

It has been a year already since I saw how the pristine palace exploded and was swallowed within seconds by the blue fire that appeared out of thin air. Whenever i close his eyes it was as if it happened just yesterday the way my ear rang from the explosion, my eyes stinging from the ashes of the debris that fall from the explosion and the smoke that filled his lungs

Soon the haunting memory of me watching my sister aria's back walking away from me was still crystal clear in my memory the way her familiar golden locks flows with the wind her porcelain skin and a face splitting image of our dead mother

"Nick" i was woken up by the voice calling out to me

Opening my eyes and doing some stretches i greet Aliya one of the survivors of the fire that night which have been attending me as a personal maid but when we are alone she usually more like my traveling companion instead

She has her ginger hair tied with a ribbon and her face that resembles a fairy with her rosy lips and doll like eyes she looks as beautiful as always, "breakfast is served you better hurry or it would go cold" she beamed a smile at me

"Thank you" I smiled back and let my eyes wander searching for one of my greatest leads of what happened that night, "Where's Aurora?" i asked after i couldn't find her on the room

"She's downstairs already eating" she replied

I raised an eyebrow, "Wow she didn't even wait for us?" well that was weird normally she would wait for everyone to eat together

I shake my head pushing my unnecessary thoughts away

"Let's go eat then" i said heading downstairs to the dining table of our humble abode

Soon I caught a glimpse of a familiar golden lock from behind the kitchen counter, "Retz!" I called out and soon she turned around and I was greeted with a smile, her blue eyes sparkling with joy, "Oh?! Master!"

"Did you finish eating before us?" Aliya ask coming from behind me

"Ah! Sorry i got hungry so i ate first" she responded scratching the back of her neck

I went to my seat, "Is that so? By the way did any mail come today?"

"Not really" Aliya said taking a seat to the table as she reach out for some toast

"Weird, I think I saw the mail man earlier today?" Retz stated locking eyes with Aliya who answered out with, "Yeah the mail man did come and ask for directions"

Seems like i need to find another private detective i should probably talk to father personally this time we seemed out of touch for the past few months too

Now that i think about it i should have a talk to the mailman

"What's the long face?" Aliya ask pouring me a drink

"We should prepare some clothes we be heading to the palace tomorrow" i said

Retz tilt her head in question while Aliya looked at me stunned, "Tomorrow? How about the day after tomorrow?"

"Is there something wrong?" i grab the glass and gulp it down

"Our weekly worth of groceries would be coming tomorrow" Aliya said

"Ah! Is that so then let's go the day after tomorrow then" i replied

"That won't be a problem," Retz said, taking both our attention. "Aliya did you forget today is tuesday the groceries come during mondays"

Aliya frowned, "is that so? My memory must have went bad"

I took one final sip on my coffee, "Then let's go tomorrow morning then"

"Excuse me then i go rent us a carriage for tomorrow" Aliya stood up from her seat

She then grab her coat from the wooden rack and went out

"I also have to buy some snacks for the ride! Bye master!" Retz also went out

I was then left alone to the house, "They sure are excited" i mumbled putting the used dishes to the sink

"I should prepare my clothes too" i went upstairs to my room only to find Retz and Aliya's shared room's door was left wide open

I quickly went to locked it when i saw something shining under the bunk bed they shared

I then went to look over it only to find a small pocket knife and opened letters. I looked at the letter's date and it was the letter I was waiting for! The multiples detectives response

I went thru them one by one and it seems that each of them almost kept on repeating the same sentences, 'the one who set the whole palace on fire was a mage with the same affinity as clairvoyance'

Meaning the one who killed everyone was one of us who survived the fire that night!

Excluding me a person who was born from the family without the clairvoyance ability but inherent the golden eyes that signifies the connection of the clairvoyance family

The remaining people who possibly could have done it would be my very own father the king and Retz

I gulped at the thought could it possibly them father loved my sister very much so there is no way he would try to burn down the whole castle without a care knowing my sister would be there while Retz on the other hand don't even have gold eyes but she resembled my sister so much and she was also found inside the castle but what remain a mystery is she have no records of existence ever but when the church of creation checked her there was no signs of illusions, modification or resurrection at all and after the goddess selena freezes the whole palace and stop the fire from spreading any further she herself was shock of Retz who managed to survived the fire that can quickly send someone to melt just getting close from it

"Master!" Retz shouted as the sound of the door opening can be heard from downstairs

"We arrived" Aliya shouted back

Nick then quickly panicked and shoved the letters back in with the dagger under the bed as he slowly went out of the room he quickly try to contain the uneasiness and he somehow managed to calm himself, "coming" he said as he take one last deep breath before heading downstairs

Somehow he learned to control his emotions after going to important event that makes him need to handle insult and slurs that came from people who are distated with his existence

After all if it weren't for his golden eyes no one would have guest he was a member of the clairvoyance family as he wasn't born with the ability one had because of tha no one liked him even his very own father he was sure if his twin sister didn't stand up for him he would have been disowned a long time ago

After having dinner we all went to bed and eventually i woke after feeling eyes on me slowly i try to pretend to still remain sleeping by remaining to close my eyes but slowly i try to opened my eyes a little to peek at the direction where i can feel the stares coming from

Even thought it was dark the moon illuminate from the window act as a small light source making me able to have small visibility to the silhouette of what seems like a girl but other than that what shook me is the bloodshot eyes that look back at me

Sweating heavily i slowly reach out to my sword under my pillows but before i can grab it an arrow broke thru the window hitting the silhouette's right shoulder sending it start fleeing from the balcony

Quickly i stood up and unsheath my sword running after the balcony but when i look down i was confused when i start seeing two figures running on two opposite directions

It was dark and so i decided to choose to ran after the one on the right but when it ran around the corner of the woods the figure disappeared completely out of thin air

Eventually i hurry back home and ran to the house and quickly ran into the room to check if retz was sleeping on the room and to check if she has any wound cause that would mean my suspicions was right

But when i reach there i was shocked to find her sleeping soundly but then i was stunned to see that aliya was not there

"Nick! oh god are you alright? I heard the noise so I went to check!" Aliya's voice reasoned came from behind me

"Yeah i'm fine" i shrugged

She quickly hold out her candle stick to my face and check if i had any wounds her hands shaking, "i'm so glad"

"Hmm~ what's wrong?" Retz said rubbing her eyes

"Sorry did we wake you up?" Aliya said smiling sadly

"I think a thief get in" i lied

"What! Did they get anything valuable!?" She said standing up from the bed

"Not really" i shaked my head

"I don't think it was just a thief ethier it must have been an assassin or something" Aliya cleared

Retz looked at me, "Is it perhaps because of the master's past as a prince?"

Aliya nods, "possibly too"

I look at them discussing back in front

Now that I think about it. Someone helped me i remembered the arrow that hit the figure

Could it possibly be that this isn't the first time this happen and i just somehow didn't notice it happen

Like ice cold water being poured over me

It seems i spent too much time mourning that i didn't notice things happening around me

"Let's go" i said as i put my luggage at the carriage, "we should reach the capital by three days"

Soon the forestry view was replaced with buildings and we were greeted with the familiar palace

"It seems like the palace reconstruction was finished this month" Aliya said

I watched the palace from a far as the carriage moved over to park

The palace's structure was now different the chiseled quartz was now replaced with stone and bricks

"It was beautiful" Retz said her eyes sparkling after seeing the palace

After seeing a restaurant we made a stop and decided to have a quick tour too

Retz ran before as at different stores as her curious eyes inspected everything

Me and aliya look at each other and exchanged smiles

She was truly beautiful

Soon we ended up in front of a souvenir store and soon i found aliya staring at a necklace with a phoenix symbol, "it looks great do you want it?" i said

She shake her head, "it's way too expensive"

"I buy it for you if you want" i replied calling over the vendor over who smiled with us at delight, "what a sweet scene must be nice being a young couple" he said making both of us blush

We then stopped over a restaurant Retz ordering the food for us as we are both left at the table

"So.. Do you want me to wear it to you?" i ask

She blushed, "yes" she said in a small voice

I then unboxed the necklace and placed it around her neck before locking it

"It suits you a lot" i smiled at her

"T-thank you" she said grasping the phoenix crest

Soon we rode back another carriage and this time i found the tip of my hand touching hers my heart skip a beat and soon soft delicate hands wrap itself on my arms

I look at my side and found her blushing awkward silence filled the air as our hands remained intact for the rest of the ride before the carriage came into a halt when we reach the castle gate

"Welcome home your highness" Vanitas the captain of the castle knights bowed to me the other knights behind him

"Welc-" The head maid Antoinette was stunned when she saw retz who just came out of the carriage after aliya

"Impossible the princess is alive?" the maids that was behind Antonnite and the butler whispers to themselves in a very low voice

I ignored their welcome and quickly asked, "where is father?"

"T-The king was currently sleeping on his chambers your highness" Antoinette stuttered

"How rude" The knights whisper to themselves

"Just because he was the only surviving member he seems to be so overconfident to himself"

"Who's that girl next to him she seems so similar to the princess"

"How disrespectful to think he would still show his face here"

The servants and nobles they somehow come across murmur to themselves

"Seems like nothing ever change" Nick said shrugging the way people eye at them

Retz grab his arms, "i don't like the palace anymore" she whispered

Aliya gave her a pat on the back, "don't mind them this matter is common for people of nobility"

"The rumors won't matter as long as you don't let it affect your decisions" She continued

I gaze back at retz she doesn't have a wound nor was she missing back then but i still couldn't lift my suspicions after all she could have healed herself and pretend to sleep that night

I then hold out my hand and ruffled her hair the same way my sister used to do when someone bullied me

After settling in our very own rooms that was given to us i hurriedly start trying to contact father but it seems that she was busy with the 22nd concubine that i was left no choice but to be able to contact him the day after

I clenched my fist my father was the same as always he only have three routines sleeping around every woman he can have, drinking all the money and doing corruption and charging too much tax to his citizens

Mostly all the relative i know do this they always think so highly of themselves for having gold eyes and the clairvoyance attribute that makes them be young forever as the clairvoyance artibutte can make them harness time itself but because they became too arrogant no one really work hard to fully harness it and somehow they just strengthen their abilities on doing party tricks and rejuvenating themselves not even thinking about harnessing it fully to aid a lot of people instead

I was not really saddened about my relatives death at all as the only thing they did for me is scowl and raise their hands on me and my father didn't even mind it or more like he never cared at all as long as i am alive as giving birth or impregnation is hard to come by especially for the people who had the clairvoyance bloodline because of that sometimes they even wed their own cousins to become 'pure breed' which is nothing but bulshit but what actually i can't accept is my sister's death she never done anything wrong instead she questions our family rules instead and at a young age she focus on harnessing the ability of clairvoyance and she ascended to a goddess rank that focus on maintaining balance and serve as guardians. Gods and goddesses rank was mages who manage to have the ability to distort the balance of the world and after ascending they were given rights to a territory that they would guard and develop and that place would be pass on generations to generations to their own family

If only i had that power too maybe i could have take over the family and changed the rules then stop the tyranny my father did as well as saved my sister but it didn't work i was born talentless and the only thing i can do is wield a sword to protect myself

I sight to myself and then i heard an explosions coming from outside

My breathing quickly turned heavy as i start to panic it's happening again

1 year ago

"Aria!!" I screamed as I cut the door with my sword, "Aria!" i screamed again and again as i tried to reach the place the explosions come from

I then saw my sister's familiar golden locks fighting with someone, "aria!-" i then trip and slump down the door when a hand grab my feet causing me to stumble

I stood up and then froze when I saw the hand that grabbed my feet belonged to a person who's whole body is melting, "save.... me" the person shouted as he soon melted away until his bones could be visible and some organs was left splattered to the floor

My stomach churn quickly at the scene and i inevitably vomited on the spot

After throwing up I was then pulled by reality when I found myself engulfed by a golden aura that I quickly realized belonged to, "aria?" i ask

Then i looked to my side to see my sister wounded her mouth had blood stain on them seems to caused by excessive use of mana then was more shocked when i saw a large hole in her stomach

"You shouldn't have come here" she said with a raspy voice

Tears fell down on my eyes as sadness overtook me

Why? Why am I so weak? If only i was stronger i would have at least could have at lifted her burden at least

"Don't blame yourself" she said looking at me, "i promised didn't i"

"That since mother is gone now i would protect you" tears fell from my eyes even more, "cause we could only have each other"

Memories flash in my eyes the memories when we used to fight even the memories we bullied each other of and the memory of our mother's funeral

That day no one came even our father spent his night away with another woman we are the only one at the funeral we are barely even reaching teenagers yet we are only aged eight back then but they carry the world by their shoulders

After getting send off by Aria's magic he quickly ran towards the church to find goddess selena to quickly put out the fire

He doesn't care when the pieces of debris hit his body piercing him and scratching him all over

He doesn't care how his eyes sting when the smoke and ashes hit them

Nor does he care about the ringing in his ear

Or the way his skin melt he ran then screamed and screamed again to ask for the goddess helped after hearing no response he quickly ran inside the church fighting against the strong grip of the guards he ran towards the church kneel and beg the goddess that quickly went to his aid

A strong sense of relief wash over him when the goddess brought her very own healers with her and make a strong snow storm that befall the palace that night

It was sunrise when the fire went out that's when nick started cutting out the debris and start searching for his sister after seeing rocks cover the entrance to the underground floor where he last saw aria he fastly use his sword as a shovel and used it to cut and move large debris and when his sword broke he decided to wait no more and clawed his way to the soil that caved in from the explosions

He ignored the pleas of people asking him to stop as his nails bled as it continuously rummaged thru rocks and soil

And when they finally managed to move large part of debris they managed to opened a gap that he can crawl to, "please...." he mumbled to himself as he crawl thru the gap his heart beating so fast

While crawling he kept on praying that his sister is still somehow still alive but images of finding his sister dead and sprawled against the floor kept on flashing in his mind

Soon he reached the familiar place he last saw him. A sense of worry and fear ran over him when he saw the familiar long golden locks sticking out from a closed door he quickly then went and with a gulp he opened the door revealing a golden haired girl who resembled his sister, "Aria?" she was wearing the same clothes aria wore too and the same hole was in her dress but the hole to her flesh seems to have recovered he could have jumped in joy and relieved but something was off and it was because his sister had golden eyes not blue topaz eyes

"Who?" the girl look at her with indifference from the same gaze her sister gave him

Instead of a gaze filled with noble aura and worry the gaze he felt seems to came from a little girl that is filled with curiosity

He quickly reach out to the girl and gave her a warm embrace

He don't know whether it was just a fragment of imagination he had because he felt remorse that because his sister died because of him the same way their mother did

But somehow a part of him wish that this girl he was holding is his sister and even if she didn't he would still kept her around in loving memory of his sister that he lost that day

Back at the present

He grind his teeth sheathing his sword, "this time i would end it all" he promised as he dash towards the door to check for aliya, "never again"

He swore to himself no matter what happens and no matter decision he have to made he would not regret it if it is needed

He rushed to the scene as another set of explosions happen

People were panicking and then one of the guards bumped into him, "what happened?"

"I-it was her! The one who started the fire!! That night i-it was her!!" he screamed as he runs away in panic

Wasting no more time he start running again this time he reach the eastern part of the palace then he saw his father with the same dagger he saw on the bedroom that night stuck into his as one of his consort cried over his corpse

After following the trail of blood he soon found more and more bodies and soon all the blood leaded to the ballroom

With a deep breath he kick the door opened to find Retz pinning down aliya to the ground as she hold a sword to her throat

He bit his lips at the scene and threw his sword to retz direction making her jump away from Aliya to dodge

He then quickly picked up some stray sword from one of the dead palace knights and create a stance

"It's not what you think it is" Retz reasoned as she prepare her sword

"It is what it is" He shrugged standing in front of the wounded Aliya

"You are making a wrong decision" she said walking towards him lowering her hands her upper body was left unprotected

Somehow it was a wide opening but hesitations causing my footsteps to falter, it was a perfect chance but somehow my body didn't listen to me

And instead it followed my heart that kept on knocking at my consciousness as if it was whispering to me that something doesn't make up

Soon then my eyes widen when i saw retz pulled out a small dagger and chuck it at my direction

I tried to dodge it fastly but it was thrown so fast that i can only close my eyes as i brace for impact when

The dagger scratched my cheeks as it went past me and clanged against what seems like a metal

I then turn around only to see Aliya holding my sword in her arms

Her stance showed professionalism as if she know how to wield a sword the same way she knows how to breath

My eyes widden as my head start to comprehend what just happened, "d-did you just tried to kill me?" i ask

"Isn't that obvious" she laughed as she positioned herself

Her stance showing that she knows what she was doing and her tone of voice quickly changed

Her usual soft voice suddenly turn venomous

"I told you" Retz said pulling back my attention at him

I frowned, "H-h Why?"

"Isn't it obvious? Does your small brain can't understand what is happening? Want me to spell it out for you?" she mocked

Then slowly it all make sense to me

The one who was cutting of my letters was her back then i shrugged it off because she was just a normal maid that i didn't even tried to pry and inspect

The one who is usually awake early was aliya she was commonly the one who received letters

-Is that so? By the way did any mail come today?

-Not really

-Weird, I think I saw the mail man earlier today?

Then another scene flash before me

Back then the one that was not in the room was Aliya and also that night her hands were shaking not out of fear but because of the wound she received from the arrow instead!

Slowly after finding the answers i been seeking for i position myself and settled my will

Retz positioning herself right by my side

Seeing this Aliya covered her eyes with her hands and start laughing, "i guess playtime's over now huh?" soon blue fire covered the sword that she holds, "master told me too kept the goddess of time in check but she didn't told me to not kill her" she mumbles to herself

Soon she uncovers her eyes revealing a blue cat eye like iris replaced the hazelnut eyes she have

The two of us look at each other and replied with a nod

Pointing our weapons to her we quickly took opposite direction and went in for a strike

I was the first one who went ahead and slashed my sword forward to her only to have my whole body melted as soon as she grazed me with her now sharp claws

Feeling the searing pain i quickly staggered backwards only to find my body back as it was before

Then i quickly saw the large magic circle that wrapped around my waist, "go ahead i cover you" she ordered her blue eyes now turn gold

Without a moment to waist i went in for another strike twisting my sword mid way as i channeled all the forces i had on my body but it was quickly deflected with her claws and soon my body was burned away again but thanks to the golden magic circle rap around me my body return to its normal state the same as it was a second ago\

"Tsk" Aliya's face turned sour as three large blue magic circle surrounded her body and soon her appearance changed into a blue large phoenix, "

Just die already!" she screamed her voice so loud it shook the ground

I felt into my knees as strong gails of wind strike me down sending me to slam into the wall behind me as the magic circle around me healed me one last time before it shattered

A laugh escaping her lips Aliya stare down at me with a mocking gaze

"Aren't you forgetting something?" i laughed as everything went according to our plan

Then the space behind Aliya distorted as Retz appeared out of thin air behind her

Aliya quickly tried to fly away knowing her fire was useless against her. Somehow she managed to dodge but her right wing was severed sending her to yelp in pain

Then she felt a sting came from her left wing, "did you seriously think that arrow was just a normal one" Retz mocked

Her eyes widen in shock as she bled more and returned back to her original form

My heart stinged seeing her in that state but i steeled myself

My sister and i exchanged looks as she throw to me back my sword

I catch it and start walking to the now defenseless Aliya that was bleeding on the floor unable to move

My sword dragging behind my back, "n-no..." she tried to crawl away

"Aliya did you ever... like me" i asked her

She snickered, "how pathetic" she gave me an eyes of disgust, "all of you are just all the same" for just a few second i found sadness filled her eyes before it was filled back again with disgust and hate

The Clairvoyance bloodline is a bunch of narcissistic people who thrived on looking down on others they do many crimes and never once have they suffered for it that's why seeing her expression i already knew she must have been one of the victims too and somehow fall to the wrong hands

I then raised my sword up as my hands trembled she then closed her eyes bracing her death but instead of stabbing her i put back my sword to it's holster before walking to my sister's side

Soon the two of us walked away leaving her laying there and once we are out of earshot my sister looked at me, "you sure we just gonna leave her there?"

"It's not like i have any grudges against her i dont really mind her killing everyone except you and now that i found you alive and in one piece what more can i do?" i reasoned, "Anyway what happened to you? Your eyes just turn blue then you lost your memory or something?"

She look at me, "it was a long story" she used her fan to cover her face, "all i can say is the power of time is actually more frightening than people think"

"Did you know all of this would happen?" i ask

Knowing my sister she always was one step ahead from everything and somehow when i always look at her from afar one thing always cross my mind

She don't belong here

It was as if everyone all represent clocks and she was the only clock that remains unmoving as if time works differently around her

One thing i am aware of is i rather not investigate any further cause i know that would be the most disturbing think that i would know in my whole life