This story is based on Anju a private detective ,who was on a visit to Kashmir.
Switchbacks, narrow sections, uneven surfaces, deadly heat and distracting views are all par for the course on a drive along . Drivers must contend with extreme weather conditions and an extremely narrow and steep route on this hazardous road between Ladakh and Kashmir in India. As well as strong winds and landslides, there are no barriers to prevent vehicles from plunging down the steep gorge. The pass, which climbs to 11,500 feet (3,000m) above sea level on the edge of the Himalayas, is part of National Highway 1, which goes between Srinagar and Leh.
I ran my car with full speed and came close to that car, now only I had to overtake that car while overtaking the next car. I had already decided what to do after that. However, there was a risk in what was decided. There was a risk that if the driver of the next car could not hit the brakes on time, my car could become a pancake. But I had to take this risk. However, I did not change my mind.
I started blowing the horn loudly from my car, the next car driver immediately gave me a pass . Anyway, it was a deserted area, there was an empty road, he could not have any inconvenience in giving the pass. Apart from this, the people in the next car did not even seem to suspect that I was chasing them. and then ! As soon as I got the pass, I overtake the next car and after going some distance ahead I sharply reduced the speed of the car, then quickly parked it diagonally on the road. Suddenly, seeing my car parked diagonally on the road, the driver was about to be shocked, but he showed great agility and while controlling the car, hit the brakes. '
Charr ... Charar ... Charar ... ! '
The tires of the rear car creaked and it came dragging close to my car. So close that the front of the car could come to a stop only a few inches away. It was indeed a work of great risk. If the driver of that car was clumsy, then that car would have collided with my car. The result would have been an accident and who among the people sitting in the previous car would have remained alive or who would have been saying hello to almighty by accident.
And about me !
There was no question of me crashing, because I have been in this work for quite some time . As a detective ,I have faced many such cases .
After having overtaken and parked my car slanting on the road, I hurriedly got out of the car without missing a hundredth of a moment and parked in the dark side of the pavement.
The first stage of my intention was completed with success i.e.!
and now !
I was preparations for the next stage were starting. From that car, three stern men came out. Those men looked like slain goons, got out of the car with a flurry of abusive words and rushed towards my car. All three approached my car, but they were shocked to see the driving seat empty and looked around as if searching for me around. The tape of abuses continued unabated from his mouth.
My eyes twitched.
I had to teach them a lesson soon, so I immediately went ahead and stood in front of them and said - "Aye! Who are you abusing?
" Seeing me, he rubbed his eyes and said to his companion - " So beautiful! Am I not dreaming somewhere? This person looks so beautiful and sexy , it seems that this car belongs to her.
"What a sexy girl ! In this deserted place.
Hai little sister ,are you alone .
Lets have some fun with us.
Really, this is the glory of heaven."
"Close your beak . Joan said with frustration -
"Whenever you sees a girl ,you starts to drooling like a hungry wolf . For the time being ,focus your mind on the work given by boss."
"Oh!" As the he came to his senses, then he moved towards me and came a few steps away and growled, "Girl! Why did you park this car like this?"
"To stop your car." I said leisurely. I know about the man you are kidnapping, so after handing him over to me,you also have to tell me why and where were you taking him?"
They were startled and shocked to hear what they heard from my mouth.
The next moment a dreadful expression appeared on his face - "It means that you are following us from the bar, you even saw us when we were forcibly taking that person into the car."
"Correct. "I said while smoldering the cigarette with leisure- "You really got the nic of it . Now immediately hand him over to me and also tell why and where were you taking that innocent young man? "
" Bitch ! "
Don't you know what we can do to you in this deserted area, if we were not in a hurry, we would have done so, so don't waste our time and fuck of from here silently.
" Hearing the words of that goon named Joan, I rushed towards him and as soon as I reached close to him, I suddenly threw the end of the burning cigarette in his eye.
The other started looking at me in amazement, with broad eyes. He probably did not expect such an action from me. But the very next moment, he said gurgling like a wolf - "Bitch! I will not leave you now."
He swiftly pounced on me like an eagle. I was alert so my knee moved rapidly before he could even touch me. The result was in front, he went back screaming badly and fell a few feet away.
On the other hand ,Joan was still abusing me putting his hands on his eyes, my punches landed directly on his stomach. Joan also fell staggeringly due to the blows of the punches.
Now his third companion, who had been watching and listening like a spectator, also came into action. He took out a knife from his pocket and pounced on me to hit me. He wanted to hit my stomach with a knife.
But I was not even from his side, so as soon as his knife hand moved towards my stomach, I turned to one side and holding his knife wrist, I threw him in the air with a trick of Judo.
He went high in the air and fell on the road .
'Dhamme '