
Heir of the Pirate Devil

The heir of the ghost was born in 1477 in the Haiyuan calendar, but he in the world of One Piece has a soul that does not belong to him. Douglas Barrett, who knows his own destiny, how should he change his destiny and dominate the world!

Jeffrey_Nin · Anime & Comics
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200 Chs

Chapter 145 Prestige! Raging

The new world, a desert island.

At the request of Barrett, Zefa and his party cultivated on this isolated island.

But Barrett found a clearing by himself, used the ability of merging fruit, merged into a giant about 50 meters.

Afterwards, Barrett began to try to attach armed domineering to the giant's fist.


"Barrett, control the armed domineering in the body, let it transfer, remove the body entangled in the fist of the giant." Zefa taught.

"I see, Teacher Zefa," Barrett replied.

Barrett can already control the armed domineering, just let the armed domineering remove the body, for Barrett, it is not a big problem.

Then, the giant's fist turned into a faint black.

Barrett succeeded, but Barrett lifted the fit.

"Why, I feel that my armed look is not enough?" Zefa asked.

"Yes, that layer of armed look is domineering and feels too fragile." Barrett replied.

Even if you don't need to see or hear the color, you can feel it with the naked eye. The faint black layer is too weak and feels vulnerable.

Then, Barrett used the ability of merging fruits again. This time, Barrett only merged out a 20-meter tall giant.

Similar to the height of adult giants.

But this time, a layer of armed domineering was attached to the giant's fist again, no longer a faint black, but a real black.

"Barrett, how do you feel this time?" Zefa asked.

"It feels good, this time the armed color is domineering, I don't want to be as vulnerable as before," Barrett replied.

Immediately, Barrett hit the ground with a punch.

The ultimate cannon.


It is a pity that only a big hole with a radius of about 100 meters was hit, which is still a bit worse than the ultimate cannon.

However, this time, Barrett's giant did not collapse, but was intact, that is to say, Barrett can continue to cast the ultimate cannon.

Barrett, who was relieved of the state of integration, appeared in front of Zefa.

"It's not bad, even if it is a giant, it is difficult to achieve such power. I am afraid that only those powerful giant fighters can perform such powerful moves." Zefa praised.

What Zefa said is prestige, hegemony, and so on.

"It's okay. I attached my whole body's armed color domineering to the 20-meter-high giant, and the strength is roughly the strength of those instructors." Barrett replied.

In other words, Barrett's armed color domineering is more than ten or several dozen times that of ordinary instructors.

In terms of quantity, it can even be compared with Zefa, but in terms of strength, Barrett is still a bit worse.

"Teacher Zefa, your armed look is domineering, not as much as you thought, but it is very strong." Barrett doubted.

"Oh, then we have to compress the armed domineering, when the number of a person's armed domineering exceeds the area of ​​the human body, there is nowhere to be used."

"Just like you, you can't use all the armed colors at the same time, you can only use them in turns."

"It's because of your body that there is no more area to cover the extra armed color domineering."

"And after attaching the domineering armed color to the giant, some are not enough."

"For those remaining armed color domineering, what we choose is to integrate and strengthen, reduce the number of armed color domineering, and improve the quality of armed color domineering."

Zefa explained.

"The armed color is domineering, are there other colors?" Barrett asked.

In Barrett's memory, the colors of the armed colors are almost varied, and they seem to be strong or weak.

"Oh, this is okay. The color at the beginning is black. If you increase the armed color to the next level, it can become purple."

"The next level is blue, but at this point, we don't bother to make bells and whistles."

"Like me, it's always black, I'm used to it, and it's relatively low-key, with unexpected effects."

"And the guy Karp doesn't even need color. Invisible attacks are attached to armed domineering, in other words, all his attacks are likely to be armed with domineering."

Zefa explained to Barrett.

"That's it." Barrett suddenly realized.

I remember that when I was at the peak, I used the blue armed color domineering, and even the giants used the blue armed color domineering.

In other words, his armed domineering at that time was already close to the peak.

"You are now faced with two choices. One is to stick to the giant and use it on the giant without moving the existing armed color."

"Another option is to integrate and strengthen the existing armed color domineering, using your own body, the armed color domineering will be stronger." Zefa said.

"I choose the second one." Barrett replied without hesitation.

"Huh? Your devil fruit ability is very powerful," Zefa reminded.

"Yes, but the limitations are also very strong. I found Jiancheng Fruit in Xihai before. I originally wanted to use it as a storage for steel. Unfortunately, I don't have a clue yet."

"So let's give up the development of the fruit of the fit now, and focus on the physical skills, after all, that is real combat power." Barrett replied.

According to Barrett's inside information, there has been a very powerful scientist in the navy headquarters, and it is said that he has led the world for hundreds of years.

If Barrett didn't guess wrong, it should be Begapunk.

Now Barrett told Zefa about his thoughts. He wanted Zefa to convey his thoughts to the navy headquarters.

Let the navy headquarters find a way, and then the naval headquarters will certainly not ignore it. After all, Barrett has almost been designated as the navy headquarters by default, and the next marshal.

"So that's the case, I will report this issue to the above, just follow your ideas." Zefa said helplessly.

What Barrett said also had some truth, but Zefa really didn't want to let Barrett become a pure-physical powerhouse. Barrett's devil fruit was very useful. It was a pity that he didn't work hard to develop.


Next, Zefa, Barrett and his party began to wreak havoc in the new world.

Kuzan watched it for so long, but never said a word.

At the beginning of this action, Kuzan seemed to be hit with chicken blood, always rushing to the forefront of the team.

"Barrett, Kuzan, you two act separately, keep your distance, and keep talking." Zefa said helplessly.

No way, the pirates of the new world, it seems that there are not enough two people to kill, so they can only take the line alone.

Fortunately, Barrett's support ability is extremely strong, and neither of them is weak, so Zefa is more relieved and let them hunt freely.

But Zefa didn't know that his decision brought a bloody storm to the pirates of the new world.

The names of Kuzan and Barrett are about to spread throughout the new world.

After a month, the first half of the new world was completely cleaned up. At this time, Sarkarski and Polusalino also came to "assist."

Barrett, Polusalino, Sakarski, and Kuzan, four of them appeared in the new world at the same time.

The news spread all over the world, and the whole world was boiling.

Even Zefa didn't expect that the four people's unyielding character led to the current situation.

The navy headquarters also made timely adjustments to this...