
Helming Hollywood (Fanfic)

Levin, who had experienced ups and downs in the entertainment industry in his previous life came to Hollywood in 1996 from 2014. It's a slow-paced novel. Unofficial translation of the novel by heracross. Raw version can be found at https://www.uukanshu.com/b/24330/. You can read advanced chapters on my Patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/Sayonara816.

Sayonara816 · Celebrities
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In mid-August, when Columbia held the premiere of the new movie for Emily, most of the media in Hollywood, as well as most of the filmmakers, had already been waiting for the premiere of this movie for a long time.

"Did you see that? It's unbelievable how many people came today."

Bruce felt proud as he sat in the press seat and conversed with his colleagues. His colleagues just gave him a blank look: they could tell that Bruce's attendance at the premiere of his sibling's latest film, Emily, was not for the purpose of conducting an interview but rather to assess the perceptions of others regarding his relative's work and enjoy the attention associated with being a celebrity family member.

"I invested a lot of effort into making this movie, and I'm pleased to say that the filming has gone smoothly. I want to express my gratitude to Winona for her outstanding performance and Al for his delightful voice. Their dedication has greatly contributed to the quality of this movie, bringing it closer to the level of excellence I envisioned..."

The premiere usually accompanies a question and answer session, but Bruce doesn't care about it at all. Bruce has been involved in the movie "Emily" from the beginning of the scriptwriting process until the current premiere ceremony. While others may not be familiar with this movie, he is well-informed and has insider knowledge. He is ahead of his peers and has no obligation to be here. He is only present due to his relation as Levi's brother and not for the interviews.

The premiere of Emily has finally started, and Bruce is aware of the challenges that came with it. He knows that Levi worked hard to ensure the movie got a PG rating and also that Columbia reached out to about 2,100 screens to show the movie. He also knows how many media outlets there are now. How many talk shows are there? How many people are waiting for his younger brother to speak here today? He hopes to rely on his words to write tomorrow's newspaper - his brother is no longer the same as before.

As Levi's brother, Bruce has been amazed and proud to witness his journey to become a top director. It's incredible to see how much Levi has grown from being a child just a few years ago to where he is now. It may be hard to notice this particular identity in everyday situations, but at the debut of the latest film, Bruce feels a mixture of happiness and concern while observing the multitude of journalists and audience members present and their respective backgrounds.

Bruce, a Hollywood filmmaker, understands the challenges that come with fame and knows the difficult journey one must take to achieve it. While proud of Levi's accomplishments, he also feels a sense of concern in his heart.

These people are now chasing Levi's tail, but they will reveal themselves as vicious predators in disguise if Levi is unsuccessful.

"Did you see how many people came? Did you see anyone coming? You probably didn't notice. I even saw Spielberg coming to watch your movie!" After the interview session, when Levi walked towards Bruce, Bruce also talked excitedly with Levi.

This made Levi nod his head and agree to his words, "Yes, I saw him coming here. I don't think this is such an important thing. There is no need to care about it."

"Why is it not necessary? Can Speilberg have any other ideas when he comes to see this movie? He wants an Oscar and must see your movie because he thinks it is a threat to him." Bruce said, "Be careful. The premiere is starting."

To Bruce's words, Levi just smiled and said nothing more.

Levi also saw that it wasn't just Spielberg who came, but even his team - Levi saw Spielberg's royal photographer Janusz Kamiński and also saw Hollywood's most famous soundtrack master John Williams. Even Saving Private Ryan star Tom Hanks was here for the premiere.

It's possible that tomorrow, some may speculate that Spielberg attended his movie premiere with hopes of winning an Oscar. Regardless of any media speculation, Levi is confident that Spielberg's attendance at the event may have been for mundane purposes.

He must have come here with Winona to show their support. Even though he hasn't been in the limelight for a while, Winona is a well-known actress, and both of them are Jewish; it's natural for them to come here and show their support.

In fact, not only he but Weinstein, who denied Winona to appear in his own movie some time ago, also came to the premiere scene at this time. These people's appearance has made them see the value of stars: the circle of Hollywood is said to be big, but it is also small. A movie premiere ceremony held by a star for his own movie is enough to attract the attention of the entire Hollywood.

Of course, it is implausible for Levi to accept that these individuals arrived here solely to elevate his movie. There is curiosity and speculation in these people's hearts; some may hold more malicious attitudes, even just to see their own jokes.

Regardless of their thoughts, they are considered his guests. As he is present, the only way to please them is by allowing his film to captivate them.

"Okay, don't say this here. The movie is about to start. No matter what kind of intention you have here, you have to watch the movie before you can talk. You want to praise me, someone wants to scold me, and maybe someone else wants to do something else. Yes, but no matter how you think about it, you must finish watching the movie."

Bruce's words did not scare Levi, but Levi comforted Bruce, and they walked into the hall together.

At this point, the audience is already seated and ready to enjoy the film after the premiere interviews.

The movie begins.

"On July 12th, 1971, at 8:23:21 p.m., a fly capable of flapping its wings 14,670 times per minute landed on the streets of Manhattan."

With the voice of Al Pacino, the movie started, and this movie caused a commotion in the people almost immediately: everyone could see that the movie was indeed shot in Manhattan — the kind of narrow roads that allow two cars to run side by side, it is definitely New York. However, the Manhattan in the film completely differs from the Manhattan people usually see. The whole street seems to be sprinkled with a layer of golden light. With the filter of the film, it looks like a dream. At the end of the street, the setting sun is right in front of you, and you can have a panoramic view through the long and narrow corridor as if the sun is hanging there.

This is just the beginning of the movie, a picture of the beginning of the film. This picture is already breathtakingly stunning.

This scene was shot on May 28th — the streets of Manhattan are very neat chessboard streets. On this day, and on July 12th, because of the camera angle, there will be a very magnificent and beautiful scene: the sun shines vertically on the whole street, and the afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled the entire street.

This movie is a remake of Levi, and its scenery and things will naturally differ from the original film. Levi is not a stickler. Since he shoots the movie himself, he wants to shoot the most beautiful shots in his film.

There is beauty everywhere in life; the key lies in whether you can grasp it.

Twice this year, a total of only 30 minutes of strange scenes captured the hearts of the audience in an instant.

"It's so beautiful."

Levi heard someone whispering behind him.

Almost all of the audience was immersed in the same mood: it was such a simple picture that already revealed the unique charm of the movie, making everyone's eyes fixed on the screen. Although very few people know about the spectacle of the hanging sun in Manhattan, Manhattanhenge, of course, there is no name for the hanging sun in Manhattan. This phenomenon was only named in 2002 — but this strange and magnificent sight is still breathtaking.

From seeing the trailer, people can already be sure that this movie is quite dreamy. But it wasn't until they actually saw the footage of the film that people really understood what a dream is.

And even more dreamy is yet to come.

Al Pacino's voice continued to explain, starting from Emily as a fertilized egg, and continued to tell about Emily's birth, growth, and the whole process. There were almost no lines, just describing what was going on.

This kind of film form is quite unique and novel: a romantic comedy film is made without any lines, and the story is always conveyed through narration. This structure makes the audience start to be amazed.

Levi discovered that some audience members had already discerned the intention behind the action.

The movie's shots have a dreamlike quality and gradually introduce the audience to the narration's perspective through a voiceover. The precise numbers, attention to unique scenes, and portrayal of each character's strengths and weaknesses, as well as the frequent shots of real-world surroundings, help the audience easily understand the story from God's perspective.

This is a heartwarming story told from God's perspective, where the audience is watching a little girl grow up despite the hardships she faced as a child. It is natural for compassion to arise within the hearts of the audience. As Emily begins to display her unique charm, those who previously pitied her will likely develop a deep affection for her.

Emily is an angel, and the one who knows how to appreciate and sympathize with angels is naturally God. The lens can speak, and through these lenses, the movie has guided the audience to a unique state of mind.

The charm of the same story is told from different angles - this is the charm of the movie, and this is the excellence of the director!


Thanks and kudos for my patreons

Cherif Doghri

Danny York

Scott DePaepe

MMMCMXCIX, or 3,999

The Main Man

Sandra Torres

You can read advanced chapters on my Patreon account: https://www.patreon.com/Sayonara816.

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