
Heir Of The Sun.

The roar of wyverns echoes across a land of forgotten gods. Beasts like Fenrir dominate the land, and survival hinges on magic and weapon techniques. I am Aether, reborn into this brutal existence, a slave with a painful past and a future seemingly carved in stone. But fate, it seems, has a twisted sense of humour. When hope dwindled to a flicker, I stumbled upon an ethereal cave. Inside, bathed in an alien glow, lay a magnificent beast - a dragon, scales shimmering pink and red. Fear threatened to consume me, but a defiant roar erupted from within. "I will never bend to your will, FATE!" The echo of that challenge hangs heavy in the air, a spark igniting in the darkness. This is where my story begins.

Rene_Tokiori · Fantasy
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50 Chs


Aether's mind raced. He needed a distraction, and fast. The Sunstone's activation time hung heavy in the air – a full minute that stretched into an eternity. Wind magic, the one element he could manipulate with relative efficiency, was his best option. While he could access other elements and creation magic (his own personal, volatile invention he'd never dared share with his mother), both presented significant drawbacks. Channeling the other elements yielded meager results due to his weak mana vessels, incapable of handling the necessary mana flow. Creation magic, though independent of elements, was inherently unstable and dangerous.

Left with no other choice, Aether opted for the familiar – wind magic. He might still be a novice, but it would have to suffice. With a surge of determination, he focused his will, readying himself to unleash a whirlwind.

Aether delved into the murky depths of his mind, grappling with the very essence of magic. Traditional magic was a tapestry woven from the threads of old gods. It thrived on the fervent belief and awe believers held for these deities, or at least, a solid understanding of the myths and legends surrounding them. But Aether, a self-proclaimed non-believer who'd never felt a connection to these deities, lacked that spark of inspiration. The status effect plaguing him, "[Blessing of No God]," only solidified this limitation.Imagination, the cornerstone of magic for many, wasn't a simple tool for him. It felt more like wrangling complex equations – formulas that made his head spin whenever he attempted to stray from the rigid framework of basic elemental magic.Pushing his mana to the limit, Aether felt a now-familiar throb of pain as he tried to siphon a significant amount from his reserves. 'Focus,' he commanded himself, the image of his mother and Ana fueling his resolve. 'I can't let them die.'Taking a deep breath, Aether visualized a powerful wind shear. In his mind's eye, he saw the air around them twisting and churning, creating a chaotic vortex. With a surge of will, he channeled his mana, and the air responded. Currents swirled, rising and falling in a frenzy, a testament to his desperate attempt to buy them precious time.Despite their relentless attacks, Mary's shield held firm, a shimmering barrier against the bandits' desperate blows. The hulking brute, veins bulging in his neck, roared in frustration, urging his men forward. "Don't let up! Stop the mage, or it's all over!"Victory seemed within Aether's grasp. A violent gust of wind swirled around them, threatening to tear the bandits from their feet. But that triumph was short-lived. A deafening crash from above shattered the air, sending a shockwave that dispersed the wind and whipped up a blinding dust cloud.The bandits were flung backward, disoriented and coughing. As the dust settled, a horrifying realization dawned on them. Cedric, their leader, had descended from the sky like a vengeful god. He landed with a bone-jarring thud mere inches from Aether, his arrival marking the end of the boy's desperate struggle.In the blink of an eye, Cedric struck. Mary and Ana, caught in the shockwave of his descent, were hurled through the air like ragdolls. Ana, instinctively shielding Mary, took the brunt of the impact. Her body crumpled lifelessly against a nearby tree.Mary, wracked with pain and coughing blood, could only watch as Cedric lifted Aether by the throat, his face contorted in a cruel amusement. The weight of their world had collapsed in a single, brutal moment. Hope, so desperately clung to, had been extinguished with ruthless efficiency.Cedric released his grip on Aether, a sneer twisting his lips. "Such a disappointment," he declared. Before Aether could even gasp for air or land on the ground, Cedric unleashed a spinning kick with inhuman speed, catching the boy square in the gut.Aether doubled over, a scream ripped from his throat as searing pain erupted. His vision blurred, the world spinning into a chaotic mess. Through the haze, he heard Cedric's cold command, pointing towards Mary, "You, take that woman to the squire of the village with the rest of the good."The hulking brute, still shaken, stammered, "Yes sir, what about… the other one?""Dead, imbecile! Are you blind?" Cedric roared, a flicker of rage momentarily breaking his composure.But before the brute could react, a flicker of movement caught his eye. Aether, fueled by a primal fury and a desperate need to protect what remained, had somehow reappeared behind Cedric. With a ragged cry, he lunged, attempting to strike back.Cedric, however, was a seasoned warrior, his reflexes honed by years of bloodshed. He reacted with lightning speed, grabbing Aether by the head before the boy could land a blow. With a sickening thud, Cedric slammed Aether's face into the ground, the impact sending a tremor through the earth. A strangled gasp escaped Aether's lips, his vision fading to black as darkness consumed him.Cedric, his grip tightening on Aether's skull, applied relentless pressure. A desperate scream tore from Aether's throat as he clawed at Cedric's arm, a futile attempt to ease the crushing agony. But Cedric's face remained a mask of cold determination. This wasn't just about ending a threat – it was a chilling display of dominance.Without a word, Cedric summoned his claymore. The massive sword materialized from thin air, hovering menacingly above Aether, poised to behead him like a lamb at the slaughter."You raised my hopes, mage," Cedric growled, his murderous gaze hidden beneath the dark visor of his helmet. "So much raw potential for such a young whelp, yet ultimately weak."Just as Cedric prepared to unleash the final blow, a figure materialized from the smoke and chaos. Mary, her face etched with fierce determination, stood defiantly between Cedric and Aether. The air crackled with a sudden stillness as all eyes fell upon her.A crimson tide washed over Aether's face, blurring his vision into a watercolour nightmare. With a Herculean effort, he pried his eyes open, only to be met with a scene ripped from his worst fears. The claymore, destined for him, had found its mark in Mary's chest, the dark metal a grotesque flower blooming from her back..Mary's voice, a rasping whisper defying the impossible, "You won't touch him." The strength in her words a stark contrast to the crimson blooming on her chest. Aether, a shattered reflection of that defiance, reached for his mother, his hand a tremor echoing the breaking of his world.Then, silence. Not the peaceful kind, but a heavy, suffocating blanket. But it was pierced. A voice, cool and synthetic, yet laced with a hint of triumph, "[Activation complete!!]"A blinding white light engulfed them – Mary and Aether – erasing the scene of carnage and despair. All that remained was a wisp of smoke curling into the dusk sky.

"Unlimited power! Now I gotta clean up this mess...like Spiderman, lol"

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