
Chapter 3

After the ceremony, Ian brought Irene to his penthouse. Its actually the present from his father for their wedding. Irene's and his parents didn't mind about it and they thought their child wanted to have a time together to know each other without them to interrupt. So, then Ian quickly asked Irene to pack all her belongings.

"Its beautiful." Irene said as she steps out from the car and was standing in front of their penthouse.

"Stop praising and took all your things." Ian said in a cold voice. She took out the luggages and threw Irene's luggage away, making it fell on the floor.

Irene just stares at it with a shocked. She felt weird why Ian acting like that. Ian was treating her nicely during the wedding ceremony and he suddenly changed to the cold one. Fear suddenly engulfed Irene but she tried to reassure herself that maybe Ian was mad at something.

Irene let it be and took the luggages that laying flatly on the floor. She then followed Ian from behind. When she steps into the house, she was stunned with the design inside. It was beautiful. She admits that Lee's mansion was bigger but Irene thought that she likes this house so much. Plus, this house will be the place where she will live with Ian, her husband.

When Ian brought his luggage upstairs, Irene followed behind as she thought that Ian will show their bedroom. When they reached there, Ian stops, putting his luggage aside and turned around to face Irene. Irene almost bumps with Ian when the latter stopped all of a sudden.

"This will be my room." Ian said, pointing to his left side. "And this will be your room." He continues, pointing the room across his room.


"What? You think that we will sleep in the same room?" Ian asks, cutting Irene from finishing her words. Irene bites her lower lip and look down. Why he acted this way? Irene asks herself. "Listen here Irene." He starts, grabbing Irene's hair and making her look up. Irene whimpers as it hurt her head, making it throb painfully. "I will never sleep on the same bed with you or even make love with you. It disgusting to see you." He hissed. His words were like a knife stabbing Irene's heart until it bleed. It's hurt to hear your own husband humiliate your own existence. It doesn't even a day, yet Irene already felt pain to be with Ian.


"What I did just now was an act." He said, knowing what Irene wanted to say. "So, let me tell you earlier. I married with you just because my dad was threatening me. So, don't ever hope to live like a married couple because we are not and will never be one. I'm not even in love with you and will never love you." He said harshly before releasing his grip on Irene's and entered his bedroom, slamming the door harshly that Irene could feel it vibrates against her feet.

Irene massage her temple that still felt hurt, but it's not really hurt compare to her heart. It's hurt to hear what Ian said. Her tears threatening to fall but she holds herself back. She needs to be strong. This is just a beginning and hse shouldn't admit defeat. She shouldn't cry because of this.

"You can do this Irene. You can." She cheers to herself before grabbing her luggage into the room across of Ian's.

Ian heard the door of Irene's bedroom was open and later it close. He assume that Irene already in her own room. Ian rested his tired body on his comfy bed. He sighed thinking of how's his life after this. If not because of his father wanted him to marry that rosy haired girl, he would probably propose Jamie to marry him.

Speaking of Jamie, he suddenly remembered about his phone. He took it out from his slack pocket and unlock his phone. He found there were more than 10 missed call from Jamie. He was about to call back but he saw there's tons of messages. It was from Jamie. Ian smiled to himself but his smile faltered when he read the message.

"Ohh no no." He was worried. He quickly took his car key and stormed out from the house.

It was the message from Jamie that content about Jamie knowing about his marriage based on the news he read on Naver. In the message also, Jamie was saying that Ian was lying to her and she said that she wants to break up.

Of course Ian was worried about it so much. Since Jamie already knew about it, he needs to explain things to Jamie so that she won't doubting his love to her. He needs to tell Jamie everything because he doesn't want Jamie to leave him. He can't even imagine if it ever happen.


The apartment was messy. Jamie threw all the things that she saw. She was totally breaking down from the news that she just read. It can't be real, she told herself. But, each time she refresh to that page, it won't disappear and the image of Ian kissing the rosy haired girl made her pissed off. Ian fucking lying to her. She thought that Ian loves her but he's fucking married to someone else.

She threw all the magazines and books that were arranged neatly on the rack before finally slide her tired body down on the cold floor with tears streaming down her cheeks. Her breath uneven because she couldn't stop crying.

"Jamie!" A familiar voice came out from outside the apartment. It was Ian, shouting Jamie's name and constantly banging at the door, asking for her to open the door. But, Jamie made no effort to move from where she was sitting. "Baby, open the door please!" Ian pleads.

"Go away. I hate you! You fucking liar." Jamie yelled, enough for Ian to hear it.

"I'm sorry baby. I have my own reason. Let me explain first."

"Shut up and go away. I don't need to hear anything from a liar like you." Jamie cried out.

"Baby please. I love-"

"Love me? You fucking liar! Just go away from here Ian." Jamie cuts Ian's words. Later on, she didn't hear any sound outside of her apartment. There's no banging at the door or Ian's shouting voice, asking for her to let her inside and explained everything. Ian probably had leave, Jamie thought. "I will make you pay for this Kim Irene." Jamie clenched her fist tightly until her knuckle turned white. Yes, she definitely will do anything to ruin Kim Irene's life. She promise himself.


The next morning Irene woke up with the alarm sound of her phone. When she moved her body, she groaned in pain as she felt his back sore. She looks around and sighed. Her back hurt because she was sleeping on the couch in the living room and not on the comfy bed of her bedroom.

She was waiting for Ian to come home last night. She heard that Ian went out yesterday and she thought that her husband must be going somewhere.

After unpacking her luggage and took a warm, nice bath, she wanted to cook something, but the fridge was empty. She couldn't cook and luckily she had ate during the wedding ceremony, so she won't feel really hungry. Maybe later she can ask Ian to bring her to the grocery store. The fridge needs to be fill with a lot of foods.

So, after she found nothing in the fridge, she flopped herself down on the couch in the living room. She was waiting for Ian.

It has been a few hours since Ian went out and he's still not coming back yet. Irene glanced at the clock on the wall, the clock strike to 10.30 PM. After a few moments, her eyelid felt heavy and was threatening to close but Irene tried to hold herself from sleeping. However, she finally fell asleep without she even know how and what the time she fell asleep. She didn't even know when Ian coming home that night.

She was snapped out from her thought when she suddenly remembered about Ian. Irene quickly went upstairs. She stood in front of her husband door, bringing her hand up and lightly knocked on the door. No answers. She knocks several times but still there was no answer. Taking a deep breath, Irene brought her hand on the door knob and twisting it slowly. Luckily it wasn't lock. She opens the door slightly and her eyes sticked at the figure that was sleeping peacefully on the bed. She bits her lower lip as she felt bad for not waiting Ian coming home last night. She had waited but she was just too tired.

Irene slowly entered the room and came close to the bed. She smiles looking at her husband's face and that moment she was determined to give her everything to Ian until she can finally accept her in her life.

"Ian, wake up." She calls out. She knew Ian will start his work that day. Of course she didn't want Ian to be late on his first day even he works at his father's company. "Ian, wake up. Today is your first day at work." Irene tried again but still there was no reply. Ian didn't even stirred in his sleep.

Irene came even more closer and she was about to shake Ian when suddenly she was being pulled and she let out a cute yelps as she was being pinned on the mattress with Ian hovering over her.

"What are you trying to do?" Ian hissed, his eyes staring deeply into Irene's. Irene didn't move an inch because their faces just too close. She didn't dare to move. She only stares into Ian's doe eyes with her face flushed red. She also could hear her heart was beating loudly and she just hope Ian won't hear it. "Tell me!" Ian grips on Irene's wrist that he had been held over Irene's head from a few moments ago.

Irene blinks when she was snapped out from her trance. She teared her gaze away from Ian and cleared her throat.

"I-I want to wake you up. Its t-time to get ready. It-its your f-first day to w-work right?" Irene was stuttering when she explains to Ian. Later on, she felt the gripped on her wrist loosening and Ian got off of her. Irene quickly ran out and went into her room to get ready too. Well, she also had to go to work.

Ian glance at the door after Irene had disappear into her room. He ruffles his already messy hair.

"What I was doing just now?" He mumbles to himself. His mind flashed to the moment a few minutes ago. Irene's bambi eyes staring at him, with her cheek tint with a shade of pink. Ian thought it was a beautiful sight he had ever seen.

"No no Ian. Think about Jamie. Think about Jamie." Ian said to himself, shaking his head in order to push the thought about Irene to the back of his mind.


Irene went out from her room as she was ready to go to work. She just wore a yellow sweater with a long skirt.

When she's downstairs, she saw Ian was fixing his tie in front of the wall mirror.

"Let me help you." Irene offers as she put down her bag on the chair. Ian didn't budge. He let Irene helps him. He stares at Irene who was focusing on fixing his necktie. Then, something snapped in his mind.

"Where are you going?" Ian asks.

"I'm going to work." Irene said smiling. She gave a last touch on Ian's necktie before took her bag and sling on her shoulder.

"You are not going anywhere."

"Excuse me?" Irene asks as she didn't believe if she hears Ian right or not.

"You are not going anywhere." Ian repeats. "Resign!" He continues.

"What? Why?" Irene asks in disbelief.

"Listen here. Even I don't want this marriage, but still you are officially mine. So, you should obey me and do what I ask you. And the first thing I want you to do is to resign. Don't go to your workplace and only stay at home!" Ian said harshly before grabbing his briefcase and leave.

Irene stood there, not moving an inch. She couldn't believe what she just heard. Ian wants her to resign and its shatters Irene's heart. Its her dream but Ian didn't allow her to work and he wants Irene to stay at home only. Irene only works for a few weeks only and now, she had to resign. Irene couldn't believe that her dream to work in that prestigious restaurant had shattered. Without she notice her tears streaming down her cheek and she didn't bother to wept it.