
Hentai Simulator

After dying, Guru finds that he has transmigrated to an alternate reality: everything is the same, except the world is now a Fantasy world heavily influenced by gift(Skill), monsters and dungeons! Not only this, he discovers that he has a Hentai Simulator, from which he obtains rewards that make him incredibly powerful in his new reality as well. Gift, Skills, and overpowered abilities–all of this begins from a single simulation! Discard: https://discord.gg/uxc8c4h5 I am not well-versed in the concept of discard, which means I currently lack the necessary knowledge and understanding to effectively utilize it. It is a relatively new concept to me, and I have only recently gained access to information or resources related to it. I appreciate any guidance or assistance you can provide to help me better comprehend and make use of discard. Patreon: patreon.com/user?u=109087741 I have already uploaded ten additional chapters on my Patreon page, extending the story of this fanfiction even further. If you have been enjoying this fanfiction and would like to contribute to its creation, I would be incredibly grateful for your support on my Patreon page. By becoming a patron, you not only help me continue writing and expanding this story but also gain access to exclusive benefits. As a patron, you will have early access to new chapters, behind-the-scenes content, and the opportunity to provide feedback and suggestions for future plot developments. Your support on Patreon allows me to dedicate more time and resources to crafting this fanfiction, ensuring its quality and consistency. It enables me to focus on creating captivating storylines, developing complex characters, and maintaining a regular upload schedule. With your contribution, I can bring this fanfiction to life in ways that wouldn't be possible otherwise. Once again, thank you, Grey Knight Lord, Tempest1618, Manuel Chavez, WonderingAbyss, David Aderoju, GigaChad, Grey Knight Lord, Sir_dood134 (Mr. Andrew), Masutatai, Ceyhun Cagirici, and Austin for making this fanfiction possible. Your sponsorship and encouragement have made a lasting impact on our creative endeavors, and we are forever grateful for your presence in our fanfiction journey.

Thot_Slaughterer · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

[High Testosterone]

In a room he didn't recognize, there were books scattered around and a small table where he could do his homework with a computer.

'Mm... They really gave their ten-year-old kid a computer!'

On top of the shelves, he noticed some comic figures placed there as well.

Next to his bed, he glanced at the alarm clock which displayed the time as 4.30 AM.

It was too early to wake up; the usual owner of this body would typically wake up between 6.30 AM and 7.00 AM.

In his memory, he's currently in 5th grade at a nearby school. His dad is a manager in a private company, and his mom works under his team at the same company.

They're usually not home most of the time. Noa isn't the only child in their house, he also has an older sister named Chiaki who is three years older than him.

Chiaki is quite popular in her school and has the same blue eyes as Noa, but her hair is brown. Guru, recalling her adorable appearance from his memory, felt like he had seen her somewhere before, but couldn't remember where.

After trying hard to remember, he eventually gave up, got out of bed, and took a good look at himself in the mirror next to his bed.

In the mirror, he caught sight of a kid with maroon hair, appearing even cuter and much slimmer.

As he removed his clothes, he couldn't help but gasp at his slender physique, noticing even the bones in his reflection.

Contrary to what he remembered, Noa was never the type to skip meals; in fact, he always ate more than his peers, yet he never gained any fat.

Another surprising fact was his total body weight, which stood at 42 Kg. This was considerably higher compared to others.

Despite his lean appearance and shorter stature compared to his same-aged friends, he weighed more than ten kilograms more than them.

'This must be something to do with his gift...'

While waiting to see the status, Nao cleaned his room and placed every book and thing properly.

"W-what.. the?!... Who the fuck did gave these books to a child?!"

He couldn't help but let out a bewildered exclamation and cursed when he discovered some porn magazines under his bed.

His face contorted slightly as he realized that Nao himself had bought these books from the store, according to his memory.

With a mixture of shock and disgust, he quickly gathered everything and tied it up as garbage, not dwelling on it too much.

The impact of pornography on the brain is similar to that of other addictive substances or behaviors. It can trigger the release of dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reward, leading to a cycle of seeking more intense or novel forms of pornography to achieve the same level of satisfaction.

This can result in a desensitization to sexual stimuli, leading to a need for more explicit or extreme content to experience the same level of arousal.

Furthermore, constant exposure to explicit sexual content can desensitize children to the emotional and intimate aspects of sex. They may struggle to understand the importance of consent, boundaries, and mutual respect in sexual relationships.

This can have long-lasting effects on their ability to engage in healthy and fulfilling relationships as they grow older.


[Initializing Status function.... 100%...

The status function was installed successfully...

Now the Status window of the character is opening...


Name: Katsuki Nao


Combat Ability: None

Gift: [High Testosterone] (F-Rank, Rare grade)

Increased levels of testosterone in both quantity and quality without any negative effect on health. It is the main hormone responsible for male characteristics and functions in males. Testosterone contributes to the development of secondary sexual traits like increased muscle and bone mass, as well as the growth of body hair.


Increases Muscle and bone mass and density, Improves energy levels, and Improves Muscle strength immensely.


Needs to follow, a proper diet, workout, and a lot of sleep daily.

Remark: The current protection rate is 100-1,200 ng/dL, this may result in increased libido and overgrowth of sexual organs.

Conditions to clear this simulation:

* Establish a successful career using your unknown talent. (0%)

* Avoid the mistakes he made in his youth. (0%)

* Conquer (0/3).

Difficulty: Very Easy.]

At that exact moment, he heard a mechanical sound and saw that the notifications had flooded into his mind.

"[High Testosterone]?!"

The more Nao delved into his reading, the more he found it preposterous. He had a fair understanding of various skills at lower grades, but this particular skill was completely unheard of.

Considering it was an F-rank, Rare grade skill, it didn't appear to be anything extraordinary.

He was unaware of the upper limits of muscle and bone density development. Nevertheless, it ignited a sense of curiosity within him.

If the description held truth, it would explain why his physique appeared lean despite his actual weight.

While he lacked knowledge about the testosterone levels in a child's body, he was aware that a range of 100-1,200 ng/dL was exceptionally high for someone his age.

He more or less understood why Nao started to be interested in these matters.

Upon reading the section discussing the excessive growth of sexual organs, he removed his trousers and observed his significant appendage.

'Goodness, it is quite large...!!'

Considering his tender age of ten, his brother should have possessed a diminutive member resembling a small worm, yet it had already developed to the size of an adult's.

It measured an astonishing four inches in length and one and a half inches in width. Due to his morning arousal, it stood erect at a 90-degree angle, with prominent veins visible.

'Is this truly happening?!'

He struggled to comprehend how a young and innocent boy could possess such a substantial hidden weapon.

Despite witnessing it firsthand, he found it difficult to believe. As he stood before the mirror, he could see the stark contrast between his brother's physique and his own.


"Oi Nao, what are you doing with your lights on in this ver-...!!!"

As he examined his member for further clarification, someone suddenly slammed open his room and entered his room without asking permission.

The girl, with stunning blue eyes and brown hair, strolled into his room in her half-asleep state, yawning. Her words were interrupted as she spotted her younger brother standing in front of the mirror, holding his private part.

"C-chiaki-nee!! W-why?"

Nao stammered, flustered, questioning why she had entered his room so abruptly. The room fell silent as their eyes met.

Her mind went blank as she caught sight of her brother's well-endowed member, causing her face to turn a deep shade of red.

At that moment, a mix of shock, confusion, and embarrassment flooded Chiaki's senses. She had never expected to stumble upon such an intimate scene involving her brother. Her heart raced, and she struggled to find the right words to address the situation.

Nao, equally mortified, quickly released his grip and attempted to cover himself, desperately wishing he could disappear into thin air. He had never intended for his private moment to be witnessed by anyone, let alone his sister.

Chiaki finally found her voice, though it trembled with unease.

"S-sorry, Nao," she managed to utter, her voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't mean to intrude. I thought you were playing your video game without sleeping."


Author's note:

We extend our sincerest gratitude to Grey Knight Lord, Tempest1618, Manuel Chavez, WonderingAbyss, David Aderoju, GigaChad, Sir_dood134 (Mr. Andrew), Masutatai, Ceyhun Cagirici, Austin, and Copinsa for their invaluable support and contributions to our fanfiction. Your sponsorship and encouragement have greatly influenced our creative pursuits, and we will forever cherish your presence in our fanfiction journey.

We are thrilled to announce that we have acquired new patrons and supporters for our fanfics, namely Brandon Alberto Plata Espinoza and Nawaf Rashed.

For those interested in supporting my writing, I kindly request your assistance on my Patreon page. By becoming a member, you will gain exclusive access to ten chapters in advance. You can find me under the pseudonym Thot-Slaughterer fanfic writer or by clicking the provided link.