1 Part 1.

I wake up in the hospital not knowing what has happen. I gasp for air. I look around in my room. "not even anyone" I say laying down. What even happen I said in my mind. Not even my mom was here just my self. I wasn't wanted anywhere no one loves me or even liked me enough to help. I walk over to the sink to see cuts and bruises on my face I look down at my arm "I'm surprised they didn't put me in the sane asylum' or 'a straight jacket' or 'padded room we're all the insane people go and all those who have lost their souls and minds" I run my fingers over the cuts. When a woman in her 20s swung the door open, with a wave of light behind her her body drenched in light kind of reminded me of an Angel and one of those Bible stories . I didn't see all that well since she brought light in. "Thank god, Shalya you woke up" she says turning my light on. "Well, yea sadly I am" when my eyes finally adjusted to the light I could see that she had beautiful Hazel hair rested gently on her shoulders she wore a black leather jacket and a oddly conservative blue dress I put my arm over my eyes. I didn't remember who she was. "So.. I know this is soon but I got most of your school work from your teachers." she says going to sit down. I went to my bed. "How do you know my teacher's?" I say she laughs " silly goose I can't believe you forgot me already Ms.Burns but call me Kiara I'm the principal... I see you like everyday. I'm here cause your mother was busy, I didn't want you to feel bad " she says looking at me with cute eyes. "Pfft you had to come. You didn't wanna be here to help me... No one is"
