
Hentai Collection

Some random smut stories I found. You might like some and not like others. Additional tags: NTR, Raceplay, S&M, Cuck [I DO NOT own/claim any of these stories] *I do not own this cover

Che3na · Anime & Comics
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248 Chs

Student Teacher | 1 | [MHA]

Summary: Midnight and Mt. Lady find themselves assigned to a young student at UA High to keep him on the straight and narrow and make sure he doesn't become a Villain. Teaching a young boy a thing or two should be easy for the busty beauties, right?


Student Teacher.

U.A. High

Teachers' Lounge

Mt. Lady took the name 'lounge' rather seriously, as she slouched in a plush chair, her legs idly crossed at the ankles. Her real name was Yu Takeyama, but in costume she strictly went by her code name.

While she was a relatively new hero, she had already made quite a splash, and her skin-tight body suit and curvy body were only part of that. In addition to having a fat ass that was squeezed into an almost flesh toned outfit and built-in boots which made her a little taller and highlighted her athletic legs, she also had a pretty young face with long shiny blonde hair, curled into little horns, much like the horns from her mask.

And as she crossed her arms, it was a practiced, though not really useful in this situation, plow to draw further attention to her massive chest. Even when she wasn't using her Quirk to grow to immense size, the term 'Mt. Lady' would have been pretty appropriate anyway.

"I'm honestly not sure why the principal called me in for this...I mean, I don't even work here."

The room's sole other occupant had little patience for Mt. Lady's attitude.

More like Mt. Lazy...that's funny, She thought.

Midnight, Nemuri Kayama, the Rated-R hero, or as she was often called by those who hadn't seen her before 'What is she wearing?'

Midnight was a tall woman even before she put on her high heel, knee length boots, and once in her full uniform she gave off a rather imposing air. Product of years of experience and a naturally commanding nature. But what mostly drew people's attention was, while she was completely clothed, more so than most people with only her face and hands uncovered (and even then she wore her domino mask) it was also a rather technical arrangement.

For one thing, her body suit was even tighter than Mt. Lady's, hugging her chest so well her breasts were individually defined, and then she wore an almost harness-like leotard that ran between her full bust, further pushing them out. Her utility belt's main 'utility' seemed to be hugging her hips and drawing attraction to her trim waist that then tapered into a large, plush rear end. Her wrists bore unconnected handcuffs which strongly hinted at the darker side of the pro hero's personality, especially when combined with the flogging whip she wore at her waist.

They quite literally wrote obscenity laws with Midnight in mind.

She ran her hands through her long, spiky dark purple hair, giving Mt. Lady a condescending look. Though they were separated by just under a decade, Midnight considered the other hero still little more than a kid in her mind. Still, that wasn't all bad. She liked kids.

"It's important that Pro Heroes like you can work with UA. And besides, it's good for your profile to help the future generation of heroes like this. Isn't that what you want? More eyes on your...career?"

Mt. Lady didn't miss the reference to her body or her love of showing it off, but she didn't rise to the bait. Midnight was the same way after all-Mt. Lady could practically see the veins on her skin through that thin outfit of hers.

"I know, it's just, helping a student control their powers? Isn't that you already do here? I would think you had enough teachers."

Midnight raised a finger in admonishment. "This particular student is a special case, according to the principal. A strange Quirk and, according to rumors, a mysterious and dark family history. Its our guide to keep him on the right path….but don't get me wrong. You're probably right, I could really do this all by myself. Boys tend to follow where I lead, after all."

Mt. Lady squinted a bit through her mask, her tone slightly challenging. "Oh, don't think you're getting all the credit for this."

She stood up, stretching her arms high above her head. Her body bounced in an obvious, almost strategic way. Midnight may have quite literally written the book on sexy costumes, but that didn't mean Mt. Lady couldn't teach her a thing or two herself.

"How hard can one boy be?...Eh, helping one boy, I mean. This'll be a piece of cake!"

Midnight altered her stance a bit, bringing her feet closer together as her thick, well-muscled thighs rubbed tantalizingly against one another. She let out a quiet, thoughtful hum.

"You know, you're probably right. No challenge at all…"

The next day, Midnight and Mt. Lady took their first step in their little 'assignment'. Their target was a boy named Tai something or other...Midnight had forgotten his last name and Mt. Lady had never bothered to learn it in the first place. They also didn't have a good idea of what he looked like and were soon to find out.

His class let out and the two women had posted themselves on either side of the door, watching the assembled students leave. Most of the others they recognized, or at least Midnight did. But one student was noticeable simply because he seemed nondescript, or rather hard to describe.

He was tall, with lightly tan skin and a somewhat broad build. But other than that, specifics were hard to make out, and it seemed to the women that his appearance was shifting subtly anytime they looked away. His hair was dark but sometimes it seemed short and buzzed, others styled in a fashionable yet lazy manner. His eyes seemed to flash through a number of colors, though always they seemed captivating and bright, set deep in his head. His clothes seemed the only thing solid about him, because he wore the traditional UA uniform.

Mt. Lady seemed unimpressed as she pointed.

"Is he the one?" she whispered to Midnight.

The older woman clucked her tongue and lightly took hold of Mt. Lady's wrist, moving her hand so she was pointing at the correct student.

"That's him." Midnight corrected. She seemed alert and pleased with what she saw, almost impressed.

Midnight and Mt. Lady stared directly at the boy's pants as he milled about, taking to other students. Or rather, at the crotch of his pants. Midnight's nostrils flared and Mt. Lady's head nodded rapidly, foolishly.

"Oh yes. He has to be the one. He looks like a really...nice boy."

Midnight was oddly still holding onto Mt. Lady's wrist, her grip surprisingly firm. "Uh-huh. It...I mean he, seems like a very special young man. So large...and youthful. A fine growing boy."

Both women knew they were staring and so eventually directed their eyes elsewhere. What they were less aware of was how their bodies were reacting on a base level, their very wombs seeming to throb as their hearts fluttered.

Later that day, Tai was by himself in a stairwell, eyes down, running a bit late for his after-class study period. Suddenly a mature, approving voice cut through his inner thoughts.

"So, you're Tai, huh?"

He looked up and at the top of the stairs stood Mt. Lady and Midnight. He'd seen Midnight before and though he wasn't in her class she was by far his favorite teacher at the school. He almost drooled at the sight of her tight costume, made even tighter by the way she was standing-legs wide, thighs flexing, and her hands clasped in front of her body, arms in a 'V' shape that pushed her breasts together. She was looking at him like he was some cute new puppy.

Mt. Lady was right next to her, and Tai had no idea she was even at the school, or why. But such questions were of far less concern than just how tight her costume was and how big her breasts were-they seemed larger than Midnight's. Though the way Mt. Lady was rocking back and forth in her boots and taking deep, almost trembling breaths might have had something to do with it.

Either way, the young student found himself face to face (and other parts) with two of the hottest, most blatantly sexy Pro Heroes there were.

"Uh, yes, I'm Tai." He said, feeling a bit confused.

"Hi!" Mt. Lady said, voice bubbly as she actually waved at him despite them being less than ten feet apart, her fingers waggling playfully.

"How do you know my name? I'm not in your class and...am I in trouble?" Tai asked, off-balance.

Midnight leaned forward, her breasts pressing together and also nearly spilling out of her tight bodysuit, pushed up towards her chin. She had an almost predatory smile and a warm, rich tone.

"Oh well, we've just heard how well you've been doing at the school so far."

Mt. Lady nodded. "Yep! The principal thought you deserved extra special attention, so he even asked a Pro like me, and not just a teacher, to help."

Midnight caught the little jab there, but didn't rise to it, too focused on Tai's response.

His chest seemed to swell a bit and his head-still hard to make out much of the details, though he seemed to be smirking now, nodded.

"Yeah, that makes sense. I guess I have been pretty impressive."

Mt. Lady licked her lips at his blunt, confident response. Midnight flushed a bit at his youthful exuberance, feeling her temperature rising. They both had the same thought, somewhat out of place and tinged with darker undercurrents.

What a nice boy!

Mt. Lady stepped forward, tits bouncing with every motion. "We just wanted to let you know what a good job you're doing. So, keep up the good work, big guy!"

She leaned in more, a bit shorter than Tai so she was looking right up into his eyes. They seemed bright, almost hypnotic. Her nostrils flared for some reason before Midnight lightly grabbed her by the arm.

"Well, we'll see you later, Tai~" The teacher said before the two walked off, linked at the elbows.

The pair of hot pro hero asses strutted away, their hips bouncing and swaying as they descended the stairs. It was almost as if they were moving in slow motion, their heels delicately clicking away as their asses jiggled, hips rocking back and forth and hitting each other like two colliding tidal waves. Needless to say, Tai couldn't take his eyes off the openly lewd display, which was clearly meant for him.

The two women whispered to each other like they were young students themselves, very happy with how their little 'introduction' had went.

"I told you this would be easy! He was hanging off our every word, you know how boys look up to their teachers." Midnight said happily.

Mt. Lady raised a finger, twirling it in one curly strand of hair like a ditzy teenager. "Uh-huh! Especially when they've got a hot younger lady to keep their...attention focused. But I can see why they asked me to help, Tai really is a nice boy!"

And off they went, asses wiggling, and very pleased with themselves.

Over the next few days the two women would have several run-ins with Tai, and made sure to monitor his class work (which was actually well above average) though they soon lost interest in him from a purely academic standpoint. Each was blissfully unaware of the changes taking place in their minds, or how for all their supposed allure as older, experienced women, they were perhaps more susceptible to the strange nature of Tai's Quirk than even the young students he was surrounded by.

Outside of a routine physical assessment (Tai had come in sixth out of his class of twenty), Midnight and Mt. Lady were circled around him, beaming from ear to ear.

"Good job Tai, that was amazing!" Midnight said, practically hopping in place.

Tai's only response was a silence that still managed to convey smug self-satisfaction. Mt. Lady placed a hand on his shoulder, not just giving him a warm clap of approval but actually rubbing and squeezing his body a bit.

"Yeah, Tai you're seriously impressive! Just feel these delts of yours." For Mt. Lady, to whom exercise was less about health and more about vanity, she felt very impressed and almost knocked off her feet by Tai's large, if not lean body. Such a nice, big boy.

Tai's voice was quiet, yet firm. "Oh, I know."

Both girls eyes narrowed at this in approval, gazed darting to his crotch. They could only nod in unison, looking like they were two airhead bimbos blindly agreeing with a much smarter man whose approval they craved.

It was an image that would only continue as the days went on.

Mt. Lady and Midnight walked down the halls together, ostensibly looking for students that were misbehaving or late for class, but really only looking for one student in particular. The fact that they needed to 'patrol' together was simply because neither wanted the other woman to be alone with Tai.

"Have you heard all the rumors going on around our favorite student-I mean, our...assigned student?" Mt. Lady asked, eyes twinkling.

Midnight fluffed her hair with both hands, letting the voluminous locks fall about her waist and hips as she strutted down the hall. She never knew when they'd run into Tai again and she wanted to make sure she looked her best.

"Yes, I've heard girls have been lining up outside his room. Can't say I'm surprised."

Mt. Lady paused, bending over to check her reflection in a classroom window. She didn't seem to mind sticking her ass out as far as it could go while she made sure her lipstick was just right.

"Oh, I'm sure that's just childish gossip." She said, though she didn't seem very sure.

"After all, I'm sure these girls are too young and immature to really appreciate a great guy like Tai!" She winked cheekily at Midnight and the two continued on their merry way.

As the days passed, however, these rumors showed no sign of stopping. They only grew more lewd and were heard whispered in every corner of the school. The two women knew Tai had an after school study hall, and were hoping to find him in this particular wing of the building (Midnight had offered to teach the study hall herself, but Mt. Lady had been quick to point out that she might be unfairly biased against the other students in Tai's favor...simply because he was their assignment, of course). But first they passed another student, a young girl named Uraraka Ochaco.

She was blushing and seemed to be huffing a bit with every step, moving hurriedly. Something about her gait was familiar to the older women and they could tell with a glance that she wasn't wearing underwear. Her well-formed breasts jiggled with every step as she seemed to be walking quickly without wanting to break into a run, although that might have been because her legs were too tired as she seemed very worn out.

"Hah, I hope he gives me my panties back after school…" She muttered, seemingly unaware that Mt. Lady and Midnight, to say nothing of anyone else in the hall, might hear her words. Indeed, she seemed very out of sorts even as she brushed right by the pair.

"Ah, and I'm so sore~, my little p-pussy...is still tingling all over. Aaah…" She went on, her uniform stained here and there with sweat, presumably, before rounding a corner and disappearing from view.

For a moment, the pair of Pro Heroes shared a glance, their eyes locked in mutually quizzical expressions, eyebrows raised. For just a moment they considered investigating but instead shook their head and continued walking. Their assignment was to make sure Tai stay on the right path to be a hero, whatever little games he got up to with Ochako were his business.

Yet as they walked, the halls seemed full of girls talking, giggling, and whispering, all about the same subject. Tai. Trading rumors, asking questions about his past, speculating on the exact nature of his Quirk, and what he might actually look like beside the strange distortion effect. Each girl seemed to have an idea in mind, and unanimously described Tai's appearance as some variation on handsome, though none of their accounts lined up.

Mt. Lady licked her lips as she asked Midnight, "Who was that girl anyway, the one with the rosy cheeks?"

Midnight shook her head. "Ochako, a student here. Not really important, I just wish these girls didn't insist on gossiping so much."

She said this with a dark, ominous tone, one that didn't reflect the apparent pleasure on her face. Loud enough for the hallway to clear out as the girls suddenly found more important places to be.

"Ah well. At least they have good taste, if not the manners not to spread rumors." Midnight said, with a happy and sensual swagger to her step.

"Yes, a very nice boy." Mt. Lady assented, almost in an automatic fashion. The words were almost rehearsed, simply because every response seemed like the most natural thing in the world where Tai was concerned.

As if drawn by their very thoughts, they soon rounded a corner to find Tai, fumbling with his backpack, book and notes.

"Hiii Tai!" Both women said cheerily, angling themselves shoulder to shoulder as they faced him.

"I hear you're doing so well in class now, Tai!" Mt. Lady said, her voice perhaps an octave higher than usual, girlish and bubbly.

"All the other students are talking about how well you're doing. You're a much better student than I ever was."

Midnight had absolutely no problem believing. "You must be the most...gifted student here. Without question."

As before, Tai seemed to not even consider being modest to their praise, but this time he wasn't quite so quiet about it.

"Yes, well you're not wrong. Nobody seems to be able to compare to my Quirk. I'm just glad the two of you can appreciate it."

As they nodded, practically drooling over him, Midnight surreptitiously elbowed Mt. Lady in the side. Wincing a bit, Mt. Lady eyed the other hero with an unspoken question on her face before she followed her gaze, looking at (surprisingly) something other than Tai's bulging crotch. Instead, they were looking at his back pocket, specifically the pair of soft-looking white panties balled up and sticking out of them.

Neither woman mentioned this, but they did draw a bit closer to Tai. Midnight placed a hand on his bicep while Mt. Lady stroked his chest, both acting as if this was completely normal behavior for older women with a young student they were supposed to be guiding.

"You might be the most impressive student in all my years teaching here, Tai." Midnight said, her voice gushing with sincerity and barely concealed lust.

Mt. Lady smirked. "Yeah, and considering how old she is, that's really saying something!"

"Why you cheeky little-eh?"

Midnight turned, hearing someone coming up behind them. Another student, Yaoyorozu Momo.

"Excuse me, Tai?"

Both women paid her more attention than they had any of the other students, sensing something women like them, especially in the condition they were in at this moment, were very attuned to. A potential rival. Mt. Lady stood a bit taller, as even in her sensible school shoes, Momo's height was equal to her own, even with her heels. Midnight simply stood ramrod straight, ass out and tits heaving forward.

Momo, who was the most stacked student of her year, if not the entire UA student body, didn't pay them much attention. She seemed calm yet utterly focused, looking directly at Tai's crotch before sparing his face a few glances every now and then.

"C-can we talk? In private? I know you're keen to stay...on top of things, and I was hoping I could help you out."

Tai grunted. "Works for me, big...brains."

He looked at Mt. Lady and Midnight in turn, with the older women eagerly awaiting anything he had to say.

"Sorry, ladies, but you know how it is. My studies come first."

Rather than finding his overly familiar tone or crude, obvious innuendo off-putting, Mt. Lady and Midnight practically swooned at receiving his attention. Preening for him, Mt. Lady fussed with her hair as Midnight rocked back and forth, tits bouncing. The two women were both clearly aroused, with flushed faces and rock-hard, easily observed nipples. Their nostrils flared, almost angrily and hungrily taking in some unidentifiable yet irresistible aroma. Tai was such a good boy, he even smelled the best!

"Oh of course, Tai we understand." Midnight said.

Mt. Lady giggled, covering her mouth with the back of her hand like a little girl. "Yeah, totally! Whatever you want is fine by us, Tai."

Some time later, in an empty classroom on the school's fourth floor, various loud, animalistic noises could be heard, grunting and moaning, squeals and shrieks and a rough, fleshy impact sound.


Inside the unlight room, Momo was bent over a desk, being fucked senseless by Tai. Her skirt had been roughly pushed down, tethered around her ankles as her legs were spread taut, allowing Tai easy access to her soaking cunt as he battered his way deep inside her. Her tie had been thrown over her shoulders and her shirt front torn open, tits bouncing and slapping against her body as she was smashed this way and that by the massive cock.

"Ohhh fuccck! Your cock is too biiig, Tai!! Its ripping me open!"

The busty girl didn't seem so bright now, with her tongue hanging out of her mouth and drool splashing onto the desk as Tai held onto her arms. He roughly yanked them behind her back, using them as leverage to fuck into her ever faster and deeper.

"If you cuh-come inside...I'll be...buh-bred! " Momo's face was flushed, and her eyes seemed to almost shine with pink hearts as she suddenly moaned, clearly coming her brains out around the massive hard cock plundering her insides.

All of this was witnessed through a crack in the door by Mt. LAdy and Midnight, who were openly staring, their eyes wide and shaking. They looked more shocked than they ever had witnessing any acts of villainy or terrible disaster scene, all while the brutal fucking went on.

"Kuh-cock! Breeding me!" Momo yelled.


They couldn't believe what they were seeing. Both women had been able to tell Tai was clearly packing a fat cock, but this...this was something else. The thought of all the rules they were breaking at that moment was nothing compared to how clear it was that Momo's mind, and probably her body, were being broken as well beneath that fat oversized fucking cock.

They could have put a stop to this of course, since activities like this were expressly forbidden on school grounds and between students in any manner. But that thought never even occurred to either of the women.

Midnight slowly wiped drool from her face, fingers sticky and shiny with the stuff.

"How...how fucking big is that...thing?" She didn't seem to be able to find the right words to describe what she was seeing. Certainly it was unlike any dick she'd ever seen before, which was saying something.

Mt. Lady was grinning, with bright pink hearts eclipsing her eyes beneath her mask. She made a gesture with her fingers, holding them up and waggling them as though measuring something truly massive between them.

"Fucking huuuuge~ " If anything, her gesture wasn't doing Tai's fat cock full justice.

They simply kept watching, openly drooling and feeling arousal burning through their very bodies, as the busty Momo was fucked within an inch of her life. Tai grunted behind her like a beast, sweat dripping down his own open shirt front, with his own pants and underwear in a crumbled mess behind him. His fat swinging balls (Ohmygawd they're so fucking big!, Mt. Lady thought) were crashing into Momo's pussy before he paused, hilting himself as he groaned. It was clear he was coming deep inside her, his cock blasting out audible ropes of jizz.

Spllrt, splllrt, splllrt!

Momo fell forward, her face colliding with the desk, seemingly unable to move as her body continued to be rocked by Tai's harsh, unceasing thrusts. She could only shout as she began to spasm, her body jittering to a rough, throat-burning orgasmic scream simply from being used as Tai's jizz bucket.

"Preg-Puh-pweghnant!" Her eyes burned pink as her tongue weakly rolled out of her mouth, drool trickling onto the desk into a pool as her head shook weakly. The two women watching didn't need Recovery Girl's medical expertise to tell Momo was now utterly pregnant, bred like a prize mare.

Their noses simply flared from watching the sordid sight, hearts and wombs pulsing with need. The scent of Tai's jizz hit their noses even from this distance, and set off something primal inside them like a lit fuse. Mt. Lady spoke with something like reverence in her voice, more respect than she'd shown even the most experienced Pro Heroes.

"What a fucking-"

"Stud." Midnight finished, clearly enraptured as well.

The two women found themselves holding hands, their fingers threading together in some kind of solidarity. Their other hands dipped down between their thighs as the girls continued to whisper.

"Seems like Momo isn't quite the stand-out student I first thought." Midnight said, her voice smug.

"Well, she is just a girl, after all. Not a real woman. That's what a big strong stud like Tai really needs, after all...to keep him on the right path, that is." Mt. Lady said, fingers rubbing with increasing urgency.

"Oh, of course, the right path!" Midnight then dragged Mt. Lady away from the door, though not with ease, as she began whispering about the best way the two women could better help Tai get the 'guidance' he needed.

That weekend, Tai was headed home from school, happy to have the weekend to himself. School was all well and good, but he needed a break from the students that were constantly bothering him after class, and before class, and quite frequently during class. That was one of the problems with his Quirk after all, it was always on. Unlike someone like Eraserhead, or that girl with the big hands, or…

"Mt. Lady? Midnight?" Tai's hand fumbled, in the middle of trying to fetch his keys from his pocket.

The two Pro Heroes stood outside the door to his modest apartment, arranged as though they just happened to be passing through and were completely surprised to see him. He saw right through that, but was polite enough not to say anything.

"Oh, hi there Tai~" Mt. Lady's voice dripped with immorality, sleaze hanging off of her words.

"So good to see you, big guy." She crossed her arms, hoisting her tits up while Midnight simply ran her eyes up and down Tai's body.

"So...are you going to invite us in, or what? It's rude to keep two beautiful women just hanging outside your doorway."

Tai shrugged, though his own eyes kept flicking back and forth between the pair of amazing racks in front of him. Why were they here, so obviously waiting for him?

"Of course. Come right in."

He opened the door and flicked the lights on, and had to practically jump aside as the women hurried in after him, their fat hips and ass barely squeezing through the doorway as they fought to get inside at the same time.

Mt. Lady at least pretended to look around, trying to seem polite.

"Nice place you have here. Very grown-up for a student." It was indeed modestly, if tastefully furnished, simply because Tai hadn't had much time to personalize the place. A bit busy with school and his...extra-curriculars.

Midnight was prepared to be much more direct, and didn't have to wait long to get her chance. Tai set down his book bag on a nearby chair

"So, uh why are you here, Ms. Midnight, Ms-"

"Oh, its ok, Tai, you don't need to be so formal. We're not at school right now." There was a faint red tinge to Midnight's eyes, partially covered by her mask, and her every word had a lewd air to it.

"So, Mt. Lady and I have been watching you...very closely lately. Just to make sure you're doing well at school and staying on the right path." Her words seemed crafty, her voice low and sultry, certainly not the tone of a teacher just checking up on a student she was concerned about. She seemed like a woman who would scare up any kind of excuse she could at that moment, while also barely bothering to hide her true intent.

"And while we've been pleased with what we've seen-"

"Very pleased." Mt. Lady piped in, eyeing up the cream sofa, almost as if measuring it, comparing it to her height in her mind.

Midnight continued, unbothered. "But at the same time, there have been plenty of girls that have had to leave the school and miss classes for a few days. Apparently due to extreme...exhaustion, with some coming down with a condition that could last many months. And we know you're the one to blame for all of this."

Tai didn't bother to deny it, though he did blush a bit. He wasn't exactly sneaky, but even he wasn't aware of just how closely the two women had been watching him, taking full advantage of their status as Pro Heroes and connection with the school to monitor him almost constantly.

"Oh, but don't worry!" Mt. Lady hurriedly said. The last thing she wanted was for Tai to think he was anything less than special-superb, really.

"You're not in any kind of trouble. We can both tell you're a really nice boy. But...you do need some serious self control, otherwise you'll have a line of fat-bellied pregnant school girls filing through the halls of UA!" She seemed almost impressed by the prospect.

Tai shrugged, feeling a bit out of place. His Quirk had always been a bit of a bother, but in the past year he'd seemed to lose almost all control of it. It was a difficult thing to admit.

"I...I can't help it. I don't have full control over my Quirk. See my body produces pheromones, along with a few other things that…"

"Oh, that's ok, Tai." Mt. Lady was suddenly right next to him, moving awful fast for a woman in heels, and had joined Midnight in crowding around him. Their fingers were stroking and prodding him all over, feeling his muscles, stroking his chest, and just lingering over his skin.

"We understand, of course. It's not your fault, oh no no no!" Midnight seemed almost maternal in a way, but with a clear undercurrent of lust.

"You just can't help it, we get it. Sometimes there are things we just can't control, yeesss." Mt Lady said, her fingers brushing against his back, drawing a little closer to him. At this point, Tai was practically buried in titflesh, less than a few inches away from the older women, who were swarming over him like bitches in heat desperate to get mounted.

Midnight coughed, still trying to act as though only circumstances and a last ditch idea had brought them here. Her cool smirk soon contradicted that.

"Well Tai, there simply isn't any other option, I'm afraid...In fact, it makes perfect sense." The strangest part about all of this was that it did make nothing but sense to Midnight, seeming like a natural and above all else, right and correct course of action. Perhaps Midnight's own skin, so used to emitting sleep-gas through her pores with her own Quirk, made her more at risk to Tai's ability getting its hooks into her mind, and womb.

Or maybe, like Mt. Lady, she was just that much of a slut and the real surprise was that she'd been able to hold off this long.

Midnight leaned down, looking right into Tai's eyes. Whatever the cause, her course was chosen.

"I will help you Tai, don't worry. I'll get a real firm, strong hand on that Quirk of yours. I mean, you will-"

"She means, we will help you." Mt. Lady said, practically jumping forward so as to not to be blocked out of Tai's line of sight. She squinted her eyes at Tai, looking every bit the flirtatious, sleazy busty girl that so many young hero fans wanked off to every night.

Sparing each other a glance, at once competitive and yet with a sense of teamwork, Midnight and Mt. Lady reached out, grasping and squeezing at Tai's bulging crotch, planting their hands on him openly and possessively. The two women were of one mind, brains firmly in the grasp of his insidious Quirk.

What a fat fucking dick! Cock, cockcockcock!~

Midnight grinned, happier than she could ever remember being. "You know, Mt. Lady, maybe you should just leave this to me. You've been helpful enough so far, I suppose but now…"

Mt. Lady swung her hips, playfully colliding with Midnight's body, their bootys bouncing and clapping.

"Oh, gee thanks, but you know, you're soooo old, that maybe you should just sit this one out and yet someone with a little more youth take charge."

Something electric ran between the two women, an almost visible static charge as they locked their eyes. Staring at each other with a mix of aggression and lust, it was almost as strong a reaction they'd had when they'd first laid eyes on Tai. Perhaps their feelings were altered simply by being so close to Tai, and breathing in so much of his powerful musky pheromones, but whatever the cause both women were in this together, all the way.

Two sets of hands hooked into the waistband of his pants as the women knelt down before Tai, looking up at him eagerly. Midnight ran a hand along his stomach and chest, cooing at his muscled body.

"Don't worry, Tai. We are Pro Heroes after all. We'll take care of your big, fat, fucking dick."

Moaning in anticipation, the pair yanked down on his pants, practically ripping his pants and boxers off in one hurried motion. With a noise like a heavy pendulum about to swing backwards, Tai's cock sprung from his boxers and smacked across Midnight and Mt. Lady's faces, big enough to easily cover both of them before it stretched up past their heads, casting them into shadow.

The girls stuck their tongues out, looking up in awe at the monstrous cock. Here was the first thing about Tai that they could see in full detail, the only thing they needed to. From the base of his shaft, with dark, matted pubic hair, just above a pair of fat, wrinkled balls that looked to be the size of one of their heads and sloshed with the promise of jizz inside, to the flared, almost angry-looking tip, Tai's cock was like nothing they could have imagined. Watching it fuck poor, pregnant Momo from a distance was nothing like staring at it up close, seeing the veins pulse, being able to feel the heat of it on their skin and almost feel the stench of it staining their pores. This was a cock truly worthy of the sexiest pieces of hero ass, and perhaps more than even the two together could handle.

"So fucking big!" Mt. Lady said, absolutely giddy.

Midnight moaned low in her throat, her pussy throbbing with need.

"Fucking diiick! Mmmhm... I mean, we...we're going to try our best to help you! Let it all out on us!"

Mt. Lady giggled, almost sounding nervous.

"Y-yeah, 'help' you…" She couldn't even tear her eyes away from Tai's fat cocktip, making it abundantly clear she just wanted to suck cock and swallow his nasty load. Mt. Lady moved forward, her tongue slowly rolling out from her mouth, instantly feeling the musk of him hit her tongue like a heavy blanket wrapped over her mind.

But Midnight pushed her aside, pushing her face forward and beginning to greedily lash her tongue over Tai's fat, sweaty cock.

"Mmmhhmm~" Midnight moaned, swirling her tongue over his tip, tasting the crusty, sweaty filth accumulated there. She peeled back his foreskin with her tongue, almost passing out from the stench that wafted into her nose, but instead she only flared her nostrils, practically drinking in the superhuman scent of him with every ounce of her body.

"Slluurp...mmh, how many bitches have fallen to this...mmm, mmhhm, fat cock? All those poor students~" It seemed Midnight only pitied them in the sense that she got to drool all over Tai's huge fucking cock and they didn't.

Mt. Lady was trembling with jealousy and lust behind her, her eyes narrowed. "Damn you Midnight, you horny old twat! Why do you get to taste that nasty fucking dick first?!"

Midnight smirked, looking over her shoulder at the younger hero. Her tongue pressed against Tai's piss slit, taking her time to lick him up and down in an arrogant fashion. Showing off like Tai's cock was some rare prize she'd been given.

"What can I say? You snooze you lose, little girl." Midnight flicked her eyes back to Tai, promising him whatever carnal pleasures he wanted from her, before she opened her mouth wide.

"Mm--mwaah!" Pushing forward, Midnight shoved Tai's fat prick helmet into her mouth, feeling it stretch her jaw out. Her cheeks hollowed out as she looked up at him, sucking hungrily at that cock, letting drool trickle out past her lips as she serviced the huge, impossibly thick prick. How many boys stared at her in class wishing they could be where Tai was? And every shift of Midnight's lips and flutter of her eyelashes up at him made it clear that this was just the beginning.

Mt. Lady huffed behind the pair, her gloved hands balled up into shaking little fists. She looked like a child denied her favorite sweet treat. Midnight just happily sucked on the cock in front of her as she ignored Mt. Lady, swallowing a good eight to nine inches with every bob of her head, which still left more than half of Tai's cock untouched.

"Little?" Mt. Lady hissed, teeth clenched.

"I'm Mt. fucking Lady." She reached, grabbing the base of Midnight's skull with one hand, fingers squeezing through the glove.

"Mmmmph?" Midnight's eyes darted backwards a bit, but she didn't stop sucking Tai's cock even for a moment. If anything she went a little faster, working his fat balls with both hands and letting drool fall out of her mouth in waves as his cock hit the back of her throat and continued tunneling forward.

"I'm anything but-ummph! Little." Mt. Lady suddenly pushed forward with her hand, forcing Midnight's face further down Tai's cock. Tai groaned, muttering to himself about how good that felt as his cock sank inch by inch into Midnight's grasping wet gullet.

"Mmmph?! Gllack!" Midnight gagged around the immense cock, but was helpless to resist, getting her throat fucking impaled. With a final grunt of exertion from Mt. Lady, Tai's cock was buried in her throat all the way to his massive balls, his solid abs and pelvis smashed into her face, pubic hair smashed against her face and coating her mask with his sweat.

"And while you certainly aren't little yourself,"


Mt. Lady aggressively spanked Midnight's ass, setting her cheeks wobbling as the older woman moaned around the suffocating fuckstick in her throat.

"You're clearly old and tired."

"Glag, glug, glllch!" In addition to being overwhelmed with cock, cut off from air, and practically blind with her face pressed into Tai's crotch, Midnight was also incredibly turned on. Feeling her face smashed against his young hard body and her throat swelling out around his cock, she gagged, spittle splashing against his balls. With a final small thrust from Tai, Midnight could feel his enormous cock tip smashing into the bottom of her fucking stomach.

Fuuuck his cock is like an iron bar! He's choking me half to death! I'm gonna fucking…

"Mmmpllhl!" Midnight choked and retched like a drunken idiot as she suddenly came, her body stiffening, nerves on fire. It was unlike any orgasm she'd ever had before, no doubt another effect of Tai's Quirk, making her toes curl even as her hands latched onto his thighs, anchoring his cock in place deep inside her guts.

"Fuck, I can't believe she took my entire cock!" Tai grunted, his balls rubbing against Midnight's chin. To think, she was one of the more feared teachers in the school, and here she was with his fucking nuts on her face and his cock stuffed down her mature, greedy throat.

Mt. Lady just laughed, before Midnight suddenly smacked her hand away. She was surprised the old twat even had the sense to move that fast.

"Gllugh, glrrrk!" Even while gagging on cock Midnight somehow managed to sound slightly sultry, making it clear that she wholeheartedly approved of Tai's massive hard prick forcing its way into her stomach. She began to move up and down on the huge cock, giving him a rapid paced blowjob like nothing she'd ever done before. Hands swinging up and down, practically wrenching at Tai's turgid dick, wanting to feel every inch of him, to taste every drop of sweat on his cock. This was a fucking prime piece of cock, probably unlike anything else in the world, and so it deserved the best fucking throatfuck Midnight could give.

Mt. Lady watched, eyes narrow as she nibbled on her bottom lip.

"Jeez, what a slut…" She breathed, but she didn't sound disapproving, far from it. She was simply jealous.

Midnight gulped and gagged her way up and down the massive cock, before finally pulling off with a loud 'pop!' Lips shining with spittle and pre-come, she took several deep, shuddering breaths, her tits bouncing in her bodysuit, nipples nearly ripping their way through. She looked a bit tired, but also incredibly aroused and rather proud of herself.

"Good job, Midnight." Tai said, a bit smug but also genuinely impressed by the older woman's cock-throating skills.

"See?" Midnight beamed up at him.

"That's what you get with an experienced, mature-ehh?!"

Mt. Lady pushed Midnight out of the way, nearly sending the other woman sprawling to the floor, their knees scuffling and shoes clacking on the floor. Paying absolutely no mind to Midnight, Mt, Lady wrapped her hands around Tai's fat cock, wrapping her lips around Tai's perfect fucking cock. If he thought that was impressive…

Mt. Lady pushed her face down on the cock, throat bulging out and her face distorted by the massive cock as she fought to swallow the cock, but kept moving forward. Though it was clear she wasn't used to handling a cock quite this large (who was after all?) but Mt. Lady had throated her fair share of big fat cocks in the past. While she still coughed and gagged a little as she made her way down the dirty dickshaft, she was handling it with less trouble than Midnight.

Midnight, still breathing heavily, glared at Mt. Lady, but also couldn't help to be a little impressed. She had to admit that watching the busty blonde take the fattest fucking cock she'd ever seen down her throat was fucking hot.

Mt. Lady brought her mouth off of Tai's dick for a brief moment, just long enough to cheekily stick her tongue out at Midnight.

"What can I tell you? I'm Mt. Lady after all, I have plenty of experience handling really big things, Especially big fat fucking cocks."

She wasted no time getting back to sucking that cock, her eyes closed from the sheer pleasure of servicing this enormous fucking prick. Swallowing her own spittle and the nasty pre-come leaking from Tai's musky, dirty cock.

"Glugh, gluug, gllug!"


Midnight smacked Mt. Lady's fat ass, out of both lewd appreciation and as a little playful reprimand of her own. Mt. Lady rocked on her knees, ass bouncing as she squealed around Tai's cock, sending muffled vibrations through the entire mighty length. Considering Midnight's usual overtly sadistic tastes, the busty size-changing bitch was getting off easy.

The moment Mt. Lady brought her head off of Tai's cock, Midnight swallowed as much of the throbbing shaft as she could. The two girls continued this pattern, sucking Tai's cock back and forth between them like sharing some exquisite dessert. They went from simply taking turns bobbing up and down on the huge cock to licking up and down it at the same time, with Midnight suckling and nuzzling at Tai's hairy balls and the base of his shaft while Mt. Lady licked all along the rim of his foreskin and the crown of his cock.

"Oh fuck that's good. You nasty sluts." Tai moaned, tearing his shirt off as he stared down at the two girls slobbering all over his dick. They cooed, both at the lewd words as well as the sight of Tai's muscular body, happy merely to be in the presence of this virile hunk of a boy.

The two women wrapped their lips around each side of Tai's cock, sliding up and down, getting his cock shiny with their spittle. Meeting at the top, the two kissed in a lurid display of smacking lips pand probing tongues, Tai's prick helmet between them as they moaned and gasped. Each intertwined a hand in the other's hair, pulling themselves closer as they sloppily made out around this stud's cock, with their free hands yanking and pulling at his solid, granite-like cock like they were milking some prize-winning farm animal, occasionally sparing glances at Tai to let him know just how happy they were to be his twin cock-polishing bimbos.

"Ah, fuck, just like that….I'm gonna fucking come!" Tai groaned, his balls heavy and full with sperm, the need to blow his load spreading throughout his entire body.

"Oh, yes, give us your jizz, Tai! Just think, you get to cover the Mt. Lady with your hot, nasty fucking come!" Mt. Lady said, hearts beaming in her eyes.

Midnight planted wet kisses full of strands of spit all over Tai's prick helmet, clearly enjoying the act as much as he was. "Stain us all over you naughty boy. Treat us like a nasty brutish animal marking his territory!"

Tai groaned, his eyes closing as his orgasm overtook him. "Here it comes you sluts!"

His balls tightened and his cock stiffened, jutting out like the prow of an ice-breaker before it began to spew the hottest, smelliest, thickest come either of the women had ever seen. It splashed into their mouths, flattening their wiggling tongues under its sheer weight. The room soon stank of the stuff, and it filled up their brains like some toxic gas.

Spllrt, splllrt, splllrrt!

The sheer volume of the putrid, pungent come both shocked and amazed the women, only further deepening their respect for Tai and his magnificent cock. The instant his hot, thick spunk touched their tongues, an electric full body reaction went through them, shooting up into their brains like the first hit of some ultra-potent street drug. They squealed like young girls, their bodies jittering as nasty, come-splattered smiles spread across their faces.

Even if they hadn't both been turned on nearly out of their minds, Tai's psychotropic jizz would have propelled them to new orgasmic heights. As it was, it was all the two sluts could do to stay upright on their knees as they gulped down load after load of Tai's nasty ball-batter. Sloshing the mess around in their mouths openly, swishing it in their cheeks and playing around with their tongues like they'd never tasted anything better and they wanted to explore every drop of the nasty gunky stuff.

Swallowing what had to be her fifth mouthful with a contented, heavy sigh, Midnight beamed up at him, cheeks flushed and skin shining with sweat. "Oh fuck your come is so thick, nasty and fucking amazing~! You sexy, naughty fucking boy. So youthful, so fucking manly. Mm-wah!"

With her face streaked in what jizz her tongue couldn't reach, Mt Lady lunged forward, pausing only to bring her hands up to her chest. Ripping and tugging, tearing and pulling, she made an impromptu hole in her uniform, exposing her big fat tits, partly wrapped in her bodysuit but swinging and bouncing freely. Sliding those huge jugs around Tai's cock, she began to squeeze with both hands. Mt. Lady looked up at Tai like some nasty drug addict willing to do anything to get her next fix. She grinned almost nervously as she began to pump her fun bags around his cock, rocking back and forth-even her tits weren't nearly big enough to cover the entire greasy, girthy dick.

"Y-yeah, its so fucking good. You-you have more, right? Fucking goood." Tai had only nodded at Mt. Lady's words but it was more than enough to send an excited gleam off in Mt. Lady's eyes and a deep throbbing in her pussy.

Midnight just scoffed a bit, muttering. "Greedy bitch."

Feeling jealousy surging up, along with a simple, biochemical drive to get more of that nasty spunk. If Mt. Lady was gonna act like her tits were the best thing she had going for her (which they might have been at that, the power of her Quirk included), time to really show them off.

Standing up, Midnight leaned over Mt. Lady's back, pressing close to the other woman and dragging her own breasts and hard nipples across her back before she reached down. Grabbing Mt. Lady's tits like a nasty drunk just desperate to cop a feel off some busty slut, she squeezed hard enough to wrench a gasp from the blonde.

"If you want that come so much, Lady fat-tits, then you better work these stupid fucking jugs of yours."

Grasping and kneading Mt. Lady's soft, firm titflesh, she worked them up and down on Tai's cock, dominating the younger woman with an almost angry twinkle in her eyes. Her tongue slipped out of her mouth, happy to be treating the younger hero with such roughness and putting her in her proper place.

"Ah! You mean old cunt!" Mt. Lady swore, cooing a bit even as Midnight's fingers splayed over her nipples, fingertips leaving clear indents on her soft milky skin. But if it helped work Tai's greasy fucking cock better, then Midnight could grab and grope her all she wanted.

Midnight looked up at Tai, happily using Mt. Lady's body as nothing more than a living wank rag, occasionally slapping and pulling at her tits even as she kept them crushed around Tai's dick.

"You like that big boy? Like feeling this dumb busty blonde bimbo's tits wrapped all around your cock? You like fucking these fat fucking jugs? Most girls would pay hundreds of thousands of yen to get tits like these, and they're allll for you. You young fucking bull stud. Now go ahead, coat these sluts' big fucking dumb tits, cover them in your jizz from top to bottom. Fucking feed us."

She was practically hissing now, her lust growing as fast as her senses were leaving her head.

Mt. Lady shook her tits from side to side in Midnight's grasp, happily bouncing Tai's cock around in the pillowy embrace, raising and lowering her jugs with heavy smacking sounds as they clapped against Tai's balls and pelvis.

"Yes, feed us! I'll wank you off with my tits whenever you want, just so you'll bust another greasy, filthy fucking load all over me. Treat my rack like your own personal spunk sponges, bust those balls all over me."

Tai groaned, nearly losing his mind himself under the amazing onslaught of titty flesh surrounding his dick. A lesser man would have busted minutes ago, but after constant, rough, fast tit-fucking he was ready to erupt all over again.

"Ah, fuck those fucking tits feel amazing! Take my load, you chesty bitches!"

His cock was soon spurting out another load, if anything larger and more filthy than the first. The fat heavy ropes of jizz smacked into Mt.Lady's chest like blasts from a fire hose, marking her flesh red with the impact before sticking to her flesh and burying it under off-white, dirty globs of spunk.

"Ahh fuck yes!" Mt. Lady yelled, as Midnight continued to pump those tits up and down, wringing it out of Tai with the blonde's tits like squeezing a soaked rag.

"That's it, cover this dirty slut, Tai!"

Mt. Lady looked down at her jizz-covered breasts with a mixture of lust and also pride, feeling her heart swell even as her eyes glazed over, the smell of jizz seeping into her brain like someone covering her face in a chloroformed rag. She stuck her tongue out, ready to lick and slobber all over that jizz-blasting cock when she felt Midnight's hands leave her breasts, before they suddenly tangled themselves in her soft locks.

Midnight yanked back on Mt. Lady's head, pulling her out of the way of the erupting cock even as she sputtered in protest.

"H-hey! What's the big idea you-!"

Midnight wrapped her mouth around Tai's cock, happily swallowing the last blast of come down into her belly like a woman taking a much-needed shot of strong booze. Popping her lips off with a satisfied 'mwah!', Midnight then brought her face down to Mt. Lady's come-splattered cleavage. Greedily she began to lick up the spunk, sucking it right off her breasts, and slurping the thick stuff into her mouth in thick, noodle-like stands, lapping madly.

"Noooo~" Mt. Lady whined. "That's my come!"

Midnight finished licking up the jizz, even though it took her nearly two full minutes, keeping Mt, Lady in place with the iron grip at the scruff of her hair. Only when she was finished did she release the blonde, who glared at her for a bit, before lunging forward, their faces colliding in a lewd, jizz-swapping kiss. Midnight was a bit off guard at first, even as Mt. Lady's tongue lashed inside her mouth, searching and plunging all for the jizz of a hunky teenage student.

Tai stroked his cock, watching the two sexy beauties making out with a mouthful of his jizz, moaning into each other's mouth as their lips smacked and faces pushed against each other, tits smashing together.

For a moment, Mt. Lady had control of the kiss, but she was too caught up in the sheer bliss of slurping up strands of second-hand jizz to maintain it. Midnight bounced at this, placing her hands on either side of Mt. Lady's face as she pushed her back, forcing their mouths into a horizontal embrace. Looking down into the other woman's eyes, her tongue probed Mt. Lady's mouth, almost gifting her the sperm in a nasty snowballing kiss like some mother bird feeding her young. The two hottest bitches around making out like they'd been full-time mug-runchers for years, except clearly driven mad by the taste of Tai's ropey spooge.

"So..fucking good." Midnight said in between kisses, her breath rushed.

"Mmmh...fucking feed me that spunk." Mt. Lady gasped, leaning back and letting Midnight use her mouth and tongue-fuck her throat to her heart's content.

Finally they broke the kiss, sighing heavily.

"That's some good shit." Mt. Lady gasped, while Midnight simply wiped strands away from her lips, clearly satiated-for the moment.

Like crack addicts, the women looked up at Tai, their eyes heated as they toyed with the little dregs of his come that was left in their mouths. Already they were beginning to view this-staring up at him towering above them like some divine idol come to life, on their knees and with mouths and bellies full of jizz-like it was just the natural way of things. Mt. Lady, who was already of the 'obvious, flaunt everything you got' sex appeal type, had only gotten sleazier from the day she laid eyes on Tai.

With a nasty look in her eyes, she toyed with a loose, dirty strand of pubic hair stuck to her lips, practically flossing with it for all to see. And then...gulp, she made a show of swallowing it down, gleefully accepting every bit of Tai's bodily filth.

The girls suddenly stood up, almost moving in unison, their hips slapping together openly. Despite the nasty nature of the situation, they managed to sound casual.

"You know, that was pretty good, Tai, but I think you need a little more practice…to get control of your Quirk." Midnight punctuated her words by ripping the front of her own shirt, exposing her large, perfectly formed tits, only slightly smaller than Mt. Lady's, but aching for just the same come-bath treatment.

"Yes, I imagine you need lots more time being...in control." Mt. Lady said.

Midnight nodded, tone manic. "So you see, we really have no choice. It's our duty as Pro Heroes and role models to make sure you treat us both as walking wank rags, until your balls are empty and that Quirk is under control."

As with most things that required focus and gave no clear reward for it, Mt. Lady quickly abandoned the pretense. "Yeah, yeah what she said, and I want more come now, damn it!"

Midnight was clearly of the same mind as she strutted forward, placing both of her hands on Tai's chest and all but shoving him backwards. Despite the weight difference between them, Tai didn't have to do much to let himself be pushed onto the floor, laying flat on his back. Mt. Lady moved quickly, tugging his shoes off as well and leaving the teen completely naked for them to ogle.

Moving with all the sexual expertise and mature femininity of her three-plus decades, Midnight was soon straddling Tai, her face a barely contained mask of lust. "Tits for brains is right, Tai. I can't take this anymore. I want your cock, all of your cock. More, more, more!"

Pushing the crotch of her costume to the side, Midnight didn't even bother to shred the bodysuit underneath, not when she had a fucking battering ram of dick to do that for her. With a surge of her hips and a tensing of her fit legs she dropped her pussy onto that cock. Impaling her wet cunt, skewering herself on Tai's cock, which tore through her outfit with a sudden schi-riip!, busting open her pussy lips nearly as harshly, spreading her wide.

"Hhnnng!" Midnight gritted her teeth, eyes lidded with lust. This cock was far more than she was used to, but she was going to ride it like a champion. Dropping her hips, Midnight's pussy left slick juices up and down Tai's length as she took that dick like the Pro she was. Her hips crashed into his as her ass bounced and clapped, her leotard rapidly disappearing into the sheer valley of her fat rear end.

Throwing her head back, Midnight climaxed in under a minute of riding that massive prick, letting out a base, animalistic yell. "Ah, yes, fuck me you brute! I don't want you to stop until I'm limping from this dick! Beat that pussy up!"

Leaning over him, Midnight slammed her face down, her lips meeting his like they were nothing a pair of mating animals. Tai's lips smacked against hers as his fat tongue pushed into her mouth. Midnight sucked on it greedily, happily swallowing his spit. Every drop of it sent her taste-buds exploding, her mind reeling at the taste of him. Though not as potent as his jizz, it was clear that even sucking down Tai's spittle was enough to serve as a kind of contact high as she let the superhumanly sexy stud force his tongue to the back of her mouth. The fact that this situation was wrong only made it that much hotter for the older woman.

She broke the kiss, hands on his chest as she steadied herself, dropping that pussy down on him over and over again, with waves of her porcelain booty rippling from the harsh impacts of it, her entire body jiggling and shaking from the force of her dick-riding.

"Its so fucking nasty to drink down my student's spit! I love the taste of your young fucking tongue in my mouth, feeling your strong cock stirring my pussy up! This is the worst thing I've ever done as a Hero, and you know what?" Her riding only grew more frantic as her words were inflamed by mad lust, filling the room with the lewd chorus of flesh on flesh.







Midnight was coming her brains out-again- on that fat cock, riding Tai with almost violent, crushing force, his pussy squeezing him in a hot, tight embrace. Dripping sticky fuck juices, she cooed and moaned on the dick, pausing to grind her smooth crotch into his hairy pubes, loving the feel of his powerful body beneath her lewd curvy form. Next to them, it took everything Mt. Lady had not to shamelessly rub her pussy as the sordid teacher-student fuck continued but as far as she was concerned, just watching was the next best thing.

'Rated-R Hero'? She's more like a XXX fuckslut!

Midnight suddenly hoisted herself off the cock completely, the tip noticeably flexing in the air. Legs straining, she took her hands off Tai's chest for just a moment, before spinning around in a smooth display of athleticism and whorishness. Now in this reverse cowgirl position, so she could better show off her ass to Tai, she slammed her pussy back down, moaning at the feeling of that cock splitting her open all over again. Leaning forward, her tits were draped against Tai's legs as she planted her hands on the floor, working her booty up and down with every ounce of effort she could muster.

Unable to just watch anymore, Mt. Lady grabbed Midnight's hair, arms slung around her slender neck as she pulled her into a nasty, slutty girl kiss, like two drunken party girls swapping spit just to show off for boys. The only difference was that the two were only interested in impressing one boy, and they were intoxicated by something far more powerful than alcohol.

Tai was torn between staring at Midnight's thick ass fucking bounce up and down as her pussy devoured his dick, and watching the two girls hungrily dyke out with each other. He was content to watch it all unfold, only pausing to give Midnight's heavy, heaving rump a few well-placed smacks, causing her to moan into Mt. Lady's mouth.

Still, even distracted by the kiss Midnight didn't miss a beat, working her booty for all she was worth. She swung her ass from side to side, letting his cock churn inside her pussy, dropping it down low and impaling herself balls deep over and over again in rapid, frantic succession. Finally she simply ground her ass against him, pussy clenching as his cock was shoved to the back of her cervix, the entrance to her uterus practically sucking at Tai's cocktip as she squeezed him, body flexing.

"Ahhh shit!" Tai grunted, as Midnight quite literally milked the jizz out of his cock, deep inside her greedy little pussy. His dick was lodged inside her womb, filling up her most sacred place with his jizz like a rapidly filling water balloon. Still kissing Mt. Lady, Midnight practically screamed into her mouth, her arms shaking weakly as Mt. Lady only deepened the kiss, as if wishing to experience the jizz-induced orgasm by proxy.

Splllrt, Splllrt, spllrt!

Midnight couldn't remember the last time she let a man come inside her without protection, and her heart skipped a beat upon realizing that it probably wouldn't have made a difference in this case. Not with Tai involved-if him coming inside her mouth was like injecting drugs, then actually feeling his spooge fill up her insides until it shot out of her packed pussy was something else entirely.

It's….so potent...what an amazing boy!

Midnight was panting, holding onto Mt. Lady now not out of lust but simply out of necessity to keep herself upright. Something flashed in the blonde's eyes as she pulled out of the kiss, gazing at Tai, or more specifically his come-covered cock ever so slowly pulling out of Midnight's battered pussy.

"My turn." She breathed.

Soon, Tai was seated in a chair, his bulk, arrogant demeanor and upright cock making him look like some mighty king, as Mt. Lady straddled him, hips flexing wide open as she began to sit down on his cock. In this position, she could practically drown him with every ounce of her bouncy, huge, sweaty fucking titties. Tai eagerly motorboated her, drawing a girlish 'Oooh~' from Mt. Lady's lips. This time, he reached down to rip open her bodysuit while she simply wrapped her arms around his neck in an almost romantic gesture.

"Oh, that's right big boy, take this fucking pussy, it's all yours!"

She sank down onto his cock inch by inch, feeling her body stretch and expand in a way she'd never felt before. It was almost like when she used her Quirk to change size, but the only thing getting transformed into giant proportions here was her pussy because of Tai's already humongous, greasy cock. It was utterly amazing.

Mt. Lady began to bounce in his lap, her ass clapping up and down on his firm legs, her tits swinging wildly as well. Tai grabbed onto her tits with bruising strength, sucking on them in turn, licking all over her hard nipples and just shaking his face in between, unable to believe his luck.

"Fuck your tits are even huger than I thought! Goddamn busty little bimbo."

Mt. Lady just laughed at that, her voice wracked with pleasure. If some jerk on the street commented on her tits she might as soon smack him in the face as blush, but when it was from Tai, it was all she could do to keep from swooning. She beamed at his praise, eyes twinkling-she was always a glutton for compliments, anything to feed her ego, and now Tai was feeding both that and her pussy in a way she'd never imagined before.

"That's right Tai, enjoy those big fuckin' titties! Everything is bigger with Mt. Lady. Now watch these huge jugs bounce, you dirty little bastard! Bounce, bounce, bounce!"

Her tits were almost hypnotic, although Tai was only half as entranced by the enormous knockers as Mt. Lady was by the feeling of just slamming herself down on this dick over and over again. She was happy to do all the work for him, after all Tai was such a nice boy, he deserved to relax and enjoy a big busty bitch riding his cock like a nasty little pornstar.

Midnight sniffed the air openly, crawling to the roughly mating couple as her nostrils flared. She perched herself on the floor beneath Mt Lady's fat ass and Tai's swinging balls, and shoved her face forward, burying herself in his nasty ballstench. His fucking nuts were so big, they completely eclipsed Midnight's pretty face as she licked, slurped and sucked on the huge, sperm-swollen orbs. Mt. Lady's fat ass was smacking her with every bounce, but Midnight was happy just to get a chance to rub her tongue over every inch of Tai's sweaty balls.

"Fuck, I looove these young, huge balls. Goddamn they stink, it feels like my brain is melting! Mm-wwah!" Midnight was soon making out with Tai's dirty balls more passionately than she'd ever kissed another person, with the only two exceptions being Mt. Lady and Tai himself.

Her tongue greedily lathered up spit and filth on his nuts, sucking it off in wet ropey strands inside her waiting plush lips. Above her Mt. Lady continued to ride faster and faster, not even bothering to try and replicate Midnight's more reserved (at least somewhat) and in control style, instead heaving her ass up and down as she impaled her pussy over and over again, not caring if the chair broke beneath them. Though at this rate, the only thing more likely to break was her cunt, and with a sick yell, Mt. Lady began to orgasm as Tai's cock punched past her cervix, crushing her womb like ripe melon smashed with a hammer. Tai's enormous fuckstick felt like it was practically fucking its way into her stomach and Mt. Lady's hands squeezed his shoulders tighter, clinging to him like a drowning woman and a life preserver.

"Hell...fucking YESSS!" She seemed utterly insane, a drugged up club girl who had lost all sense of reality, and she absolutely loved it.

"So...fucking tight." Tai grunted, his hands never leaving Mt. Lady's tits, which already showed clear palm prints and the marks of his sucking and biting. With a final crash of her ass into his lap and Midnight munching on his balls like she was practically trying to suck them right into her mouth, it was too much for Tai. He moaned, burying his face into Mt. Lady's amazing cleavage as he began to flood her pussy her come.

Mt. Lady was no longer moving on his cock, suddenly still as her eyes went blank. Like a computer that had suddenly crashed, she was frozen, legs and fingers twitching with a big, brainless dumb smile on her face. The jizz pumping inside her womb was practically force-feeding her body and giving her countless orgasms, and Mt. Lady could do nothing but ride it out, her new addicted self only growing in needing and enjoying this latest, straight-from-the-tap dose of her drug of choice.

"Ah...that's the stuff." She said goofily, letting out a deeply contented sigh.

Below the rutting pair, Midnight continued nuzzling his balls like a greedy animal, looking up at the rough groans and high-pitched squeals as Mt. Lady and Tai fucked themselves to blissful simultaneous orgasms. She was just in time to catch a hot, sudden splattering of come in the face, ropey strands of jizz and Mt. Lady's gushing pussy juices gumming up the eyeholes of her mask. Midnight trembled, letting out a deep moan into Tai's balls, tilting her face to catch more the mess, smacking her lips. The second she was finished, she dove back into Tai's fat nutsack, practically snorting like a pig, desperate to inhale ever more of his stench and rub her flawless skin against his wrinkled balls.

The next thing she knew, Midnight was laying on the couch, her head hanging off the edge while Tai rutted into her like an animal. Apparently fed up with simply laying back and being rode he had decided to show Midnight exactly what he could do when he was on top. Judging from the way the couch was shaking and Midnight was screaming herself silly, he was more than up to the task of putting these bitches in their place.

Slam! Slam! Slam!

"Oh, fucccck me! Tai, your cock is so fucking big, I can feel it in my fucking guts!" Midnight had temporarily lost all sense of mature in control sexiness and simply looked like a nasty fucking whore, her legs wrapped around Tai's waist and limply bouncing as his body drove into hers with bone-shaking force. One hand shamelessly rubbed at her clit as Tai's cock bashed deep inside of her, while the other was playing with her tits, rubbing her nipples and practically mauling her own fat chest.

"Just like that, fuck my tight, mature pussy! Oh shit, I'm fucking k-comiiiing!"

Mt. Lady strutted up to the pair, swinging one leg over the couch as she lightly grabbed Tai by the chin, angling his head up. As the pair began to kiss deeply, messily, with Mt. Lady playfully licking all along his mouth before letting him probe her tonsils with his heavy tongue, she planted her fat ass right on Midnight's still screaming face, muffling her orgasmic cries under pound upon pound of booty.

As Tai continued to fuck Midnight further and further into cock-obsessed insanity, Mt. Lady made her munch all over that pussy, grinding her fat ass into the older woman's face. Midnight's neck bent back from the sheer weight atop her, smothered by the enormous booty and forced into the side of the couch, unable to make more than a few muffled moans.

"Mmmpppf...mmppph!" Her hands never left her own body, shamefully getting off on having her face treated as nothing more than a place for Mt. Lady to park her big bouncing ass.

"That's right, eat that ass bitch! Lick me all over, you old twat. Mmpph, mwwah!" Mt. Lady broke her kiss with Tai only to mock Midnight, reaching over to grab the older woman's legs. Hoisting them up by the ankles, Tai's thrusts and Mt. Lady's arms had her soon contorted into a rough, pretzel-like position as Tai's weight and enormous dick threatened to break her right through the couch. It was clear that neither of them had any regard for Midnight in that moment except for how they could use her sex doll body to get off.

Midnight screamed into the big fat, crushing asscheeks on her face as Tai suddenly blasted her womb with another barrage of sperm, filling her up to the point where his spunk was practically backing up into her ovaries, drowning her eggs in his hyper-fertile sperm. She had one final thought of getting back at Mt. Lady for this humiliation, even if it turned her the fuck on, before her eyes rolled back into her head, screams lost into Mt. Lady's pussy as her womb hungrily ate up every drop of Tai's impossibly potent studly seed. Only feeling lust and a basic primal jealousy as Mt. Lady and Tai continued to make out above her.

Midnight didn't have to wait long to get her revenge and while Tai lay Mt. Lady across his coffee table, spilling knick-knacks onto the floor in his hurry to fuck her womb she saw her chance. Smirking, Midnight stood above Mt. Lady, grabbing her head with her thick thighs and squeezing. There were audible crushing noises as Mt. Lady's neck was strained, her face turning red.

"Silly girl." Midnight chided, cheeks flushed as she got off on this new position of power.

"I'm the rated-R hero for a reason. It'll take more than just having a fat, bouncing ass for you to compete with me." Midnight looked equal parts girlish tease and older seductress, making lewd eye contact with Tai as the young teen rammed into Mt. Lady's pussy, holding her legs wide open in a painful spread-eagle position.

Mt. Lady's face was rapidly growing redder and darker, taking on an almost sickly shade as her hands weakly latched onto Midnight's thighs. It was no good of course, and it was very clear the only time Mt. Lady would be breathing again was when Midnight or Tai wanted her to. For Midnight that didn't seem to be soon, and Tai honestly seemed unaware of her plight, though he did moan about how tight her pussy was now that she couldn't fucking breathe.

"You know, I think I've finally found a use for you, Mt. Lady." Midnight continued, twisting her thighs just so and wringing a strangled grasp from the other hero's throat.

"You make the perfect stress toy for me to squeeze and crush, all while you're getting your slutty pussy pounded."

With a final series of almost angry grunts, Tai began to unload in Mt. Lady's pussy. Her legs hung limp from lack of air and her hands slapped fitfully at Midnight's thighs, even as she came her brains out, eyes rolling back in her head in a foolish, drooling braindead oxygen starved orgasm.

Midnight waved a hand at her face airily, adopting a somewhat noble expression, which wasn't easy for someone with a bellyful of rancid sperm. "Oh, what a rude girl, she is Tai, not even asking permission before coming herself stupid. Well, stupider~"

She glanced down at Mt. Lady, still keeping her locked in the death grip between her thighs.

"What's the matter bitch, can't breathe? Then how are you going to thank Tai for fucking another baby into your blasted-open cunt?"

Mt. Lady could only gasp and choke in response, her skin now nearly as rich a shade of purple as her mask, but that suited Midnight just fine. It was a far better response than any words the blonde bimbo could come up with, that was for sure. It was just a shame she had to let her go soon, but it was more than a fair trade if it meant getting more of Tai's fat cock for herself.

"Come here, Tai~" Midnight whispered, with Mt. Lady barely able to hear her voice as her vision, already obscured by thick muscled thighs, began to fade and blur.

"I have something I want to try with you, big boy."

In moments, Midnight was being held up in Tai's strong, burly arms as he fucked into her from behind, her legs dangling uselessly in the air. As much as the dominatrix-themed hero loved grinding weak men and uppity women under her heels, something about Tai's strong body holding her in place like a doll while his cock drove into her cock like a jackhammer made her mouth water.

"Ohh fuck me Tai! Split my fucking pussy open on your huge cock! I've wanted that fucking cock from the first day I saw you!"

Tai grunted, his hands looped under Midnight's arms and locked behind her neck, displaying her entire body lewdly as he fucked into her like the little slut she was. God, this woman was hornier than any three teenage girls he'd fucked at the school already. She looked equal parts used and abused as well as utterly in love, her mind not just gone, but completely transformed by Tai's irresistible Quirk and even stronger cock.

"Who would have thought the Rated-R hero was just a jizz-hungry slut for her student's fucking cock?!" He smirked.

Mt. Lady knelt behind him, eagerly licking at his balls and even driving her face into his sweaty, hairy ass. There was no act so lewd she wouldn't do it for this godly young man, and she was quite eager to prove that. She was happy to be his ass-eating whore any way, but if it meant she could get just one thing…

"Mmmh, mmph, your ass is so nasty Tai! I could stay down here and tongue fuck this goddamn hole all day! But can I mmmph, mmwah, sssllrp, please have some more sperm?!"

Midnight's mind was fraying under the constant strain of being railed like a living fucksock, but it only made her come harder every time, her juices gushing out around Tai's cock.

"HHHHNNNG! Fuck, she's right! More fucking come!" Like addicts hungry for another fix of his greasy jizz, there was only one thing that mattered to Midnight and Mt. Lady anymore, and it seemed more important than anything that had come before in their lives. Already there seemed to be two time periods in their life, before they met Tai (an inconsequential blur) and after (where servicing him and getting another fat load were the only things that mattered).

"Fuck you two are a nasty greedy pair of sluts! If only your fans could see you now!" Tai grunted, his cock driving up into Midnight so hard it made a distinct bulge, clearly seen through her stomach. Her costume was torn in a half dozen places, stained with jizz in many more, and constant, brightly shining pink hearts seemed to beam out of her eyes as Tai's cock treated the back of her womb like a punching bag.

As Tai came inside her again, dumping a load that somehow seemed larger than all the ones he'd busted inside her before, Midnight felt something snap inside her mind. Her hands came up in a matching pair of 'V' signs, gleefully submitting to this cock and casting away her proud, understated sultry air if it meant being a loud, screaming come dumpster for Tai. Her tongue rolled out of her face stupidly as her eyes crossed, body bouncing from Tai's deep, orgasmic thrusts.

"Thaaank yeeew!" She yelled, feeling her heart swell up like it would burst from getting what she saw as the greatest gift Tai, or anyone else, could give her.

Seeing her chance, Mt. Lady lowered her head, sticking her face out from between Tai's thighs, seeing nothing but his fat balls hanging above her like wrecking balls. Beyond that was his towering cock and Midnight's spasming, helplessly orgasming body.

"Gimme, gimme, gimme!" The blonde chanted to herself, eyes mad with lust.

Tai yanked Midnight off his cock, holding her like she weighed nothing at all. The jizz he'd just fucked into her pussy squirted out like a high-pressure jet of piss, splattering all over Mt. Lady's waiting face. She gulped it down greedily, having quickly developed the ability to swallow while keeping her mouth open to make sure she didn't miss the slightest bit of Tai's nasty, high-inducing sperm, lips smacking as her face was utterly doused.

"Fuccck...thank you, Tai!"

They'd had a reason for all this when they first started, a reason besides just getting more cock and come than any single woman could handle, a...mission? A job? An assignment? But now all of that seemed to rapidly become unnecessary. Tai was great, the best student, the best male they'd ever met. He was all they needed, as his sperm took root inside their bodies, changing them from the outside in and making them enraptured with his very being owing to his Quirk and their sheer innate sluttiness. It was all Mt. Lady and Midnight could do to think about him, his cock, and his nasty, thick jizz. He was such a nice boy, after all, it was the least they could do to give themselves to him, body, mind and soul.

Tai showed a bit of gentleness as he set Midnight down on the floor, though her trembling legs meant she was soon clinging to Tai's waist for support. Mt Lady, chewing thick, taffy-like sperm and blowing bubbles with the nasty stuff, was right by her side, staring up at their god in the flesh.

"I think you two have actually helped me a bit." Tai said, feeling rather satisfied for the moment, and with a more clear head than usual. Like many people out there, he wasn't always immune to his own Quirk's effects, but after having busted so many fat loads in a short period of time, it felt somewhat like a fog had lifted from his vision and he saw things more clearly.

"At this rate, I'll soon have total control over my Quirk."

As Midnight and Mt. Lady stared at him, pink hearts burning in their eyes, it was clear that wasn't the only thing he had control over. Even as fuck-drunk as they were, the two girls wiggled side by side, despite their differences knowing that teamwork was the best way to satisfy all of Tai's urges as well as their own. Shaking their asses openly for him like the fuck-bunnies they'd been turned into. Control over his Quirk or not, they weren't going to stop now.

There were no excuses to be had now, and the two girls absolutely didn't give a shit. Tai had become a reason and purpose all by himself as far as they were concerned.

Standing up, the two girls locked eyes for a moment before turning around, twin asses on display. Reaching over, each girl helped tear the other's clothes even further, making sure every inch of their smooth, pale asses was on display. Mt. Lady's was a tad larger, wobbling with every small motion of her hips, while Midnight's was firm and perfectly sculpted, each far beyond anything the average man could hope to see. And it was all on display for Tai to stare at and drool over.

"Tai, you're so fucking amazing!" Mt. Lady said, beginning to shake her ass openly. Midnight quickly joined, and the two proud heroes were soon twerking for Tai, bouncing their rumps, asses clapping in hypnotic waves.

"We just want your fucking come, more jizz, as much as you have! Empty your balls all over us Tai, we need it!" Midnight brought her face close to Mt. Lady and the two girls looked over their shoulder at Tai, shaking their asses in front of him, a matching set of perfect, come-hungry whores. They placed their hands on their knees, arching forward so as to better show off their asses. Bouncing up and down in place, Mt. Lady swung her ass up as Midnight dropped low, the two girls willing to put on whatever sordid sexy display Tai wanted if it would get them more come, happily lost in acting like the kind of sluts they would have dismissed as nothing but trash only a few weeks ago.

"We're your biiiigest fans Tai, this is all...for...you." Lust dripped from Midnight's voice as the chorus of their rear-ends filled the small apartment (at this point, it was a miracle Tai's neighbors hadn't called in a noise complaint), as Tai's cock stood fully at attention once again.


Midnight and Mt. Lady, Pro Heroes and twerking sluts extraordinaire. It was clear they'd found their true calling outside of typical hero work.

Tai stroked his cock, willing to take charge once more. If they wanted to act like nothing more than sluts, than that's how he'd treat them, Quirk or no.

"Get on top of each other, you sluts, right on the floor."

Mt. Lady was first to comply, laying on the floor wiggling her ass she did so, before Midnight climbed on top of her. They giggled into each other's faces, feeling like naughty teens, completely transfixed by the power of cock and only caring about sex and jizz.

"Now kiss you little slutty dykes." Tai's voice was a commanding bark, the kind of order that neither of the women could resist. Not they wanted to, as they were both too happy to kiss each other hungrily, sucking leftover crusty sperm from each other's lips, swapping spit and playfully pushing their tongues against each other. While not fully dominating the kiss this time, Midnight was happy to set the tempo for Mt. Lady, who eagerly followed, lifting her head off the floor to hungrily work her mouth against the older hero's, making out for their pleasure of their master and super-powered drug dealer. Tai was their favorite student after all, anything he wanted was his!

Lost in the kiss, the pair might have eagerly continued on like this for quite some time until with a sudden Slam!, Midnight was screaming into Mt. Lady's mouth again, her body stiff.

Fingers entwined in Midnight's hair, Mt. Lady broke the kiss to look back, watching as Tai's large hands took a firm hold of Midnight's plush booty. Almost impossibly, he was forcing that monstrous cock inside her tight little asshole, stretching her to the max.

"Ahhh...fuck that's a tight ass. Not bad for an older bitch." Tai sighed, letting out base noises of pleasure like man taking a long held and much needed piss. His cock pushed into Midnight's ass slowly, not so much waiting for the woman's body to adjust but simply forcing his way inside and letting her deal with the massive intruder reshaping her body.

"Ah….my ass! Tai, it's so, so biiig! You're kuh-killing me!" Midnight clung to Mt. Lady, experiencing a full body anal orgasm as the other woman playfully licked at her jawline, nipping here and there with sharp, shiny teeth.

"Fuck you look so good with that cock in your ass, Midnight!" The blonde hissed, legs hooked behind Midnight's ankles to better hold her in place while Tai wasted no time in tearing that ass apart.

Just as it seemed she might lose her mind fully and pass out, or worse, Midnight let out a breath of release as Tai suddenly pulled out of her ass, leaving her shaking, sweaty and panting.

"Hahh...huhh...thank you Tai~" It was unclear if Midnight was thanking him for destroying her ass, or giving her enough rest to keep from going permanently insane. Most likely both.

Tai had other concerns, as while he watch Midnight's ass gape, desperately trying (and failing) to close and retain the shape it had held before he'd rammed his way inside her guts, as he found a new target.



It was Mt. Lady's turn to scream as Tai slammed his cock into her ass, her fat ass cheeks rippling as her shitpipe was spread wide by a cock thicker than her arm and probably longer as well. Mt. Lady's small form shook as her ass was rocked, with both Midnight and Tai's bodies pressing down on her, leaving her trapped on the floor as she was ass-fucked like a cheap whore.

Midnight resumed the kiss as Mt. Lady babbled weakly, the women licking and sucking at each other's mouths, happy in their twisted new relationship underneath Tai.

Tai fucked their asses for far longer than the girls could keep track off, dipping in and out of their asses, leaving them gaping and trembling as he switched from each woman to the other. It left them gasping, shaking in orgasm and just having enough time to try and remember some semblance of their wits before he would slam back inside their asses, making sure they were either in the middle of a sordid orgasm-quake, or struggling to recover from the last one.

At this point truly mad with lust, Midnight broke the kiss to suck on her own fingers, shoving four of her digits all the way to the knuckle as Tai railed into her ass. Withdrawing the sloppy, spit-covered fingers, she brought her hand down to Mt. Lady's ass and shoved, fisting the greedy, gaping size-queen shitpipe, an insane glint in her eye.

"Gotta keep you nice and stretched for Tai, you bimbo! Bet you've never had an assfucking like this before!"

Mt. Lady gasped, feeling her body clench around Midnight's probing, forceful fist and then a good deal of her forearm as well, sliding inside of her with a wet sucking sound like a log sinking into a swamp. She made sure to return the favor as soon as Tai got back to fucking her ass, and soon both girls were coming constantly, if not from Tai's fat cock then from their own brutal lesbian fist-fucking.

Tai grunted, unable to believe that whatever he did to these whores they found some new way to out-slut themselves each time. There seemed to be no end to the depths of their depravity. Sweat dropped from his body onto their backs as an orgasm built through his body, their greedy asses holding him tight in an almost painful, sinful embrace.

"Huh...hah, I wonder where I should blow my next load?" He said with faux indecision, balls growing tight as he sawed in and out of the girl's asses.

Mt. Lady almost panicked, like some over-achieving nerd being told there was an assignment she'd never heard of till now due.

"Ah-me! I, I should have your jizz. I mean, duh, I'm the perfect fucking blonde comedumpster, all for you Tai! Give me that fat load, paint my fucking ass white with your dick-snot!"

Midnight tugged on the blonde's hair, forcing a pained gasp from her lips and taking that opportunity to speak. "Oh, don't listen to her, that come is mine! R-respect your elders Tai, I'm the better, more experienced woman here and I-"

She cut off as Tai rammed back inside her guts, unable to think and yet still able to find the words to articulate what she was feeling.


The two girls alternated between bickering with each other, begging for his come, and just orgasming their brains out before Tai simply chuckled. "Don't worry, you greedy sluts, I was only teasing. It's fun to watch you fight like the jizz-buckets you are. But I've got plenty for both of you; my Quirk's not the only thing I have more control over now."

Confusion was written on the women's faces as they struggled to understand his meaning (much as they struggled to understand anything now with their brains so fucked by sex and constant orgasms) before Tai suddenly slammed into Mt Lady's ass once more. His cock burrowed into her shitpipe like some massive earth-moving machine before he stopped with his balls pressed against her plush asscheeks, cock twitching as his dicktip exploded.

Mt. Lady's fists smacked against the floor weakly as she came, all the jizz that was flooding inside of her making her stomach expand like she was several months pregnant.

"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god! I'm fucking kuh-commming! My ass is being filled with your fat nasty load!!"

Still in the throes of her orgasm, Mt. Lady barely noticed as Tai wrenched himself out of her asshole, leaving a river of jizz flowing out before he grabbed his cock by the base and shoved it inside Midnight's asshole.

With a grunt of effort, Tai demonstrated new control over his body by being able to coax a second, equally large orgasm from his swollen nuts. There was a slight grimace on his face, but still only a small strain as Tai demonstrated a level of virility that the two women simply couldn't keep up with.

Mt. Lady and Midnight were left twitching on the floor, collapsed into a loose boneless pile of tits and ass as they could moan and groan, utterly defeated. Their assholes gaped as a constant loop of orgasms destroyed their minds, leaving them with mad, tongue-hanging ahegao smiles on their faces, cheeks red and lungs burning as they tried to breathe through the nonstop body onslaught, nerve endings on fire with ecstasy. That was a good fucking fix.

Panting mindlessly, the two girls could only shake and jitter on the floor as Tai pulled out of Midnight's ass, looking at the pair of them as a piece of work well done.

"Thanks for all your help, girls." He said smugly, yet undeniably pleased. Brainless sluts they might have been, but they did know how to fuck.

Regaining some semblance of her mind first, Midnight reached down to her thighs, tugging at her tiny, barely there panties, torn right the middle. Tai hadn't even noticed they were there, as they were colored the same as Midnight's body suit, the better to hide them and complete the illusion that she was walking around almost completely naked at all times. It was a wonder it had taken a Quirk-powered hung stud to turn Midnight into such a cock-hungry bitch, come to think of it. Mt. Lady was the same way.

"W-would you like to keep these as a trophy, Tai?" Midnight asked weakly.

"You can add them to your collection."

"Ooh, mine too!" Mt. Lady said, struggling to unhook her purple thong, the slender garment barely more than a piece of ass-floss with a tiny triangle that had formerly covered her leaking, splayed-open pussy.

"You can have mine too, stud! You can be the only man in the world to brag about fucking the two hottest Pro Heroes." The idea of this young man keeping their panties like prizes of conquest and showing them off however and whenever he wished seemed like a high honor to the two sluts.

"I've got a better idea." Tai said, still idly stroking his cock. Those back to back orgasms had taken quite a bit out of him, but he had a bit more saved up.

"I want your masks instead, your secret identities and marks of pride as Pros."

The two women looked at each other slowly, able to understand the finality of such a gesture, even if it was largely symbolic at this point, as they'd already made themselves so vulnerable and open to Tai. They swallowed in hesitation before slowly lifting their hands. Tongues licking their lips with a strange expression on their faces, they suddenly ripped their masks off excitedly waving them at Tai like a lucky gambler turning in a winning lotto ticket, desperate for what would be given in return. In this case, it was the simple joy of complete submission to Tai and doing exactly what he wanted.

Faces bare, they spat on their former ideas of female strength and their image as role models to girls everywhere as they eagerly gave the discarded pieces of cloth to their new master. The pleased look Tai gave them was enough to make them feel giddy all over, especially Midnight, who found herself with quite the dirty crush on the younger boy.

In full view of the women, Tai slowly wanked his cock off with their masks, wiping off the filth of their asses and left-over spunk on his cock with what had been the most special and guarded part of their costumes.

"Thanks, bitches. These make perfect fucking wankrags. I think it's about time I started a new collection. Still...I might need some more help, if you still intend to...assist me with my Quirk and keep me on the right path."

This was clearly a lie, yet neither of the girls cared.

Mt. Lady struggled to prop herself up on her elbows, which was difficult with Midnights larger frame laying across her body.

"Yes we were just going to stay for the weekend," They hadn't said as much yet but even before their brains had been rotted by jizz that was as far as the women's plan.

"But now we'll stay for weeks, no, months! After all we have to keep helping you! Lots and lots of ji-help."

Above her Midnight got to her feet, one of the heels of her shoes having been broken in the frantic fucking. She looked down at Mt. Last who was trying to stand herself, equally worn out.

"Oh, don't be dumb, Mt. Slut. Months? Don't be so stupid!"

Just as Mt. Lady nearly stood up, Midnight wrapped her thighs around the blonde's neck, her usual air of superiority restored as she crushed Mt. Lady's neck. With one hand, Midnight twisted at Mt. Lady's hair, pulling her face into her pussy. Grinding her soaking wet cunt into Mt. Lady's face, her forceful hips and vice-like thighs cutting off any chance of air.

Tai watched, making absolutely no move to help, far from it his cock practically jumped at the sight of Midnight dominating Mt Lady's busty body.

"Sorry Tai, it seems like Mt. Lady cant handle a real ass fucking like a true mature woman can." Her chest puffed out, taking pride not in her accomplishments as a woman or a hero, but simply as a walking jizz bucket whose worth was measured in how hard and deep she could get fucked.

"That's why she's being so dumb. Months," She mocked, as if finding the idea ridiculous.

"We…" She gave another squeeze of Mt. Lady's throat, causing the woman's body to spasm and her pussy to drool.

"Will be moving in with you. Permanently." Midnight licked her lips at the prospect, eyes pink and shining.

"So! You should keep wrecking her little ass until she's properly trained. Fuck her body into shape."

Tai smiled, stepping closer. "So that makes you my little Pro Hero Sluts, huh?"

Midnight swooned, leaning into Tai's chest like a lovestruck teen. "Oh fuck yes, all yours."

The pair began kissing openly, almost in a romantic and clearly passionate embrace. Beneath them Mt. Lady gasped for air, arms flailing. She was swooning at how sexy Tai (and to a lesser extent, Midnight) was, even while snorting Midnight's pussy her tongue eating the older women out mindlessly almost greedily.

Above her the kiss was broken and Midnight adopted a stern expression, looking down. She gave another squeeze of her thighs while slapping Mt. Lady's fat tits.

"Anything to say for yourself, slut?"

She backed off just a little, not enough to let Mt. Lady get away but enough to let her breathe and speak. The blonde gasped, shuddering before she could form words.

"I..hah, hah...I love you, Tai!"

Asking for help or a release from Midnight's thighs wasn't even on her mind.

The older woman turned a bit red out of jealousy, feeling a bit embarrassed Mt. Lady had said that first.

"Ah, that-that's enough out of you!" Her hands and thighs shoved Mt. Lady's face back into her pussy, drowning out her gasps and moans. The dark haired slut cooed a bit as her pussy was licked and slobbered on, knees weak.

"Oh Tai, don't worry about her. She can keep you busy when you get bored, but I'll make sure that doesn't happen. I'm so proud to have my precious mask be your semen rag. You're such a good boy!"

Tai smirked, crossing his arms in self satisfaction.

Good? The best. And he'd make sure these two were just the first of many to know that.


Credit: Rabiator