
Heavenly Opposers

Manipulation... How would someone feel if their life was completely manipulated to the end? How would it be when everything from the moment of your birth to the end of your life is completely under the control of another? How much worse would it be that not just one, but all the lifetimes you have lived, be manipulated? Xiao lived two lives. In the first, he lived as the villain and died as one—a beautiful villain that made no impact on the real story whatsoever. Then he lives again in a different world, just to come back to his first. Doesn't that mean he can rewrite his mistakes? Doesn't that mean he could be great this time? But what if this was the goal from the very beginning? What happens when Xiao finds this goal and escapes his fate? What if the puppet escapes the puppeteer's hands, reshaping destiny, fate, and karma? What if this former plaything becomes the ultimate threat to causality itself? Witness as Xiao compels both the living and the departed to chant his name... Until the very cosmos quakes in awe of his might and fear of his name......

Chaosking · Action
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286 Chs

Chapter 4-Plans

"So... What to do?" Xiao spoke as he looked at the ceiling. Currently, he's lying on a chair, gazing at the ceiling of his room. It had been two days since his sister's birth, and nothing significant had happened except for his father's visit to see his sister and the news spreading about her.

Xiao's mind was occupied with thoughts about the future. Although he had successfully used one of his skills, attempting to use the others proved fruitless. Whenever he tried to use any other skill, a splitting headache filled his head. Thankfully, he could remember each and every detail of the Heavenly Opposers due to his active skill that allowed him to memorize things.

This left him a bit confused about which path he should take. In his previous life, Xiao would have unreservedly used all the resources he knew of to become powerful without caring about others. However, he changed completely after his second life as Ingrid. In this life, he wanted to rewrite his regrets. Xiao still aimed to reach the top, as he always had in the past and future, but he had become more humble.

'No regrets... huh?' Xiao thought as his mind wandered. In both of his lives, he had chased after power and strength, preventing him from enjoying the little things in life. This time, while climbing to the top, he wanted to savor his life without regrets.

'That's what I will do,' Xiao concluded as a plan formed in his mind. He decided to discreetly acquire powerful treasures and items that wouldn't significantly impact the future. However, he also had to be cautious so as not to draw the attention of the Heavenly Court. Above all, he needed to find a way to cure his little sister.

Yun Xiao, a member of the Yun family in the lower heavens, belonged to the Great Rexion Empire. In the lower heavens, there were seven continents, each with seven ruling empires of equal power. Sects in the lower realm were established by the empire, similar to guilds, where common people without any backgrounds joined to cultivate. The Yun family is one of the top five families in the Great Rexion Empire, which governed a large part of the empire.

Xiao's mother is his father's first wife, originating from a family less powerful than the Yun family. Their marriage was political, but things went awry when his father fell in love with one of the daughters from the Min family, another powerful family equal to the Yun family.

Their union would have created a powerful alliance, as they truly loved each other. However, Xiao's mother, despite being called the first miss, held no high position within the family and had become somewhat of an eyesore. His father barely interacted with her anymore, causing Xiao to clench his hand in frustration.

'Not this time!' Xiao swore, taking deep breaths to calm himself. His current focus was on his sister's problem. Yun Xuanyin, his little sister, also known as the 'Ice Sovereign,' possessed the Frostborne Glacierheart physique, ranking among the top 50 on the physique list. With over 3000 known physiques, being within the top 1000 made one a supreme once-in-a-lifetime genius, let alone being in the top 50.

It was said that she could freeze realms with just a wave of her hand at her peak strength. However, her frozen Supreme Ice Yin meridians caused her much suffering. If this problem could be resolved, she would become someone to be feared. Xiao vividly remembered various rumors he had heard in the future about his little sister, causing him to feel a chill down his back.

'Yup! Never become my little sister's enemy!' Xiao affirmed.

Furthermore, by saving his sister, he would prevent her from owing a favor to a certain terrifying woman—Valencia Ewald. Valencia is the future brains and strategist of the Heavenly Opposers, born with heavenly eyes that could see through fate.

In his past life, circumstances led to Valencia living in his family despite her family's immense power in the third heaven. Xiao couldn't help but chuckle bitterly, reminiscing about how he had courted her foolishly, solely attracted to her beauty. In the end, he faced a humiliating rejection while she rose to greatness, leaving him behind.

'That was a fun childhood,' Xiao laughed to himself as his thoughts wandered. In the past, it was a treasure given by Valencia that saved his sister's life and altered her fate. However, the favor came at a great cost, and his sister had to make a tremendous sacrifice to repay Valencia. Xiao had read about the river of blood that flowed from that sacrifice in the novel.

This time, he wouldn't allow it to happen. He was determined to save his sister, already formulating plans in his mind to outwit the Heavenly bastards.

'But first, I need to enhance the talent of this damn body of mine...' As these thoughts raced through Xiao's mind, his eyes flashed red once again. He was well aware of his limitations and knew that to surpass them, he would have no problem pulling others down.

"Let's see who shall stand in my way this time..." Xiao muttered, a sly smile spreading across his face.

But before such actions can be taken he would need to get in touch with the sub heaven of his lowest level, for you see each realm has a heaven looking after it and these heavens are sub or divisions of the true heaven.

From what Xiao understood, there is the main center of heaven at the center of the Heavenly Tree, while the rest are the children of the main center of Heaven.

If one were to put it into context, then it would be similar to the AI that Xiao dealt with in his second life, where there exists the main AI, along with several little controlled AIs under the main AI.