
Hello pain

I don't remember what it's like to not feel broken pain . . . huh! pain why the hell pain. To the exact core I was travelled to a (@_@) what werewolf novel with a stupid system. [system]: (╯ರ ~ ರ)╯︵ ┻━┻ [system]: hey, stupid soul you should be previlaged to travel with me [FL ] : (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ [Author]: sorry for delay and coming to the story ( background: another table thrown towards the window by the system ) [Author]: ಠ‿ಠ why don't you people just travel with the story to find what happened to them.

Deenmirchi · Fantasy
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5 Chs





why hell this head is painful and what is this dream like pain literally worse. massaging her template and opened her eyes.

she found herself in a room of white marbles covered with white walls. ( where am I better find out what is this place)

" Hello is anyone here" she calls and she hears a ding sound, turns to the sound of direction and finds a floating doremon kind of robot.

" Doremon!"

[ system]: hi I am your system and welcome to the soul space and I am not a doremon. I am a cupid system

"cupid system " she just watches as the system came near her and asks her something

" huh, what " she asks the system again

[system]: I am asking you that do you want to travel into the novel. complete you task and win your reward soul. it's awkward to call you soul. what is your name.

" soul, am I dead and why I have to travel through the novel.yesterday mama told me that I was going to see the one whom I am going to marry" as the words came she remembers the bus in which she was traveling, then she remembers nothing.

[system] : soul , I know your confused. For your kind information you are dead, say your name and we are going to transmigrate into the novel so please co-operate with me soul.

" my name is Kira so don't call me soul it's kind a creepy and so you are saying that we are going to transmigrate into a novel. who gave you the permission for this travel because I didn't give you that" she spoke with harsh tone.

[ system]: so Kira, I don't take permission you are sent her by the transmigration god. He gave me the permission to access your soul and wanted to inform you about this travel.

" damn you stupid god, you take my soul and you don't give me choice for this wait till I reach you. you are dead for sure I promise you. hey you cupboard or something I don't want to travel with you and I want to go back to my home you understand huh".

[ system] : Kira I am going with you into this novels and that's final. don't forget miss that I am incharge here not you so listen to me or you can go to the degrading soul center that's from that door three left and a right. so the choice is yours either come with me or go to degrading soul center. I heard that the degrading soul center is bad place.

As the system tells her the choices and Kira decides to go with the system but she doesn't like to go with it. system informs her that it going to talk with her through the mind so she can ask her whatever she wants. The robotic voice echoes through the walls

[ transmigration process started 1%.... 58% .....99% ]

[ transmigration process completed] she stands there as a light fells upon her and she started to fade away. She hears the system voice one last time.

[ system]: I will be with you in your head you can talk to me and remember don' t fall into hands of the villain ok good luck Kira.

Light fades with Kira and systems warning echoes in her mind as she closes her eyes.