

The furniture, rich and refined, was cleverly arranged in the spaciousness of his suite. Everything was set up with tenderness and intelligence. Egeor would never forget it. Then, slowly, he walked out and closed the door of his suite. As expected, he found his mother „or rather the one who had played that role throughout his young life, in the garnet-colored living room. In this huge room, the ostentation was more discreet and darker. The furniture was made of precious black wood and crystal, arranged wildly to give the room a wonderful heavy feel. From the high ceiling hung various luminous chandeliers in the graceful shapes of star dancers. And the walls showed gardens stretching under a reddish twilight. All the flowers were dark, varied, and gave off a fresh, delicate scent. They were skillfully scattered to give the illusion of secrecy and unattainable dreams. His mother was sitting on a chair covered with a dark red velvet fabric with a leafy pattern. She was having tea in the morning, the delicate and precious china shining discreetly in the morning light. „Mama! She turned to her son, alerted by his tone, and understood. She had already sensed that this day would come in the near or distant future. But to see him standing there, beautiful and determined, was almost unbearable. She could already feel her heart breaking before it stopped beating. Egeor smiled fondly at her mother. She was truly beautiful with her long straight hair flowing freely over her shoulders, her azure eyes, her frail body gracefully wearing a light green haute couture dress, streaked with golden threads. Its charming brightness formed a sublime contrast with the darkness of the room. They smiled at each other. The tears flowed from the moment she opened her mouth to speak. „Darling. Did you sleep well? „Yes, as always. „I also slept well. I had breakfast while waiting for you. Are you hungry? He shook his head slowly. „Not really. „But you still have to eat. You're going to need all your strength to get through this day, and all the others. „Okay, Mama. Egeor sat down across from his mother, and ate a hearty meal. Croissant, bread pudding, jam, toast with cheese and melted sausage. His mother grunted. „I don't want you to go. The young mage smiled. „I know. Besides, I'd have been hurt if you hadn't. „Really. I never know with you. But no mother would ever want her child to leave, even if that child... „I know. He repeated. And I'm lucky to be your son. They ate together and talked as usual about things, trivia, fun memories and the weather, as if the day was ordinary, as if their separation would never happen. But somewhere, unable to take it anymore, Sylvia „his mother„ ended up shaking and bursting into tears. He held out his hands and hugged her. Feeling the wonderful warmth of her son, she remembered the day she and her husband had discovered him. *** They went on vacation to the south of their Kingdom called Karados „the land of mist. Her beloved husband always insisted on spending a week by the sea. So they chose a town still unknown to them, a town that owed its name „Erimon, to an island located a few miles from the beach, very famous for its mystery and magic. It is said that this island, always surrounded by mist and enchantments, has never been explored or even violated by any being, except by the Brimives, those flying creatures with white and blue bodies, graceful and discreet, wonderfully alive and existing only on this island. All those who ventured there and tried to reach the island lost all consciousness and were sent back to the beach. And they could only wake up after a week. After leaving their luggage at the five-star hotel, in the presidential suite of course, Sylvia and her husband put on their swimsuits and headed for the beach, which was already happily populated by vacationers. And like the latter, they first contemplated the inviolable kingdom of Erimon before diving into the sea. Playing in the water like two children, they first forgot about the rest of the world, and cared about nothing but themselves. But soon, slightly tired by this tender restlessness, they looked at each other and turned to the island. „It really is a beautiful island, my dear. „Yes, it is. Its beauty is even more sibylline and grandiose with that untearable mist that envelops it, and those two-colored, flying beings that inhabit it, add to that splendor. „I wonder what is there, my love? „Yes, me too, my darling. I wonder what it is about this place that is so precious that it has forbidden the rest of the world to go near it. „The Brimives must know. They have been specially chosen to stay there. I even feel that their duty is to protect this sacred place. „Yes, but Sylvia I am afraid we will never know. „Unfortunately, yes. They looked at each other again, tenderly, smiling with joy, then kissing deeply. It was at this moment that a strange sound came out and spread. They looked at each other again, but this time with amazement. The sound was so powerful, so light and abysmal that they did not know how to react. They soon realized that the sound was coming from the island. The magic and power of the sound was so great that everyone in the city was thrown into an insurmountable trance. Everyone saw the Brimives restless and worried as if their precious "secret" was suffering beyond their control. Finally, the sound died down, and everyone returned to their normal state. Sylvia rushed to her husband. „Honey! „I'm fine, don't worry. They hugged each other tightly. „I see. I am relieved. They embraced and reassured each other. Then, after recovering completely, they turned to the island. „I wonder what it was? „Yes, you do. I wonder what that strange sound meant.

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