
Hell's Academy

Author: RazorIsSharp
Ongoing · 1.6M Views
  • 247 Chs
  • 4.5
    35 ratings
  • NO.200+

What is Hell's Academy

Read ‘Hell's Academy’ Online for Free, written by the author RazorIsSharp, This book is a Fantasy Novel, covering ACTION Fiction, ROMANCE Light Novel, ADVENTURE Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: Howard awoke every morning with the taste of blood in his mouth. Every night before he went to sleep, the women sleeping...


Howard awoke every morning with the taste of blood in his mouth. Every night before he went to sleep, the women sleeping next to him shot him to death so that he could reincarnate in the morning. They did experiments on him, all because he had horns on the top of his head. Finally, after years of experiments, they tossed him into the abyss. A place worse than hell called the Furnace. Down beneath the surface, the Furnace allows dreams to turn into reality, abilities to be amplified by a thousand fold, and for conquests to unfold. Howard, finally finding himself free in the Furnace, joins a team of reprobates from Hell's Academy, hoping to conquer the Furnace and build the ultimate kingdom in the darkest trenches of the world.

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ThatAmazingGirl · Fantasy
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Table of Contents
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Volume 1


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A shameless man once attempted to be an author only to find himself dangling from a rope over a large mountain. He had a choice, cut the rope and become an author or get off the cliff. Well, I cut the rope and am still falling. Hope you read this story!


This book is severely under rated it has good grammar, an interesting plot, and it is professionally written. Please don't drop this it will probably get more attention.


Absolutely fantastic! Wonderfully well written. This novel is a way better than i had hoped. I can’t believe its not more popular. Mistreated youth grows up to be the hero, I love it! Slight chauvinistic undertone but in the best way possible if that’s a thing. Great read, great story, great side characters.


are we reading the same book why does this have such good reviews? the grammar is subpar the writing flow is a hot mess jumping all around the place and just throwing things in without any context. making it feel like you're reading some interpretive poetry that doesn't actually have a deeper meaning it is just horribly written. however, the characters seem deep enough and the concept is unique and interesting if you can get past the writing.


Loved it ❤️💕❤️💕❤️. The writing style is very cool. Story development is really nice. Character design is at its finest and my favorite is world background. Loved it!


Reveal spoiler


So after going through all of the chapters here, I have to say that I enjoyed this very much! The idea of stories where the characters go to a ceratin school to learn how to use a certain ability or magic, has always been my favourite type of story (what can I say I'm a otaku that grew up with those and I will guess that, the Author inspired himself on those, but if not I'm sorry for my remark) But this one was good because of the idea that the MC reincarnates into a diffrent world and goes to one, is for me (at the very least) cool and original, the world is interesting and mystirious and the characters are both interesting and cool. The only downside would be a few grammatical errors (but like I always say, it does not hinder a good story and can be fixed with time and ease) Anyways I liked what we got here and I will be coming back for some more, so keep it going, Author!


Cool! The plot is really interesting and intriguing, the characters are all uniwue themselves, however the story is moving a bit too fast for me, maybe adding more details would be good, to build more emotions and tension. But still, Good work Author! Keep it up!


This is an interesting concept, it had me laughing and Howard is kind of like a goofball. The world is interesting and I like Monica she seems fearless. Good job author.


Reveal spoiler


It was so good that I started stockpiling this novel. keep it up I will need more to read and thanks for your efforts. Author❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I have read it through 10 chaps. There is nowhere mc mention revenge stuff about his parents about himself being tortured and not to mention he always behaves like he got brainwashed by the girl above the surface.


This is my attempt at an honest review. This review is purely based on my personal opinion on the story. Everything I write within it is taken from my worldview, and cannot, and will not, try to convince others otherwise I was at chapter 23 when the review was written. The writing style is rather straightforward and nonsuperfluous. It conveys what is happening in a pleasant manner. Although it is straightforward, it uses the right words at the right time, and I find it rather immersive to read. The release speed is very good, a lot of chapters are being released from what I can see, and, as far as I have reached, the quality has not taken any hit because of it. The story is different from what I usually read but I have thoroughly enjoyed it. While there are many novels where the main character is a test subject, this is done rather differently. I would definitely suggest others to try out this story. It is definitely time well spent.


When I layed my eyes on this book, it instantly caught my eyes. The plot is great, it's written in a very detailed way and I can't help getting excited everytime I move onto the next chapter! Keep up the Good work![img=update]


The dialogue and pacing are definitely strengths of this work, even if the direction of action and events need a little work done.


A reincarnation story that certainly holds a lot of potential. To add a little more depth into the details would certainly bring this alive, but other then that, a pleasant and enjoyable read.


Overall it was a good novel, unfortunately though our dear author here has seemed to drop the novel completely. Unfinished product, i wouldnt spend any coins to read if i knew it would be dropped.


Honestly, if I compare it with other novels of similar genre it is lacking something. I guess something that makes it unique other than going to an abyss and struggling down there then have revenge or other cliches developments. I am not going to lie but I only read a few of the beginning chapters and one thing I know that I have little hope for interesting developments that are let's say overwhelming or beyond my expectations. The novel just might not be for me as I might just have very high standard with all the competition going on. I will write another review if I come back to the novel. I hope you good luck.


Hi! I gave you advance 5 star. I didn't read it all but I'm excited giving my thoughts about your story. I already added this to my library. I salute your good writing style.


I signed in just to write this review. This is seriously one of the best novels I read. Keep up the good work, and keep the chapters coming ! Good luck on your test ! ^-^


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