
Change Of Plans

Kairon heard Micah's voice from deeper inside the mind-entanglingly beautifully decorated café. And before he could delve deeper into the sensations his mind felt from looking at the walls and the mural, he continued walking.

He had a purpose in coming here, and although the walls were beautiful and worthy of admiration, it would be rude to keep Micah waiting when he had already acknowledged Micah's presence.

"In here!"

Kairon followed Micah's guiding voice and went behind the counter to enter the kitchen, where he found Rego brewing another cup.

"Before you say anything, Kairon. There's been a change of plans."

Kairon hesitantly accepted the cup Rego handed, overwhelmed by the aroma. He slowly looked at Micah while smelling the bitter coffee.

"Umm… So, that means...?"

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