178 There's a Catch to the Accident?

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

When her mother's accident occurred, she did suspect something. However, she thought that though Ding Mengya was mean with her words, she could not be that kind of person.

Moreover, the culprit had admitted to what he had done, so she did not think in that direction anymore.

However, at the moment, the police uncle's words made her body tremble uncontrollably.

She suddenly remembered what Ding Mengya had said.

"… You are not scared, but what about your mother?"

"Zhuang Nainai, believe it or not, I could raise one finger, and your mother and you would no longer be able to stay in the whole of Beijing city."

Zhuang Nainai shuddered all of a sudden.

Her throat felt like it was being strangled by a big and invisible hand, causing her breath to hasten seemingly.


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