
Chapter Four

"So it updated? Damn, that is a lot of stuff… The bastard!" I complained as I looked over the changes the Company had done to the Catalog.


"Is there something wrong, Ichi-nii?" Yuzu asked me as she disengaged from her morning blowjob, though Karin was still preoccupied with my testicles, giving them licks and kisses.


"It's nothing Yuzu, it is just a minor inconvenience," I answered as I looked over my build again and saw that the new prices for stuff had now left me a little bit in debt and that my defenses were not as effective and all-encompassing as before. Which just meant that I had to Capture more girls before I could go on my trip, to gather even more girls.


"A short term or long term one?" Rukia asked from her position in her closet, semen leaking from her pussy still on display as she had managed to get reach many orgasms before my lovely sisters had arrived.


"Just a short-term one, the guy who gave me my stuff also gives the same thing to other people across other realities and he just changed up stuff to make the game more fair and balanced," I said mockingly as Yuzu returned to deep throating my dick. "But It can be easily resolved though."


"By binding more girls right? That was how you said you got points?" Rukia asked with no hint of jealousy or accusation in her tone. As she was totally fine with me making my current harem even larger. "Well, thankfully, there are a lot of women in in the Seireitei who could use a good dicking."


"Yeah, and I want as many Nieces and Nephews as possible," Yuzu stated as my dick fired its load onto her face, which she happily licked up as best as she could.


"You're all a bunch of perverts, you know that?" I said with a chuckle while my cute little sisters pouted at me for that.


"And you're the biggest one of us all," Rukia fired back.


"True," I admitted I was huge as a pervert.


"Glad you admitted to that, and speaking of perverts wanna go and pick up Kon? Urahara messaged me and told me his shipment of Soul Candy have arrived. Plus we need to keep up appearances, so to speak of you just being a substitute and being powerless just for a little bit," Rukia said, and I nodded in agreement.


"Sure, why not? I had plans for him… her? Well, I think Kon is going to like this arrangement instead of the one we had last time, as I am going to using my newfound god-like powers to make her… (yeah, Kon is probably going to be a she,) a brand new body," I said.


"I don't really get what you're all talking about, but go and do that if it makes you feel better," Karin said.


"Right, let's get going then," I said as my Shroud activated and clothed me.




"Welcome, Welcome how can this humble shopkeeper help the two of you?" Urahara greeted us as we entered his candy shop.


"We are here for the supplies, I ordered," Rukia said with crossed arms.


"I know; I've got your order right here, Miss Kuchiki," Kisuke said. "Ururu, can you go can get Miss Kuchiki's order?" The former Captain asked the small girl that was looking at me with a red face.


"Yes, Mister Urahara," Ururu said, and I still had no idea what she or Jinta was, but I guessed they were beings close to homunculus like Nemu.


"So you're the kid that Miss Kuchiki got robbed into being a substitute Shinigami?" Urahara asked as he stared at me, and I could very damn well that tell he was playing clueless about who I was, considering his and my father's relationship.


"Yeah, that is me, Hat-n-clogs," I responded using the nickname canon Ichigo used, which caused the scientist to chuckle.


"Well, you have spirit, so do I think I could get a sample of your blood? Never meet a substitute before, and I am a bit of an amateur scientist," Urahara asked to experiment on me in the most obvious way possible…


Did he know that I knew?


I mean, he was Kisuke Urahara, and he had definitely sensed the start of my ascension.




"Ah, it was worth a try," Urahara said as he put his fan in front of his face. "So besides the Soul Candy, is there something else you need?"


"Yeah, there are a few more supplies I am running out of," Rukia said as she began to list them as Ururu returned with the package that contained Kon's pill.


And I could tell it was Kon due to the Reiatsu it gave off.


"Here it is," The flushed loli said. And I wondered how long it would take for Ururu to seek me out as I could see her lust increase the more almost undetectable Reiatsu pressed against her body as was natural.


"Thank you," I responded with a smile as I took the small container.


"You're welcome," Ururu said back.


"Yes, thank you for buying; come back soon," Urahara mirthfully said from behind his fan as he handed Rukia a plastic bag of various things.




"Okay, now to put my bullshit to use," I said as I held up Kon's pill between my fingers. I still didn't know if just applying the Shroud of Power together with my Aesthetic Talent or if I needed to use the powers of the Hogyokyo and my Transhuman powers, but I betted just on the first one due to how the Company operated as you couldn't fuck a piece of candy now could you?


The Shroud of Power acted on my will and wrapped around the inactive Mod Soul.


Which turned into a complete sphere that filled my hand up completely and nothing happened, well, nothing for the next ten minutes until I saw a notification appear in front of my eyes.


Captured: Kon The Mod Soul(Bleach)[+3]


Which meant that the Capture had been successful, and as I returned my attention back to Kon, I was the Shroud ball start to become undone, which left me with a very small woman in my hand.


A woman that looked like a gender-bent version of myself.


Again just very, very small.


"Uhm… hello?" Kon greeted me as she fidgeted within my grasp. Though not in an attempt to escape from it, it was just done due to nervousness from what my Empathy sight was telling me.


"Hello," I replied. "So, Kon, do you have any new memories?" I asked just to make sure.


She shook her head. "No, I only remember being in a pill and being afraid to be found and killed," She told me as her body shaked with a little bit of fear. "But I do have a little bit of new knowledge in my head."


"And what is that?" I asked with a smile as my right thump moved to touch her left tit as I could see Kon's arousal increase, her nether lips starting to get damp and leaky with her girl fluids.


"The reason why you gave me this… ah body Master," Kon moaned in between her words as I continued to play with her right breast. Moncingt my thump in a circle grinding it against her oh so tiny nipple.


"And what is that reason, Kon? Please enlighten me?" I asked in a teasing voice, and the Mod Soul turned miniature genderbend me, just blushed adorably as she answered in a very husky voice.


One dripping with arousal.


"To be your living cocksleeve, to be your living fleshlight, you can just dump all of your thick cum into my tiny womb master," Kon spoke as her hand went down to her now leaky pussy. "So please put your cock into me, destroy my tiny body."


Again hearing that coming from Kon in a miniature gernderbend version of my body was still surreal to see and hear.


But boy, if it was not a turn-on as I could feel my dick about to burst out of my pants at the lewdness of the act.


"As you wish, my little slut," I said with a smile at her blushing face as I undid the lower half of my outfit, making my dick sprung up to full attention.


And I saw Kon go slack-jawed at the size of my cock.


All ten inches standing proud and ready to wreck her stretchable insides.


"I want it, I want it, I want it, " Kon muttered in pure wanton desire. "Master, I want your huge cock in me!" She loudly begged, and I just smiled at the orange-head as I held her small but very, very durable body within and moved her closer to my pre-cum leaking cock that was throbbing with the need for Kon's tiny cunt.


"And you will," I said as I pressed my oversized in comparison head against her leaking pussy lips, they were so swollen and puffy that it wouldn't be able to resist my dick parting them.


"Ahh!" She moaned as it did so. "So big!" Kon screamed as I spread her apart, my head being swallowed by like a snake eating its prey.


But it didn't stop with just my head.


I continued moving Kon's body down my length like the sex toy that she was.


And the bulge in her stomach got even larger, as she was so small that just inserting my cockhead into her love tunnel had already punched open cervix and entered her room.


Which explained why Kon was cumming and squirting like a machine gun as her eyes were basically rolled back into her skull while her tongue lolled out of her mouth.


Panting like a bitch in heat as I forced more of my length into her.


Kon's womb, stomach, and body stretched practically like a condom around my member.


She was truly the perfect sex toy.


"Ah, yes, fill me, break me, use me, Master!" Kon screamed as she finally came to and began to speak like a dirty whore as I was hilted all the way.


And boy was Kon stretched out now, my cock was cock was fully outlined by her stretchable skin, which surged past her head as she was only a little above thirty centimeters tall.


"I can see it, I can feel it, I can touch it Ichigo," Kon said as she weakly lifted her hands up and touched her stretched out body, and I could feel her small and delicate fingers press against my dick trying to stimulate it the last way to an orgasm.


And it was very much working as I could feel the almost endless flow of semen that my balls could produce start to churn within my heavy nut sack.


And then she moved her head and pressed her lips against it, and I finally came.


"Argh, my stomach, my womb is expanding, Master, you're turning me into a cum balloon!" She screamed as I began to cum.


And I saw her stomach expand quickly as cum filled her up until her stomach was almost the same size as her body.


But I wasn't done yet.


I wasn't satisfied until Kon was as cum filled as my other girls were normally.


Which meant she was going to end up being more cum than… human? Could Kon be counted as a human? Or was she closer to being a cocksleeve fairy than anything else.


Well, if I asked her, she would definitely say option number two.


"Well, I am not done yet!" I shouted as I turned Kon around so that her bloated stomach hung from her instead of laying on top of her.


"Yes, more!" Kon screamed as I continued to move my little fairy back and forth on my dick.


And I continued until Kon was a beach ball on my bed, her body laying on her hyper-inflated stomach, which was slowly draining due to how small her pussy tunnel was.


There couldn't simply escape enough, fast enough for her to deflate any faster.


"Thank you, Master," Kon moaned blissfully as she fell asleep.


"You're welcome, Kon," I said to the Mod Soul, now turned Fairy Cocksleeve.


"Well, I didn't think Kon would turn out like that," I heard Rukia say as she entered my bedroom in Shinigami form, having just taken care of a few Hollows while I had been busy filling Kon. "Though I gotta say girl you, is pretty cute."


"Yeah, and sexy. Never thought I would have sex with myself even if it is another person in the body," I said in response. "Not that I regret doing it; it was pretty fucking hot."


"It is; you turn her into a beach ball, and is she going to get pregnant?" Rukia asked as she scooped up some of the ultra-thick cum that was leaking from Kon's gaping cunt.


"Probably," I responded. "I didn't turn off my fertility, and her body, while small and very stretchable is one-hundred automatically correct, so Kon is probably going to give birth to a lot of tiny babies… which is probably going to be an interesting experience."


"I say," Rukai replied as she placed a hand on her stomach containing the babies that I had put in her. "So anyway, me next before Yuzu and Karin gets their turn," Rukia said as she returned to 'Human' form and got naked quickly, showing off her delectable and aroused body. Her nipples were hard, and her pussy was leaky.


"What do you wanna do first, you naughty girl?" I asked as Rukia came onto the bed.


"How about you bloat up my womb and then cream my ass?" Rukia suggested as he hypnotically swung her jiggling ass.


"That sounds good to me."



A sigh of sadness escaped my lips as today was the day.


The day that Masaki Kurosaki had died, that Ichigo's Mother had died, that my mother had died.


For as I continuously reminded myself I was Ichigo Kurosaki now, I had inherited all of his memories, and so by proxy, all of his emotional attachments. Which meant I loved Masaki Kurosaki as much as he did. But that love was also mixed with my old selves with Lee's sexual attraction to her, so I didn't know what the fuck my actual thing with her was; I just knew that I loved and cared for her on a deeply emotional level.


And now the entire family was at the graveyard, and the rain was pouring down around us with only the umbrellas we were holding keeping us dry.


"Yuzu, Karin, you two can go ahead; there is something I want to speak to you brother about before we pay Masaki our respects," Isshin said; this caused the twins to look at him for a moment before nodding their heads in acceptance as they gave me a quick look and then moved towards our mother's grave.


"Faster than me on that," I said as I had wanted to speak to Isshin before we actually went to Masaki's grave.


"I figured it as best the both of us came clean before we stood before Masaki," Isshin responded.


"That is fair, so where do we start? Who starts?" I asked.


"I think you should, as I want to know how much you know before I say redundant information," Isshin said.


"Yeah, that is fair," I responded. "And I know pretty much everything, you're a Shinigami, Mom was a Quincy, Aizen's Hollow attacked, you feel in love, and then we came about."


"Yeah, that is pretty much everything though I want to know how you know that son, and if you're even my son," Isshin said in a serious tone that promised pain depending on the answer.


"I am Ichigo Kurosaki, just another version that came from the future where everything went wrong, and thanks to the power of an outside power that basically blessed me to be even stronger, I assume you felt it?" I went with the story I had given the others as it was the one that made the most sense and was also technically true.


"I did, and I am pretty sure everyone who is spiritually sensitive in Karakura and outside of it did too," Isshin responded. "So you're really from the future?"


"Figured as much, and yes, and the experience changed me," I said.


"I can tell you're much less moody now and-." I cut him off at that as I could easily guess what he was going to say.


"Much more sexually active? Yes."


"You're having sex with your sisters," Isshin simply said.


"Yes, I am, and do you have a problem with that?" I asked.


"No, I do not. Shinigami don't have an issue with incest like modern humans do, my first experience was with Kukaku, so if you ever go there, be sure to treat her right," Isshin said.


"Who do you take me for?"


"Just wanted to make sure, and regarding your sisters, I honestly expected it to go this way as they were simply too attached to you, they would compare every other man to you, and they would not measure up," Isshin said with a chuckle. "And if they are with you, at least I know they will have a happy relationship."


"Of course I will give them everything they will ever want, though just to warn you, thanks to the blessings I got, which what allowed me to basically upgrade myself can also awaken powers and enhance others, so they are probably going to start developing powers based on whatever they got from you and mom," I began to explain. "I'm guessing Karin is going to Get a combo of Shinigami and Hollow Powers, with Yuzu getting Quincy Powers with a Hollow Influence. So if you want, I can share a piece of what I call the Shroud of Power to fully restore your powers this instant instead of waiting for them to restore now that the link is broken, which you've probably noticed."


"I did, and yeah, my Spiritual Power is slowly increasing, so you can give me something like that?" Isshin asked.


"Of course, you're my dad even if you're a pain in the ass," I said as the Shroud began to extend from my clothes. "It will only take a few minutes."


"When let's get it over with," Isshin said as the Shroud enveloped his body, and after a few minutes, my father got captured as a familiar like Chad had been.


Isshin Kurosaki(Bleach: Familiar)[+30]


And it seemed that Company classified Isshin Kurosaki as a Tier 6, which thankfully brought me out of the small debt I was in. Now I just needed a bit more before we got to Soul Society to buy a few more upgrades, and there get enough for other stuff.


"Well, you were right son, I am back up at full and even a bit stronger, I think," Isshin said in a tone of amazement. "Kisuke would kill to have this thing."


"He would, and he is not going to get it," I said.


While hat-n-clogs, I could not trust the man with stuff like the Shroud.


"That is mean, son, continue to do that," Isshin said with a smile. "So what is in store for us, future boy?"


"Well, Aizen is finally going to start his thing, and I am going to make that plan crash and burn, seduce his female agents, and then kill the rest," I explained, which caused Isshin to laugh.


"You've really changed, son," He said in a rather sad tone.


"Still me at heart, still the Number One Guardian. Then some time is going to pass, and the Quincy King is going to do his thing," That caused him to scowl. "But in the near-immediate future, Grand Fisher is going to attack in a few minutes."


"Really?" He asked in a grave voice.


"Yes, and we're going to have our revenge," I said with a just as serious voice. "And speaking of mom, I have the power to bring her back."


Isshin's eyes went wide at that.


"You are…"


"Being a hundred percent serious, we can either get her hopefully get her soul from Grand Fisher now if he managed to get it or later if he didn't," I said. "But even so, we should still pay our respects."


"Of course, let's get going, and you're going to have the honor of killing him, Ichigo," Isshin said as we began to move towards the grave and the twins.


"Thanks, Dad," I replied as we came up behind Karin and Yuzu, the twins crying despite knowing that they could possibly get her back, and I did too, for I still missed her.


Though she would be back with us at some point.


Though as we prayed for her, I felt the atmosphere shift a bit.


"He is here," I said as I quickly went in the direction I had sensed Grand Fisher's presence, my body quickly changing into its Shinigami state.


And within a few instances, I had grabbed onto Grand Fisher's lure the facsimile of probably one of his many victims crushed by hand as I dragged him into view.


"Hello, monster," I said coldly as I stared at the hamster-looking motherfucker.


"Shinigami," He growled back at me. "You might have taken me off guard, but know that I will kill you like I have done many others."


"No, you will not, you will die here and now," I said as my senses expanded a bit to the point I could do a deep dive analysis of the Hollow's composition. My emotional sensing allowed me to see the emotional state of every single soul that he had devoured over the years, and I could tell that he was actually close enough to become a Gillian. And I also could determine the spiritual presence of each of those screaming souls that were constantly gnawing at Grand Fisher's mind though they did not affect his emotions as Hollow was already batshit insane.


But none of the Souls was my mother's soul, which meant that he had not consumed her that night, which meant that Juha had taken her or I had pulled off some time-travel bullshit to take it as we had still buried her body, there might even have been an application of Warranty, but I didn't know just yet.


"They all say that, but they- ahhhh!" Grand Fisher's little speech was cut as I cut off all of his limbs within one smooth motion.


"Shut the fuck up," I said in cold anger. "This payback for all those years ago."


"You know me? Oh, oh… You're that brat from six years ago, the one I failed to kill, the one saved by that woman whose soul I failed to eat!" He screamed as he opened a mouth, and I saw a Cero being charged.


"Thanks for the confirmation," I said as I stabbed my Zanpakuto into the Mask and just like with Shrieker I saw the Gates of Hell open up behind him.


"No, no, no, no, no!" He screamed as the knife stabbed into his back, and he was pulled into it.


And just like before, I looked into the depths of Hell, my senses extended a bit further this time, and now I…


I heard the sound of someone sending a kiss at me.


And then the doors closed, and my senses were constrained again, and my perspective returned to a human one.


"Ichi-nee, what was that?" I heard Yuzu ask as she and Karin came up behind me along with dad.


"Those were the Gates of Hell, Yuzu dear," Isshin answered as he looked grimly at the spot that they had appeared. "Was she not?"


"No, she wasn't, I couldn't sense her within her, and he said he had not managed to eat her soul," I answered him as I turned around to face them.


"Who are you talking about? Whose soul did he not eat?" Karin asked, but she already knew thanks to me telling the truth earlier; she just didn't want to think about it, didn't want to think about the thing that had killed their mother.


But she would have to face it. She just wanted others to say it instead of her. Which was fine, for, despite their high libido and active sex drive, she and Yuzu were still children.


"Mom's soul, that was the Hollow that killed her Karin, that was the Grand Fisher I told you two about," I said, and their faces went grim.


"Good," I heard Yuzu say. "He deserves it."


And I blinked in shock at the venom in her voice.


"Yuzu?" Isshin said, voicing his shock at Yuzu's words.


"What?" She asked back. "I can say stuff like that; he deserves to go to Hell for what he did to mom and tried to do to Ichi-nii."


"I know, you just took us by surprise," Isshin said as this was not the time to scold her for her choice of language.


"Yeah, you aren't one to curse and speak like that," I said.


"I know, I just needed to let I out, you know," Yuzu said as she began to cry, and Karin wrapped a hand around her twin. "I wanna go home now, make food and other stuff."


"Sure, let's go home now, we've paid our respects, and she has been avenged," I said as I picked her up, and she nuzzled her head into my neck.


"I love you, Ichi-nii," Yuzu whispered as she moved my hand to my stomach area. "And I can't wait to be even more like mom.


"I love you as well, Yuzu, so very much," I said. "And me too, she is going to love her new Grandchildren when she comes back, and they are born."



"So, how did it go?" Rukia asked as she sat at my desk and did her homework, a thing she had actually come to like over the last month as it was something normal compared to what usually dealt with.


And I think this time she was very much going to stay in the World of the Living instead of returning to Soul Society as she was mine and had truly come to love life here this time around.


"Grand Fisher was killed, and I confirmed the fact that he did not eat my mom's soul, so that is good news," I answered.


"So, what is going to happen now?" Kon asked; the miniature woman was currently sitting on the small bed I had made for her that was located on the edge of my desk next to my bed.


"Well, just normal Hollow slaying, clean up Don Kanonji's mess run into Ishida, get on his good side, and learn Quincy stuff, and then Rukia gets 'kidnapped,'" I said. "Yeah, that is the plan for the next month, I think."


"Still can't believe we have to go through with that," Rukia mumbled.


"It is the best way to expose Aizen and get you fired," I said with a smirk.


"You don't have to say the last part like that even if it is correct," Rukia said. "And it also allows you capture a lot of women, doesn't it?"


"That it does," I said. "I need as many points as possible, though I say getting to have steamy hot sex on top of that with all of them I also a nice perk."


Rukia responded by throwing an eraser at my head.




World: Bleach tier 6 (Trapped under ice) 365 points.

Origin: Possession(Ichigo Kurosaki)[-10]

Binding: Shroud of Power[-80]

Lures: Sticky Fingers[-5], Love spot(Reiatsu)[-10]

Heritage: Transhuman

First Augementation[-80](Aethermorph), Networking[-30](Aethermorph),

Full Conversion[-100] (Aethermorph: Element [Aether]), Essence Reactor[-90](Aethermorph), Essence Upload[-170](Aethermorph)

Talents: Martial Talent[Free], Communication Talent[Free], Body talent[Free], Wild talent[Free], Soul talent[Free], Aesthetic Talent[Free], Everlasting Talent[Free],

Defenses: Body Defense 1[Free], Wild Defense 2[Free], Environmental Defense 2[Free] Soul Defense 2[Free], Possession Defense 2[Free], Mind Defense[-25], Stress Defense 2[Free], Polymorph Defense 1[Free], Wyldscape Defense 1[Free], Information Defense 1[Free],


Other Perks: Sexual Calibration[-2], Fertility Calibration 1[-2],


Waifus: Orihime Inoue(Bleach)[+120]

Sode no Shirayuki(Bleach)[+30]

Karin Kurosaki(Bleach)[+1]

Yuzu Kurosaki(Bleach)[+1]

Rukia Kuchiki(Bleach)[+30]

Sado Yasutori(Bleach: Familiar)[+12]

Tatsuki Arisawa(Bleach)[+2]

Hiyori Sarugaki(Bleach)[+30]

Kon The Mod Soul(Bleach)[+3]

Isshin Kurosaki(Bleach: Familiar)[+30]

Remaining Points: 20

probably need to do some grammar editing on this chapter later..

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