
Hentai Collection

Some random smut stories I found. You might like some and not like others. Additional tags: NTR, Raceplay, S&M, Cuck [I DO NOT own/claim any of these stories] *I do not own this cover

Che3na · Anime & Comics
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248 Chs

The House Cats [RWBY]

Summary: Blake goes home to visit her mother for the summer, only to find her already "entertaining" a rather racist human who has his sights on making both Belladonna women his personal breeding sluts.

Credit: Rabiator



Kuo Kuana

Blake Belladonna sighed to herself as she entered her family home, pushing open its large imposing doors with one hand and slipping inside gracefully. The old place had a lot of memories for her, even though it had changed since the last time she'd been here, with the decor slightly more gaudy than she remembered, brighter colors and a fresh sheen to the wood. Her white tailcoat swished about her legs as Blake considered how she'd spend the time here now, away from Beacon after the fall of that once mighty institution.

Blake's cat ears twitched as she adjusted her cut-out crop top, feeling somewhat self conscious, which was new for the attractive Faunus. Her body was the envy of nearly all the girls in Beacon, as well as Kuo Kuana, along with her fighting skills-Blake touched the hilt of her sword, Gambol Shroud, as if to remind herself of this fact-and she got along well enough with most people. But being among the Faunus nation, and in her family's home, was a complex affair for her.

But there was something else, something more immediate. Her nose twitched, Blake's senses always more sensitive than most, even among other Faunus. But the odor that was in this house now, not even the most stuffed-up or congested human could fail to get a whiff. It was a powerful scent, almost musky, with rich almost overwhelming notes to the aroma. It was like getting sprayed right in the face by an over eager perfume saleswoman, yet not entirely unpleasant to Blake.


She called out as she closed the door behind her, venturing deeper into the house. The strange scent intrigued her, it was like nothing she could recall smelling before, though parts of it were familiar to her, and certainly not something she associated with the Belladonna home. She knew every nook of this place, even her father's study, and a strange aroma was of note to the bookish young woman.

"Oh, there you are!"

It was Kali, Blake's mother, stepping out of the door leading to the kitchen, unstrapping a white apron from around her waist. She looked overjoyed to see her daughter, and Blake gave her a smile that was equally warm, if smaller. The pair embraced as Kali peppered her daughter with questions.

"How was the boat across, did you have a safe trip? What are your plans for the summer-will any of your friends be stopping by? Are you hungry, I could whip something up for you. Oh, I'm just so happy to see you!"

Blake blushed slightly, almost embarrassed even in private by her mom's open, gushing enthusiasm.

"One question at a time, mom. Here, I'll go first: where's dad? I expected him to at least peek his head out from the study when I got here."

Kali took a slight step back, brushing one hand across Blake's cheek softly.

"I'm afraid your father already left on a trip, important business of some kind he said. I'm afraid I wasn't paying much attention, but I do know he won't be back for at least another two months, I'm sorry."

Blake shrugged, not overly bothered.

"I understand mom, I know that dad has a lot of responsibilities. I hope you've been keeping busy, not too lonely with him gone? You look very nice."

Kali smirked at that in a mischievous way, as though she was aware of some secret joke Blake had made. It was a strange expression, one that made Blake study her mother most closely. As usual, it was almost like looking at a funhouse mirror-Blake and her mother had many similarities, which only made their differences stand out even more. They were both a little taller than the average woman, with the same pale skin, dark lustrous hair and bright, large amber colored eyes. Kali's ears were noticeable larger, with two gold studs on her right and one on her left, as she had always been quite proud of her ears and willing to draw more attention to them.

The differences were caused more by their lifestyles and age. While Kali was more than twenty years older than her daughter, she could have passed for an older sibling, yet there was still a mature, seasoned look to her face, and a softness to her body. Blake's form was more toned, with a flat stomach and well defined biceps as well as calves, and her ass was a fat thick shelf that jutted out behind her but still stayed high and perky due to constant exercise. But while Blake's breasts were just as impressive, nearly spilling out of her top and pressed flush against the many cut-outs that offered a tantalizingly incomplete view of her cleavage, Kali had her beat in both categories.

Her matronly hakama did nothing to hide her enormous breasts, which threatened to spill out of the top or simply burst it wide open if Kali took too deep a breath. Her flouncy black dress whirled around her ankles, yet was drawn tight to cover her fat, Faunus MILF rump, large enough to be seen by anyone standing in front of Kali. If she wasn't careful to take small, lady-like steps, her two perfect and enormous globes of ass would be bouncing and clapping off of each other in an almost hypnotizing and lewd display.

As much as Blake didn't like to dwell on such things, she did feel just a touch of envy from admiring her mother, if only out of the vain wish to age so well. But there was something else that was different about her mother, a twinkle in her eye, and how she kept taking deep, almost luxurious breaths, further setting her tits to wobbling. Kali had to be aware of the smell in the air as well, though she gave no indication of it. The conversation drew on for some time, all the chit-chat that accompanied a long overdue visit, before Blake cleared her throat.

"Well mom, actually I wanted to ask you about something. Ever since I got here, I've noticed something kind of well...odd. And I wanted to ask if-"

Blake's ears twitched, alerting her to noise from behind and for just a second her trained reflexes kicked in as her muscles tensed. But as she listened, the door opened and footsteps entered the house, it was clear there was no aggression in the other person's stride. As she went to turn around to see who it was, Blake noticed that Kali's eyes nearly lit up like the shining lights at a Beacon holiday dance. It was an expression that strangely reminded Blake of how some of her old classmates, specifically the often lovesick Yang.

Blake turned around, looking not just at the new arrival, but up, as he was rather tall, as large as her father. That meant Blake was staring at the man's chest, her head basically level with his torso. She looked up to see his face, and couldn't help but think he was rather handsome. Not as broad as her father, which meant he looked more like a swimmer or a runner than a weightlifter, but still with toned and tanned arms. His sleeveless blue shirt was tight across his chest, revealing firm pecs, below which he wore slightly baggy cargo pants tucked into clunky black work boots.

For a second, Blake's eyes met his, seeing a brimming confidence in his bright, slate-grey eyes. His blond hair trailed below his shoulders in intricate, almost tribal style braids, and he wore a smoldering expression on his face, firm jawline covered in a clear five o'clock shadow.

But their eye contact was quickly broken as Kali rushed past Blake, looking even happier than she had been to see Blake.

"Oh I'm so glad to see you! It's been hours I was nearly getting worried."

Kali put her hand on the man's arm-and that was the only way Blake could think to describe him, he was a few years older than she was, but could have passed for a young strapping thirty if he wanted, with a kind of handsome maturity to his strong featured face.

"Blake, this is Steele, he's from Beacon too! Though I think he was a few years ahead of you. He's been doing some sightseeing over the summer."

Blake had thought he looked familiar, and now she placed him, a student from Beacon years ago. He looked even taller than in her memories, with the stubble on his chin and the tight shirt suiting him well, she had to admit.

"Steele, this my daughter, Blake."

For a second, Blake wasn't sure if she should shake hands or just smile and greet him politely, but that decision was taken out of her hands. Rather than greet her traditionally, Steele actually reached out and pet her head, like she was a cat, his grip firm and his hand feeling huge on her head as Steele smirked at her.

"Hello, kitten."

Blake felt a vein in her forehead twitch, and her eyes practically bulged out her skull.

"Hey! Knock that off, you can't just...pet me on the head like I'm some sort of stray animal or something!"

Steele took his hand away, though he didn't look apologetic, instead he simply waved a hand at Blake airily, dismissing her concerns. He looked at Kali, smirking at her.

"So, cougar, when will dinner be ready? I've worked up a pretty big appetite from all the...sightseeing I've been doing. There's certainly a lot to look at on Faunus Island."

Blake balled her fists up in an almost cute display of anger, opening her mouth to tell this jerk the real name of this island, but Kali spoke first.

"Oh it'll be ready soon, don't you worry. Blake, could you give me a hand?"

Blake looked at her mother, even more surprised than before. Having some asshole human treat her rudely wasn't anything new to the Faunus woman, sadly, but her mother asking for help in the kitchen, that was a new one.

"Uh, erm...are you sure? You usually prefer to do that sort of thing yourself, and I'm not really good at-"

"The kitchen. Now. Dear." Kali said, her expression almost sickly sweet but her tone making it clear there was to be no argument. It was almost like she didn't want to leave Blake alone with Steele or something. Which the younger Belladonna could sympathize with.

The pair hurried off to the kitchen, with Kali nearly dragging Blake along with her.

"Be back soon!" She called back to Steele, winking at him before they left. Kali put a swing into her hips as she walked, not so much stepping as strutting, making her fat ass look even more appealing than usual.

A little while later, the mismatched trio sat down for dinner, and Blake noted with scorn that Steele was sitting at the head of the table, at her mother's insistence. That left Kali and Blake sitting across from each other, and while Blake tried her best to glare at her mother and make it clear how much she disliked this arrangement, Kali barely paid her any attention at all. She only seemed to have eyes for their guest, who ate like a pig in Blake's opinion, crouching over his food and making no effort to keep himself quiet.

"Mother." Blake finally said, getting Kali's attention through the sheer iciness of her tone.

"Why, exactly, is Steele having dinner with us? He's not...staying here is he?"

Kali giggled, rubbing her fingers along her ears in an almost coquettish fashion.

"Well, dearest daughter, Steele needed a place to stay while he enjoys-that is to say, explores-Menagerie, and you know how hotels are so expensive these days. We have more than enough room, so I offered him a room for his stay. After all, he's such a handsome-I mean, nice young man."

Blake scoffed. "That's one word for it. I don't suppose dad knows about this, does he?"

Before Kali could respond, Steele straightened back in his chair just as there was a clattering sound.

"Ah crap, I dropped my fork." He said, with a significant look at Kali.

"Oh, I'll get it!" Kali sounded like she was volunteering for the chance to win a lottery. In a flash, she ducked beneath the table, dropping down beneath the table cloth and getting on her hands and knees. Out of view like this, Blake was forced to look at Steele, though she tried to stare down at her food. This break in conversation went on for far longer than Blake expected-how long could it take to pick up a fork?-until she was forced to speak in the interminable silence.

"Don't you have any friends of your own you could be staying with? Or are you just not that popular?" She asked coldly.

Steele looked completely unbothered by her remarks, if anything he seemed like he was enjoying himself immensely.

"Ah-I don't have any Faunus friends. Not exactly my type of people...ugh, you understand."

Blake almost rose from her chair, indignant.

"No, actually, I don't understand! Why don't you explain it to me?"

Steele gripped the table in front of him, and for a moment Blake was worried she'd gone too far, but instead he stayed put, back stiff. Before anything too offensive could erupt from either party, Kali popped back up. She looked flushed as she spoke.

"Ahh...wow, I think I got up too fast. Moving around with all this weight on my chest sure is getting harder." To prove her point, Kali actually cupped her breasts crudely, lifting them up nearly to her chin before letting them drop, where they bounced with an almost audible springing sound. Blake looked utterly scandalized, eyes wide.

"Mom! You...you shouldn't do something like that. Especially not when we have a guest."

Steele grunted at that, like she'd just said something stupid.

"What do I look like to you, blind or something? I'd have to walk around with my eyes closed to miss the sight of this cougar's fat tits. Not to mention the absolute dump truck ass she's walking around with-she's practically taller sitting down!"

That was it for Blake. Gripping her fork hard enough to bend the soft metal, she stood up, pushing her chair back loudly.

"You know what? I think I've lost my appetite. I'll be in my room. Thanks for dinner, mom." Blake pointedly didn't address Steele in any way or even look at him before she stormed out of the room, going out of her way to stomp, though she was embarrassed as it just made her look like a cute, pouty child given how light her steps still were.

A few minutes later, Blake felt her anger not having dissipated at all, if anything she was just more upset than she had been. By what right did Steele's behavior get to force her out of a room in her own home? He should have been the one to leave, and even then only after apologizing for his rude and frankly racist behavior. Blake got up from the chair in her bedroom, putting down the thick book she'd been trying to distract herself with, and stalked back to the dining room.

When she got there, something made her stop just before she opened the door, her senses practically screaming at her that something was amiss. She heard strange noises, ones she had no frame of reference for, and Blake's sensitive nose was twitching like crazy. Whatever stench she had detected before, it was back and nearly ten times as pungent, her eyes nearly watered from the odor.

Hesitating where before her anger had made her bold, Blake cracked open the door, just peeking around the corner. She gasped at what she saw, both hands coming up to her mouth and clamping around her jaw, lest she be discovered.

Inside the dining room, Steele was still sitting in his chair-Blake's father's chair, really-but he'd pushed it back some and was now sitting with his legs widespread. His pants were pushed down between his ankles, and Kali was on her knees under the table, sucking on his fat, huge cock. Veiny and wide, with an almost angry red shaft and a round, fist-sized purple tip, Blake had never seen anything so large, and now her mother was sucking on it like a cheap whore.

Steele had his hands on her mother's skull, gripping her sensitive ears and using this handhold to jerk her face up and down on his cock. Spittle flew everywhere as Kali was facefucked, while she could only moan like a bitch in heat, clearly loving this brutal treatment.

"You stupid, slutty cougar! You just couldn't help yourself huh, you wanted a taste of my big fat superior human dick so much, you just had to start sucking me off right at dinner, didn't you? You're lucky your stupid daughter left when she did, otherwise you probably wouldn't have been able to hold back from sucking this dick in front of her, could you?"

He smacked Kali roughly in the face, leaving a stinging red handprint over her delicate features.

"Could you?!"

With her keen ears, Blake could hear Kali's response, even as it was muffled by cock. With kittenish moans and obvious enthusiasm, Kali was trying to say "no", though it was coming out more like "Nuhf, mmph!" complete with sputtering lips and red-faced hacking sounds. Blake knew she should look away, should run away really, but some part of her, a twisted perverted part, couldn't help but watch her mother get her face stuffed by cock.

Eventually, after nearly another thirty minutes, Steele shoved Kali's head down against his crotch, hard. The hung jerk was holding Kali down, even as he was very obviously coming, his balls growing tight as he grunted and groaned. Clearly even with something as intimate as sex, he was a crude, arrogant man. Kali's face grew dark red as her eyes rolled back in head, while her throat made clear, lewd swallowing noises, gulping down sperm by the mouthful.

Watching this final, indignant act, Blake's shame and shock were simply too much to bear. It was one thing that something as disgusting, as depraved, as utterly insane as this was happening to her mother, but to watch it from less than ten feet away like some twisted voyeur, that was too much. Blake turned and dashed back to her room, in her haste not caring to be quiet. Nor too, did she notice that Steele happened to be staring directly at her as she left, even as he finished coming deep inside her mother's throat.

Later that night, as she tried to sleep, Blake heard noises coming from her parents room. With how loud they were being, and Blake's hearing, she knew exactly what was happening, as unthinkable as it would have been to her only a few hours earlier. Her mom was clearly getting her brains fucked out, with loud cries and muffled groans ringing out. It was clear Kali's face was probably covered by something, like a pillow maybe, and if not, then practically the entire city of Menagerie would have been able to hear her cries. The only thing nearly as loud was the sound of the bed, her parent's marriage bed, shaking and squeaking, the mattress straining under the efforts of the no doubt incredibly rough sex that was happening, while the headboard clumped and thumped against the wall.

Grabbing her pillow and wrapping it tight around her own cat ears, Blake tried to block out the noises, squeezing her eyes shut as well. But try as she might, she could still hear what was going on, the strained cries of "Mmmph, mmph, MPPPH!", the creak-creak-creak of the mattress, and over that, Steele's own un-muffled grunts and moans of dominance, control, and his profanity laced stream of dirty talk as he decried her mother as a "filthy, cheating, Faunus slut."

It was clear Blake was not going to get much sleep that night. What was even harder to ignore than the sounds of the brutal, fast-paced fucking was the aroma of pure sex that now filled the entire house. Well that, and the uncomfortable sensation of how unbearably wet Blake's own pussy was, soaking her tight black panties completely through.

The next day, Blake was tiptoeing through the house, trying to find a nice quiet room in which to ignore Steele and try to find her mother, she had to know how long this farce was going to go on. Maybe she could even threaten to tell her dad about it, somehow? Though she wouldn't be surprised if her father didn't even believe her-she wouldn't have, a few days ago.

So Blake was sitting in one of the smaller sitting rooms, again burying her face in a book, when Kali walked in. She opened her mouth to speak, to try and confront her mother, as awkward as a conversation like that would be, but she was cut-off before she could speak. That was happening a lot lately, and the same again this time it was due to sheer shock at what she was witnessing.

Kali walked, with a bit of a slower stride than usual looking slightly haggard with unkempt hair and deep purplish circles around her eyes. None of which was surprising, given what Blake knew about what had happened last night. But what was surprising was what Kali was wearing. Namely, an extremely plunging black monokini, with two straps covering her breasts, barely, as the top was essentially two triangles of fabric that covered Kali's puffy and obviously hard nipples. Then the two straps plunged down to cover her crotch, exposing Kali's midsection, as well as her shapely hips and thick, mouth-watering thighs. just as the back was barely a thin line of fabric between her fat asscheeks. It was perhaps the most obscene piece of clothing Blake had ever seen, and to see her mom in it was even more lewd.

"M-mom! You can't wear that, you just can't. Especially not with that bastard Steele in the house! Which...how much longer is he going to be here anywhere?"

As before, Kali wasn't listening. Because at that moment, as though speaking his name had summoned him, Steele appeared. Shirtless this time and wearing the same cargo pants as yesterday, though no boots anymore. Blake hated herself for noticing that without his shirt on, Steele was very attractive, with an obvious eight pack of abdominal muscles as well as flat, firm pectorals.

"Wheeee-wooo!" A crude wolf whistle escaped from Steele's lips as he walked in, his eyes raking over Kali's nearly nude form with obvious hunger.

"Well you look even better than last night, cougar. And that's saying something." Steele actually had the audacity to whistle at Blake after he said this, and she wanted him to smack him across the face for that. But in addition to her anger, she felt a bit of...envy, as well.

Kali blushed a deep red, simpering a bit as she fluffed her hair up by her face, batting her eyelashes like a kitten.

"Well, what do you think? It's new, I got it just for...a special someone~" Kali teased.

Steele's response was, like everything else about him, blunt and to the point.

"Walking around looking like that, you hot little slut? If you were my wife, I'd breed you like the cat in heat you are, cougar."


Steele walked over to Kali's side, smacking her firmly on the ass. Uncovered as they were, it was obvious that her booty cheeks were clapping and jiggling, along with the bright red handprint he had given Kali. She wore it like a badge of honor, blushing an even deeper red than before.

"Oh, you! Stooop." Kali said, in that manner that teenage girls everywhere used when they were pretending to reprimand a handsy boy whose approval they craved but didn't want to admit that they did.

Watching her mom act like a lovesick teen, especially in a state of nearly complete undress like that, was too much for Blake. She began to walk off, grateful at the very least that neither one of two cheating fuckers was paying her any attention. Or at least, that was what she thought.

Just as she passed, Steele whistled again, a little lower this time, but still obvious.

"And you, kitten. You clearly take after your mother, eh?"

Blake looked over her shoulder, seeing that he was openly staring at her ass. Blake knew it was probably pretty obvious in these pants she was wearing-for some reason she'd put on an older pair of tight black pants this morning, along with a white cotton tank top that supported her tits and only made them more obvious. It wasn't that she wanted to dress up or anything, this had just been the outfit Blake had picked out...completely by random, of course.

In what was of course just as random an impulse as what had made Blake dress up the way she had this morning, she felt compelled to return. Unable to stay away from the sitting room, Blake once again found herself acting like a peeping tom in her own home. She knew what she was going to see this time, and that only made her more interested in watching, when she knew she should have been repulsed. The utter wrongness of the situation was resonant in Blake's mind, as overwhelming as the scent that now lingered throughout every room of the house, the scent that could only be from Steele's pure human, unadulterated and hyper virile musk and natural pheromones.

Still, knowing and seeing were two different things, so when Blake gathered her courage to spy on her mother and Steele, she gasped at what she saw. Steele was sitting on the couch with his arms resting on the back like he owned the place, while Kali was lewdly parking her fat ass right in Steele's lap. Openly grinding her thick rump in Steele's crotch, Kali was shaking her hips like she was a stripper giving some VIP client a lewd private show. Steele's strong arms, corded with muscle and nearly bulging with prominent veins wrapped around Kali's midsection, grabbing and mauling her full tits, causing the barely covered jugs to almost inflate under his grasp, the pale skin puffing out around his fingers.

"You Faunus women just can't help yourself? Are you all such shameless sluts for human cock?" He asked her, smugness dripping off of every word.

Kali's reply was immediate, without even thought.

"A true Faunus woman...hah, ooh...knows that we're really supposed to be pets for our betters, studly human men like you!"

Steele smirked, tweaking Kali's nipples and making her mewl openly as she backed her ass up further into his lap, thick and firm asscheeks practically swallowing up his obvious bulge. Even from where she crouched, watching, Blake could see the outline of Steele's dick barely contained by his pants.

"Does that include your own daughter?" Steele asked, slipping his hands underneath the small triangles of Kali's top and massaging her sensitive, creamy tits.

Kali nearly grinned at this, happiness shining out of her face. "Oh yes, Blake would make a very good pet for you, Steele. She'd just need to be a little more honest with herself about what she wants."

Steele grunted. "I couldn't agree more."

With a swift and easy push of his large hands, Steele shoved Kali off of his lap, where she landed easily on her feet. She turned to face him quickly, eyes staring up at him with playful delight, happy to be mauled and shoved and groped however this brute of a human wanted.

"Alright then, you tits for brains cougar, use those big fat milf tits the way you were made to."

Kali giggled at his command, undoing his pants quickly, as though she'd practiced this many times before. Tugging his pants off and hurriedly throwing them aside, Kali cooed at the sight of Steele's cock, wasting no time in wrapping her fat tits around it, nudging her bikini top's two small pieces of cloth to one side to expose her fat MILF milkers in all their glory, dark pink nipples as large as erasers and almost painfully hard. She moaned, feeling Steele's impossibly thick dick spread her tits wide, even as she used both hands to crush her chest tighter around his manhood, giving him a lewd energetic titwank that many lesser men would have given their right hand for.

Blake was even more impressed than Kali, watching from the corner. With his pants off and his monstrous cock fully unleashed, the musk filling the room assaulted her nose even from this far away, and Blake barely noticed as her mouth started watering. This cock currently fucking her mom's tits was a huge, burly, veiny slab of dickmeat, thicker than her flexed bicep and looking to be at least as long as her arm.

Blake was no blushing virgin, back when she'd been with Adam she'd barely been able to keep her hands off of him. But the difference...there was no comparison here, Adam had been swinging a thick, ten inch long cock that filled Blake up perfectly. Steele looked to be maybe three times as huge, with a fat, leathery satchel of balls beneath the untamed hairy base of his cock. Blake had been able to handle Adam for about half an hour before she was fucked into a brainless, orgasmic heap, and she was usually sore the next day. From what she'd heard last night, Steele could go a lot longer than that.

Oh my god! A huge fat, nasty human cock like that...it would absolutely break me like the dirty Faunus bitch I am!

Blake couldn't shake these and other, more degrading thoughts as she continued to watch the sight of her mom servicing Steele's dick with her huge tits. And from this close, she could see that was exactly the right word, service-Kali was only too happy to be Steele's personal maid, cooking his meals, sucking his cock, sharing her bed with him and using her body as nothing but a plush, pillowy masturbatory toy for his pleasure, and clearly Kali loved every minute of it.

"What a whore you are, cougar. If those dumb terrorist fucks in White Fang could see you now, what would they say?"

Kali cooed, her tits flying up and down Steele's shaft so fast they were a blur, nearly smacking herself in the chin with her own huge knockers.

"I don't give a fuck! Let them call me a dirty race traitor slut, as far as I'm concerned, Faunus men are nothing but trash. Why would I want any of them when there's a big fat human cock like this?"

Blake couldn't believe the filth coming from her mother's mouth, but there was no end to it. Kali happily degraded herself as the tit fuck went on and on, saying that she was in her "natural place" on her knees for Steele. Steele told her what a dumb housewife cunt she was and Kali practically vibrated in response, her whole body humming with arousal. Soon, Kali was panting openly, her tongue lolling out of her mouth to lick at the engorged tip of Steele's cock, and it almost seemed that she was enjoying this base, subservient act of cock worship even more than Steele was.

Blake had no idea how long she'd been watching, but it was clear something was about to happen. With a grunt, Steele's face contorted, forming the same mask of ecstasy that he'd worn yesterday with Kali underneath the dinner table. His cock seemed to flex, balls tensed and drawn up close to his body, his whole veiny shaft shaking somewhat, the veins on the bottom coursing outwards. His pissslit dilated, nearly as large as Kali's pinky finger, before his dick began to erupt. Blake couldn't just see or smell the nasty eruption of thick, off-white human come, she could even hear the disgusting load being blown all over her mother.

Spllrt! Spllrt! Spllrch!

Kali cooed and opened her mouth, catching as much sperm as she could, though there was far too much. Hot jets of spunk lanced all over her face, and soon she was covered in a heavy, almost steaming bucket's worth of the stuff, making her look almost unrecognizable. In that moment, Blake could barely say that this woman looked like her mother Kali when all she really looked like was a dick drunk, human fucking sperm glazed bimbo whore. Never had her outside matched Kali's inner self more.

Steele jerked his cock lazily as his orgasm finished, draining his last few massive shots onto Kali's face, plugging up one of her nostrils and glueing one of her bright amber eyes shut. With a smirk on his face, he stood up, and Blake was once again struck at how big he was, so much taller and more muscular than her or her mother, and with that massive dick almost seeming to have a gravity, a presence of its own.

Steele grabbed Kali by one of her ears, and she squealed a bit at this, cheeks flushing red as he pulled her to her feet, moving slowly and clearly in the aftershocks of her own orgasm. Blake burned with shame and arousal to see that her mother had nearly squirted herself silly just from being used as a human's jizz trough.

"Well, I know you Faunus sluts would rather clean yourself up with your own tongue, but I don't have time for that. And since you're all dirty we're gonna have to get you cleaned up."

Steele marched away with Kali following obediently behind him, hurrying to keep up, making her barely covered ass clap and bounce with every step she took. Knowing she shouldn't, Blake had no choice but to follow as stealthily as she could while resisting the urge to plunge one hand in her pants and start masturbating right then and there.

Perhaps conveniently, Blake got to the bathroom in time to see that the door had been left open a crack-clearly the pair weren't paying much attention to anything but each other. This made it much easier to spy on more of her mother and Steele's sordid, lustful activities.

Steele's muscular build was on full display as he dragged Kali into the shower, turning the faucet on quickly inside the sliding glass shower. The water pouring over the pair only highlighted the attractiveness of the couple-Kali, a paragon of MILFy sexuality, with huge full tits an hourglass waist and the fat rear end that exploded out of her hips; and then Steele, with his washboard abs,lithe legs, and strong, muscular arms along with that massive, fat, throbbing bitch-breaking cock.

In a second, Steele had Kali's legs spread like she was a criminal being accosted by some overzealous officer, kicking her ankles spread past shoulder-width and pressing Kali forward. As she turned her face to one side, cheek pressed against the glass, her massive tits were as well, further highlighting how huge they were as they were pushed against the shower glass. For a second, Blake was worried Kali might see her, or Steele as they were facing the bathroom door, but it was clear they had other things on their mind.


The sound of wet skin slamming into wet skin reached Blake's ears, as Steele grabbed Kali's hips and wasted no time in just ramming his fat cock deep inside her sopping wet mature pussy. Kali yipped like the rutting animal she was as her eyes rolled back in her head. With just a few more thrusts, Steele had buried nearly two feet of his thick prick inside Kali's stretched pussy, which still left enough dick outside that would have been larger than a normal human's entire length. The older woman moaned in a low, almost guttural fashion, clearly coming her brains out as her pussy gushed, squirting all over the shower floor with heavy wet sounds.

"You dirty little slut, fuck I can feel your pussy squeezing me! You're coming your brains out all over this cock, aren't you? You little cheating cougar bitch!"

Smack! Smack! Smack!

With one hand, Steele began to mercilessly beat Kali's ass, marking her up with bright red handprints. The water all over her ass only made the impacts sting more, and Kali jumped at each impact, her moans and yowls only growing more ecstatic and loud, clearly getting off on the rough treatment. Soon, the shower door was shaking in its frame as Steele rammed Kali from behind for all he was worth, and Blake could even see a clear bulge appear in her mother's flat stomach over and over again. Steele's dick was clearly buried deeper in Kali's body than she could handle, as her face turned a dark red from the constant orgasms, and that bulge appeared and disappeared like some earth-tilling machine was at work in her tight, hot, dripping pussy, reshaping her insides.

Soon, Blake could resist what her body was telling her to do no longer. As her mom got what little brains she had left get fucked out, Blake slipped a hand into her dark jeans, plunging two fingers into her soaking wet pussy as she watched. She was already so turned on by the sordid nature of what she was seeing, watching as the bathroom filled up with steam from the hot shower and the overwhelming scent of sex and Kali's own constant squirting pussy juices.

Steele grabbed Kali by both ears, holding her firmly as her hands slapped against the shower door. With the water having washed away the jizz from earlier, it was easy to see how crazed with lust Kali's expression was, before Steele bent her head back, turning her spine into an exaggerated bow shape.

"You're gonna take it all you bitch! I'm gonna turn you into the good Faunus fuck toy you were meant to be!"

Wham! Wham! Wham!

"Oh god yes! Please, give it all to me baby, just like that! Ruin my nasty cheating pussy! I won't ever go back to pathetic Faunus cock again-oh shiiiit!"

Kali moaned and screamed, unable to form coherent words any long as Steele buried every last inch of his dick inside her spasming cunt. His balls slapped off of her cunt with loud, heavy noises of impact. It was clear Kali's mind, her very soul, was being fucked right out of her-possibly for good.

But then, as Blake watched, getting close to an orgasm herself, there was a moment, just for an instant. Kali seemed to make eye contact with Blake herself, watching through the cracked bathroom door. With a smirk, the mother daughter pair had a lewd, obscene moment of mutual clarity, both of them unable to resist feelings of lust for the same brutal racist human.

Then Kali's eyes rolled up in her head once more, her arms going limp. Steele was fucking her so hard her slick wet feet lifted up from the shower floor, toes curling as she experienced one long, body burning cycle of multiple orgasms. He grunted behind her, seeming more like a beast than any Faunus ever had, practically a machine built only to fuck.

"I'm gonna knock you up you bitch! If I haven't already ruined your stupid Faunus womb with my cock. Either way-you're never going to have another Faunus child again, you should be thanking me for wiping out the genetic filth inside your body with my superior human come."

As Steele rutted deep inside Kali, clearly having a powerful orgasm and painting the inside of her womb white with his jizz, her mouth opened in a distended rictus shape. Her voice was nearly unrecognizable, wracked through with painful ecstasy as she came again, nothing but a human's fuck toy now.

"S-shannkkk yeeeww!" She moaned, hyperventilating so fast, it almost seemed like she might have a heart attack from how hard and often she was coming.

Spllrt! Spllrt! Spllrtchh!

Blake watched, horrified and aroused, as her mother's belly inflated with jizz, making it look like she'd just swallowed an entire gallon of water, and then it just kept going. Soon Blake collapsed to the floor, having an almost painfully intense orgasm of her own, her face turning red as she covered her mouth with her other hand, feet kicking out in either direction. It was the most powerful climax Blake had ever felt, all from watching her mother get utterly ruined by human cock and filled up with enough come to birth a full litter of children, broken by Steele's superior dick-it was clear there was no possible way she wouldn't get pregnant from the sheer keg's worth of spunk that had been drained into her MILFy little cunt.

When Blake's vision focused again a shadow fell over her face, and she looked up, eyes goggling at what she was seeing. It was Steele, looking at her with a complete lack of surprise on his face. It was obvious that, like Kali, he knew Blake had been there for some time.

"Tired of watching, Blake?" Steele asked, and Blake was embarrassed to blush just from hearing him say her name. She tried to shake her head to speak, but no words would come. Instead she just kept staring up at that huge fat cock, still covered in left-over jizz and her own mother's pussy juices.

Deciding the way she was looking at his dick like a lovesick kitten was answer enough, Steele simply picked Blake up off the ground like she weighed no more than a feather. She surprised herself by stripping her shirt off and throwing it to one side as he undid her pants, and though Blake was still unable to admit what she truly wanted, it was clear she no longer saw any point in denying it. This man, this brute of a human who cared for nothing except sex and treated Faunus women like pure trash-she wanted him so badly it was driving her crazy.

Steele was soon grinding his cock head right up against her weeping pussy, not pushing inside yet and simply teasing Blake.

"So, kitten, do you want to get bred, just like your mom? You can give her some superior human grandkids and wipe out your failure of a father's genes, forever."

Torn between this horrific act of betrayal to her father and her own people, yet driven mad with lust, Blake just shook her head, her eyes wild.

"Nuh-no, not that." But it was clear from her tone that her words were false, some last bit of play-acting before she gave in entirely. Honestly, Steele was impressed and surprised-her own mother, a married woman, hadn't been able to hold out so long.

"Nobody likes a liar, you bad little kitten." Steele quipped, before his hands wrapped tight enough around Blake's little waist so his fingers overlapped. It was yet another sign of his size and strength and what a little kitten fuck toy she was to him. With one brutal yank, Steele impaled Blake's pussy on his cock like burying a fence post in the ground.

"Ohhh Fuckkk! HNNNG!"

With this one brutal thrust, Blake began to come, feeling her mind temporarily shut down for a moment. She could feel and hear her pussy stretching open around Steele's cock with lewd, wet, meaty sounds. There was a brief instant where Blake stopped, her legs stiff, her body leaning back against Steele's smooth, sweaty body, as his dick reached the back of her pussy, hitting the tight ring of her cervix. With a slight push of his hips, Steele's cock popped inside Blake's womb, slamming in the back of her baby bag like a battering ram, completely rehsaping Blake's pussy just to be a better cocksleeve for his dick.

"Fuck that's a tight pussy!" Slate said, thrusting his hips upward and soon getting into a rhythm with pulling Blake down at the same time. Blake could only moan, her head bouncing around savagely on her neck, nearly hard enough to give her a whiplash from how thoroughly that big human cock was coring her out.

Wham! Wham! Wham!

Blake glanced down, getting a sight of Steele's cock lodged deep in her body, nearly pushed up between her own fat tits. Her teeth clenched, tongue sticking out slightly at the sight of this, eyes crossed and her face flushed. She looked exactly like the brainless, dick drunk, retarded Faunus bimbo Steele had pegged her for the moment he had first seen her. To think her mom was passed out on the shower floor, still occasionally twitching in the aftershocks of the pussy reaming Steele had given her.

Blake, acting on lewd instinct, grabbed her ankles with both hands, hoisting them up as Steele fucked her in this rough standing position. Happy to further contort her body to be his little Faunus fuckpig, barely hanging on for dear life. At first, Blake had thought to throw her ass back for Steele's pleasure, but she couldn't keep up with his fast, rough thrusts. It was all she could do but come over and over again, feeling her body being claimed by this bastard of a man.

Stay….sane! Stay sane! OhgodI'mfuckingcomingagain!!

Still with that same embarrassing ahegao expression on her face, Blake's body tensed as she let out a wordless scream, her face turning an ugly shade of red, sweat trickling down her curvaceous, athletic body. She was being turned into nothing but this man's comfort woman, and she'd never felt anything so amazing in her entire life.

"You're...ruining meee!" Blake managed to choke out, even as her pussy clamped down tight around Steele's cock. At this point, it was like her womb itself was practically sucking on his cock, wrapped so tight around his thick, impossibly hard shaft that Blake's body was little more than a living condom for Steele to fuck into.

"Just think, you won't have to worry about going back to Beacon, not while my human bastards are growing in your inferior Faunus come-dumpster! You can get that dumb father of yours to help raise the kids. And when I'm done with the pair of you two kitten whores, I think I'll pay that little bunny bitch from Beacon a visit as well."

This final indignity, that the man whose dick had utterly and wholly reshaped Blake's entire life and body didn't care for her at all was too much for Blake to bear. Her last vestiges of dignity and self-respect vanished, washed away just as Steele began to come deep inside her pussy. Her life was going to be chained to his bastard kids, as his human sperm practically conquered her Faunus eggs, filling her body with one simple command she was helpless to resist.

Get pregnant. Get bred and knocked up, you slut.

The fact that Steele planned to simply discard Blake and her mother and find some other whore to fuck was the final ignominy, second only to the fact that Blake would further debase herself if it meant getting more of this treatment. She couldn't even handle this huge cock, it was too big, too strong, too hard for her, and yet Blake took that as a challenge, a goal she wanted to accomplish more important than anything else she'd ever wanted to do in her life, no matter how long it took her.

After all, her father wouldn't be back for months.

Spllrt! Spllrt! Spllrt!

"Hahnn! Kuh-I'm ~coming!~"

The next morning, Steele and Blake sat at the dining room table as Kali busied herself setting breakfast before them. Steele was talking about something, about how grateful the pair should be for his new 'presents.'

"Shut up, Steele." Blake said, mumbling in between bites of food. There was a jingling sound as Kali moved around the table, and Blake couldn't help but stare at her mother's new "present", the same as her's. Namely, a golden collar around her neck, with a name tag that simply read "cougar." Blake didn't have to double check to remind herself that her own tag said "kitten." Nor that the back of the collars were stamped with "Property of Steele."

And even if it weren't for the collars, both women were claimed forever by Steele, as the next few months would bear out.