it was. Blake had begun writing a book series based on the revival of the Golden Lion titled 'Faunus Jaune's Fuck Frenzy', she hoped it'd trend and sell many digital and physical copies. Being inspired by her own smut series she decided it was time to start bringing in the money for the future of their children. Not that Jaune needed any trouble in that, with Sienna's plans to offer his magnificence to many Faunus women, as well as being celebrated a hero for 'subduing' Salem she felt he was good for a long time.
Yang however was thrilled to tell her father Taiyang, he was conflicted with both happiness and parental shock upon hearing his daughter got knocked up so early in life. When he came to meet Jaune a few days ago he was stunned to see that the boy was a literal Faunus Adonis as it were, even more so to see other women hanging off him. The man was confused and maybe a little disturbed at a harem king taking his daughter away, but he changed his mind when he realized how happy Yang was with her practically glowing while cradling her belly with motherly affection. He himself was very happy to be having a grandchild so soon and wondered if he should contact Raven to rub it in her face.
Salem was happier than she had ever been in her many eons. She felt her child growing within her and practically glowed with happiness. She was horny constantly after her millennia spanning dry spell and had Jaune satisfy her every day. She could even transform back into her Grimm form at will to spice things up whenever she wanted although it was entirely cosmetic as the evil urges to destroy everything where long gone. She also sensed that her child had extremely powerful magic surpassing the 4 maidens combined due to the mixing of her essence with the Golden Lions. This made her smile to the thought of magic returning to the world.
Glynda retired early because of her pregnancy, she sat alongside the masculine primal lover like everyone else now wearing her hair down with a more filled out body and smiling as much as Pyrrha was. All her life she'd been alone thinking no one would fancy her let alone marry her to foster children, fortunately she ran into Jaune during his initial mating frenzy and got herself pregnant with his child. Now she had him happily giving her the attention she needed and the love she never got from anyone else. This left Ozpin in a predicament of appointing his next deputy, but for now, he was just happy that his long-lasting conflicted with Salem had finally ended. She was human now, back to feeling things like love and happiness while nursing a new generation of life inside her belly. Jaune was right for her and not likely to make mistakes he made when fearing her darkness. His dick did literally cure her of it, that was something he found puzzling yet funny.
Taking a sip from his coffee mug he spoke up next to a red-hooded girl wearing an absolutely shocked expression on her face as she stared dumbly at it all after returning from the cookie convention in Mistral.
"Well, going to have to rearrange things to better resources for all the children that are to come. Though I think Mister Arc is set for the future I feel there is much to take care of, thankfully his mating frenzy ended leaving him normal for the time being and unable to impregnate any more women. For now at least. Looking forward to being an aunt in the future, Miss Rose?" Ozpin asked turning his head to a pale stricken-looking Ruby gawk at the scene of nearly everyone she knows rubbing up against Jaune as he laid on a widespread couch in the Lion's Den.
"Wha….wha…...what did I miss?!"
-0-0-0-0- End of Story -0-0-0-0-