
Hell's Salvation

Aytee · Fantasy
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26 Chs

New Appearance and New Arms

As Vlad lay in the magical circle, undergoing the transformation, he chose to alter his appearance to a more youthful look. Emerging from the ritual with the appearance of a 15-year-old boy, he now had striking purple eyes and black hair with a distinctive blue hue at the tips.

Standing up, he examined his new form and felt a mix of nostalgia and determination. He then brandished his sword, Brightstar, a divine gift he had received long ago from the gods. Holding it out towards Melek, he spoke with a sense of finality.

"This sword no longer suits me," Vlad said, his voice firm but youthful. "I am not the hero I once was."

Melek took the sword, understanding the gravity of the gesture. "Then let me give you something that suits your new beginning," he replied.

Worried about the dangerous turn of events and knowing that Vlad would still need to defend himself, Melek provided him with two auxiliary weapons. The first was a long spear named **Drakenshard**, forged in the fires of the Demon Realm, known for its resilience and power. The second weapon was a pair of enchanted daggers named **Shadowfangs**, designed for swift and deadly close-combat strikes.

"These will serve you well," Melek said, handing over the weapons. "Use them wisely."

Vlad took the weapons, feeling their weight and balance. He nodded, appreciating Melek's thoughtfulness and the power imbued in these new arms.

"Thank you, Melek. I will use them to forge a new path."

With his new appearance and weapons, Vlad felt ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The bond between him and Melek, forged in the fires of past battles and now strengthened through shared trials, seemed unbreakable.

The weapons in detail.


- **Description**: A long, sleek spear with a dark, almost black shaft. The blade at its tip glows faintly with a red hue, a sign of the demonic magic within.

- **Properties**: Highly durable and imbued with demonic energy, allowing it to pierce through most magical defenses. It can also channel the wielder's energy to unleash powerful thrusts.


- **Description**: A pair of short, curved daggers with dark blades that shimmer with a silver light.

- **Properties**: Enchanted for silent strikes, these daggers are perfect for swift, lethal attacks. They have the ability to absorb light, making the wielder nearly invisible in the shadows.

As Vlad adjusted to his new form and weapons, Melek couldn't help but feel a surge of pride and concern. The path ahead was uncertain, but together, they would face whatever challenges the gods or the realms threw at them.

"Let us prepare for the next phase," Melek said, his eyes fixed on the horizon. "The other kingdoms will soon make their moves. We must be ready."

Vlad nodded, his youthful face set with determination. "I'm with you, brother. Let's show them what we're capable of."

As they turned towards their next challenge, the bond between them, strengthened by their shared past and uncertain future, guided their steps forward.