563 Si Zhengting, You Are Awesome! (5)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Due to the pregnancy, her life had become forcefully regimented.

To eat breakfast at 8 am sharp, she had to crawl out of the warm bed at 7:30 am. As she was afraid that Si Zhengting wouldn't let her continue sleeping and force her to wake up to eat breakfast, Zhuang Nainai had played a small trick while she was still half-asleep.

Only… 6 am?

Turning his head toward the side, Si Zhengting looked at the sky. Although the curtains were drawn, the sun still shone through some cracks. He pressed his lips together and did not say anything.

If she did not want to wake up, they should just sleep a little more.

As he thought of this, he turned his body and saw Zhuang Nainai sleeping without a care in the world.

Her hair was spread out on the pillow sloppily. Her arms were showing, and her fair and smooth shoulders were exposed.


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