
Heavenly Great Emperor(Martial peak Fanfic)

If you want to learn how a reincarnated ordinary being in the world of the fighting summit becomes the most powerful entity in the Infinite Outer Universe, conquering all Universes under their feet and using their enemies as steps one by one to seize all beauties, then you are in the right place. ##################################### This work is based on the "Martial Peak" novel written by [Momo (莫默)]. This fanfiction is non-commercial and intended only as a fan work. All rights to the original work are owned by [Momo (莫默]. This work is not an official part of the original series. ##################################### (Note: This is my first fanfic, English is not my native language, I apologize for any mistakes. I will try to update as much as possible, but if it is liked, I will try to upload a chapter every day if possible.)

Evillangal389 · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 6: Yang Family Treasure house

Five days after the first Infinite Body Hardening Technique Practice.

Yang Tian was meditating on a big rock, he was wearing a simple white robe and his hair was falling down his back as usual.

But not only that, he was surrounded by the chaotic Yuan Qi that seemed to be craving to devour Yang Tian, but Yang Tian's aura was already saturated as if it was blocked by a barrier, but Yang Tian's face was very peaceful.

A few moments later, suddenly the chaotic Yuan Qi in the surroundings began to stir.

His aura, which had been saturated just a few moments ago, suddenly jumped dramatically.

Suddenly, with a small burst of sound, Yang Tian's beautiful blue eyes opened.

Tempered Body Realm 9 Level 

It was much faster than Yang Tian had thought, at first he had thought that with this speed, he would be able to break through to Tempered Body Realm level 9 in two weeks at most, but it turned out that the Superme Heavenly Calamity Yuan Qi Technique was much stronger than he had thought.

 He mastered this Technique in only 27 cycles.

If he mastered it in 108 cycles, only God knew how terrifying his cultivation speed would be.

Yang Tian got out of his meditation position and began to think about what else he could do. 

Normally, he would continue cultivating, but in just a week, he had jumped three small levels.

His foundation was definitely the only foundation under Heaven, but with such a huge increase in strength, he might find it difficult to control his strength.

Just as Yang Tian was thinking about this, his system replied as if it had heard his thoughts.

[Host, why don't you study martial arts]

When Yang Tian heard this voice, his eyes lit up as if he had an epiphany.

This is a very good idea Before using the Supreme Heavenly Calamity Yuan Qi Technique and awakening the Heavenly Calamity Saint Body, he didn't have enough yuan Qi to use the Martial Skill.

Ordinary level skills were useless to Yang Tian, so after mastering only some technical sword and fist skills when he was young, he never learned any techniques again.

He was waiting to enter the First Element realm to at least use Earth-level techniques but there was no need for that right now, in fact he could use an average Low-level Heaven martial arts if he used all the yuan Qi he could muster right now.

[Landlord, I think you've made a decision]

Yang Tian just smiled.

But first.

The Yang family needed a good shower before going to the treasure house. 

Half an hour later...

Yang Tian walked out of the courtyard wearing a black and white robe and slowly walked towards the Yang Family's headquarters.

On the way, many people stopped to greet Yang Tian.

Although Yang Tian trains in his courtyard most of the day, he is arguably the most popular young lord of the Yang Family and even the great Han Dynasty because of his great talent and unrivaled looks.


After an hour of slow walking, Yan Tian finally arrived at the Yang Family treasure house.

The Yang Family treasure is divided into 4 levels.

1 level Earth level 

2 levels of Heaven level 

Level 3 Mystery Level 

Level 4 is the Legendary Spirit Level.

At 1st level, the entire Yang Family can choose 3 techniques or 1 artifact.

At 2nd level, only the most elite members of the Yang Family can choose 3 techniques or 1 artifact.

Level 3 is only for Yang Family Lords or members who have made great contributions to the Yang Family.

As for Level 4, Spirit technique and artifacts are almost non-existent, only Yang Family ancestors have access.

Yang Tian was planning to enter level 1 and 2 today.

As for level 2, Yang Tian was the most famous and popular among the 10 young masters, so if Yang Tian couldn't enter, which other young master would be worthy of a level 2 treasure house.

There were two blood warriors waiting in front of the treasure house, after all, this was where the Yang family's inheritance was kept.

Seeing Yang Tian's arrival, the two blood warriors immediately saluted.

10. Young Master!

You could feel the deep respect in their voices.

Normally, blood warriors were all arrogant, after all, even the weakest of them were at Level 5 of the Immortal Ascension Realm.

Normally, even a Young Master was not enough for a blood warrior to show respect.

However, Yang Tian was far from being an ordinary Young Master, he was a genius of unprecedented level in the history of the Yang Family.

Not only that, there were many families like the Qiu and Lui Families who wanted to connect with Yang Tian.

So if you asked all the blood warriors who was the young master you respected the most, they would all say Yang Tian without a second thought.

But of course, not everything could be perfect, and because he had such a high popularity, he earned the envy and enmity of the other eight young masters.

But he actually didn't care what the other eight young masters thought.

Yang Tian put his thoughts aside and greeted the two blood warriors.

''Today I want to take a look at level 1 and 2 martial arts.

He said in an authoritative tone.

The two blood warriors were stunned for a moment, but it wasn't because of Yang Tian's tone, after all, Yang Tian had enough ability to act like this.

They were surprised because they knew that Yang Tian was still in the Tempered Body Realm and needed to be at least in the First Elemental Realm to use martial arts, but it was not their place to question it.

As long as the young master wanted Yang Tian!

The two blood warriors moved out of Yang Tian's way and let him pass.

Yang Tian slowly enters the treasure house and a huge warehouse appears in front of him.

Let's see if there are beautiful dolls among all these martial arts.

I try to make as few mistakes as I can, but English is not my first language.

And as you can see from the pace of the first five chapters, this is going to be a very long Martial Peak fanfic. If you want to support its continuation, all you have to do is comment and rate the fanfic.

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